《Eviternity》Tying the Knot (Part I)


The entire Iridescent kingdom was bustling with people who gathered to witness the wedding of the decade.

The colorful pennant banners hanged throughout the place are beautifully swaying where the wind blows.

Luxurious carriage are going in and out of the palace gate.

The central square are lined with vendors and merchants that came from different places; taking the opportunity to sell their products to the attendees. There are fresh fruits, meats and even sweet candies to choose from.

The smell of the carefully marinated meats danced around the tip of the people noses'. Laughters of children carefreely running around and their parents' voice calling them out would be heard. In the corner of the square, newspaper regarding the wedding are being sold out.

The business outside wasn't comparable to what's happening inside the palace walls. It was a complete chaos. The head chefs and servants are busier than ever.

There are more knights in the vicinity than the normal days.

On the other side, Eleanor and Arius had already finished dressing up.

Lady Amelia and Lady Matilda helped Eleanor with her dress. After brushing her hair and putting it into a full bun, it was decorated with pearls and then her wedding veil.

She was wearing a diamond jewelry set gifted by her mother. The red tint on her lips added a hint of daring and sexiness in her; complimenting her snowy white dress and unblemished skin.

Following this, Arius had been long finished tidying up in his suit. His ginger hair was combed neatly and he wore a customized watch today. His black leather shoes could be even used as a mirror because it was so shiny.

Eilif was also in his chamber, annoying him to death. If it wasn't his wedding day, He'll probably give him a lesson but he will let it pass today. Just for today.

He was in the middle of calming himself down when his secretary knocked on his door.

"Eldest Master, the carriage is ready to depart." Mr. Andrev announced and bowed as respect.

"Is that so? Let's go then." He stood up and tidied the creased in his suit as he walked out of the room.

In the front porch of their manor, the brood are waiting for them.


A few minutes after he had came down, his soon-to-be wife followed.

She was definitely a head-turner wherever she goes. All the servants in manor stopped and stared as she elegantly walk down the stairs.

Behind her were her two ladies-in-waiting lifting the end of her wedding dress.

"You're one lucky lad, you know. Look at her, she was definitely the epitome of beauty that every man was dreaming of," Eilif said as he stood beside Arius.

Arius didn't react or said anything. He just simply walked forward to escort Eleanor down the stairs.

"You look amazingly breathtaking," Arius whispered as they walked side by side, with the former's hand on Eleanor's waist.

When the two walked out of the Manor's front door, everyone was already waiting for them outside.

"We'll see you later," the Grand Elder stated as he looked at the two with a kind and gentle smile.

Inside the carriage, the two sat facing each other. Arius was the one who broke the silence this time.

"Ellie.." Arius called Eleanor's attention, almost in a hushed tone.

Eleanor quickly gazed at him, waiting for his next statements.

"Do you really wanna do this?"

She just threw him a questioning look and Arius' eyes dodged it by looking outside the window of the carriage they were on.

"I accidentally heard you and your brother talking the other day," Arius explained and Eleanor immediately understood what was this all about.

"My brother was just spewing nonsense, please don't take it too seriously."

"Once we tied the knot, there's no going back. Don't you get it? I am giving you a choice right now. You can order me to stop this carriage and run away. I will gladly do so for you."

Eleanor looked straight into Arius eyes. With a determined looked she says, "No, I am good. It took me so much courage to decide on this so I'm not going to back down the last minute."

Seeing her unflinching demeanor, Arius smiled. The strong-will of his soon to be wife never failed to amazes him.

"Well, you've made your choice. There's no regretting this later."

The carriage stopped and a palace knight opened it up for them.


Arius got down first and offer his hand to Eleanor to help her get down. He then placed her hand on his arm as he ushered her toward the throne room where the wedding would take place.

The two stood up infront of the big front door and when the knights gently opened it up, they began walking toward the isle where the King was waiting for them.

The Brood where on the left side while the Beaumonts's where on the right side while the other aristocrats and nobles are next behind them.

All of the people present were in awe for the couple's heart-stopping beauty.

Once they reached the front, the King stood up from his throne while the Prince and the Princess remained in their seat to serve as a witness to the union while Eleanor and Arius stood infront of the King.

King Bethelbert began officiating the wedding.

"To everyone, thank you for joining us to this wonderful moment. Today we gathered here to witness two people who decided to spend their lifetimes together."

The Beaumont family wasn't feeling happy nor excited about any of this, so does Caelen. This felt more like a funeral for them than something that should be celebrating about.

Duke Beaumont could be seen consoling the Duchess while the Marquis and the young Duke, Caelen, stood there silently with their teeth gnashed and fists clenched.

"Do you, Arius Barclay, cordially take this woman as your betrothed wife, to live in tranquility and connubiality, to care for her, in solace and even in dire straits, to love and to hold her in great respect, forever after, as long as you both shall live?"

Arius gazed towards Eleanor, his fathomless, cryptic eyes were solely focused on her. As if he was searching for even a tinge of reluctance on her. He was peering carefully, not wanting to miss any quick, fading emotion from her.

But seeing that she was stoic and unbudging, he finally answered.

"I do."

The King then turned to Eleanor.

"Do you, Eleanor Beaumont, cordially take this man as your betrothed husband, to live in tranquility and connubiality, to care for him, in solace and even in dire straits, to love and to hold him in great respect, forever after, as long as you both shall live?"

Everyone was greatly focused.

Eleanor's answer is the focal point of all of this. If she says no, the Iridescent Kingdom would be turned upside down. That two letter word would be enough trigger for a war to break out.

"I do."

The King proceeds.

"Arius and Eleanor have chosen rings to exchange with each other as an emblem of unyielding affection. As you place this ring on Eleanor's finger, please repeat my words after me. With this ring, I devote and solemnly swear you my unswerving affection."

Arius did was he was told. He put the ring on Eleanor's finger as he repeat what the King said.

"With this ring, I devote and solemnly swear you my unswerving affection."

Eleanor also did what they were told to do.

She picked up the gold band and put it on Arius' slender finger.

"With this ring, I devote and solemnly swear you my unswerving affection."

After the exchanging of rings, the King made the pronouncement.

"By the power bestowed upon me by the Kingdom of Iridescent, I now pronounce you as husband and wife! You may now kiss the bride."

Arius gently lifted Eleanor's veil. The impassive expression on Eleanor has long vanished when she heard the last words of the King.

"I look forward to a hundred lifetimes with you, my beloved wife." Arius grinned impishly as he advances toward her face.

Eleanor just closed her eyes hastily, not knowing how to react.

Arius just gave a gentle, light peck beside her lips which left Eleanor wondering.

"I don't want to steal away even your first kiss without your permission." Arius whispered as he pulls away his face. He just then placed his hand on Eleanor's waist as if showing off.

Eleanor didn't get the chance to utter a single word because the crowd began clapping after their so-called wedding kiss.

As all of this transpired, the young duke just stared at the newly wed couple with an apathetic look before leaving for the reception.

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