《Perfect Storm》27.
"Samar Kingston?" A nurse called out his name making me stand to my feet.
"Saint get up," I gritted out, he was sat beside me sulking because I took away my phone.
"I don't even want to be here," He complained holding onto my hand.
"Tough, next time you won't lie and say you're sick," I replied leading him into the doctors office. "Sit there and don't touch anything," I pointed to the seats and started unstrapping Samar from my chest.
"You okay baby?" I said to Samar while fixing his clothes.
"Mama daddy is calling you," Saint said pointing to my phone that was buzzing.
"Yeah Hassan?" I spoke putting the phone to my ear.
"Whatchu mean yeah? That's how we pick up the phone now?" I didn't reply because I don't know why he's calling me talking shit.
"What room y'all in?" He asked causing me to roll my eyes.
"Saint go check what number it say on the door," I said softly,
Saint got up and pulled the door open and yelled out number 5.
"Did you hear him?" I replied to Hassan,
"Naala why the fuck have you got an attitude with me. I said I had to handle something, I made it to the appointment didn't I?" He shouted at me.
"Why are you abusing me over the phone? Either come in or go home, I don't need that energy around me today," I said before hanging up.
Moments later, his tall ugly ass walked into the room. I didn't even pay him any mind, I was too busy feeding Samar.
"Fix your attitude," He mumbled kissing the side of my face. I cut my eyes at him and we stared at each other before I cracked and smiled.
"I knew you missed me," Hassan smirked kissing me again. "I ain't mean to shout at you, you were getting me mad,"
"Mmm," I hummed playing with Samar's hand,
"Nas you feeling better?" Hassan asked moving Saint's hair out of his face.
"No I feel sick," He fake coughed leaning back in his seat.
"Definitely your mother's child," Hassan laughed tugging on Samar's leg.
"What about you titty boy? Ready for your shots?" Hassan spoke in a mocking tone at Samar.
"Stop," I frowned moving back. "I don't want her poking his skin with all of that," I don't know why I chose to come to this check up.
"It won't be as bad as when they cut his dick," Hassan replied referring to his circumcising.
I cried like a baby when they did that, especially because he was so small.
"You're not about to cry Naala," Hassan sighed taking Samar from me and putting him on his shoulder to wind him.
Listen, these postpartum hormones were worse than pregnancy hormones. I could cry because my bread wasn't buttered right.
"Oh no, who's made mommy cry?" Doctor Reece said when she entered the room, with her white lab coat on.
"She's sad that he's getting his shots," San answered for me.
"Does he have to get them today?" I sniffed wiping Samar's mouth,
"Unfortunately but it will go quick, he won't feel a thing." She said washing her hands. "Let me get a look at him,"
Hassan passed him over to her and like clockwork, Samar started wailing.
"Oh dear, he's still clinging onto you?" She asked me,
"Yeah, he won't let me do anything," I replied taking him back. "Hassan's been doing most of the house work,"
"And how's he been eating?" Doctor Reece asked typing on her laptop.
"That's all he do," Hassan spoke up, "He's fussing, he eat, he's staring into space, he eat."
"Don't say it like that," I said smacking his arm.
"Okay seems as if he's using the milk as comfort. There's nothing wrong with that but that's why he's becoming dependent on you," The doctor explained to us.
"He's only 6 weeks old so it makes sense," She assured me.
"Also Doc, how long is she gonna be all hormonal and shit?"
"Hassan I'm gonna beat your ass," I said lowly pinching his thigh.
"It's normal," Doctor Reece smiled, "Try taking a break from him, maybe get a babysitter for the night,"
"No," I shook my head quickly. "I don't think he's ready for that,"
"Okay whatever you say, should we get started on those shots?" Dr Reece said holding her hands out for Samar again.
"Here we go," Hassan sighed watching as my eyes filled with tears.
"And this is our signature Princess cut diamond, 16 carot gold, on the more expensive side," The jeweller said showing me the ring.
"Look, Ion really care about all the details, Desiree you think she would like this?" I said flipping the camera. "Is you crying?" I heard her dumb ass sniffing.
"You're really about to marry my best friend," She cried harder,
"What you don't want me to marry her?" I laughed looking back at the ring.
"I do. She's gonna be so happy, oh my God let me plan the proposal," Dess started talking mad fast so I just hung up.
"Is it a yes for this one sir?" The jeweller said shining a light on the ring.
"Yeah, I'll take this one," I said bringing out my wallet. I made the payment and he wrapped it up for me handing me the box.
Naala best be lucky I love her ass because here I was in this packed out mall, trying to make everything perfect for her.
There was no occasion but I knew from the moment she had my second son that I was gonna marry her.
I was planning something special for her, especially because she's been on edge since having Samar.
My phone started ringing in my pocket, I put my AirPods in and answered the call. I was met by the sound of Samar's loud ass cries.
"What's he crying for?" I asked out loud, stepping around people who were in the way.
"I don't know, I'm really about to walk out of this house." Naala stated making me scrunch up my face.
"You gon' leave our kids in the house on their own?" I questioned.
"Yeah, I'm tired San," Naala whined. "I need to go to the drugstore but he won't even let me put him down,"
"Whatchu need at the store? I'll get it," I spoke into the phone.
"I need a top up on my birth control pills," Naala replied. I had to pause, look at the phone and then think of what to say.
"You'on need those," I shook my head,
"That's why I'm going myself, I do need them. You think we can have another baby right now Hassan? You're so damn selfish, I swear," I listened to her fuss for a moment before I stopped her.
"Naala whatchu need em for? Nothing," I answered my own question. "I said I'll give you a month after Samar, it's been a month and two weeks,"
"What was that Samar? Daddy is a big meanie bastard? With a shrimp for a dick? That's not nice stink,"
"You want me to hang up?" I chuckled. I bumped shoulders with a lady and apologised.
"You're good," The girl smiled in my face.
"Aight," I nodded trying to get from in front of her. Of course that didn't work.
"You fine, you got a girlfriend?" She said looking me up and down.
"Uhn uhn where the hell are you Hassan?" Naala practically screamed in my ear.
"I do got a girl, excuse me," I responded politely stepping to the side again. Only for her to block me, AGAIN.
"Lady at this point, it's harassment," I mugged her,
"That's right! Call the security baby, she's harassing you huh?" Naala said into my ear making me turn down the volume.
"Oh wifey's on the phone," The damn girl laughed once more. I was holding my phone and she could see who I was talking to.
"Ooo give the bitch the phone Hassan," Naala shouted,
"I'ma call you back," I said hanging up the phone on her. I knew that was gonna get her more mad but the shouting was giving me a damn headache.
"So you're loyal?" The girl asked,
"See, what's your name?" I said looking around,
"Erica, what's your name?" She replied holding her hand out.
"You don't got to worry about that cuz you never gonna say it. Move out my way," I said dismissing her. A nigga couldn't even come out to the mall without someone pissing me off.
"Bro why is my phone always ringing?" I mumbled answering it again.
"You cheating?" Dess said, her head so far in the screen that I could see her fucking nose hairs.
"What are you talking about?" I walked into the Cartier store and waved down a worker.
"Naala called me talking bout she's not gonna sit around and be cheated on again. She sounded real angry too," Desiree said. I sucked my teeth and swiped off the call going into my camera roll.
"Y'all got this in store?" I showed him the phone,
"I can check for you," He replied taking out that little iPad thing they be using.
"Are you even listening to me Hassan?" Dess said into my ear.
"I ain't worried about Naala, she thinks I'm like that whacko she used to be married to, I ain't," I responded sitting down.
"You know she's insecure," Dess answered, "Anyway if you think you're about to propose I would hold off on,"
"Why?" I replied, the man walked back over with a tray of all the bracelets.
"She's mad now,"
"Man y'all leave me alone," I said hanging up the phone again.
"Just wrap them all up," I said looking at the bracelets, "She liked that one but these look good," I paid for all the stuff and left out the mall, finally.
"You owe me," Naleli pointed at me when she pulled the door open.
"I got you," I laughed stepping into the house.
"And I'm not cheap like my sister, cars and bags don't wow me," I shook my head at her bluntness, sometimes I forget she just speaks her mind.
"Ah Hassan," Naala's mom said lifting up her glasses. "I hope all is well?" She spoke in her proper ass accent.
"Everything is good," I replied pulling up my sweats. "I wanted to talk to you actually,"
"My daughter is okay? And the boys?" She questioned ushering me to sit in front of her.
"They're good," I nodded, all of a sudden I was feeling mad nervous.
"You look like there's something you want to get off your chest," Naala's mom smiled. "Talk to me,"
"I came here for your blessing or permission or whatever, but I don't know how they do it," I said leaning back in my seat.
"Blessing?" She raised a brow, "You knew about this?" She asked Naleli who was sat behind me, scrolling through her phone.
"First time I'm hearing it," Naleli lied because I definitely told her yesterday.
"You want my permission for what exactly?" Miani questioned sitting up in her seat.
"To marry Naala, I want to ask her to marry me," I corrected myself.
"Why? Did she tell you that's what she wants?" Miani said before I could even finish what I was saying.
"Nah —"
"Hassan, I like you, you seem like a straightforward man. Can I be straight with you?" She said clearing her throat.
I nodded and let her speak,
"You see Naala and Naleli are my first children. They're my special girls, the ones I would die for. They mean the world to me and Naala hasn't had any easy life, which hurts me," Miani preached. I stared back at her wondering if her other daughter knew she would die for the twins but not her.
"Most of her life has been pain, I'm the cause of some of that. So you can understand why I'm protective over her," She spoke,
"I get that, I'm protective over my girls too," I nodded,
"How many other children do you have?" Miani asked me,
"2 girls," I kept it short,
"Like Naala. I can tell you can protect her but can you love her? That's what she needs," I thought long before I answered.
"The love I have for Naala doesn't make sense to me. I've been in love before but not like this. I know I love her because I enjoy doing the simplest of things with her - like watching her cook. Everything Naala does interests me."
"Sometimes my love for her scares me, I can't see a life without her, I'll be real," When I said that, Miani smiled widely.
"Then why do you need my permission? Marry her!" She cheered standing to her feet. She held her arms open to me and hugged me.
"But can I tell you one thing?" Miani said as she clung to me,
"Yeah," I nodded patting her back.
"If you hurt her, I'm going to cut your little dick off and shove it into your mouth," She whispered into my ear. I could hear the smile through her voice. It was safe to say all the women in this family were crazy as shit.
"I believe that," I stifled a laugh, "Are you gonna let me go now?" I said because she was still attached to me.
"Yes," She released me, "Isn't this amazing Leli?"
"I guess," She shrugged, "Now pay up," She held out her hand.
"Just like your sister," I shook my head at her. "Whatever you want I'll get it for you,"
"A private jet," She answered with a straight face. "I know you got one,"
"Except that, you coulda said a boat, but a jet, that's for my wife," I spoke fixing my watch.
"You brought her jet?" Naleli said with wide eyes. "I'm starting to think Naala stuffs crack up her pussy cuz what the hell?"
"Naleli!" Her mom gasped, "Don't be so crude,"
"You're wild, I'll see you Ms Simmons," I laughed and then waved at Miani.
"Call me Miani darling, Naleli get out, you've ruined my appetite," She spoke dismissively.
"I can see mommy," Saint pointed to where Naala was stood waiting. She had just finished her therapy session so she was gonna be in a good mood.
"Saint sit your ass back in that seat," I said feeling Saint standing up.
"But Mar isn't sitting in his seat anymore," Saint responded. I turned back in my seat and in that moment I didn't want no more kids - on God.
"What the fuck?" I groaned. Because of course he was doing that when I was about to pick Naala up.
"Hey my handsome boys," Naala smiled getting in the car. I kissed her lips repeatedly before she pushed me back. She looked into the back seat and gasped.
"Hassan why is my son all twisted up in his seat?" Naala angrily reaching to the back to lift him up.
"I don't know where he's trynna go," I shrugged. She slapped the back of my head and sat Samar in her lap. "I can't drive with him up here,"
"Why can't you?" She asked kissing his face. "I missed you stink, did you miss mama?" She cooed at him. Samar's dumb ass blinked back at her, leaning forward to suck on her face.
"Mama daddy said I'm staying by Grandmas today," Saint spilled. I mugged the hell out of him and started the car back up.
"I didn't know that," Naala said looking at me. "Why is he going to my mom?"
"They're both going to your moms," I answered turning the wheel slightly.
"Not my stinky butt," Naala replied getting her damn titty out. "He doesn't do formula and he doesn't like bottles, how's he gonna eat?"
"He'll work it out Naala or he'll starve," I said bluntly.
"Say okay grumpy boots," Naala said in a baby voice. "Where are we going?"
"It's a surprise," I responded holding onto her hand.
"Aw really bae?" Naala squealed leaning over to kiss my cheek. "You're so sweet, what did I get?"
"You don't understand what I surprise means?" I said turning onto the freeway.
"I do, but I hate surprises. Do I have to dress up? Ooo can I go and do my hair?" Naala started wriggling in her seat.
"You're excited huh," I laughed kissing her hand.
"The first time out since the baby, I'm more than excited," She giggled. "Aw you're taking me to the salon?"
"Dess set it up for you, she should be in there too," I said pulling up at the side.
"I have to take Mar, because I can't leave him all night and not spend no time with him," Naala pouted,
"If you start crying I'm cancelling the hair," I replied turning to look at her.
"I won't," She mumbled blinking at me. "What are you and Saint about to do?"
"I'm getting my hair cut then we're going to the —" Saint started babbling like I didn't tell him to keep his mouth shut.
"I'm just taking him to cut his hair," I said cutting him off.
"Oh," Naala said looking at me weirdly. "Make sure they don't cut it too short like last time. Had my baby looking like an alien,"
"He still looks like one," I chuckled. Saint used his heavy ass hand to punch me so I punched his ass back.
"Nasir stop and hand me the sling," Naala said pulling his hands off my jumper.
He passed it to her and she clipped it on, putting Samar into it.
"All he do is eat and sleep," I complained playing with his hands.
"What you want him to do? Write a book?" Naala laughed pulling me closer to her. "Love you," She said kissing me hard.
"Keep kissing me like that, I'm gonna put these kids out of the car," I mumbled before pecking her lips again.
"Yuck," Saint said from the backseat. "Daddy you really whipped,"
"Who taught you that?" Naala asked wiping the sticky ass lipgloss off my lips.
"Ryan said that when you wanna be round your girl all the time, you whipped," Saint said, "that's why daddy always round you mama,"
"Is you 8 or 18, sit back and shut up for once," I said mushing his head back.
"Stop putting your hands on my papa bear," Naala tutted moving my hand off her thigh. "Papa come give me a kiss,"
One thing Saint never grew out of was his obsession with his mama. He really leaned forward and kissed her cheek, like the dummy he is.
"Be safe," Naala said opening the car door,
"Always," I replied kissing her again. "I love you," I made a point to tell her that everyday, no matter how we were.
"I love you too Sanny," She smiled before getting out. I watched her walk into the salon before I pulled off.
"So what's the plan dad?" Saint said jumping to the front seat.
"You lucky I can't stop right now," I mugged him, speeding down the street.
"What do I wear San?" Naala called out from the closet.
"Naala you can wear whatever you like," I shouted back. I've been ready for at least an hour and she was still looking for what to wear.
I left her, dropped the kids off and even got a little line up and she was still thinking of what to wear.
"That doesn't help," Naala shouted back. I got up from the bed and walked into the closet.
"Baby you aren't even looking," I commented because she was sat on the floor not even looking at the clothes.
"Because I can't find anything," She huffed. "Everything fits too tightly and is showing off my ugly baby weight,"
"You haven't got any baby weight," I said helping her off the floor. After Samar, she literally snapped back into her normal shape.
"Don't lie," She mumbled leaning into me. I wrapped my arms around and looked down,
"You want daddy to pick you out something?" I spoke,
- End2956 Chapters
Swallowed Star
Year 2056, in a city in the Yuan Jiang Su Jin area. On top of a ruined, shattered six story residential apartment sits a teenager wearing a combat vest, militaristic trousers, and alloyed battle boots. On his back is a hexagonal shield and equipped is a blood-shadow battle knife. He sits there silently on the edge of the roof. At this time, the sparkling sky was shining and there was a refreshing breath within the air that blew towards him. However, there was only silence within the ruined, deserted city, with an occasional howl that makes your heart skip a beat.
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When Teal helps an injured soldier by hand-delivering a scroll to the Emperor, he is offered a place in the Emperor's harem for his courage and efforts. Teal is of Lombock descent however, a cannibalistic race of beings who were believed to have died out. Having grown up on the outskirts of the Empire, Teal finds adjusting to life as the Emperor's concubine difficult and as he begins to learn about his origins, he also stumbles on old dark secrets lurking in the palace. Traitorous spies, unfinished disputes, and old enemies from neighboring kingdoms hide in plain sight within the palace walls, all threatening to ignite Teal's true identity and with it, cause the return of a race of beings who once controlled the world with horrific consequences. The only way out? A possible alliance with a defiant and strong-willed princess and a group of magical assassins who wish to control the world as they see fit. Please don't be shy. Feel free to comment if you enjoy the story. Feedback is always welcome! Artwork for cover purchased from Canstock: by 'AtelierSommerland' I'm currently working on Book Two. I won't post book two until I have a decent amount written. Current word count on book two is 43,000 so you know I am working on it (19/5/22)
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