《Perfect Storm》22.
Naala detached a sleeping Saint from her nipple and put him on her shoulder to proceed winding him. Her eyes were slowly closing out of tiredness.
She checked the time at it was 3:04am and Dave was still nowhere to be found. It wasn't unusual for him to be gone at this time but Naala was reaching her breaking point.
It was Saint's first week home from the hospital and Naala had been struggling, he was extremely fussy and Naala wasn't used to that.
On cue, Saint burst into tears making Naala's eyes shoot open.
"Mommy's trying," Naala whispered to him as she rocked him slowly, which didn't help. His tears increased which only worried and startled her more.
"I don't know what you want Saint," Naala said emotionally. "I've fed you and I've changed you, what is it?" Her own eyes filled up with tears because she was fed up.
Naala felt alone in being a parent and Dave didn't help that. He was never around and ended up leaving her with two young children.
On the other side of town, Hassan's phone vibrated relentlessly.
"Hassan your phone," Mia complained pushing him. She too was tired, Amari had just gone to sleep and she didn't want to wake her.
He got up and say the caller id, choosing to take the call outside of the room.
"Naala?" He spoke quietly but was met with loud crying and Naala sniffing.
"I didn't know who to call but I can't do this," Naala cried on the phone. "He won't stop,"
"Okay you want me to come down there?" Hassan said clearing his throat. "Try rocking him or doing that thing he likes with his legs,"
"It's not working Hassan," Naala sighed through her tears.
"Alright I'm coming," He said before hanging up. Hassan went back into their room and started to get dressed. Mia rolled over and opened her eyes.
"Where are you going?" She asked watching him get ready.
"I gotta go handle something quickly," Hassan responded putting on some socks and then his slides.
"What's wrong with Mocha now?" Mia complained. "I swear Dess makes this shit up,"
"Go to sleep I'm coming," Hassan said in a irritated tone. This is all they ever did, argue. Mainly because Mia always found a way to fight with him.
Hassan didn't even wait for her to respond, he left the room and left the house, in a hurry to get to Naala. A drive that would normally take him 30 minutes, took him 12.
Naala had already unlocked the door for him so he walked right into the house. He could still hear Saint's screams from down the steps and down the hall.
Following the cries, he found them both in the nursery. Naala was rocking him with tears running down her own face but his cries weren't letting up.
"I got him, sit down," Hassan said lightly taking Saint from her. "What's up little man?" He said to Saint, gently rocking him.
"I'm sorry," Naala sniffed, "I know Mia just had the baby but I didn't know who else to call,"
"Why you apologising?" Hassan said looking at her. "He's my son too, you shouldn't be doing this on your own,"
"I'm not on my own," Naala defended, shocked that Saint's cried stopped all together.
"Then where is he? Naala I said I will step up and own my shit, we made this baby together. We can face the consequences," Hassan preached. He never wanted to keep Saint a secret, that was his son and he was proud.
"That would break his heart Hassan, I can't do that," Naala cried wiping her face.
"So you'd rather live like this? He's out fucking on other women while you're here," Hassan said passively. Naala put her head in her hands and didn't respond.
"Look Naala I didn't mean to upset you but I want to be a part of my sons life, don't stop me from being here," He added laying a now sleeping Saint back down in his cot.
Naala sat and thought about it and maybe if she wasn't blinded by the love she had for Dave, she would have agreed with Hassan.
But Naala was blind, she couldn't imagine hurting the one she loved even though that's all he ever did to her.
"Naala Love?" The lady on reception called out. Hassan and Naala stood to their feet and followed the woman to the room.
"The doctor will be with you in a moment," She smiled directing Naala to the bed to sit. She left them in the room on their own and Hassan brought out his notepad.
"Why have you got that?" Naala laughed sitting back on the bed.
"I don't wanna miss anything," He said opening his pen up. "What if they tell us something that we'll forget?"
"This isn't our first baby," Naala replied rolling her top up.
"I know but I want to make sure you're comfortable all the way through," He answered. Hassan wanted Naala to have a stress free pregnancy, especially because of how hard they tried.
"That's cute," Naala pouted. "Tell me what you have written down already," She said pulling him closer to her.
"No spicy foods, no raw meat or fish," Hassan started to read off the list. "So no sushi Lala," He said making her frown.
"That's bullshit," She mumbled with a mug. "Ima eat what I like, I don't even eat raw sushi,"
"I ain't even gonna play with you," Hassan said taking his pen out. The doctor walked in with a big smile,
"Hello gorgeous girl," Doctor Reece smiled at Naala, "Ready to see your baby for the first time dad?" She said to Hassan.
"Yeah," He nodded. "I had some questions too," He mentioned flipping a new page on his notepad.
"Oh lord," Naala sighed closing her eyes.
"Ask away," The doctor laughed at Naala's reaction.
"At night, she complains about gas, is that normal?" Hassan said reading his first question.
"That's very common amongst pregnant women," The doctor reassured him. Hassan nodded and scribbled something down.
"She eats too many damn pickles and now she be mixing it with jam or peanut butter, that normal?" He asked seriously.
"Alright Hassan," Naala laughed. "That's enough questions,"
"I just wanna know," Hassan shrugged sitting back down.
"You can ask me as many questions as you like but first let's check on the baby first," Doctor Reece replied bringing out the sonography machine. "Anything that I should know about? Any worries?"
"Tell about how much you shit after meals, and that you been getting them nosebleeds," Hassan nudged Naala. The doctor looked at them in awe, especially Hassan. He was very attentive to her, she didn't see that often.
"Oh yeah, sometimes I have bad diarrhoea and if I'm really hot I get nosebleeds," Naala explained putting her hands on her stomach.
"Again, that's normal. The nosebleeds not so much, I want you to monitor that, if it gets worse I'll prescribe something."
"Okay," Naala nodded. The doctor squeezed the gel on her stomach and started to locate the baby.
"There we go," Doctor Reece said almost immediately. "And they've got a very strong heartbeat,"
Hassan found himself falling in love with Naala all over again as they sat there listening to their babies heart beat. He didn't realise he was holding Naala's hand until he looked back down at her.
"This baby number 4 right?" The doctor asked Naala,
"Yeah, both of our fourth but our second together," Naala explained to her.
"Y'all trying to make a football team?" Doctor Reece laughed.
"He is," Naala giggled. Hassan smiled and sat toward.
"So everything is good doc?" He asked nervously.
"I'm very happy about how everything is looking." The doctor spoke. "Your blood pressure is perfect, you must be doing something very well," The doctor said directly to Hassan.
"He doesn't let me do anything," Naala rolled her eyes. "I need to get pregnant more often,"
"You do," Hassan mumbled kissing her cheek making Naala blush.
"You're officially in the clear now Naala, we've passed the 3 month mark and you're almost 5 months. But, because of your previous losses I want to you be careful," The doctor explained to Naala and Hassan.
"Is there a chance of her losing this baby?" Hassan asked, his grip on Naala's hand tightening.
"Everything seems good but things happen," The doctor said lightly, sensitive to the fact that Naala had already suffered pregnancy loss.
"Is there anything I can do?" Hassan questioned. If there was something he could do, he would do it in a heartbeat.
Naala sat quietly, her anxiety eating her alive.
"Keep mom happy and stress free, like you've been doing," Doctor Reece smiled, "Would you like some pictures of your baby?"
"Yeah, now for the questions," Hassan sat up and started reading out all his questions whilst Naala didn't say a word.
When they got back into the car and pulled out of the doctor office, Hassan put his hand on Naala's thigh,
"You want something to eat?" He asked rubbing her thigh,
"I'm not hungry," Naala replied looking out of the window. Hassan nodded and kept his hand on her thigh, with his other hand on the wheel.
"You're upset about what the doctor said?" Hassan questioned, he could read her like a book.
"Are you?" Naala muttered softly, "I'm trying to think positively and not get upset about it but I'm scared San,"
"Nothings gonna happen to this baby Naala, you deserve to be happy and this baby is our happiness," Hassan replied. "I ain't scared because I know God got us,"
"I don't deserve you," Naala frowned looking at him, Hassan smirked and pulled up at a red light.
"You deserve more than me baby," He answered leaning over.
"Mmm," Naala kissed his lips, "I love you," She said softly pecking his lips again.
"I love you more," Hassan replied licking her cheek. Sometimes he surprised himself with how open he was with Naala, he was never like this with Mia. "You wanna go shopping?"
"You know me so well," Naala smiled sitting back in her seat properly.
"Bae which one?" Naala muttered holding up two dresses for Hassan to look at. They had currently been shopping for a dress for Naala for 2 hours. "Hassan," Naala spoke again.
"You know what I'm gonna say," He smirked slipping his phone into his pocket. He was starting to regret bringing this idea up.
"You'll look good with anything on," Naala mocked putting the dresses back up.
"I don't know why you're so stressed, it's a 13 year olds birthday party. Ion think anybody is gonna be checking for you," Hassan replied honestly. Naala was stressed out about Sinai's birthday and he couldn't understand why.
"You're right," She answered biting her lip, "So which one?"
"That one," Hassan pointed at the least revealing one on purpose.
"Mmm, maybe not this one," Naala said taking the other one of the rack.
Hassan analysed her, taking in all her features. Since she told him about the baby, her stomach had grown. Not drastically but if you looked closely you would know she's pregnant.
"Where next baby?" Hassan stretched standing from his seat. He always came shopping with Naala, to tell the truth, he was a bit obsessed with her.
"Oooo look what came in the mail today!" Naala squealed digging through her purse for the envelope.
"Whatchu bought now?" Hassan groaned taking the envelope from her.
"Open it," Naala giggled leaning on his arm. He leaned down and pecked her lips repeatedly before turning his attention to the envelope.
"Saint Nasir Khalil- Kingston," Hassan read out proudly. Naala knew it hurt Hassan that Saint didn't have his last name, it hurt her too. So Naala changed Saint's last name, she felt it was the right thing to do.
"The Khalil is for your dad, I know you wanted to name your son after him," Naala said softly, intertwining their fingers.
"I didn't think you remembered," Hassan said looking down at the paper. "That's what's up, I appreciate you ," He added squeezing her hand.
"Now it's all about making you Mrs Kingston," Hassan said pulling her closer to him. If she got any closer, she would literally be in his skin.
"Boy," Naala blushed looking away from him. They walked up to the cash desk and waited to be served.
"How much is all this anyway?" Hassan said pulling money out of his pocket.
"3789 dollars sir." The cashier spoke happily. Naala looked up at Hassan and smiled widely when he pulled out his black card instead.
"Thank you babe," Naala cheesed taking the bags and letting him carry some.
"Give em to me, you'on need to be carrying shit," Hassan grumbled taking the bags from her.
"Damn," Hassan heard someone mumble, he warned Naala about her choice of outfit today but she didn't listen. The dress she wore hugged all her curved and stopped just above her knees.
Pregnant or not, she looked good and it didn't take long for her to gain male attention, even with Hassan stood beside her.
"Walk in front of me," He said moving her across because she seemed to be oblivious to what was happening.
"Okay, heels next," Naala said looking around the mall. She loved how much Hassan paid attention to her, she knew he hated being out in the mall but he would do that for her.
"Naala?" Someone called out from behind them. Hassan smacked his teeth and hoped it wasn't somebody that was gonna irritate her.
"Chanel," Naala muttered turning around. "Hey what are you doing here? I thought you were in London,"
Chanel looked between Naala and Hassan, shocked to see them all hugged up. What threw her off more was the baby bump Naala was sporting.
"I came back for Nai's birthday," Chanel said turning to Hassan. "Hey Ace, haven't seen you in a minute,"
"I've been chilling," Hassan shrugged, throwing his arm over Naala's shoulder.
"How's Saint? I've seen the girls but you know," Chanel trailed off. Naala squinted at her and sighed. She could sense the pettiness and she wasn't in the mood for it.
"He's fine, we've got to go and pick him up now," Naala said standing up straight. "I'll see you Saturday?"
"Oh you're invited?" Chanel questioned tilting her head to the side.
"Why wouldn't I be invited to my daughter's 13th birthday?" Naala responded with a sigh. "Let's go," Naala turned to Hassan and tugged him away.
They walked away and Hassan looked down at her, "You handled that well, I'm proud of you,"
"Everyone is always trying to get me out of my character I'm sick of it. I'm not gonna play into his dumb ass games anymore," Naala replied heading in the direction of the Chanel store.
"Good," Hassan praised, "That ain't worth it," Naala nodded in agreement and walked into the store, looking for a pair of heels to go with her dress.
"Ain't never met a 13 year old that picks a ballroom theme for a party," Naala spoke to herself looking through the heels.
"She's just like you, extra as hell," Hassan laughed taking a seat on one of the chairs.
"Welcome to Chanel, would you like some assistance?" The worker said coming up to them almost immediately. They could see Naala was ready to spend a bag, especially with the way she was dressed, dripping in money.
"Yes actually, I saw a few pairs online. Bae hold this please?" She said putting her purse on his lap. Hassan accepted and got comfortable knowing they were gonna be here for ages.
"Would you like a drink sir?" The worker asked him.
"Get me a bottle of water and she gon' need a cup of ice if you don't want her to burn this place down," Hassan answered pulling Naala's dress down.
"Haha so funny," Naala said sarcastically swatting his hands off her.
"So you don't want the ice?" Hassan questioned with a smirk. "Get her the ice please," He said and the worker nodded walking off.
"I didn't even want the ice for real," Naala muttered when the worker handed her the cup.
"Oh word?" Hassan said watching her munch down on it.
"Anyway!" Naala clapped handing him the cup, "We're here to spend his money, show me the heels," She said making the worker laugh.
"Gonna be broke messing with you," Hassan mumbled to himself.
"Can you get her please?" Trinity screamed from the bathroom. She could hear the baby crying and knew Dave was still lying down.
"What you shouting for?" Dave complained getting up. He left the room and went into the nursery, picking Mariah out of her cot.
Mariah quietened down as soon as her dad lifted her up, "You was just looking for someone to hold you huh?" He said putting her on his shoulder. He grabbed the muslin cloth and put it on his shoulder in case she vomited.
"Let's go see what your mama is doing," Dave spoke rocking her. Today was the day of Sinai's birthday and he was surprised Naala wasn't there already.
There was no doubt Naala was trying to be a good mom but Dave didn't care about that, he cares about how fast she moved on. If she claimed to be so in love with him, how could she just fall out of love with him.
When he walked back into their room, Trinity was sat on the bed moisturising her body.
"Is that my stinka butt?" She cooed standing to her feet, exposing her naked body. "Did you feed her?" She asked Dave taking Mariah out of his arms.
"Did she tell you she was hungry?" He grumbled sitting back down on the bed. Trinity sat on his lap and looked at him.
"Have you decided what to wear? It's ballroom theme babe, you have to dress smart," Trinity spoke before kissing the babies cheek.
"Dumb ass theme," Dave said putting his face in Trinity's neck. "I'ma wear a suit or something,"
"Okay good, I've got my MUA coming in about 30 minutes," She said laying Mariah down on their bed.
"What the fuck is that?" He questioned running his hands up and down her thighs.
"My make up artist," Trinity giggled. "Can I have a kiss?" She said staring at his lips. Dave nodded and kissed her passionately.
That was all the ever did, since Trinity had Mariah she didn't want to have sex with him. No matter how many times he tried.
Those were the times he missed Naala, because she was weak minded, all it took was for him to start an argument and then to make up for it, she would have sex with him.
"Uh uhn, our baby is right here," Trinity said moving his hands away from the middle of her thighs.
"I'm gonna go check on the girls," Dave huffed tapping her so she could get up.
He didn't even wait for her to respond, he just walked out of the room and down the hall to check on Malia first.
"You okay Phat?" He said opening her door. Malia shook her head and looked away from him.
"Malia misses mommy," Malia said lowly. "Mommy doesn't care about Malia, only about Bubba."
"That's because mommy is selfish," Dave said coming into the room. "She doesn't care about Malia because she has a new family but I care about Malia,"
"New family?" Malia asked sitting up. "No more Malia? Only Bubba?"
"Yeah," Dave nodded messing with her head even more. "Your mama chose other people over you, that's the kind of person she is,"
"Daddy cares about Malia?" Malia frowned climbing into his lap.
"I care about you way more than your mommy did, because if she did she would be here with you right now," Dave said wrapping his arms around Malia.
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