《Perfect Storm》18.



"Naala you've done really well, I think you're ready," Daisy my therapist said to me.

"I know I'm ready," I mumbled looking out of the window. I had been stuck in this stupid wellness centre for 2 months because Amir is a little bitch.

The morning after our big fight, I woke up to 5 men dragging me out of the house and into a white van. I didn't even get to say bye to my kids.

"Naala did you hear me?" Daisy's squeaky ass voice said. "They're here,"

"Finally," I said standing up. I followed behind the bitch till we reached the double doors. I could basically smell freedom.

"I don't want you to come back here," Daisy smiled, her yellow teeth making me turn away.

I saw the all blacked out Maybach pull up and I almost fainted in excitement.

"Can I go now?" I asked impatiently,

"Sign here," Daisy said pushing a clipboard into my hand. "And there," She pointed. I was about to take the pen and shove into her eye but then I would be stuck here again.

"Done," I gritted out slamming the pen down. Daisy moved and the big doors slid open, allowing me to leave.

I jogged towards the car and jumped on the one person I'd missed the most.

"Leli," I squealed hugging her tightly. "I missed you so much Naleli you don't understand,"

"Get off me," Naleli laughed pushing me off. "I missed you too weirdo,"

"I know you did," I cheesed. "Let's hurry, I want to see my babies,"

"About that" Naleli said as we got into the car. I saw another girl sitting in the car holding an iPad and staring at me.

"Who's this?" I asked staring her down as well.

"Petra, you're new assistant," Naleli introduced,

"Assistant? For what?" I quizzed, I didn't need an assistant.

"A lot has changed since you left LaLa," Naleli mumbled turning to me. "Eli thinks we handled everything wrong, he also doesn't want you involved in the family business anymore, only the legal stuff"

"So what am I meant to do?" I squinted. "And this war is still going on?"

"You'll handle the business sides of things. The drops, the suppliers, all of that will be you now," Naleli answered.

"Whatever, why aren't we going towards Manhattan," I said looking out the window and seeing the driver zooming past the normal exit.

"He appealed for full custody," Naleli said quietly. "It was a term of the divorce." Amir served me divorce papers while I was away and I signed them as soon as I got them.

"I know you're lying," I laughed loudly. "You just said full custody," I chuckled.

"Naala the judge granted him custody. You were in the centre, you had no leg to stand on. Luckily they gave you supervised visits." Naleli explained.

"He can't take my kids," I shouted. "What about Saint? That's not his son,"

"Saint is with me," Naleli said making me sigh in relief. "He's been asking about you and Dave, I've been putting it off but he's not silly Naala,"

"You also lost your license to practice law, this has been your third admission to the psychiatric ward in 3 years," Naleli added.

"Really?" I groaned. "So basically my life is ruined."

"Not really, you still have the family business,"

"Naleli I went to college, to law school all for what? For Amir to take it away from me," I said in a huff.


"Shouldn't have cheated on him," Naleli shrugged.

"Amir played with the wrong one," I said tapping my finger nails against each other. "What about the house?"

"I got you and Saint somewhere nice, it has good schools and shit like that," Naleli replied. "You're gonna be okay,"

"Oh I know I'm gonna be okay, it's Amir you should be worrying about," I said running my hands through my hair. "I'm sorry how rude of me, I'm Naala," I introduced myself to the girl.

"Petra, I'm really excited to work for you," Petra said quickly.

"Don't be, she's crazy," Naleli mumbled but I still heard her.

"First order of business Petra," I smiled, "Make my ex husbands life hell,"

"Naala you just got out, now isn't the time," Naleli advised. "Go home, see your son and then rest,"

"What about my daughters? I want to see them," I argued, "Take me to the house,"

"I can't do that, you have to ask him first," Naleli said handing me my phone. I unlocked it and saw it only had a few numbers on it.

"Also your Mia friend is out for your head," Naleli laughed. "What did you do? Fuck her man?"

"That's exactly what I did," I said with a yikes face.

"Naala you didn't!" Naleli gasped smacking my arm.

"It was before they were married and it was a mistake, I didn't mean to get pregnant," I defended myself. I never intended to get pregnant for Hassan, it just happened.

"That's Saint's dad?" Naleli said shaking her head.

"Stop judging me," I laughed. "Lemme call him," I said dialling his number.

"No way they let your crazy ass out," Hassan said as soon as he picked up.

"Fuck you Hassan," I smiled widely. "Come and see me,"

"I ain't seen my son in two months Naala, what the fuck is that about?" He started going off on me. "I hit your husband up and he wouldn't let me see him,"

"You think I wanted this?" I snapped back. "He's your bitch ass friend,"

"Man just send me your new address," He said, "And stay off the internet,"

"Why I gotta stay off the internet?" I asked putting the phone on speaker and getting on my social media.

The first thing I saw was everyone dragging me on Instagram, Mia included. I even saw Brianna say a few things. I don't blame them because what I did was bad but damn.

"Tell your wife to leave me alone," I whined scrolling through the posts.

"Ex wife," Hassan corrected me. Ooo not my baby daddy back on the market.

"Y'all broke up? Damn," I faked my concern.

"I'll talk to her about that petty shit," Hassan replied. "You good though?"

"I will be once I see my babies," I replied truthfully. "Is Mia really mad at me?"

"You really want me to answer that?" Hassan laughed. "But y'all are gonna handle that,"

"I'm not about to fight my son's stepmom," I said waving him off.

"Get your crazy ass off my phone and call me when you're with my son," He said before hanging up. I handed the phone to Naleli to send him my new address.

"Only my sister would end up with two baby daddies that are best friends," Naleli shook her head.

"You called me your sister!" I squealed making Petra laugh.


"Ew get off," Naleli said pinching me. "Call you other baby daddy, I want entertainment,"

"You're lucky I wanna see my girls," I muttered dialling Dave's number.

"What?" He said when he picked up. I scrunched up my face and mugged the hell out of the phone.

"I wanna see my kids," I said blankly.

"That ain't happening," Amir called himself laughing.

"Don't laugh at me." I snapped. "Let me see them,"

"We gotta arrange visits you can't just pull up when you want," He replied.

"Amir I feel like you're playing with me, and I don't like that. You can't stop me from seeing my daughters," I said into the phone.

"I can't but the judge can, when we get back I'll call you," Amir said ending the call.

"That wasn't as funny as I thought it would be," Naleli said awkwardly.

"I'm gonna kill him," I nodded. "He's probably got my kids with a random bitch while he fucks on another."

"Probably but that's what single people do," Naleli shrugged.

"What about Maniya?" I asked her,

"She comes round sometimes to see Saint but from what I know, she's been staying with her dad,"

"He's probably filling their heads with all kind of shit," I cursed. "There's literally no reason for him to be this angry.

"You lied to him about your son Naala, you were wrong, period," Naleli said making me roll my eyes.

"He's too sensitive, matter of fact just take me home I don't even wanna see him," I said, my mood was messed up now.

"I was never taking you there, you're not allowed to pull up, you heard him,"

"Alright Naleli damn," I said in angry tone.

"You can get mad at me all you want. You were deadass wrong," Naleli carried on. I zoned out for the rest of the drive till we pulled up at the house.

"He'll be happy to see you, the nanny is with him" Naleli said and I ignored her, I know my son would be happy to see me - I don't need her to tell me that.

"Petra can you set me up and nail and hair appointment," I said to her. She nodded and picked up her iPad and started tapping away. "Preferably a home visit,"

Naleli took her sweet time to unlock the door, when she did I pushed past her and called Saint's name. He came running down the steps towards me.

"Oh my big boy, hi," I cooed hugging him back. "You're so big now wow,"

"I'm 7 now," Saint said with a smile on his face. I saw Naleli open the door and leave which I didn't care about. I hate that she tried to check me about my business.

"I know I'm sorry I missed your birthday Papa, mommy's gonna make up for it," I said kissing his head.

"Can we go see daddy now? I miss them," He said pulling my hand. I sighed and took his hand leading him to sit down.

"Papa there's something I need to talk to you about," This was the conversation I was dreading having because I was about to break my sons heart.

"Actually I'll wait for your daddy," I said pulling him closer to my chest.

"We're gonna go see him?" Saint with such excitement,

"Mmm we will," I said not wanting to upset him. "What did you do for your birthday?"

"Tete took me out and we ate lots of sweets and then Nana made me a cake. Daddy came and picked me up and he took me to the arcade," Saint started rambling on but I wasn't listening, I was taking in his handsome face.

"Erm Naala, someone is at the door," Petra said from behind me. "And I also booked those appointments for you,"

"Okay thanks Petra, you can leave for the day." I said standing to my feet.

"Are you sure? I was about to order dinner for you guys," Petra said,

"That's okay, I'll deal with it," I said walking to the door. I looked through the peephole and smiled.

"Hey," I said to Hassan. He was holding loads of bags so I took some from him.

"You look well," He said looking me up and down.

"Thank you," I smiled at him. "So do you," I complimented returning the look he gave me.


"Where's he at?" Hassan said putting the bags down. I grabbed his arm and pulled him to the side.

"I haven't told him yet," I whispered. "I wanted you to do it with me,"

"Ion even know how we gon' do that, he's gonna hate me," Hassan said looking all sad.

"He won't, I promise," I said convincingly. "Come on,"

"Look who I found," I said to Saint who was watching the tv.

"Hey unc," Saint said getting up excitedly. "You brought me stuff?" He asked pointing to the bags.

I could see Hassan was put off by him calling him that but Saint didn't know any different.

"Come Papa, remember when I said I had to talk to you about something?" I said pulling him down onto my lap. Hassan sat beside us,

"Mmhm," Saint nodded. I took a deep breathe and blinked at him.

"I don't know how to even start," I said to him,

"What your mama is trying to say is that I'm your dad," Hassan said making me smack my teeth.

"San, not like that," I said in a hushed tone.

"So you're my daddy?" Saint asked with a confused face. "You put me in my mommy's stomach?"

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean other daddy doesn't care about you," Hassan said, I watched Saint the entire time.

"Nasir do you understand what he's saying? Other daddy is only your sisters daddy but he still loves you the same way," I said holding his hand.

"I have two daddies?" He said with a smirk, "That's cool,"

"You don't mind?" I raised an eyebrow,

"You got money?" Saint asked Hassan who nodded with a smile.

"Ion care then," Saint shrugged, "Lemme see my gifts now," Saint demanded.

"Boy you don't wanna give me a hug?" Hassan laughed. Saint got up and dapped him up making me laugh.

"So why did we live with other daddy?" Saint asked sitting beside Hassan.

"Because I was married to him," I replied. "And he's Nai and Phat's dad," I tried to explain to him.

"Did you not want me?" Saint said directly to Hassan,

"Of course I wanted you," Hassan said quickly. "I knew your mom would do a good job taking care of you, but I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere,"

"Nasir I did it to protect you," I whispered, feeling myself getting upset.

"Let me talk to him," Hassan said squeezing my shoulder. I nodded and got up, taking a tour of the house. I couldn't lie Naleli got it right but I would never tell her that.

I found the master bedroom and walked in, seeing all my clothes and shoes in the closet. She even colour coordinated my purses just how I like it. She's a bitch but I love her.

I needed a shower so I went into the bathroom, turned the shower to the highest and grabbed a towel off the rack.

The shower pressure was amazing that I almost fell asleep in there. I got out and got dressed in a skims two piece. My hair was in desperate need of attention so I hope the hairstylist knows what the fuck they're doing.

When I was done, I went back down to where the boys were. I could hear laughter and talking, when I peeped in, Hassan was helping Saint try on the sneakers he brought him.

"Saint all you gotta do is put your foot in," Hassan said with a straight face.

"It's tight," He said with a mug, it's funny, before I used to assume he got his attitude from Amir but all along it was really Hassan.

"Put your foot in," Hassan repeated with the same mug.

"I'm telling my mama," Saint said putting his foot in the shoe.

"I'm telling your mama, and I'm taking back that PlayStation I got you,"

"Daddy come on," Saint mugged. "Why you gotta do all that?"

Instead of listening to anymore, I spoke up, "Are you gonna stay for dinner?" I said softly joining them in the living room again.

"Mama I've got two more sisters," Saint said as soon as I took a seat,

"Yeah," I nodded. "How are they?" I asked Hassan.

"They're good, Mocha's birthdays coming up. I want Saint there," I nodded I didn't mind. "It's actually this Saturday but Amari is gonna be there too, with her mom," He said the last bit slowly like Mia would scare me.

"I'll bring him," I answered. "Dinner?" I asked again running my hand through Saint's curls.

"I gotta go and pick up Amari," Hassan said standing up. "I got you something, here," He said handing me the bag.

"Aw San you didn't have to," I said taking it from him.

"I'm proud of you for getting the help you needed," He said lowly.

"Stop," I said pouting, it felt nice to hear someone was proud of me.

I opened the box and it was an iced out necklace that had my name spelled out with a small crown over the A.

"If you don't like it I can return it," I heard him saying.

"No I love it," I said quietly, "Thank you, I appreciate you," I said reaching to give him a hug.

"I appreciate you more, you gave me my first son," Hassan said hugging me tightly. "I can't repay you for that shit,"

"I saw a new bottega purse that looked cute," I said hinting at the new purse.

"Ima take you to get it, don't worry," He laughed. "Saint I'm about to go," He said stepping away from me.

"Bye dad," He said his eyes not leaving the tv screen.

"I'm surprised he adjusted so well," I said to Hassan,

"We talked while you were in the shower, and before you ask, no I'm not telling you," Hassan spoke as I walked him to the door.

"I'm not sweating it, he'll tell me," I chuckled opening the door for him. "Also about the Mia thing, did you tell her how it went down?"

"Yeah I did but she didn't believe me," He shrugged. "It's like we were going in circles so I just ended it,"

"I didn't want to break up your marriage Hassan, you know that," I sighed crossing my arms.

"I'm not blaming you, we both laid down and made him, I'm in the wrong just as much as you," He said putting his hand on my shoulder. "I think you should talk to her though,"

"I don't think that's a good idea," I shook my head. Mia was my best friend and I lied to her for 6 years, she will most definitely not want to speak to me.

"For the kids, that's his sister," Hassan pestered. "Y'all need to get on,"

"You're so ghetto, how do you have 3 baby mamas," I grimaced.

"You one of them," Hassan laughed. His phone started ringing and I saw it was Mia.

"Go, our times up," I said with a light smile. I felt some type of way about my son having to share him with two other children but that was our reality now. "Saint come and say bye to your daddy properly,"

Saint tutted and dragged himself to the front door, throwing his arms around Hassan and hugging him.

"See you on Saturday little man, make sure your mama dresses you up in something fly,"

"Don't worry dad I got this," Saint said holding my hand.

"You don't think I dress him good?" I fake gasped.

"Naala move man," Hassan laughed mushing me. "I'll see y'all later," He said giving me a side hug.

"Text me when you get home," I said in a warning tone. He laughed and nodded before he left out.

"Now it's just me and you, what do you wanna do?" I said looking down at Saint.

"Pizza and movies?" Saint said after thinking,

"You wanna go to the movies or watch one here?" I asked him. My phone buzzed in my pocket so I pulled it out.

"Mmm seems like other daddy doesn't feel like being a bitch today," I said lowly.

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