《Perfect Storm》11.



Naala looked down at the address on her phone and then at the building she was sat in front of.

"A strip club?" She asked Gregory who was sat beside her in the car.

"This is where she is most days," He responded nodding his head. Naala breathed out and lifted up her purse.

"She's a very weird person," Naala mumbled to herself. "I'm ready," She added. The driver hoped out of the car immediately, running to open her door.

Her security was light today, only two bodyguards and Gregory of course. The building was ugly, beaten and bruised but the inside was amazing. The neon lights shone brightly as the ladies twirled on the poles expertly.

As soon as Naala walked in the building, she understood why Naleli loved to be here. It was like a different world.

"You're ridiculous," Naala heard from behind her. Gregory turned first and set his eyes on the brown skin female that was cladded in a all black lingerie set and matching stilettos.

Naala raised a brow, the girl was beautiful, doll like almost. But she had no idea who she was.

"Do I know you?" Naala questioned nicely. The girl laughed and shook her head.

"Do you know me?" She repeated. "Bitch you knew who I was last night,"

That's when it clicked for Naala, she must have been mistaking her for Naleli.

"I'm sorry to tell you this girl but I don't know who you are," Naala laughed. Gregory put his hand on her back to usher her away. The girl watched her walk away furiously, how dare she act as if she didn't know her.

They reached a back room where two of Naleli's men stood watch. Naala's men joined them and Gregory turned to her,

"I trust you will be okay on your own," Gregory said pointing to the door. Naala nodded and hiked her purse up her shoulder.

Without knocking, Naala pushed the door open which probably wasn't the best idea. Naleli was sat on her desk with her legs wide open and a female in between them with there head in Naleli's pussy.

"Oh my God," Naala squealed covering her eyes. The girl hopped up quickly, her light cheeks flushing red.

"Leli you said the door was locked," She whined trying to put her clothes back on.

"I lied." Naleli laughed. Naala was peeking through her fingers at the two. "Naala stop being dramatic," Naleli waved her off.

"There's two of you," The girl said with a puzzled look. Naala squinted her eyes at her. She had just caught her face fucking her twin and now was the time to be bewildered.

"Daja get out," Naleli said pulling up her panties. 'Daja' closed her mouth and followed the orders she was just given.

"Why am I here?" Naala huffed crossing her arms. Naleli sipped her drink that was on her desk and sat down.

"I wanted you to accompany me to a meeting with our supplier," Naleli informed her.

"I have kids Naleli you can't just summon me for things like that," Naala complained sitting across from her.

"It's a school day so I know you were either asleep or fucking our husband," Naleli laughed. Naala mugged her and played with the ring on her finger.

"I was sleeping you bitch," Naala said to her, which was a complete lie. She was fucking but not because she wanted to, because Dave was obsessed with the possibility of a child.


"And I'm an angel," Naleli said with a straight face. Naala waved her off and looked around the room.

"Why do you have a strip club?" Naala quizzed. "What do you gain from it?"

"Clean money," Naleli shrugged. "And the girls are a bonus," She smirked.

"I'm not surprised about that," Naala replied. Naleli was quite the flirt at all times.

"Who are we going to see?" Naala asked bringing out her cellphone. She answered a few texts and looked up,

"He's one of our biggest suppliers, Eli wants to make sure he will stay onboard during this war we have going on," Naleli said twirling around in her chair. "He supplies cocaine Naala,"

"I'm not stupid," Naala laughed rolling her eyes.

"Questionable," Naleli mumbled. Naleli took in her sister's appearance, she looked worn out. Her hair was in a messy bun and she wore simple clothes, not all designer like normal.

"What's wrong with you Princess?" She asked staring directly at Naala.

"Do you actually care or are you being funny?" Naala mumbled, slipping her phone back into her purse.

"I don't care," Naleli replied honestly running a hand through her hair, "But you look terrible and every other time I've seen you, you look somewhat presentable,"

"Gee thanks," Naala scoffed. She knew she looked bad but she didn't have the motivation to look nice when no one ever saw her.

"So tell me what's wrong or hold it in. It's up to you," Naleli shrugged.

"Everything is getting on top of me," Naala hesitated to say. "I feel pressured to be the best and then Amir," She trailed off not wanting to tell Naleli too much. There was also no hiding that Naleli was born for this life, whereas Naala was new to it.

"Naala you are as much as a leader as I am. You know how to shoot a gun, that's all you need. Your husband will have to suck it up and you need to put in overtime in the bedroom." Naleli said leaning forward. "Now stop being a brat and let's go,"

"Can I at least go home and change?" Naala asked standing up as well. After that comment about her appearance she wanted to change asap.

"If you stop whining," Naleli said over her shoulder. When the door opened, the men grew alert, standing to attention.

"Princess?" Gregory called out, "Stand by me," He added. They were being very wary about Naala and Naleli travelling together. Only a few knew of the twins but once it got in the wrong hands, they would be in grave danger.

Gregory and one other guard walked Naala back to the car, "Can we make a stop at the house first?" She asked the driver who was holding the door open.

"Of course," He nodded closing the door behind her. Naala saw the door on the opposite side open and Naleli slid in.

"I thought I would ride with the Princess," She smirked at Naala.

"Why are you so annoying?" Naala asked her, bringing out a bottle of water. She picked out the Plan B in her bag and took it with a sip of water.

"I didn't know married couples used contraception," Naleli nodded towards the empty packet.

"I'm not about to have a baby in the middle of a war," Naala muttered. That was the excuse she planned to give Dave when it came down to it.


"Smart," Naleli nodded looking out of the window, "Who would of thought you could be smart?"

"What's your problem with me?" Naala snapped, "You're always making mean comments," Normally Naala would ignore it but it was everyday and the more time they spent together the worse it became.

"I don't like you," Naleli said simply. "I'm not fake, if I don't like you then I'm gonna be up front about it,"

Naala scoffed and looked at her, "You don't even know me,"

"I know everything about you," Naleli admitted. "Especially that you let that man beat you for 3 years. You're weak and that's what I hate about you, therefore I do not like you," She finished. Naala didn't know what to say,

"Who told you about that? Mom?" Naala questioned, twiddling with her fingers. Suddenly she felt embarrassed.

"You think I would have a twin sister and not do my research? I followed you most times, was in the places you were. You may think I'm a bitch but I did want to know you. There was a time, on our birthday, he took you out. I followed you guys and I saw him hit you before he got out of the car." Naleli explained. "That was the last time I followed you,"

Naala didn't realise she was crying until a tear dropped on her hand. She wiped her face quickly, Naala did not cry anymore. She found crying to be a waste of time and energy, why cry when you can scream instead was her mindset.

"Stop talking," Naala said to her. "You don't know me, you know who I used to be,"

"Naala I hate to break it to you but you're still the same," Naleli responded, her voice flat. "I'm waiting for you to boss up and stop letting people walk all over you,"

Naala didn't reply, she continued to scroll through her work emails, barely paying attention to them. She wished Gregory was at the back with her and not Naleli.

Pressing a button, the partition came down and Naala sat forward,

"Greg can you swap with her?" She said loud enough for Naleli to hear.

"Don't be so childish Naala," Naleli laughed nudging her shoulder. Naala didn't find anything funny.

The rest of the ride was slow and painful for Naala but exhilarating for Naleli - she loved making her uncomfortable.

When they pulled up at Naala's house, Gregory got out of the car. He helped Naala out and she went inside the house. A pair of unfamiliar shoes were by the door, shoes that did not belong to Naala.

"Amir?" Naala called out dropping her purse on the side. Alex, their maid appeared from the pantry.

"Oh you're back so soon," She smiled, "I just served your husband and his guest some lunch, should I fix you a plate?"

His guest? Naala asked herself. Her mind started racing and she hoped she wasn't right.

"No thank you Alex, where exactly is my husband?" Naala asked looking around.

"I believe he's in his office," The woman replied. Naala thanked her and went towards Dave's office which was really a room he turned into one. The sound of giggling threw Naala off.

Instead of knocking like she normally would, she pushed the door open and set her eyes on him and another woman. Dave was sat behind the desk while she was across, with a big smile of her face.

"Naala you're back," Dave said standing up. Naala looked between the two, with a blank face.

"I am," Naala nodded, "I hope I'm not interrupting," She said staring the girl down. She was beautiful, Naala had to admit.

Her chocolate brown skin was smooth and free of any blemishes. She had a wide nose, which suit her and a pair of thick lips to match. Naala found herself comparing herself to the woman.

"No this is Tommie, my label sent her in to shadow me for a bit," Dave answered walking over to her. Naala's eyes didn't leave 'Tommie'. She looked so familiar to Naala but that night in Vegas was so long ago.

Dave on the other hand remembered Tommie very well, however he didn't see the probably hiring someone that has made a move on him.

"You're fucking my husband?" Naala asked ignoring Dave's presence next to her. "Because if you are I would hope you would have respect not to do it in my house," Naala went on. Tommie smirked at Naala, this was the reaction she needed.

"I might be," Tommie shrugged. Naala laughed loudly.

"I'm gonna kill you," Naala pointed at Dave, who was pulling Tommie to the side.

"Tom don't say shit like that," Dave said to her lowly.

"Oh you even have nicknames huh?" Naala chuckled to herself before she picked up the globe on Dave's desk and launched it at the two.

"Naala chill the fuck out," Dave shouted at her. Tommie moved from behind Dave with a wide smile.

"I dare you to touch me bitch," Tommie said, her voice taunting Naala.

Naala couldn't listen to anymore of it, she was gonna was gonna wipe that smile off her face. She tried to run round Dave and drag Tommie but Gregory heard the scuffle, busting into the office.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Dave snapped in her face. Naala drew her head back and used her pointer finger to move his face back.

"No what the fuck are you doing?" Naala replied. "I just walked in on you with another woman and this bitch has the cheek to smile at me,"

Gregory stepped back letting Naala do her thing, he wouldn't step unless she needed him.

"We were talking, it's work," Dave answered looking at her weirdly.

"Lunch requires a whole buffet?" Naala pointed at the several plates of food laid out for them. "You think I'm stupid?" Naala laughed.

"You're acting mad insecure right now," Dave mumbled dropping his hand from her arm.

"Have sex with someone else I dare you." Naala said. "I will kill both of you, and I mean it," Naala pointed before turning on her heels and leaving the room, Gregory following behind her.

"Why you working her up for?" Naala faintly heard Dave say to Tommie.

She was furious, Naala wasn't the same person anymore, she wasn't just going to roll over and keep letting him treat her like shit - he was gonna learn.

Naala changed into a black Chanel dress and a pair of YSL heels. She slicked her hair back and picked her favourite sunglasses sliding them over face. She changed her purse over.

"Naala you're overreacting," Dave said coming into the room. Naala ignored him, moving around the room putting on her jewellery.

"Don't touch me," Naala muttered getting out of his grip. "Your girlfriend is downstairs waiting for you," She said spraying perfume.

"It's not what you think," Dave stressed standing in front of the door.

"Get out of my way before I scream," Naala said emotionlessly. Dave was confused, normally Naala would be in tears but today it looked like she didn't care.

"Scream for who?" Dave responded. "Stop acting like this Naala," He lowered his voice,

"Let her give you a baby because I'm not doing it anymore," Naala said strapping her Patek on her wrist.

"You don't mean that," Dave mugged. "I'm not fucking her, you're real delusional,"

"So what is she doing in my house?!" Naala snapped at him.

"We're working," Dave shrugged. He didn't see a problem with Tommie being in the house, he wasn't trying to fuck with her.

"Working on what?" Naala asked, "Y'all were sitting down having a nice little picnic in our home Amir, where our kids stay,"

"You're blowing this out of proportion. Tommie isn't sweating you so what's the problem?" Dave said stupidly.

Naala stared at him, waiting for him to get out of the way. When he realised that she wasn't going to talk, he stepped out of the way.

"You better hold onto her tight tonight," Naala said over her shoulder. Dave called her bluff but Naala was serious.

"What's the matter with you?" Naleli asked when Naala got back into the car and slammed the car door.

"I'm sick of people playing me like I'm an idiot," Naala said angrily, pushing her glasses up her nose. "My whole life, people treat me like I'm dumb," She was tired of it, Naala couldn't wait to prove everyone wrong.

"Then do something about it," Naleli smirked. "So what are we doing?"

Naala turned her head to look at her, their eyes piercing each other. After a few moments, they broke into big smiles. Call it twin telepathy but they both knew the plan.


"I hope your wife isn't angry with me," Tommie said softly. Her and Dave were now at her place. They decided to move their work meeting to her house.

"Nah she can be like that sometimes," Dave replied. Tommie nodded and looked back at the tv.

"I think you should go home. You're a married man and I —" Tommie started to ramble on even though she didn't care. She was in too deep now. She had Dave exactly where she wanted him.

"Nah, I'm enjoying your company so I'm not leaving," Dave said relighting his blunt. They were high as fuck and Tommie was giving him something to do.

"I heard y'all arguing, you want more kids?" Tommie questioned twirling her hair around her finger.

Dave didn't notice that Tommie was listening, he wasn't really bothered, his and Naala's relationship was practically public knowledge. Dave truly felt that Naala was pushing him to the side because of her new job, they barely spoke unless they were fucking.

Tommie fit into that gap. She pretended like she cared about him, about anything he had to say. But in reality, Tommie wanted what Naala had, she wanted the fancy cars and the big house, she wanted it all.

"I do," Dave nodded. "I want another kid but we just lost one," Dave spilled senselessly, his high taken over all his senses. Tommie was sitting back taking it all in.

"Oh wow really?" She frowned sadly. "That must have been hard for you guys," She put her hand over his. Surprisingly he didn't move his hand, he let her caress it.

"I didn't get a chance to even grieve cuz I had to be there for her," Dave opened up. Tommie nodded and inched closer.

"Tell me what you're thinking," She said before putting her head on his shoulder. Dave froze up but didn't tell her to move, he just kept talking.

"She shut me out, and didn't even let me give the baby a name. Every child we've lost, she gets to be the sad one and I have to be the strong one - but that ain't fair,"

"They were your babies just as much as they were hers," Tommie answered sympathetically. "I'm here for you if you ever want to talk," She rubbed his chest lightly.

"I appreciate that," Dave said looking at her. Tommie lifted her head up and stared at his lips, waiting for him to make the first move.

He leaned down and their lips brushed against each other, and he kissed her lightly. The lips moved in sync until the sound of glass breaking and several alarms going off alerted them both. Dave jumped to his feet and looked out the window.

"Bro what the fuck?" He dragged out putting his slides on.

"What happened?" Tommie said getting up as well. Still reeling from the kiss, she joined him by the window and gasped.

"My car," She screeched. Dave cursed and slid his jacket back on. When they made it outside, Tommie's car was in flames. The windows were bust in and all the tires were slashed.

Everyone in the apartment building was flocking towards the fire, some with cameras videoing the scene.

"It's alright I'll get you a new car," Dave said to stop her loud screeching. Inside Tommie was ecstatic but she had to keep up the facade.

"But my car!" She shouted pointing to it. Tommie didn't have any enemies in New York, she barely associated with anyone so she couldn't think of who could have done this.

Dave's phone buzzed in his pocket and he pulled it out. He clenched his jaw at the message and blew out a breath.

"I've got to go," He said putting his hand on Tommie's shoulder. She whipped her head around at him,

"My car is on fire and you need to leave?" She asked crossing her arms. Dave raised his eyebrows, she couldn't be trying to check him, one kiss didn't mean anything.

"Shit what do you want me to do? I ain't the fire crew. Look I said I'll sort it out," He grumbled pulling out his car keys.

"Whatever," Tommie rolled her eyes. Dave walked away, he was barely focused on Tommie - he had other shit to sort out.

Dave sped down the streets of Brooklyn, his hands wrapped tightly around the wheel. The streets passed like a flash as he jetted towards the home. His mind wandered as he cruised, his wife was now a completely different person and he didn't know if it was a good or bad thing.

They had finally gotten back together but it was like she was no longer Naala his wife, she was Naala the co-leader of a drug cartel. The other night, he woke up to her ordering for someone to be killed - that wasn't Naala.

He feared that Naleli was rubbing off on her and that scared him.

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