《Locked In (Jayda & Pooh Shiesty Story)》SNEAKY PT.2



I'm panicking I'm panicking, fuck bro what I'm finna do. If I call a uber, Cortez goin know something up. But then I don't want him taking me home, cause Shiesty the type to be there already.

Matter fact, Ik exactly what to do.

"OMG" I said loud for he can hear me. He came out the booth

"What's wrong, you good?"

"Something going on wit my son, she said he got a temperature for 103 degrees and his body keep shaking"

"Damn, you need to get him and take him to the hospital?"

"Yeah, cause idk that never happened before"

He got his keys and I gathered my things and we rushed out the door otw to his car.


*30 Minutes later*

We pulled up to my momma house

"So you and ya moms goin take him right?"

"Yeah, thank you Ima text you and let you know what's happening"

"Ite bet"

I got out the car and walked to the porch ringing the doorbell. My mom let me in, then he pulled off.

"You coming to get him tonight?" She said folding her arms

"Nah actually I came over here to dodge someone"

"You always in some shit"

"Girl no I'm not, where's my baby anyway?"

"In the back sleeping, sucking his thumb. You need to get him outta that"

"Yeah ik. I mean if that helps him go to sleep for now then ima let him keep doing it" I said flopping on the couch

I stared at my pictures that sat on the table, I miss being young. Young, wit no drama, just living my high school cheerleader life.

Taking my shoes off and now layed out on the couch, I scrolled through Instagram liking some post until I fell asleep.


*The next day*

"Thanks ma" I said closing the door walking to the elevator.

I lifted the cover off my baby face to see was he woke, and he was still sleeping. We made it to the house door and something told me to twist the handle. The door opened right up


I knew exactly what that meant, I just played it cool and proceeded in the house.


"Alright baby let's take you out of this" I said

Idk if babies know they are in a car seat, because they be so comfortable, but fussy once you take them out.

"Okay man don't cry, don't cry" I said walking him to his crib.

I layed him down feeding him his bottle, and turned the baby alert thing on in case he cries. I went to my room to put up my stuff, and was in for not so much surprise.

Shiesty was chilling in my bed watching tv, as if nothing happened.


"Wassup" he said still looking at the Tv

"How long you been here?"

"Since lastnight"


All that was heard was the Tv for the moment, he got up and closed the door locking it, then turned the tv off.

"Why you turn off the Tv?"

"Cuh ima ask you this one time, and ima just need you to tell the gods honest truth, where was you at lastnight ?"

I didn't answer right away, I acted like I was too busy putting my things up

"Well, I was out with a friend"


"At the studio?"

"Studio huh. So you and him just friends and y'all hung out at the studio?"


"You get caught up every time. Because just earlier yesterday, you and Dess was supposed to be out getting drinks. If he just your friend, you would've never lied about it"

"I only did that because I knew you would trip. It don't matter if he's just my friend, you would still do the most"

"And I got every right too. Niggas be thinking they goin "friend" they way into some pussy, and obviously you falling for it"

"Whatever dude"

I tossed my phone on the bed.

"So what's to this nigga, where he from?" He said standing up wit his arms folded

Whenever Shiesty do that I get nervous, I be having a feeling he goin snap out and hit me

"Why do that matter?"

"Not answer my question one more time cuhh-"

"Look all Ik is he said he from Memphis, he just live down here thats it"


His face changed from calm, to instant rage. If looks can kill, I'll be dead where I stood

My phone started ringing and I tried to grab it but Shiesty beat me to it. He looked at who was calling, and looked dead at me

"You tryna set me up?"

"Huh? No! No!"

I couldn't even run if I wanted too. He smacked me to the floor and started pulling me by my hair, dragging me across the room.

"LET ME GO LONTRELL STOPPPP" I yelled out loud


He punched me twice in face while still dragging me, then held me up against the wall wit his hand around my neck.

He now put his gun to my chin, forgetting who tf I was to him

"Give me a reason" He said looking me straight in the eyes

"I'm sorry. I didn't try to set you up, what did I do wrong? I don't know what I did wrong" I said sobbing wit tears

"So you goin sit here in my face, and tell me you didn't know Cortez was my opp, let along my brother?"

"Shiesty I swear to god on our son I didn't know!!! Just don't do this to me I had no idea okay, he slid in my Dm wanting to link wit me and I agreed to, that's it. He mentioned he knew who you was but he never told me y'all was at odds"

He kept the gun up to my chin wit his eyes watering, then he finally put it down and let me go.

"I'm sorry cuh. I'm so sorry" he said flopping on the bed wit his head down and the gun still In his hands.

I slid down the wall still wit tears falling, and he looked in my eyes and saw the damage he done. Shiesty never ever in his life, raised a finger or hand at me. The most we ever done was argue and curse each other out, but he respected me and love me enough to never put his hands on me.

It's like he lost his mind and forgot who I was to him.

"I'm sorry Rayonna, forgive me cuh"

I put my head down between my legs with my arms folded.


* 1 Hour Later*

As I finished cleaning up my face, I stared in the mirror. My face wasn't bad at all, just had a knot and busted lip.

Shiesty's in the room with the baby, so I used this time for some me time.

I went to the kitchen to see what I was going to cook for the night, I decided to go with Parmesan chicken and pasta.

My phone ringed in the room, Cortez been calling all day, so I been dodging all calls and text in case it was him

"Bro what do he want-" I said picking up my phone, only to see the worst messages of my life.


"Ma'am are you okay?" Says one of the doctors

I stared into space with my face red and tears falling. I was numb.

"Ma'am we can't just have you sitting in the hallway like this, patients have to get through"

I finally got the strength to speak

"Please, just leave me alone. I'm not bothering nobody, so don't fucking bother me"

The lady made a huffing sound, then she finally walked away.

Shiesty sat down beside me, rubbing my back and shoulder. He the least person I want next to me right now, but I need all the love I can get.

"Family of Benson?" The doctor yelled out


"So um, I regret to inform you that, we did all we could do for Ms. Benson, the crash was just too crucial and the impact was bad on her body. unfortunately.....she didn't make it"

At that moment, my whole world stopped. Everything went quiet, everything went blurry, everything went.....black

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" I screamed at the top of my lungs

I dropped down to my knees in disbelief, my best friend is GONE.

Shiesty held me tight with all strength, as I let out every tear I had within me.

"Rayonna I'm so fucking sorry cuh, I'm so so sorry mane"

I couldn't feel or hear a damn thing, I was completely numb. He rocked me back and forth in his arms, not saying anything else. This had been the worst day of my life.


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