《Little shinso Oneshots! [DISCONTINUED]》Yeetus


Denkis pov

Shinso was having a hard time regressing and it was making him irritated. It got to the point where he stopped trying, the only reason I found out about it was because of the multiple discarded stuffies and crayons laying randomly around his room, so like the kind person I am I tried to help him regress even though it annoyed him in the beginning. I walked out of his room and towards the dining area where he was studying "sup toshi!" I sat down next to him and looked at his study notes "how about we take a break and hang out! You've been here for, like, houurrssss" toshi sighed and looked at me "I've been studying for ten minutes babe" I thought about what I should say next before talking "well....ten minutes is far to long for my little baby" Toshi stared at me before turning away "denki no" "denki yes!" I picked up his notes and ran away "denki!!" I heard his voice calling after me, I ran into his room and yeeted myself onto his bed him hot on my trail, he jumped on the bed and glared at me "give me the notes back" I smiled and shook my head no "denki I'm not playing your games" toshi growled "well you are now, sero now!!" Toshi looked behind him as sero closed the door and locked it "the fuck?!!" Shinso said, sero smiled and walked over to us "welcome to little Paradise! We're gonna help you regress because denki noticed you were having trouble" "guys no, I gave up it doesn't matter" Toshi said getting off of me, sero smiled "shinso shush it does matter" shinso rolled his eyes "uh huh and how are you guys gonna help?" I stood up and took a couple bags from seros backpack "with these! May I interest you toshi in some candy?" I asked taking a bag of candy out of one Walmart bag, I saw something spark in shinsos eyes before disappearing "well....I'm sure a piece wouldn't hurt" he grumbled before taking the bag and opening it "and what do you say" sero said, shinso hesitated before speaking "thank you or whatever" I smiled and opened the other bags, from the bags I pulled out a couple coloring books and pack of crayons, three new pacis, one cat stuffie, fruit cups, and rubber duckies (if you can't tell they spoil him). The spark was seen again and was there for a little bit longer as shinso looked at the items "can...can I hold the cat stuffed animal please?" I handed it to him and watched as he smiled softly before beginning to pet it, sero picked up a fruit cup and knelt down next to him "do you want some fruit?" Toshi looked at sero and nodded opening his mouth as sero put cut up pieces of apples, strawberries and watermelon in his mouth, I sat next to toshi and handed him a coloring book with some crayons "here let's color some pictures" Toshi smiled slightly as he opened the crayons, meanwhile sero was grabbing shinsos new pacis and rummaging through his onesies "I.....daddy loves you" I said testing to see if any of this was working, Toshi looked at me and smiled, his eyes softened "I wuv you too!" My smile went wide "and how old is my little baby today?" Toshi giggled and held up three fingers "okay baby do you wanna get into a onesie?" Toshi nodded and sero carried one over along with a paci, I helped Toshi get into the onesie and put the paci in his mouth which led me to get curious "how to babies even...." so I took another one and put it in my mouth, it tasted like plastic and my spit so I took it out of my mouth "ew" I said and wiped it off, sero was dying of laughter and the look Toshi was giving me was absolutely beautiful he looked so confused "daddyyyy your so weiwd!" Toshi giggled, sero picked up Toshi "yeah daddy is very weird but we love him anyways" I smiled and kissed both their cheeks "well I love you guys very much!" Sero and Toshi smiled "I wuv you too!" Toshi squeaked nuzzling into seros chest. I chuckled and rubbed Toshis back "well mission accomplished, how you feeling now?" Shinso looked over at me "I feel a lot better tank ou daddy" sero kissed his head "that's good little one" shinso giggled and kissed sero "I wike big boy kisseys!" Seros neck and ear turned red as he laughed "well I like big boy kisses too" "that's gAy" I said kissing seros cheek "were all gay one way or another" sero stated, placing shinso back on the floor with his coloring book, I chuckled and sat next to toshi 'mission accomplished boys, mission accomplished'.

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