《Little shinso Oneshots! [DISCONTINUED]》Yeet skeet


Shinsos pov

It's was around six o'clock when I started to get hungry, denki was preparing dinner but I just couldn't wait, so while denki was in the bathroom I might have snuck a cookie or three and ate them. Sero was sleeping on the couch, so it was easy to eat the cookies without getting caught, but I immediately regretted it because my tummy started to hurt. Which also meant I wouldn't be able to eat dinner because of my tummy ache, so now I'm sitting at the table picking at my ravioli. "Shinso baby are you alright?" Denki asked "yeah babe you haven't touched any of your food" sero added, I looked at them and smiled softly trying to hide the fake that I was both in pain and little. "Oh yeah I-I'm fine just a bit tired I guess..." I said, but unfortunately denki got suspicious and went into the kitchen, pulling out the cookie jar. I slowly began to slide out of my seat as denki slowly turned his head and stared at me with an unreadable expression on his face, sero started to catch on and slowly moved towards me. I jumped out of the seat and ran for the bathroom sero hot on my trail, butttt I just happened to trip on a toy truck I didn't put away and fell on my ass. Sero hoisted me up "you okay baby??" My bottom lip shook as hot tears went down my face "I-I'm sowwy!" I cried holding onto sero, denki walked up behind us and sero started to rub my back "shhh baby it's okay we're not mad. Does your tummy hurt?" Sero asked, I nodded and wiped my tears away "denki hon, can you go get shinso his paci and make him a warm sippy full of milk, while I get him medicine?" Denki smiled and went to go do the tasks. Sero held my hand and took me to the bathroom, there he opened the medicine cabinet and poured me some pepto "here baby you gotta drink this okay? After you can drink some of your milk." Sero said handing me the small cup and rubbing my back, I smelt the liquid and scrunch up my nose. Sero chuckled "don't worry baby it's not that bad" I nodded and down it all, just in time for denki to walk in with my sippy I gagged and handed sero the small cup "all done!" I exclaimed making grabby hands at my sippy, denki laughed and handed me the sippy "here you go baby" I giggled and started drinking the milk. Denki ruffles my hair "do you feel better?" He asked, I nodded my head slowly "do...do I gotta stand in time out?" Denki froze "oh no no baby not this time" I smiled and threw my fist in the hair "yay!" Sero chuckled and picked me up "we put your food in the fridge in case you think your able to eat it okay?" I nodded and snuggled into his chest, denkis eyes lit up "oh shoot! I forgot" he pulled out my pacy and popped it in my mouth, I started to slip deeper and they noticed this. "Aawww how cute!" Sero cooed carrying me to our room, he got me into my jammies and we all laid down "dada? Daddy?" I said, they both looked at me "yes my sweet baby?" Denki asked, giving me all his attention "I wub you!!" I giggled sucking on my paci more "aawww we love you too!" Sero said, they then processed to kiss all over my face. I giggled and cuddled into the blankets "nigh nigh" I yawned, denkis petted my hair while sero rubbed my tummy, I smiled softly to myself before falling asleep completely forgetting about the tummy ache.

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