《I Kissed A Boy (Sasunaru Narusasu)》Y



I had finally arrived at Ino's birthday party. I could hear the loud music coming from her house. There were many cars parked outside. God, how many people did she invite! It's going to be such a hassle to get a hold of her and most importantly, sneak out unnoticed.

I mentally facepalmed before taking a deep breath and making my way towards the entrance. This is going to be a long night.

The second I entered there were sweaty bodies dancing to the rhythm of the music being played, girls throwing themselves at the hottest guy they could find.

"Naruto!" I looked around to see who was calling me to see Kiba waving his hand around the air to signal me over to him. He seemed really drunk, he never seizes to surprise me.

"You're already drunk?" I said, upset my friend was acting carelessly.

"Cmon, it's a party! Lighten up!" He said, wiggling his body around as a failed attempt to dance.

"Whatever. I'm going to get something to drink, see ya." I was trying my best to find somewhere I could hang out without having to socialize so I walked over to the dinning room and took a seat.

After a few minutes of me having one or two drinks someone approached me. "Naruto? Is that you?" Tsunade said, tapping me in the shoulder.

"Tsunade? What are you doing here?" I was shocked that Ino would invite an adult to her party with tons of drinking involved but I was even more shocked she actually showed up.

"Someone has to supervise." She said, smiling as she took a seat next to me. "You look down, whats wrong?" I looked at her eyes, they were full of concern. I contemplated venting to her but decided not to, I really didn't feel like talking to her about my problems at a party. We could hardly even hear each other anyways.


I shrugged and looked away, looking toward all the dancing people, my gaze met Sasuke and Sakura dancing really close in the dance floor. My eyes started to water because I was kinda drunk, Tsunade noticed so she followed my gaze. "Oh.. Naruto.." she said, getting closer to me and rubbing my back in circular motions to comfort me.

"Naruto If you really like him go for it because you may never find someone like Sasuke again. If you really love him, you'll risk anything and everything just to be with him so tell my now, are you trying to be a good friend to Sakura who doesn't give two shits about you or are you too scared of what might happen if you take that risk of being with him?"

As I took in her words I started to realize I was too scared to see how things would be like with Sasuke... I'm being a coward. I got up from my seat deciding that I had to take that small chance of losing everything for him.

I walked towards Sasuke and grabbed his hand, shocking him. "N-Naruto?" Sasuke said as I dragged him to the other part of the house so Sakura won't notice us.

"Let's dance." I said, starting to dance in front of him. He stood there staring at me trying to figure out what was going on. I grabbed his hands and started to make him dance. After a while I broke our a awkward silence, "I'm sorry.."

"For what?" He questioned.

"I was too scared to tell you that I love you." Sasuke's jaw suddenly dropped and his eyes grew wide at what I just said but he soon recovered.

"I love you too Naruto and I'm sorry for hurting you I understand if you stop loving me."


"Thats the problem. I can't. Do you really think you can stop loving someone just like that? No. I love you and I'm willing to risk everything and anything to be with you because everything means nothing if I'm not with you."

"I am willing to too." Sasuke said.

Suddenly me and Sasuke connected eyes, his eyes were a beautiful dark black, just looking at them sent a shiver down my spine. We started to lean in to each other and connected lips. Our kiss wasn't sloppy it was full of love. It was a way of showing each other how ready we were to risk everything.

I put my hands on his cheek to deepen the kiss, in response he slipped his tongue into my mouth. After a while we pulled away to breathe. "You're mine." Sasuke said before smirking.

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