《Naruto's Life》Chapter 1 - The Potion & Curiousity


Chapter 1 : The Potion & Curiousity

"Where....where am I?" Kakashi thought and observing the environment.

"So you finally awake huh?" A voice said.

Kakashi turned to the voice and saw Naruto siting by the side of the bed.

"Naruto? Where am I?" Kakashi said but only barking came out.

"Woah! Chill Dog or wolf? " Naruto said.

"Dog? Wolf? " Kakashi though. He then remember something.


"Lady Tsunade, you summoned me" Kakashi greeted the Fifth Hokage.

"Yes,I need you to drink this potion " Tsunade said.

"What will happened? " Kakashi asked examined the liquid in the bottle.

"It's to turn someone into an animal that match them for henge incase your jutsu sucks! And now I'm making them for the younger generation"Tsunade explained.

"Oh" was What he said as he drank the whole bottle.

Poof! Then there were smoke everywhere, after it was clear they saw a sliver Dog in the middle of the room.

"Wow it work! Now where's that antidote.... " Tsunade said while searching.

"Um... Lady Tsunade you haven't made the antidote... remember " Shizune said.

"What!" Kakashi yelled but all they can hear is barking.

"Sorry Kakashi I gotta make the antidote first....now get out!" And with that Tsunade kick Kakashi out of the Tower.

~End of Flashback~

"I found you at an alley all bruised up, so I bought you here I guess" Naruto said.

'Oh kami why must it be the kucklehead? ' Kakashi though.

"You must be beaten up by a pack of dogs near the market here,you shouldn't go near them they are not really nice. Well for now you will stay here,I would love to send you to Kakashi Sensei but Grandma Tsunade said he went on a mission for about a month or two so I'll be taking care of you."Naruto explained.


Kakashi just looked at Naruto lazily until his stomach growl.

"Hungry huh?" Naruto said as he walked to the kitchen and cooked some Bacons.

After the Bacons were done he put them in a bowl and gave it to Kakashi. Kakashi then swallowed everything, he didn't even know he was so hungry.

"What should I name you?" Naruto asked.

'Oh please don't give me a bad name' Kakashi though.

"Hmm... What about White Fang? " Naruto said.

'What My father?! No way that's happening ' Kakashi shook his head.

"White Fang it is but I'll call you Fang " Naruto said.

"No!" Kakashi growl but Naruto wasn't scared.

"You know you remind me of the White Fang of Konoha, he's My role model, I don't care whether he complete the mission or not, he went back for his comrades. Too bad Konoha doesn't understand, *sigh* I guess world is really cruel after all" Naruto sight.

"Yeah...never leave a comrade behind...dad...Obito " Kakashi though.

Kakashi tried to get up but fall down to the floor.

"You shouldn't move, you're still injured " Naruto said while carrying him and placing him on the bed.

"I place some food and water here so you can get them easily,there has a place where you can do your business and there is the blanket and toys you can play. I'll not be back by 11pm Alright " Naruto said while he henge himself.

Kakashi then looked at him curiously, wondering where he is going and why he henge. And Naruto noticed by the looked of the dog's face.

"You must be wondering why I change myself and where am I going, right?" Naruto asked.

Kakashi just slowly nodded since he can't talk.

"I'm going to work to earn money so I have to henge so people won't know who I am and accept me as a normal person. And I have 2 jobs so I'll be back late." He said while walking to the door.


"Bye!" Naruto said while closing and locking the door.

"Naruto going to work? Maybe if I stay as a Dog I would know more about his life. He isn't that loud? Hmm... something is not right" Kakashi thought as he fell asleep.

*Next Day*

Kakashi woke up and met a daze of the sunlight shining right at him.

"Good morning sleeping beauty!" Naruto said.

Kakashi then got up and stretch and followed Naruto to the kitchen. Naruto then place some dog food that he bought Yesterday after his shift was over.

Kakashi then swallowed everything. He then turned to Naruto and saw him drinking milk and eating toast.

"Hmm... I'm gonna bring you out to meet My Team, after training, I will bring you to the Inuzuka to check your injuries and then we can stroll for awhile to excersize then I'll bring you home while I go to work and do some shopping after that it would be about 3 then I'll go training till 5 if you wanna follow you can. Then we'll have dinner then it's 7 and I'll go to work and come back about 11pm OK?" Naruto said.

Kakashi was surprise that the blonde can make a schedule and was so busy everyday. A wave of guilt came to his body, he felt like he wasn't a good sensei.

'Naruto, I promise when I return I'll be a better sensei ' Kakashi promised in his mind.

After they finished their breakfast they went to the bridge where Team 7 always meet.

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