《Naruto: The Youngest Anbu》Chapter 39


"That would be me," A voice said behind them. Naruto and Deidara bth smirked. Itachi's face however... looked a little... angry... Everyone turned to the source of the voice and found a man around his 20s with red hair and eyes in the form of depression. He was wearing his Akatsuki cloak as he smirked down at them. He jumped off the branch with surprising lightness and stood beside Deidara.


"Why'd you come?" Deidara asked, smiling.

"I was worried something would happen to you." the red-head responded with a flirtatious smirk.

Naruto made a face and anime-puked. "Guys, gets room please." They both blinked at him then looked at each other. They both grinned cheekily as they started doing random shit that aggravated Naruto and destroyed his final brain cell. They dramatically made a scene as they interlaced fingers and started dancing circles around him. Naruto's eyes twitched as he grew a tick mark.

"I swear to god both of you..." Itachi looked away and covered his eyes. Sasuke and Sakura's mouths hung open as Naruto formed a Rasenshuriken in his hand. Dedara took out his clay, Sasori took out his 3rd Kazekage puppet, and Itachi activated his Susanoo.

The Following contains content that develops nothing towards the plot. Readers may feel pain after reading the next section. Reader discretion is advised. Thank you.

Naruto flung his Rasenshuriken and shadow cloned it, making 2 more copies as they sailed towards their targets. Deidara started throwing clay bombs everywhere, exploding everything within a 10 meter radius. Sasori started flinging poisonous needles everywhere and random shit around including pots, pans, a packet of condoms, beef jerky, leftover pot roast, and a spider. Itachi simply sighed and started swishing his susanoo sword around, creating havoc and slicing down trees that could have produced 100 tons of O2 gas in one month.


Sakura and Sasuke stood there in disbelief. A banana peel smacked Sasuke's head and he flinched. He made a faze as he slowly pried the thing off. Sakura tried to hold back her laughter as Sasuke took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.

When almost the whole forest was destroyed, the 3 crazy, metal-ill people finally decided to stop and went on talking as if they didn't just try to kill each other.

"So anyway, have you found him yet?" Naruto asked.

"We are still having trouble pinpointing exactly who he is but we are sre that he is not the original and is an imposter." Itachi sighed.

"All we know is that he must have had some kind of interaction with Madara in his earlier years." Deidara said with his chin in his hands.

"He might also be doing Madara's dirty work, or at least some of it for him." Sasori added.

"Itachi," Naruto asked.


"Do you know a person by the name of Uchiha Obito by any chance?"

"Obito... Oh yes, he was Kakashi-sempai's teammate when he was younger. I heard he died on a mission and was crushed by an avalanche of boulders."

"Do you think perhaps..."

"You're saying..." Itachi started.

"That maybe this Obito person never died..." Deidara continued.

"And maybe he met Madara and somehow was manipulated..." Sasori finished.

Naruto nodded, deep in thought. "But what made him want to join Madara? And if it is Obito that is behind the mask, then what is he planning?"

"We know already that Madara wants to be revived, most likely by Obito, if we're assuming, but what does that have to do with gathering the tailed beasts?" Deidara wondered aloud.

Nobody knew. Not even Naruto.


"Ummm..." Sakura's voice pierced the silence." soooooo... how's your days?" Everyone turned to her. Naruto, Itachi, Deidara, and Sasori smiled apologetically.

"It's been great, thank you." Itachi smiled.

"Sorry about that. We almost forgot you were there. Usually when we meet, our conversations get quite serious, hm," Deidara laughed. Sasori nodded.

"It's fine... What were you talking about anyway?" The 3 Akatsuki members looked at each other, then at Naruto.

"You don't need to worry about anything concerning what we were talking about at the moment. Just focus on your training and I'll tell you both when the time is right." Naruto finished.

"You always say that, Naruto..." Sasuke mumbled.

Naruto laughed half-heartedly, "yeahh... sorry Sasuke, but knowing information of this caliber could pose harm to the both of you. I don't want that, nor can I have that, I need the both of you for the future. Besides, your brains won't be able to handle the information. You're nowhere near smart enough." Naruto teased. Sakura's eyes twitched as she grew a tick mark. Sasuke squeezed his eyes tightly, smiled, and his eyes twitched, but otherwise didn't respond.

Sakura suddenly perked up. "wait, Naruto, before, you said that we would be getting a new teammate. Who is it?"

"Oh, that's right. I forgot to tell you. His name's Sai. He used to be part of the Root under Danzo before the organization got disbanded. He's now working for the Anbu under me and the Hokage but he decided to become a normal ninja for a time." Naruto responded.

"Oh... and what about you?"

"I will continue my duties as commander and continue under the Hokage." Naruto noticed their glum expressions and smiled, "but don't worry, I'll come visit you guys once in a while." They nodded but still looked down.

"Naruto, we should be heading back. Pein would get sus of us." Itachi noted. Naruto nodded. "Be good Sasuke. Don't get into trouble." Itachi poked Sasuke's forehead with 2 fingers as Sasuke winced, but smiled.

"You too Naruto. Don't get into trouble while I'm gone, hm," Deidara laughed.

"Oh please, you know trouble follows me everywhere I go."

After the goodbyes, the 3 Akatsuki members sunshine away. The newly made chunin followed Narruto back to the village just as the sun began to set.

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