《Naruto: The Youngest Anbu》Chapter 26


Both men charged at the group and Tsunami screamed. Naruto sighed as he closed his eyes and sighed. He shook his head with disappointment.

"Really? Never, take an enemy head-on." Naruto said, still shaking his head as they both came closer and closer. They both ignored the blonde and weaved through each other, attempting to confuse them. Although, Naruto saw right through it. He took out a Kunai and threw it at the ceiling a few feet in front of them.

"Where are you aiming kiddo?" One of them sneered. Naruto smirked. Suddenly, they heard a cracking sound coming from the ceiling and both men stopped in their tracks. They looked up and saw that the kunai hit a spot that was right in the middle of a large crack that was formed from the night before. They gasped. Naruto held up 3 fingers. 2 fingers. 1 finger. A fraction of a second later. The house came toppling down. The ceiling collapsed as the poles that were holding the house up cracked from the pressure of the ceiling. Naruto linked the chakra with everyone that was touching him and since he already linked his chakra with Sasuke and Zabuza from the mind link, he was able to connect them to himself. Kurama poofed and returned back to Naruto's stomach. He then teleported everyone outside of the house. Everyone was surprised. One second they were in the house, the next they were outside. Everyone immediately knew that Naruto was the one that was behind the teleportation. Everyone looked at the house as it collapsed. Tsunami, Tazuna, and Inari stared at the house with sad eyes.

"Sorry about the house Tsunami-san, Tazuna-san. I'll make you another one or rebuild it after this is all over." Naruto apologized. They both looked at him and nodded. "Guys lets go. Gato's at the bridge." Naruto said as he looked at his team. They all nodded and followed him. When they got there, they saw a short and plump man in a suit standing in front of an army of flimsy and unkept rogue ninja.


"Well, well, well. You finally showed yourself." Gato sneered.

Naruto rolled his eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me!!!" Gato yelled, "You can't defeat me!!!"

"ATTACK!!!!" Gato yelled. Everyone behind Gato gave their "war cry" and started running over to Team 7.

"Ready?" Naruto smiled.

"Let's go," Sasuke smirked. Sakura, Haku, Zabuza, and Kakashi all smiled and nodded. They all went into fighting stances and ran towards the rogue ninja with their arms straight behind them. They all clashed in the middle of the battlefield.

Naruto threw 5 kunai in the air and then 5 more followed. All ten Kunai clashed together and was sent off into 10 different direction. All of them hit their marks. All 10 ninja stumbled backward and hit into 20 others. Sakura engaged into hand to hand combat with a few others. She used her exceptional chakra control and sent chakra to her fists and feet to strengthen her punches and kicks. Sasuke used the Fire style and hand to hand combat. Kakashi also used hand to hand combat and other A-S rank jutsus. Haku used his ice mirrors and Zabuza used his kenjutsu. Within a few seconds, everyone was dead except for Gato. Each time his men went down in numbers, his face paled more and more. Finally, after every one of his men was down, he was stumbling backward, sputtering absolute nonsense. Naruto advanced toward the little man as Gato backed up. Finally, he backed up towards the railing and as he bumped into it, he looked down towards the water underneath.

"Naruto," Kakashi called out.

"Hm?" Naruto responded not looking back.

"Keep him alive. We might be able to get some information out of him."

"Uggg. Fine." Naruto grumbled. He continued to advance until he was standing over the plump man. Gato was cowering under Naruto's sharp and cold glare. Naruto sighed and kneed the man in the gut. He slammed his arm into the man's back and made him fall, stomach first. When he made an impact with the ground, there was a loud thud that came with it. When Gato was falling, Naruto swiftly grabbed his arm and when he hit the ground, he pulled the arm back and after a second, came a loud crack, and Gato screamed in pain.


"Tch," Naruto said as he chopped the man in the neck, making him fall unconscious. Naruto sighed as he put a foot on the man's stomach and turned his head toward his teammates. "Let's go." Everyone nodded and they started to head back to Tazuna's... house... When they got there, they saw Tsunami, Tazuna, and Inari standing there waiting for them.

"Naruto nii-chan!! You did it!!! You defeated Gato!!!" Inari yelled as he ran over to the blonde.

Naruto smiled. "Of course. Well, don't forget my teammates." Inari laughed and looked at their team. Tazuna and Tsunami bowed their heads.

"Thank you all so much," Tazuna said.

"Yes, thank you all so much," Tsunami added.

"No problem." Kakashi smiled along with the rest of the team. Naruto stood up and ruffled Inari's hair. "Now my question for you two is if you want me to just reconstruct it and replicate it using what is left of the house or rebuild a better and bigger one."

Tsunami looked at her father with hopeful eyes. Tazuna immediately understood.

"We don't want another house. We have too many memories in this house to just have it replaced."

"I thought as much," Naruto smiled. "Moukton: Restoration jutsu!" Naruto yelled as he fused both his hands together. Suddenly, the pieces of the original house, and as if by magic, pieced themselves together. The wood came together and new poles were reconstructed. The roof and the doors, as well as everything that collapsed, formed into the original house that held oh so many memories for the family. A few moments later, the house was back to how it was before.

"Oh, thank you so, so much Naruto." We owe you big time." Tsunami thanked while bowing her head. Tazuna was shocked but also bowed and thanked them for saving his life as well as his family and the village.

"No problem." Naruto smiled. The rest of team 7, along with Haku and Zabuza bowed and received their thanks. "Anyway, we should get going," Naruto said as he looked at the sun. It was about 8:00.

"Well, actually, you didn't have breakfast yet did you?" Tsunami asked. Team 7 looked at each other and nodded. "Well then, how about you guys have breakfast before you leave." The team looked at each other again and shrugged. They turned towards Tsunami and smiled.

"Sure," Sakura grinned.

"Hn," Sasuke answered.

"Sure, why not," Kakashi said as he gave his infamous eye smile.

"Okay," Haku replied smiling. Zabuza nodded.

They all turned towards Naruto for his answer. Naruto shrugged, "Sure why not." Tsunami clapped her hands together in excitement.

"Great! I'll get that started. Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes." Tsunami said cheerily as she rushed back into the newly built house. Naruto smiled and shook his head. They all laughed as they calmly walked back to the house.

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