《Naruto: The Youngest Anbu》Chapter 22


About 1 and a half days later...

Team 7, along with Tazuna, Haku, and Zabuza finally got to the Village Hidden in the waves. They all decided that they were going to stay at Tazuna's house for the remainder of the mission.

"I'm home," Tazuna said to his daughter.

"Oh, welcome home!" the lady answered with a smile on her face.

"Ji-chan!!! Welcome home!" A little boy around the age of 8 said as he ran up to his grandfather and hugged him.

"Oh, Inari!." Tazuna laughed.

"Father? Who are they?" Tsunami asked.

"They are hidden leaf ninja that are here to protect me," Tazuna explained. After hearing this, Inari suddenly has a drastic change in mood. He scowled and clenched his fists. Suddenly, out of nowhere, he ran upstairs while tears started streaming out of his eyes. Everybody watched as he ran up the step and then they heard a door slam.

"I'm sorry, Inari can be a little bit... I'll go talk to him." Tsunami reassured as she looked at everyone apologetically. Everyone nodded and went back to doing what they were doing.

Team 7, along with Haku and Zabuza had gotten unpacked. The sleeping arrangements go like this: Naruto and Sasuke in one room, Kakashi gets his own room, Haku and Zabuza share a room, and Sakura gets her own room because she's the only girl in a group of boys and she needs her privacy and safety from Kakashi the pedo. After everybody unpacked, Kakashi called everyone outside for training.

"Okay, today, I will teach you how to climb a tree, but this time, without using hands, chakra only. Kakashi explained as he looked at Sakura and Sasuke.

They both nodded and then turned their heads towards Naruto.

"Oh, well, I have my own training to accomplish, I would show you but it's too cruel and grueling so I don't think you will be up to the task yet. Maybe I'll show you later." Naruto said with a slight smile.


"Oh, come on Naruto, show us!!!" Sakura laughed.

"It's really gruesome and tiring..." Naruto trailed off.

"It's okay we can handle it!" Sakura said enthusiastically. Naruto looked towards Kakashi.

'Oh no. Their genin bodies are nowhere near ready for Naruto's training. I've done it before and is extremely...'

"Taichou?" Inu asked Kitsune.

"Hai? Do you need anything?" Kitsune replied turning his head towards his subordinate.

"I realize that this is considered an SSS rank secret but can you tell me who you really are, behind the mask?" Kitsune hesitated for a second and then sighed.

"Fine, but if you tell anyone without my consent, then I will kill you," Kitsune said with a cold voice.

"H-hai..." Kakashi stammered behind his mask.

"Follow me," Kitsune commanded. Inu nodded and followed his commander as he jumped away.

Kitsune stopped when they were about a mile away from Konoha. "As I said before, if you tell anyone about my identity, I will not hesitate to kill you, although if I do decide to kill you, I will make it quick and painless, unlike my other victims." A shiver went down Inu's spine and he nodded.

"Take your mask off first," Kitsune ordered. Kakashi did as he was told and revealed his Sharingan that was gifted to him by his former teammate, Uchiha Obito who had died while trying to protect him. Kitsune sighed and took off his mask after hesitating for a few moments. Under the mask, the feared and cold-blooded Anbu commander, the one known to be able to have the stamina of a whole ninja village and able to fight up to 3 villages combined (including kages), the one who is at the top of the bingo book, and the one who is known to be even stronger than the previous Kage was none other than a 10-year-old boy whom he has taken care of and thought of as a little brother.

"N-na-naruto..." Kakashi stammered with disbelief, eyes wide.


Naruto closed his eyes and reopened them, "Yes, Kakashi-nii, it's me." Kakashi's eyes were still wide with surprise. "But, I am a person of my word, if you tell anyone of my identity, I will kill you." Kakashi nodded and gulped. After that, Naruto's cold face softened and he smiled as a breeze hit and washed over Naruto's face, ruffling his hair and enhancing the beauty and alluring features of the blondie.

"Hey, Naruto?" Kakashi asked.


"Can I join in on your training?"

"Umm... Are you sure, It's... gruesome..." Naruto tapered off. Kakashi nodded.

Naruto sighed, "Fine, but don't sue me if you're in the hospital after the training." Kakashi gulped instantly regretting his decision. "Follow me," Naruto ordered and jumped away. Kakashi followed a second later.

"Now Kakashi, this is not just light training that you see me do sometimes, this is training that I do in secret and no one knows about, it is some of the most hardcore training that is on the planet. Understand?" Kakashi nodded in response. "Right, warm-up, 50 miles, 5 minutes. Got it?" Kakashi's eyes widened, "50 miles... 5 MINUTES??!!!!!" Naruto nodded and started running at Kage level speed. Kakashi started running too, barely able to catch up. He had to slow down a few times and Naruto had to stop to wait for him.

50 miles were finally done. Kakashi was panting and beads of sweat were running down his face. Naruto, on the other hand, looked like he didn't even break a sweat. Naruto looked at Kakashi and sighed.

"I'll give you 30 seconds. Here," Naruto said as he handed Kakashi a water bottle. Kakashi gladly took it and drank from it.

Kakashi had somewhat recovered from before but was still trying to catch his breath.

"1000, crunches, 1000, push-ups, 1000 squats, and 20-minute plank," Naruto said shocking Kakashi even more.

Kakashi managed to do everything but his abs hurt an are going to be sore for weeks. The same could be said for his legs. They were wobbly and felt like spaghetti.

"Great, warm-up is done, time for the real deal." Naruto smiled. Kakashi dropped his head and crouched down. He curled his head into his legs and shoved himself into a corner. Naruto laughed.

"Aww, Kakashi-nii, come on. Fine, I'll give you 2 options. 1: you can quit and just watch or 2: keep going."

"Ummm........ I think I'll go for the first one..." Kakashi sighed with defeat.

Naruto laughed again, "Fine."

Naruto grabbed the collar of his shirt and lifted it up to wipe his face of sweat revealing his abdomen in the process. Kakashi's eyes went wide. Naruto's chest and abdomen were extremely toned and you could clearly see a six-pack. After wiping his face, Naruto let his shirt down, covering his chest once again. Kakashi was shocked during the whole 5 hours that he was watching Naruto. Naruto had probably created 10-20 S-SS rank jutsu's during that time. Naruto was also seen using Moukton, or wood style, something that the First Hokage was well known for. After seeing this, Kakashi's respect for his Taichou escalated even more than it already was which didn't seem remotely possible. Naruto sighed and looked at Kakashi. "I'm going to get some ramen, wanna come?" Kakashi nodded and followed the blondie to Ichiraku right after Naruto dispelled his 4000 clones.

"Sorry little genins, but I don't think you will be able to handle Naruto's training. Even I couldn't handle it... I nearly went to the hospital from Naruto's training," Kakashi admitted. Sakura and Sasuke were dumbfounded. 'Even our sensei couldn't handle it...' they both thought.

Naruto smiled guiltily and scratched his head, "Gomen. Maybe next time." The raven and pinket both nodded, still speechless. Naruto sighed and walked away towards the forest, leaving his teammates to train with his subordinate.

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