《Naruto: The Youngest Anbu》Chapter 20


Naruto headed back home after meeting with his older brother. When he got to his apartment, Tora was already awake and eating out of her bowl. The moment Naruto opened his door, Tora ran to the blondie and jumped up onto him.

"Woah! Tora, calm down!" Naruto said laughing.

"Meow!!!" Tora cried happily. Naruto laughed and finally put his cat down. He got dressed and had a quick apple for breakfast. It was 6:59 and he still had 5 seconds left till 7:00. Naruto took 1 second to make a shadow cone that already knew Naruto's intentions since their minds were connected, 2 seconds to seal his apartment and the last 2 seconds to make an incision in space-time and manipulated the chakra to travel to the gates of Konoha.

I was standing near the Konoha gates waiting for Naruto to arrive along with the bridge builder, Tazuna, Sakura, and Kakashi, yes Kakashi. Probably because he was frightened of Naruto's outburst yesterday. Out of nowhere, Naruto suddenly appeared as if out of thin air. Everyone was scared shitless and jumped.

'How did he do that? What the hell!!!'

"Oh, you are all here already?" Naruto asked.

I couldn't say anything due to the shock but Sakura actually manages to say something. "Er, yes, well..."

"Look, I'm sorry about yesterday okay?" Naruto sighed while massaging his temple. "I've got secrets that don't need to be known to you guys yet, but I have a feeling you'll know very soon." Both Sakura and I were confuzzled but when I turned to Kakashi-sensei, he looked at Naruto as if he understood everything that was going on. Tazuna just stood there with fear and confusion mixed in his face. I was even more confuzzled.

"Well anyway, let's go." Naruto sighed as he turned and started walking.


After a few seconds, all the rest of the team followed behind. A few minutes into the journey both Naruto and Kakashi spotted a puddle near the middle of the path. Naruto sighed and suddenly stopped. "You guys go on ahead, I'll catch up to you." Tazuna, Sasuke, and Sakura turned around, confused at what Naruto said.

"What's wrong?" Sasuke asked.

"I have something to take care of, I'll catch up to you soon," Naruto explained. Sasuke, Sakura and Tazuna were all confused but obliged. Kakashi hung around for a second longer to exchange a glance with Naruto.

"What is it Naruto," Kakashi asked through the link.

"The demon brothers," Naruto responded with a sigh. Kakashi sighed as well. "Just go on ahead, I'll catch up. I need to teach these boys a lesson." Kakashi nodded and left.

"Oi, Gōzu, Meizu, are you idiots or what? Your disguise is way too obvious." Naruto sighed with disappointment. Suddenly, the puddle disappeared, and in its place were two men in fighting stances.

"Ohh? Who are you, idiots?" Gōzu sneered. Naruto sighed and took out his Anbu mask. He put the mask over his face and looked up. The moments the brothers saw the mask, the stiffened. They immediately got down on their knees and bowed down.

"We are sorry, please forgive us!" They both yelled.

"Guys, what the hell. Are you really still going around killing people?" Naruto inquired with disgust. They both looked down with shame.

Naruto sighed, "Fine, Go back to Konoha, I will write a letter to the Hokage stating that you will be put behind bars for only a few weeks for the murders and then set free. Then, I will give you some money to restart your life, either inside or outside of Konoha, the choice is yours." The demon brother, after hearing this, started tearing up and ran over to Naruto. They picked him up and hugged the breath out of him.


"O-Oi, c-can't b-br- breath!!!" Naruto managed to gasp out. The brothers noticed and immediately put the blondie down. Naruto gasped for air. After a few seconds, Naruto took out a scroll and some ink, he began writing. After the letter was done he sealed it up and handed it to Meizu, "Do not lose this, I have a chakra stamp on it so it proves that it's the real me. When you get to the gates, show the guards the letter and they'll let you pass. Then, immediately go to the Hokage's office and give the letter to him, You will be immediately taken away into custody but know that there will be no torturing, maybe you will be brought in for questioning or something but if you give the truthful answer to everything they ask you, you won't be tortured. Understand? Remember that your time behind bars will only be a few weeks at most. When I get back from my mission, I will check up on both of you." They both nodded and went back down on their hands and knees.

"Arigato Kitsune-sama!" They both said in unison. Naruto sighed.

"Hai, hai, you better get going." I'll see you both soon." The brothers both nodded and jumped away.

"Well that was something wasn't it Kurama?" Naruto said, exasperated.

"Yeah, you're probably right, but you know, I can be the most ruthless person on this earth if I'm in the mood for it."

Naruto smirked.

"Nah, not yet," Naruto replied as he started to walk towards his team shoving his hands into his pockets, "I don't know what to think of him at the moment. He seems alright and quite attractive but I don't know, I don't think I like him the way he likes me at the moment."

"Oh, shut it you oversized bag of orange cotton that could make a blanket that covered the whole entire ninja world," Naruto growled playfully.

Naruto smiled, "I don't know what I would do without you furball." Naruto whispered under his breath.

"Oh, shut it." Naruto pouted as he looked away. This just caused Kurama to laugh even more and then smile.

Naruto smiled at his friend and one of the only ones he truly called family. Kurama was there for him no matter what and kept watch over him for the entirety of his life, acting as a father figure in a way. Naruto was truly grateful for the 1000+ year old fox and was thankful for having someone such as Kurama in his life.

"Arigato, Kurama," Naruto whispered as he finally saw his team in the near distance, "For always being there for me..."

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