《Naruto: The Youngest Anbu》Chapter 13


The next morning went by the same way as it did any other day, get up at about 4, morning routine, train for 2-3 hours, go back home, eat, put on the hideous orange jumpsuit, and go meet his team. Although today was a little different, he almost forgot that he now had a cat to take care of. When Naruto came back home at around 7, Tora was pissed. She was running all over the place, clawing, and breaking stuff. The moment Naruto walked through his door, Tora came running at him like a mad man and jumped on him.

"Woah, Woah, calm down girl!" Naruto yelled, surprised.

"MEOW!!!!" Tora responded. Naruto shook his head, exasperated, and stroked her fur. "There there, I'm sorry. I should've fed you, sorry about that." Naruto smiled as he continued to stroke her fur. Tora calmed down and started purring and leaning into the blondie's touch. Naruto sighed and finally put the cat down, he went into the kitchen and got Tora's bowl, put some cat food in it and placed it near the corner of the kitchen. Tora happily walked over to the food and quickly ate it without hesitation. Naruto smiled and started making his own breakfast. He scrambled some eggs and cooked some bacon. The whole apartment smelled like heaven. Everyone who was walking past paused to smell the aroma in the air, wishing they could eat whatever was creating that smell. Suddenly, Kakashi burst through the window.

"GIVE!!!!" Kakashi yelled.

"What the hell Kakashi, don't go barging into my house!" Naruto yelled back. When Kakashi came in, Tora jumped 15 feet into the air, startled. She then turned her head and saw a man with gravity-defying hair and grew a tick mark. She ran at the intruder and started clawing him to death.

"AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Kakashi screamed waking up the whole village.

"Kakashi shut the hell up!" Naruto commanded.

Kakashi's face went red with embarrassment as he tried to get the cat out of his face. His mask was already scratched and on the verge of falling off. Naruto already knew what his face looked like behind the mask anyway so he wasn't bothered. Kakashi, after struggling for a few minutes, lowered his head and bowed to his superior. "H-hai, Taichou..." Naruto sighed and shook his head laughing. Tora was now on the ground still growling at Kakashi. Naruto chuckled, bent down, and picked up the cat.


"Calm down Tora, don't worry, he won't hurt me, he can't hurt me," Naruto smirked as he looked at his subordinate. Tora looked at him, and then at Kakashi, still suspicious, she finally gave the jonin a death glare signaling to him that if he dares put one finger on her owner, then she will claw his face out and make him feel the wrath of a true demon. Kakashi shivered as he looked away from the cat. Naruto saw how overprotective his new cat was and laughed so hard he fell to the floor.

"BAHHAHAHAH HAAAAHAHAHAAA!!!!!" Naruto laughed as he rolled on the floor.

"Shut up Taichou..." Kakashi muttered.

Tora heard and growled at him. Kakashi shivered again and immediately shut his mouth up.

"So, you want food again?" Naruto asked when he finally somewhat gained his composure.

"Well, your food smelled good again and I couldn't help myself." Kakashi smiled guiltily.

"Ugg, fine. You're lucky I made extra." Naruto rolled his eyes.

Kakashi's eyes started to shine as he started tearing up. He ran at the blondie and brought him into a bear hug, squeezing him to death.

"O-oi, Kakashi, what are you doing?! Let go of me!!!" Naruto yelled.

Tora growled again and Kakashi immediately let go of his Anbu captain. He scratched his head. "Hahaha... Sorry..." Naruto glared at him but finally sighed and decided ignore it and spare his subordinate's life.

"Whatever, just sit at the table." Naruto rolled his eyes.

Kakashi nodded and slowly stalked over to the dining table. Tora was closely watching his every step and every move to see if he was up to anything fishy. Kakashi nervously sat down at the table and let out a sigh of relief. A few moments later, Naruto came over with 2 plates, and 2 forks in hand, he placed one down for Kakashi and the other one for himself. Tora jumped into Naruto's lap and continued to eye Kakashi while she placed her head down.

"Itadakimasu." They both said in unison and began digging into the meal. Tora finally somewhat relaxed and closed her eyes. They both ate in a comfortable silence as they both finally finished.

"Gochisōsamadeshita. (Thank you for the meal)" Naruto stood up, collected the plates, and put them in the sink. He then did the shadow clone jutsu and made it do the dishes and take care of Tora as well as the house. The clone sighed but complied. They left the house and shunshined to the Hokage's office. By this time, it was 8:00 and the time that Kakashi wanted them to meet. For once Kakashi is not late, but only because of the delicious aroma of Naruto's food. When they got to the Hokage's office, Sasuke and Sakura were already there. They saw Naruto and Kakashi together and gaped.


"KAKASHI IS EARLY FOR ONCE!!!!!!!" Sakura yelled, disbelievingly. Sasuke was also at a loss for words. Naruto smirked and looked at Kakashi.

"Well, my breakfast attracted him to my house and he forced me to feed him, yes, you heard me right. Me, a child, was forced to feed a grown man. A GROWN MAN!" Naruto sighed shaking his head. Sasuke and Sakura then stared at Kakashi, also shaking their heads with disappointment. Kakashi sweatdropped. I think I'm losing my dignity here. After that, they all barged into the office without knocking, fully startling the old man who was being a closet pervert and secretly reading his Icha Icha Paradise and making him scream like a girl. Naruto and his teammates sweatdropped for like the hundredth time today. Naruto sighed.

"Oi, Jiji, just do your paperwork with shadow clones or something, like come on!" Naruto said, disappointed.

"Oh, my God, Naruto you are a genius," Lord third said, immediately making 3 shadow clones and told them to start all the paperwork. Naruto facepalmed.

"Anyway, Jiji, can you give us another mission? And a harder one this time, not some low-level babysitting or whatever. Besides, I'm with them on the mission so no one will be killed." The Hokage's eyes widened, "Do they know who you are?" Hiruzen asked through the link. "No, not yet, well not fully, I have been dropping hints so they do know something fishy is going on with me."

Hiruzen nodded. "Okay, fine. I will give you a C-rank mission. You will be transporting a bridge-builder to the land of waves. Tazuna-san, please come in." Suddenly an old man with grey hair and a grey beard walked in. He reeked of alcohol and looked to be drunk.

"Really... I asked for better ninja and all I get are three kids? Especially the blond one, he looks weak and pathetic and completely stupid." The man slurred. Suddenly, the room got cold. Both Hiruzen and Kakashi got shivers down their spines. They were nervous as they slowly turned their heads to Naruto. Both Sasuke and Sakura felt it too and also instinctively turned at Naruto.

"Oh, old man really. I wonder about that..." Suddenly, the Hokage's office began to shake and cracks formed along the walls. Sasuke and Sakura's eyes widened until it looked like it was about to pop out of its sockets. The whole building began to shake and a purple aura formed around Naruto. Tazuna's eyes widened.

"N-Naruto, please calm down..." Hiruzen said nervously. Sakura and Sasuke both were thinking the same exact thing: WHAT THE FUCKING HELL IS GOING ON???!!!!! Why is the Hokage nervous? Why is the building shaking? Why is there a purple aura around Naruto? WHAT IS GOING ON???!!!

"I will not be insulted," Naruto growled. Tazuna shivered.

"I-I am very sorry. I-I shouldn't have insulted you." Tazuna apologized nervously. Kakashi and Hiruzen let out a breath that they didn't realize they were holding.

"Hn," Naruto replied letting his aura subside. "Sorry, about the building Jiji, I'll fix it later."

"N-No problem..." Hiruzen stammered.

"Kakashi, we leave at 7:00 sharp tomorrow morning, understand? Don't be late and by the way, that's an order." Naruto said in his commander's voice.

"H-Hai," Kakashi responded, not wanting to anger his Taichou any more than he already is.

"By the way, that goes for you two as well." Naruto added as he turned towards Sasuke and Sakura. Sakura nodded frantically, Sasuke just simply nodded, still shocked from before. Naruto sighed, turned, and left the office, leaving a nervous Kakashi, a freaked out 3rd Hokage, and 2 confuzzled 12 year-olds that just want some answers, for example: WHAT THE MOTHER FUCKING, GOD DAMN MADAGASCAR IS FUCKING GOING ON!!!!!!??????

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