《Naruto: The Youngest Anbu》Chapter 11


The timer finally went off. As if right on cue, Naruto leaped out of the trees and into the training ground. He saw both Sasuke and Sakura meditating. The bento boxes were left untouched. Naruto looked at the 2 and sighed, knowing exactly what went through their heads.

He sighed and called out to them. "Oi, Sasuke, Sakura." They both opened their eyes and looked at him. They stood up and walked over to him. Suddenly, Kakashi poofed up out of nowhere. He was surprised. Normally, students would fully take advantage of the bento boxes and devour them behind their sensei's back thinking that Kakashi won't find out or that he didn't know since he told them not to have breakfast, but these kids, (not including Naruto because Kakashi knew he would give the bento boxes to his teammates since he knows that they don't know hunger as he does and that he is used to it) completely ignored the food. He sighed. They technically didn't break any rules but they didn't get the bells either.

"Kakashi-Sensei!!!" Sakura exclaimed.

"I see you didn't eat the bento boxes." Kakashi pointed out.

"Well yeah, I lost my appetite," Sasuke answered.

"I did as well," Sakura added.

"Naruto, what about you?" Kakashi asked, already knowing the answer.

"Well, I just didn't feel hungry so I just gave the bento to my teammates," Naruto answered.

"Well, you all did well, but you didn't get the bells, did you?" Kakashi asked.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that Kakashi-sensei," Naruto smirked.

"What are you talking about?" Kakashi asked bewildered.

"Kai!" Naruto yelled. Suddenly the bells disappeared from Kakashi's waist. Kakashi's eyes widened.

"When???" Kakashi asked surprised.

"Kakashi looked up and saw them smirking."

"You want me to explain?" Naruto asked his teammates.

"Sure," Sakura exclaimed giving him a smile.

"Hn," Sasuke answered while smirking.

"Okay, then, get ready for storytime Kakahi," Naruto said in a singsong voice. Kakashi sighed.

"Do you remember when I poofed up into smoke and you realized that the one that was fighting you was a shadow clone?" Naruto asked.


Naruto poofed up into smoke, Kakashi cursed at himself for not knowing better and reminding himself that this was his Taichou that he was fighting.

"Sasuke hold on a second. Before we go get her, let me help you fully conceal your chakra or else Kakashi will immediately find us." Naruto explained to the raven.


"But I already did that," Sasuke told him.

"Yes, I know but although you concealed most of your chakra, it is not enough and for someone as high of a level as Kakashi-sensei, he would easily find you," Naruto explained.

"Naruto, who are you really, you don't seem like a genin at all, you have shown Kage level strength and your demeanor is very leader-like and commanding at times. Just who are you Naruto?" Sasuke asked trying to get to the bottom of things.

"You will find out some time Sasuke, maybe sooner than you think, but that is something that I can't tell you right now, as well as other things," Naruto smirked.

Sasuke frowned. "Tell me what?"

"Hn, well as I said before, you will find out sooner or later." Naruto softly smiled thinking about Sasuke's older brother.

Sasuke noticed and slightly blushed at his teammate's glazed over and smiling, gentle face.

"Anyway, come here," Sasuke did as he was told and walked closer to Naruto. Naruto put his hand on Sasuke's chest and channeled his chakra and linked it to Sasuke's. He then made an invisible barrier that surrounded Sasuke's chakra which completely concealed it without suppressing it. Naruto removed his hand from Sasuke's chest and looked at Sasuke and then realized that their heads were extremely close. Naruto quickly backed away and tried to suppress his blush. Sasuke did the same but failed.

"Let's go," Naruto said while quickly jumping away. Sasuke quickly followed. They immediately found Sakura because her chakra was not well hidden just like Sasuke's.

"Oi, Sakura." Naruto greeted.

"Naruto... Sasuke-kun!!!!!" Sakura exclaimed. Naruto put a hand up to his lips and shushed her. He looked at Sasuke to give her the explanation. Sasuke nodded.

"Sakura, Naruto told me that the true meaning of the bell test is to test our teamwork. Naruto is going to make a link for each of us that is similar to the Yamanaka clan's jutsu but just a more advanced version. The link allows us to talk to each other mentally and at any range or distance. Naruto has already made a link for me and now for you as well. By the way, the only reason I'm the one telling you this is that if Naruto was the one that told you, then you wouldn't listen and start talking nonsense and being obnoxious." Sasuke explained. Sakura just nodded. Naruto walked up to her put his hand on her forehead, he then did the same thing to Sakura, what he did to Sasuke.


"Oi, can you hear me?" Naruto asked through the link with Sakura. Sakura's eyes widened and nodded.

"Good." Naruto then put both his hands on both Sasuke and Sakura's forehead and then linked his chakra, Sasuke's chakra, and Sakura's chakra together.

"Hey, now, all three of us are connected." Both their eyes widened even more. Naruto rolled his eyes and told Sakura through the link that he needs to conceal her chakra or else Kakashi will find them. Sakura just nodded again and walked closer to Naruto. He put his hand on her chest (which was awkward for both of them but Naruto not as much because he has done this with other female anbu in training members before, Sakura just flinched because of the uncomfortable position, Sasuke, on the other hand, was internally fuming). After the Naruto was done, he quickly removed his hand from Sakura's flat chest.

"Right, down to business. Here's the plan. Sakura, I want you to start the whole plan off. When Kakashi-sensei arrives at the training ground, I want you to silently leap into the air above Kakashi-sensei and try to punch him, I want you to try to channel chakra to your fist to make the blow even stronger, if it hits Kakashi that is, but it most likely won't and he will instinctively dodge to his right because from my fight with him, as well as other experiences, he is right-handed, although, if he really does dodge to his left then I will be sure to put a few shadow clone in the area just in case. Sasuke, the moment he reaches your line of sight and you see him land on a branch or whatever, I want you to run right behind him and startle him making him turn his head behind him to see who it is. By now, I will have a marking a few meters away from where Kakashi sensei would supposedly land. The marking is kind of like the fourth Hokage's hiraishin no jutsu. Then, with his head turned and my chakra masked, I will teleport to the first marking which is on Kakashi-sensei, I put the marking on him during my fight with him by the way, and immediately after I teleport over to him, I will grab the bells and quickly teleport over to the second marking which is the one a few meters away and meet up with you guys. Am I clear and are there any objections?" Naruto explained through the link.

They looked at him, stunned, and shook their head, clarifying that there are no objections. They then began the plan and successfully carried it out with no bumps in the road.

Kakashi looked at them, stunned and at a loss for words. Finally, when he finally composed himself, he smiled, "Congratulations, you all passed with flying colors. Not only did you not break the rules, but you also demonstrated the quality of teamwork which, as you probably know by now, is the true meaning of the test. Sakura cheered, Sasuke smiled, and Naruto sighed. Tomorrow, we will be going on simple D-rank missions so meet me at the Hokage tower at 8:00. Kakashi then shunshined away. Naruto sighed and told his teammates to get there at 10:00 instead and they both nodded in agreement. Naruto started to walk away when Sakura stopped him.

"Ano, Naruto..."


"I'm sorry for what I said to you earlier. That is rude and disrespectful of me and I am really sorry. I hope you can forgive me..." Sakura trailed off.

Naruto looked at her and smiled, "It's alright, I forgive you. Don't worry about it."

"H-hontoni????!!!!! Arigato Naruto!!!!" Sakura beamed.

"Hai-hai, see you tomorrow," Naruto said while he turned around and left.

"Hey, Sasuke?"


"You like him don't you?"

Sasuke's face turned red and he looked away.

Sakura looked at him and laughed "By that reaction, I'm guessing yes then."

"Was it really that obvious?" Sasuke sighed.

"Yeah, it kinda was." Sakura giggled.

Sasuke sighed again. "Fine, I admit it, yes I do like him..."

Sakura smiled. "Hey Sasuke, by the way, just for your information, I got over you and I don't like you in that way anymore."

Sasuke looked at her, "That's great, one less fangirl to have to deal with."

Sakura then burst into laughter and Sasuke grinned as well.

"Well I hope we can be friends Sasuke," Sakura said, finally composing herself.

"Hn. Thats fine I guess."

"Great, well glad that cleared the air, anyway, see you tomorrow Sasuke." Sakura waved as she began to run home.

"Hn," Sasuke answered but waved back.

Sasuke sighed as he walked home, trying to gather his thoughts about today. What was especially nagging him was what Naruto told him earlier. What did Naruto want to tell him and what is he hiding?

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