《Naruto: The Best ANBU》Chapter 3


Naruto pov

The two ANBU and I have found the bandits hideout and are now hiding in the trees waiting for the prefect time to attack. There were three males. One looking no older than 6. There were also two female that looked to be around 7 or 8. 'Perhaps their twins' Kurama said 'Yeah but what are those kids doing with the bandits?' I questioned. After a while the bandits went to the center of the camp to eat or something.

The kids looked scared to death of the bandits. One of the girls was holding her arm as if had been badly injured or broken, with tears in her eyes. I signaled my teammates to get ready for attack.

One the count of three we all jumped from the trees and while Weasel and Fox charged strait at the men, Dog went to the children so we could take them back to the Leaf with use.

~Little Time Skip~

"That was not that hard. Right guys?" Dog asked "SPEAK FOR YOURSELF!! YOU DID NOT EVEN FIGHT!" Weasel shouted back I just laughed at that. "Oh, come now dear Weasel, it was not THAT hard." i said. He then continued to glare at me and I just laughed at that. "Over course it was not that hard for you Killer Fox!" This time, me and Dog broke down laughing at him. After a few minutes, I said "We should probably get going now"

With that, I took the little boy on my back while Weasel and Dog took the girls. We ran back to Konohakure and into the Hokages office. I knocked on the door and heard a 'come in'. We walked into his office and put the children down. I said "We found these three with the bandits. It seems like they took the children after killing their family's." The 3rd turn to the children and asked if this was true. One of the girls responded with a 'yes sir' The Third then asked the children were they were from.


The children looked at each other then the little boy said "We do not know, sir" "What are your names?" The Third asked "I am Paku Oku"said one of the girls that had light brown hair all the way to her mid back and dark brown eyes. "I'm Roa Oku" the other girl said. She had short dark brown hair and light brown eyes. "We are twins! I'm/Paku's older!!" the two girls exclaimed in Union.

"I'm Yuki Uzumaki" the boy said in a little quiet voice. He had dark red hair and blue eyes almost like Naruto's. "As in the Uzumaki clan?" The Third asked. "Y-yes" The boy stuttered. Everyone's eyes widen. "Then you shall stay with Fox." The Third said "BUT SIR! My apartment is not suited to raise a child!!" Fox said/shouted. Yuki flinched. "You did not let me finish." The Hokage said. "You two will be staying at Dog's house for the time being. Now, take off your masks to show who you are to the children." The Hokage finished. Fox huffed as he took his mask off. He then took off his face mask covering his nose and mouth. He then said, "I am Naruto Uzumaki, same as you." he said to the child . Said child was stunned to say the least. Then Dog took off his mask. "I am Kakashi Hatake" he said. Then Weasel took off his mask, "I am Itachi Uchiha" he said.

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