《to Learn about a Lucy. (Fairy Tail Fanfic)》12. Natsu vs Yuka the Wave User
"If this world was a story, and we were the actors— what kind of purpose would Gray serve, as a character?"
It's an arbitrary question, Loke and Levy in the kitchen making drinks for everyone while the others rest up in the hall, mulling in their own thoughts.
"I don't want to think of things so metaphysically," Levy says.
"Just humour me," Loke prompts.
Levy sighs, leaning on the kitchen island, resting her chin between her hands.
"If this were all just a grand epic in the making... and those memory discs were episodes, lined up in a storytelling fantasy..."
Clearly, she's thought of it.
It's come to mind, especially with how each episode was framed.
"...then Gray would be the first turning point of the story," she says. "The mark of tonal change— it's the point where the story stops being a comfortable 'comedy' that gets the reader settled in the setting. From now on, it'll be genuine developments, serious action, tension-filled drama that has the potential to actually change the world around us."
She falls silent after saying it.
It was horrible to think of themselves as just characters in a show, being toyed around with and exposed to the consequences of their errors, just for some momentary tension.
Did they exist just to entertain the world? To be watched in a small hall?
(It was kind of pathetic. Maybe Loke, too, was only suffering so one day he'll be spoken of as simply a dumb lion in a cautionary tale.)
"If this world were a story, Lucy would be the main character," Levy says. "And Natsu, right beside her... Gray and Erza, they would make a great cast, don't you think?"
She doesn't even consider herself for a second.
"I don't want to think of things so metaphysically," Levy says, almost as if she was reminding herself. "It's sad."
If Levy were a character in the story, perhaps, she would have the privilege of being the bookkeeper, the tactician, the core of the movement. She loved doing that.
But she knows more than anyone else that she's nothing remarkable.
She may not have the right. Lucy, for example, was much more prominent, much more suited to that role.
Whatever Levy can do, Lucy can surely do better.
So with all that in mind— if Levy's a character in this story, she would be a character that was purely made so Lucy can shine as the superior one between them.
"...it's not like I want to be strong or particularly popular," Levy says. "I'm fine being normal and uninteresting. I really am."
Loke, too, is fine being a cautionary tale. For a Celestial Spirit, whose lives are eternal, being able to fade in death is a rare opportunity in itself. Being able to leave something behind for the future generation is even more of a privilege.
Loke is fine becoming just a story through his friends' lips, because he knows the rier of the stars will continue forevermore.
(But he hated the idea that people were scrutinizing his every thought, his every action, all to create a narrative that may sing a beautiful tune.)
(it's unnerving.)
(Because for the ones that are truly and unironically 'fine', being jibed with false attention and sympathy in such a wide screen only prodded at scabs that were never allowed to heal.)
"Gray's pretty unfortunate," Levy changes the subject. "He's the first one up for public execution, among all of us."
If they truly were the characters of this story god is writing, and they're here to witness those plans today... then perhaps, all of them were already unwillingly lined up in an unknown order, waiting like lambs to the slaughter.
Loke sighs.
"I like to think I'm popular enough to go next, but knowing me, I'm just a shiny side character that's the butt of the joke on most occasions," Loke says. "Maybe I'll be lucky if I get myself a mini-arc between some other, truly important events, yeah?"
Levy giggles at the thought. "Awh, that's not fair!"
"Rage-eating isn't going to help, you know," Bickslow calls into the pantry. "And can you idiots stop using my babies as furniture please? Thank you."
Natsu makes an indecipherable response through a mouthful of raw sausages, still-frozen pie, and cake. Pappa is strewn over with an upturned empty pizza box, and Pippi is hefting canned grape juice.
Bickslow stops at the doorway and promptly stares.
"...Your eating rights are hereby revoked."
Natsu whirls around and screeches something, confrontationally. Bickslow takes a moment to realize he'd said some hobgoblin-equivalent of 'you can try, bitch!'.
"What on earth kind of terrible influence are you invoking on my babies?" Bickslow's exasperated. "Stop it! They're very impressionable!"
And suddenly, his two babies are cheering "Bitch! Bitch!" at him. Bickslow is mortified. They're like parrots.
He sighs in defeat, leaning against the doorway.
"There are nothing but selfless idiots in our guilds," Bickslow says. "Can't help but wonder how the Master keeps finding us."
Natsu's eyes are firm and resolved.
He's frustrated, more so than anyone, that in this situation he's incapable of actually doing anything to help.
He's not one to comfort others, and everyone knows that.
He wants more than anyone to get back at Lyon for doing all that to Gray, and yet, all Natsu knows how to do is get angry on his behalf and speak over him, hoping to get him to see some train of thought Natsu's hung up over.
He knows that's mean-spirited.
But it's the only thing he knows how to do.
"Aren't you worried about calories or something," Bickslow wonders.
Natsu swallows. "Calories? That's a food thing, right?"
"Crap, right. You literally burn them."
"Hey, do you think I'm dead?" Gray asks. "I mean, those were pretty bad injuries, right? And it makes more sense if he just kills me?"
The entire hall freezes.
Then, all hell breaks loose.
Cana cracks her knuckles. "Ah, I see now. You want a reason for me to beat you up. Good, this big sister here will grant you that wish you suicidal piece of sh—"
"Stop! All forces, stop Cana! She'll really do it!" Gray ends up sitting in the quiet spot of the absolute madness he caused, as everyone rushes ahead to dogpile on Cana. She's putting up a very strong fight.
"What a way to divert the attention off you," Laxus mumbles.
Gray does not acknowledge that.
All things considered, it's easy for the others to laugh in this situation.
"We'll never let you die, dumbass," Mirajane says, resting a hand on Gray's hand, reaching from behind the couch. "Someone bullied you, eh? You're gonna bet we're going to retaliate. So just take your time, dummy. No one's judging your pain."
Gray can't help but let a little smile loose for that.
It doesn't really make the ache any better, or quell the anxiety that's inevitably churning in his gut— but he appreciates it very much.
Sometimes, maybe that's all that mattered.
Gray jumps. "...seriously?"
"We're jumping right into it," Levy says, surprised.
Gray sighs in relief. "You sure know how to make a dumb entrance."
"Shush! You're the one that left me like that!" Natsu snaps.
"But you got trapped in that orb of ice as all your own fault," Erza says. "Reflect on your actions."
Natsu sulks in the corner, unable to refute that.
"He's got a point," Elfman says. "You were supposed to head for the village."
"But it's a good thing you rounded back," Lisanna says, "Gray would have been in trouble left like that."
Levy chuckles, "you were worried, huh, Natsu?"
"I was NOT."
"No shame in caring for your friends, boy, you were raised well," Mira teases.
"I was NOT–"
"Maybe if Gray was doing alright, he'd have gone up to interrupt the battle again," Freed says, "it'd have been an opportunity to get the ice off from the source."
"It'd have been an opportunity to die, you mean?" Evergreen sighs. "Did we already forget why he had to keep away in the first place?"
Bickslow laughs at that, "oh right! I totally forgot that the ice can explode."
"By that logic, why is Natsu even alive, then?" Mira wonders. "It'd be so much more efficient to just mobile explode him."
"Gruesome, Mira-nee..." Lisanna says, "your cruelty terrified me..."
Natsu scoffs. "As if Gray could have won against that bastard."
"Shut it, shithead popsicle," Gray says, "I'm not weak!"
"Oh right there right now, you are," Natsu says.
Gray stays silent. He's right.
He sighs deeply. "I'm not in the mood for a fight."
"Great," Natsu dismisses.
They don't look at each other.
"Geez, you two," Cana says, "can't you just admit you care, Natsu? Maybe you should take the damn Tsundere title instead."
"Excuse you?!"
"Great!" Gray jumps at the opportunity, "it never belonged to me anyways!"
"Yes it does," came about three different voices.
"Wow, what an excuse," Levy says. "Were you thinking of it the whole way up?"
"Tsundere," Freed declares.
Natsu launches Pippi at him.
"Oh c'mon, no need to be embarrassed, Natsu!" Lisanna teases, "we all love Gray and care for him enough, we'd all have done the same in your place!"
"I am not embarrassed," Natsu lies right through his teeth, "and if you bastards could stop making a deal about it I would stop reacting explosively!"
Mira only sniggers at that. "Nah, this is way too cute. Totally teasing you about it forever."
Natsu points vehemently at her to prove his point.
Lisanna chuckles sympathetically. "I'm so sorry about her."
Erza smiles. "I do like that side of you, Natsu. It's kindness."
Natsu huffs. The few quiet smiles from people around him did make him feel a little better, but Mira's utterly unapologetic and that's a little annoying.
Well, he'll get over it. Loving teasing is kindness, too, in some way.
(And if they can accept his violent way of caring, he'll accept this, too.)
"I don't like the way you guys are just talking about me as if I'm not here," Gray's clearly pouting at this point. "You're embarrassing me too, dammit."
"Awh, sorry Gray baby dear," Mira drapes herself over him, rubbing his head tenderly.
Gray screeches. "I take it back! STOP! Continue acting like i"m not here! PLEASE!"
"He really did just leave you, didn't he?" Levy says.
"I wonder why he didn't kill you," Mira says.
"Why are you so desperate to get him killed, Sis?" Elfman asks, slightly afraid, "let's just be glad he's alright enough to talk, okay?"
"It's a valid question!"
Someone hisses.
"Look like you are injured, after all," Cana says. "What would you do if Natsu weren't there, dummy, huh?"
"This is a targeted attack," Gray announces.
"Dummies get called dummies, what else do you want us to say?" Erza responds. "If I recall, Master banned 'dumbfuck' a while back."
Lisanna suppresses a giggle. "Being bullied? That's such a cute way to say it, Natsu!"
"Though, looking at the trio we're up against, I can't help but think that's what will happen," Laxus mutters. "Lucy doesn't seem like she can handle them all. She'll just get toyed with."
"Ah, I see now, he gets it from Laxus and Mira..." Gildarts says. "Oh, what an upbringing you've had, Natsu."
"You're just carrying him like it's the obvious thing to do, huh?" Loke says.
"Well, what else was I supposed to do," Natsu says, "I'd drag that deadweight, but he'd die if his wounds reopen and it's clearly hard enough to walk already."
"Fair enough."
Gray hisses at the reminder.
Those words were really ringing in, over and over again, a painful bell screaming at him that this is his mistake, this is his mistake.
If only he hadn't done that so long ago, he wouldn't be witnessing the fallout now.
He dreaded it, but in a way, he brought it all upon himself.
Gray had learned his lesson in the absolute worst way possible. So he was desperate— so desperate. He had been frustrated, seeing exactly who he once was.
He was here because he caved in and enabled Natsu to do this— that's why god immediately struck him with karmic justice, reminding him that this is what you lost last time. Why did you allow it to happen again?
(Maybe, in truth, Gray learned nothing at all.)
He was only capable of suppressing it while the grief hit him hard. Once that pain faded away, he'd forgotten the consequences, and like an idiot, he was ready to dive into it again. History repeats itself.
"Gray," Loke says. "It's alright, you know. We're here. You went after Natsu to stop him from doing something stupid, and now, Erza's headed that way too. We're never going to leave you to deal with all this yourself."
Gray's fist clenches.
"But that's exactly what I fear the most."
Gray bites down on his bottom lip.
He really hated this. He really hated this all.
"Hey—" Natsu starts, but his screen counterpart interrupts him.
Gray lifts his head in surprise. Around him, everyone was smiling at those words.
"Yeah, well said!" Erza declares.
"You sure do say some good things," Mira chuckles, proud.
"Gray's the idiot for forgetting something like that," Happy says. "You've never given up after losing, why are we starting now?"
"Oh, that totally reminds me of Erza's first days," Cana chuckles.
"What? Only Cana knows that story," Gildarts says, "I'm jealous. What did Gray do?"
"SHH," Gray hisses sharply. "Enough! I've had enough of you all teasing me! Let me hit you all in the head at least once!"
He snags Happy by the ear and Cana by the hair, and she laughs, Levy trying to break up the fight. Happy wails, and Erza laughs.
Gray laughs, too.
Natsu huffs, satisfied.
He didn't have to say anything, after all.
(They've all misstepped in their lives. They've all made their irreversible mistakes. But they're with the guild now, and that's where the pain should begin to fade.)
(They need to remember that.)
(Even if they don't, they should always be reminded of it.)
The crowd settles soon enough, at ease now that Gray's getting the care he needs.
They have to focus on the greater battle now, because this is where Fairy Tail's retaliation truly begins.
"Ah, here we are," Levy says. "Glad to see one of us is still focused on saving the villagers."
"Isn't it kinda weird that Lucy got here before the trio?"
"...yeah, that's strange."
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