《to Learn about a Lucy. (Fairy Tail Fanfic)》8. The Strongest Team
If you asked Loke if he was a cake or pie person, Loke, for one, is in the cake faction. Aries got traumatised by Scorpio's awful sense of humour in shepherd's pie once, and she would always eviscerate it with wool if it came in sight ever since.
That's why he eats the cheesecake before him with a hint of melancholy.
Come to think of it, Virgo's in the pie faction, isn't she? She makes the best pie crust in the Celestial Realm.
(Agh, he needs to stop reminiscing, he's getting depressed.)
(Somehow, everyone got heaps of cake and pie out on the tables and now they were having a huge party with it. Guess the adults can't stop them if the only actual adult here is Gildarts, huh?)
"Who let Cana take the Whiskey Cake?!"
"Well, it was there..."
It was strange. With all the pillows and blankets and just overall everything in the area like this-- this place just felt like a huge sleepover. The surroundings were foreign as they slowly got used to it-- but somehow, with all the familiar faces around it, there was never a moment to feel uncomfortable about the new environment.
Loke wonders if he'll remember how to sleep on his own bed once he gets home.
But, oh well.
"Guys, do not start a food fight! We don't have time for that!"
"Yeah, that'd be a waste of food.
"Ah, would you look at that," Mirajane says, "Natsu in the future knows how to use that flame-under-the-feet maneuver much better than our Natsu."
"He still isn't flying, though."
"Like you can fly in this whirlwind," Erza says, "but he adapted to using short spurts instead, which is the wiser choice. It proves Natsu knows how to use his head in battle, at least."
Mira nods approvingly. "Only in battle, though."
They turn to Natsu, "so... not gonna whine about us bullying you this time?"
Natsu wolfs down this pie in a fit of irritation, "being the straight man all the time burns me out. Gray can have the job again."
"Ah, me again? Oh c'mon," Gray groans, "Happy, you do it."
"But I do it every other day!"
"An opponent you can't get close to, huh..." Cana says, "this battle would be tough for me too... and I guess, Loke as well."
"Yeah... I'd say mages like Gray or Levy would do better here, since you guys can create solid structures closer to the target," Mirajane says, "people like me and Erza would be a toss-up."
"Ranged fighters like Evergreen should do well, too."
"Freed might do okay," Bickslow says, "but my babies aren't built to handle high velocities so I'm a bust. It'll be a cinch for Laxus, though!"
Laxus hums noncommittally at that.
"Yeaaah! It's time for all of us to shine!" Natsu cheers. "Strongest Team!"
"The Thunder Legion is stronger!" Freed snaps, "I may agree with you in the cake faction, but I will not agree with you here!"
"Well, this episode will prove it!'
"It will not be proven until we go up on a four by four!"
"Oh, bring it!"
"Fucking armageddon-- guys STOP jinxing the future events! I do not want to see the four of you fight!"
"Four of us, huh? Well, maybe Ever can take Lucy?"
"Huh? I'd rather face Erza in a Fairy Queen battle," Evergreen says.
"You can have that title, I don't particularly care for it," Erza insists.
"Emera-- did he just say Emera Baram?!"
"Is he trying to kill Natsu or destroy the train tracks?!"
"Two birds a stone, I guess?"
"Ah right."
"...uhm, rest in pieces, Natsu?"
"Have some faith in me!!"
"I'm stronger than the wind! I can take it!"
"That attack can shatter buildings you moron just dodge !"
"Honest question, what are you made of, Natsu?"
"Forget 'being in one piece' you barely have any injuries! This is bullshit!"
"Ahem, I am just made different," Natsu sneers, "you guys are underestimating me. Even Igneel's thrown me around harder than that, you know?"
"Weren't you like, five? How are you alive ?"
"I hope you're not serious, Natsu, because you definitely can't handle anything stronger than that as a kid. You'd have more scars. Of the lethal kind."
"Jungle boys really are a different breed, huh..."
"Well, they do say that lions throw their cubs off cliffs. I wouldn't be surprised if dragons did the same."
"Where would dragons throw their youngs off? A mountain?"
"...other dragons?"
"...holy shit, Natsu, answer us. We're curious now."
Natsu had already turned his attention back to cake, uncomfortable with the attention he didn't ask for. "Dude, I don't know, don't ask me."
"Why don't you know?"
"You're just avoiding the question!"
"Maybe, but," Gray suggests, "did you hit your head on the fall?"
"Gray, are you picking a fight?"
"I mean, it'll definitely take a direct hit to deal with Natsu, but it's not like you got off unharmed either," Freed says, "humble yourself."
"You guys are supposed to be either worried or cheering me on, not dissing me!" Natsu protests.
Natsu immediately whirls back around, "like hell we'll let you do that! What the hell are you doing, me?! Are you taking a nap or something down there, get up already!"
Lisanna makes a sharp whine, "Ooohkay we all stand corrected you are definitely not okay!"
"Huh, that's just a scratch," Natsu shrugs, "you know head wounds always bleed a ton. It's nothing."
"Natsu, the phrase goes like this," Freed says, then, regally, "tis' but a scratch. Now, repeat after me--"
"I do not care about whatever the hell that is!"
"Man, topless Natsu," Cana says, "well, he's always pretty much topless, but yeah. Keeping the scarf on though?"
"Huh? Why would I take it off when there's such a big chance of it flying away in all that wind?" Natsu says, "that thing is important, you know!"
"But you're not worried about it being shredded along with your shirt?" Levy asks. "Actually seriously, why isn't it shredded along with the shirt? That doesn't make sense."
"That muffler-only look is weird."
"Shut up, underwear."
"Hmm, I mean, it's a little hard to notice because Natsu's magic is always too prominent, but Natsu's scarf is sort of magically charged," Erza says, reaching over to carefully peruse the edge of the cloth. Natsu gives her a skeptical eye, but doesn't tear it away from her. "It's the kind of power you'll feel from my stronger swords, like Benizakura."
"So you're saying it's got magical protection in it?"
"What, is that something impressive?"
"Of course it is!" Freed says, "it's not a spell enchantment that was added afterward-- which means the maker weaved into the very material itself while creating it."
"In the case of a swordsmith, in each pound of the hammer. In the case of an article of clothing-- to every stitch of the thread," Erza says. "Its protective powers are much more potent than any enchantment could achieve."
"Not that we could compare properly, though... most enchantments are now lost magic," Levy says, "but that means Natsu's scarf is some crazylegendary article of clothing!"
"Does that mean we can, you know," Cana smirks, gesturing for a pretty penny, "sell it for some awesome cash?"
That makes Natsu immediately wrench it back into his side and hug it, "absolutely NOT you sociopath! Igneel gave this to me, you know?! You're not touching it!"
"He's right, Cana, that was in bad taste," Erza chides, "we've all got our precious things, after all."
Cana pouts at that, "yes, I get it. My bad, my bad," she says. With a good-natured snicker, "oh, don't look so angry, Natsu! You know I'd never steal your scarf, right? If I do, even if I'm drunk, you can burn my cards and eat them for dinner."
"Oh I will hold you to that if you ever!"
"I guess the terrain really isn't helping..." Mirajane says, "if we could figure out a way to get behind him-- no, the wind spins around him, so there isn't really any way to go around it."
"I think there's really no way but to brute force through this one," Levy says, "maybe one of Gray's biggest ice geysers can do the trick, right?"
"Yeah, but until he gets here, this is as hopeless as fighting the wind barrier."
"Agh! C'mon, future me! Get a grip!" Natsu shouts, "it's not like you're fighting Gildarts or anything, and even then you can totally beat him sometime buuut! COME ONNN!"
"Them's fighting words, buddy," Gildarts mutters.
"I mean, we're not inside the barrier anymore, so maybe we can actually use the 'make a hugeass fire' strategy," Bickslow suggests, "you know. If you can make the fire huge enough without too much collateral damage?"
"I mean, it's not the train station, but I think this railway counts as collateral damage too. Master's still going to get mad at us... but then again, what does that matter anymore..."
"Huh? Why do I feel like I remember seeing this railway in flames in the opening song?"
"...oh no."
"Hey hey hey hey heeeeeey," Bickslow lifts his mask to get a closer look, "am I seeing this? What the hell, Natsu?"
"Did you take off your mask just to say that?" Evergreen turns to him.
"Now that I think about it, how have you been seeing everything thus far?" Freed asks.
Bickslow doesn't answer.
"Answer us!"
"Forget about him. Natsu! Don't release your anger on things!" Loke snaps, exasperated.
"Stop trying, Loke, eventually, you'll join the 'give Master an aneurysm' clan and you won't even care about how much damage you cause on the daily."
"That is not a good thing to say about yourself."
"I mean, it was really about time he lost his temper," Mirajane notes quietly. "Nothing he's doing is working, after all."
"But does he have to throw a tantrum?!"
"Venting is healthy."
"Well, it's working," Erza states dryly, "I think we can just let it happen."
"Matter over mind, huh?"
Natsu, meanwhile, sulked in the corner.
"So what's his deal?" Lisanna asks.
Happy answers, "so I think he's mad, but after seeing himself on the screen being angrier than he actually is, he just calmed down."
"You are kidding me if you're telling me this actually works," Loke says.
"Well, Loke, there's this funny thing about magic, you know," Erza says, "whether it's awakening, or conducting, or strengthening-- it grows with passion."
It grows with desperation, and it inflates with the essence of magic.
(Emotions, perhaps.)
That's how Erza awakened her magic, after all. The desperation, the sheer, inflating power of desire , it brought forth a hidden crest of her magic right toward the surface.
"It's especially true for Caster types," Levy says, "though, it's a theory for now. Who knows if it's true? I know I haven't actually felt something like that before."
"You'll get your moment one day, Levy, don't worry!"
"Well, I mean, there is that theory on the essence of magic and all, but Dragon Slaying magic takes that a little more literally," Freed says, evidently knowing a little more about the study of the ancient magic because of Laxus, "Slayer magic in general is fueled by a long run of passionate rivalry between the humans and the dragons-- it's magic made to defeat, to protect-- so some even call them Elements of Emotion."
"I understood nothing in that sentence, but that sounds cool!"
"I give up. Kill me now."
"Oh almighty Freed, nothing can defeat him... except for the presence of an idiot," Evergreen muses, patting Freed on the head soothingly. "I will keep this in mind for the future."
"Me too!" Bickslow says, brightly.
"Stop it, I don't know what you're planning, but stop it," Laxus warns.
"But hey, if this keeps up, Natsu might just be able to beat Erigor on raw magic alone," Gray says, "I mean, his huge reserves are about the only thing he has for him, after all. Inflate that for a bit and he'll be able to fight a hurricane if we let him."
"Don't let him!"
"Actually, let him , it'll be useful."
"You know what this means, guys--" Lisanna stands up, "WOO-HOO GO NATSUUUU!!!"
"Ah, there's Natsu's one-lady cheerleader squad," Gildarts says, "as usual, I'm jealous!"
"Huh. Erigor knows about it, too," Levy says, "was it in a book or something?"
"Yeah, the study of psychologically-inclined magics lost to time, by Logan Arnote," Freed says, "I do not recall if we have that book in one of the shelves in this mansion, but I have a copy in my house. Once we get out, I can lend it to you."
"Really?!" Levy beams, "sweet! Thanks a ton, Freed!"
"Well, those two and their wholesome interactions aside," Loke says, "it seems like it is working. You're even bending the wind pressure..."
"Go, me!" Natsu cheers, "Roast'im!"
"Go go Natsu!" Lisanna cheers, Happy punctuating her sentences with an occasional 'aye'.
Mirajane looks on, slightly pleased, but conflicted. "Man, I can't decide if it'll feel like an oven or a desert in there," she mulls, "churning around high velocity winds in scorching fire. Ugh. Whatever it is, it sounds like a displeasure."
"It'll feel like the wild west, I bet..."
"Well, let's hope Natsu doesn't burn out yet. Just a little more and you'll probably rip a hole in the dimension... I can see the air bending from the heat. God. "
"Or transform into some fire-wielding demon, whatever will help him win."
Immediately, there's a loud snort of laughter from the whole room, everyone freezing in surprise at the sudden mood drop.
"Did you have to do that?"
"Just wait for it, I'm a genius," Happy says, "we're getting the explosion of the century in three... two..."
Even Gray has to cringe back at this as Natsu, Lisanna, and a few other overenthusiastic one like Elfman, Cana and Bickslow start cheering in the sheer hype .
"Is it just me, or are we actually feeling the heat right now? It's sweltering out here," Gray mutters. He's good with the cold, but the heat? Never.
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