《Learn to Love » Draco Malfoy x Reader》XVII
"This is a little excessive, y/n," Daphne rolled her eyes.
Poor girl, I had dragged her around every dress shop that the wizarding world had to offer. We even ended up using floo powder to jump from place to place.
"I have to find an outfit suitable for this Slughorn party," I mumbled, pushing dresses to the side on the rack I was looking at. Tons looked fine; some floral, neutral, shorter, longer. But none of them quite spoke to me.
"I'm not even invited to the party," she huffed, "I'm getting tired, too. Just meet up with Theo again outside and he can help you find something."
"Daphne! I need your opinion. I can't ask a man... especially not Theo for this. He's got no sense of style," I forced a chuckle, trying to put a smile on my unhappy best friend's face.
She was having none of it. Her arms crossed over her chest and annoyed expression said it all: she wanted to go back to our room. "Look, I can go grab Theo for you, he's just next door. I really don't want to just wander around, especially since I'm not shopping for anything."
As much as I wanted to convince her to stay and help me look some more, I knew she wasn't interested. I felt like we hadn't seen much of each other lately, and despite the fact we lived in the same dorm room and told each other everything, I still missed having her around and doing fun things together. Cleary, this wasn't fun to her, though.
"Fine," I gave in, a half-hearted smile playing on my lips that she didn't bother reciprocating. "You can just go back. I'll wait for Theo myself. He's just picking up his clothes, anyway."
For the first time all afternoon she looked relieved. I can't say I blamed her, I'd get bored just accompanying her shopping too. I made a mental note to plan something fun for the two of us sometime soon.
I followed her outside and bid her goodbye before she Floo'd back to Hogwarts, leaving me to wander into the men's dress shop and wait for Theo to collect his clothes. We all came together, but split off when I needed to buy a dress and Theo just needed to pick his up that he ordered a few days prior. The shop looked rather busy, though, so I assumed he was in line.
Toward the front of the shop, there was a few chairs for what looked like a waiting area so I took the opportunity to sit down and just be patient. There were a few newspapers around, so I picked one up just to entertain myself for the while I was waiting.
My eyes scanned over rather than thoroughly read the paper, looking for anything interesting to catch my attention. A few scandals in the Ministry, a big donation to some wizarding charity, the new quidditch season heating up... nothing overly interesting. I was probably waiting for a few minutes before my attention was grabbed away from the paper.
"Y/n?" I heard my name being called by a masculine voice.
"Oh, Cedric," I smiled, tossing the paper aside and standing up to give him a hug.
He had a cheeky grin on his face, dressed casually and holding a garment bag over his right shoulder. His index and middle finger of his right hand were holding it up as it rested on his back.
"What have you got there?" I inquired, pointing to the bag.
"Just something for Slughorn's dinner party. I heard it's quite fancy. Couldn't show up looking like some riff-raff," he grinned. "What about yourself? This isn't exactly your type of store..."
I returned his chuckle with one of my own, laughing that I looked strange being the only girl in a men's fashion shop.
"Just waiting for someone. Trust me, I'm not buying."
The smile that was on his face slowly turned upside-down, the features of his cheeks looking depressed and the glint in his eyes disappearing.
"That... makes sense. Sorry if I'm bothering you..."
"No, you're not at all," I assured him, trying to figure out why he looked so sad all of a sudden. "In fact, I'm happy you're here. We haven't talked for a few days and I've missed our chats."
"Right," he awkwardly cleared his throat, his eyebrows tugging together. He looked over his shoulder in a nervous fashion before looking back down to me.
"What's the matter?" I asked. "You're not the nervous type."
"Who, uh, are you waiting for?"
I cocked my head, a bit taken back by that question. I noticed his features still carrying that same ghost of anxiety or perhaps distress.
"Theo; he's meant to be picking up something for Slughorn's, too... Ced, what's the matter? You're so distraught now."
"Theo?" He narrowed his eyes, nostrils flaring. "You mean Theodore Nott?"
"Of course... Ced, what's the matter? You're worrying me."
"You two aren't dating, are you?"
At the mention of possibly dating Theo, I instinctively laughed a bit louder than I would've liked, my shoulders slumping and a huge grin plastered on my face before regaining my composure.
"Me? Date Theo? No way, he's a great guy but we're just friends. I'm forcing him to help me pick out a dress after he gets his clothes," I let out between heaves of laughter.
I couldn't believe Cedric would even entertain such a thought... Theo wasn't bad looking, if anything he was the opposite and even admittedly attractive, but that doesn't mean I was interested in him. I didn't see anything past friendship with him.
Cedric visibly relaxed at this, his shoulders less tense and features looking more relaxed. The same smile that was on his face a few minutes ago returned, looking the same as I was used to.
"Thank Merlin," he shook his head, his blue eyes looking cooler when they met mine. "I'm sorry... I don't know what came over me; some weird... I don't know. It's over now, though."
The poor guy absolutely must have been jealous. From the looks of it, there might have been something between us since these weren't quite activities that "just friends" did with each other. Especially not with someone as handsome as Theo. If the situation were reversed, I probably would have thought he was interested in another girl if he did the same.
"Don't apologize," I treaded carefully, not wanting to upset him further. "I can assure you, there's no need."
His gaze lingered on mine, comforting as always. He ran a hand through his honey-brown hair and straightened it out a bit. He remained quiet for a moment before speaking again.
"I take it you'll be at the Slug Club party on Friday then?"
I nodded, smiling. "Once I figure out something to wear... if not, I might as well just skip."
He chuckled. "You could have asked me to help you find an outfit. I would've gladly done so... even if you look good in everything."
I felt a hint of a blush heat up my face before I forced myself to push it away. Now was not the time for flirting. Actually, considering the state of things, it was never a time for flirting, but especially not now.
"Thanks, Cedric. I'm sure whatever you got today will be perfect, too."
The grin on his face grew before he promptly scratched the back of his neck with his free hand. "You flatter me, y/n. I'm looking forward to seeing whatever you choose today."
Merlin, it was so hard to stay calm around him when he used such gentlemanly lines and was generally so kind. And good looking... but that was a whole different problem.
"If I can ever find something; I've been looking all afternoon. Maybe I should've asked you to help me, after all. Sorry I didn't consider your fashion expertise," I chuckled, lightening the mood between us.
At that, he straightened up his posture a bit, cocking his head to the side.
"I'll accept that apology on one condition."
"Hmm?" I mused, not actually intending for my apology to be genuine. "What are you talking about?"
His weight shifted to one side, looking calm and collected in his typical charming fashion.
"Well, I'm a little offended you didn't ask me to accompany you shopping," he smirked playfully. "But I'll forgive your negligence if you'd allow me to take you to Slughorn's dinner."
What exactly did that mean? He couldn't quite "take me" more so than walking me there and perhaps sitting together; this was a school-related dinner party. It wasn't personal at all, and probably wasn't meant to be anything more than Slughorn getting to know some of us.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
His eyes narrowed.
"Whatever you'd like it to mean."
"I don't know, Cedric... I don't want you getting the wrong idea or anything," I tried refusing at first, but he cut me off by shaking his head.
"Allow me to escort you, then. It'd be a pleasure to have you in my company for the evening."
I had to consider my options, but unfortunately I didn't quite have enough time to ponder anything over as, at that moment, Theo sauntered over to us.
"Y/n, hi," Theo greeted, moving to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with me. His body heat from his much taller frame radiated onto me. "Diggory. Didn't expect to see you two here... together."
"Hello, Theodore," Cedric replied, a relaxed look on his face.
Theo's eyes narrowed, his nose scrunching up. I knew him well enough to figure something was wrong with him. The two held polar opposite expressions; Cedric much warmer and Theo colder.
"Waiting for me, y/n?" Theo asked, neck craning down to me but his body staying positioned the same. "Perhaps we ought to head out."
"Not before she accepts my offer," Cedric interjected before I had the chance to speak.
Theo raised an eyebrow. "Offer?"
With both their sets of eyes on me, the panic inside started to bubble up to the surface. I was on the verge of turning him down before Theo interrupted, but then I felt like I had to say something just to end the conversation. I had no time to come up with some convincing excuse to turn him down gently.
"It's not like it's a marriage proposal, y/n. Say you'll let me take you," Cedric chuckled.
Merlin, I'm glad it's not.
"Uh, I— I," I stammered, "well, I suppose it couldn't hurt..."
The grin on his face widened and he brushed some loose strands of hair off his forehead, looking handsome as ever. As much as I hated to admit it, I still felt butterflies when he did that.
"I'll come by around 6:45. I look forward to it," he beamed. "Until then, I'll leave you be."
"I... I'll see you, Cedric," I replied, a little deflated but hopefully he couldn't tell with how happy he looked.
After an awkward goodbye between the boys, Cedric sauntered out of the shop, leaving Theo and I together. I could tell from the look on his face that he was upset; and he hardly ever got upset with me.
"Care to explain what that spiel was about? I leave you and Daphne alone for one second and you go off making dates with Diggory?" Theo interrogated, moving so that he stood across from me to stare me dead in the eye.
"It's not a date! He's just taking me to the Slug Club dinner!"
"Like that's any better?"
"Look, Theo, I don't really know what happened! I was trying to say no but—"
"That didn't sound like a 'no' to me!"
"You interrupted! I was close to turning him down, I swear... I just— it all went wrong..."
Theo looked like he started to speak again, but cut himself off by sighing loudly.
One of his hands was holding his silky garment bag, but the other one ran a hand through his shaggy brown hair. The curls promptly fell back over his forehead in a messy yet boyishly handsome way that well complimented his blue eyes. As upset as they looked, his eyes had that bright look of his I always loved.
"Listen, y/n, I know you have feelings for the guy. Really, anyone can see it, and I can't blame you for feeling that way. But I think you have to start being a little more careful."
"Careful?" I echoed, my eyebrows knitting together. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Careful like not being escorted by Cedric 'pretty-boy' Diggory somewhere that anyone could make up rumors that you two are together. The Hufflepuff party after the quidditch game was bad enough, but this is worse since it's a dinner."
"Who would say that? It's just the Slug Club."
"Y/n, you don't see the way he looks at you. Worst of all, you don't see the way you look at him."
Was it that obvious? I thought only Theo and Daphne could figure out my unresolved feelings for him, but maybe it was more blatant than I assumed.
"Not only that," Theo continued, "but I'm sure a lot of the people at the dinner party don't even know you two have broken up. What with all the time you spend together, you may as well still be together."
"That can't be true," I shook my head. "I think it's pretty clear we're not together."
"Is it? Then don't go with him to that dinner. Make it more clear."
"Theo, I can't just say no, I've already accepted and I'll be there anyway..."
"Then I'll take you. Tell Diggory that you already said yes to me and it just slipped your mind."
That would've worked, except for the fact that I just told Cedric that Theo and I aren't together. That would only fuel his suspicions even more, and I'd look like a liar or just an idiot for forgetting.
"I don't think that'll work," I sighed. "I'm just going to have to go."
"Y/n, you're really starting to piss me off."
"Theo, I swear, I'm just going to have to endure it."
"Why? Just make something up that we already planned I'm your escort—"
"Can't do that, Theo. I'm sorry, you're absolutely right in this case. I'll do better for next time."
He raised an eyebrow and looked down at me, unamused.
"I'm not the one you'll need to apologize to."
"Was it really necessary for you to try on dresses for two hours?" Theo groaned, running a hand through his hair.
"I haven't dragged you along for something like this in forever, Theo. Plus, I helped you pick something out weeks ago," I retorted, causing him to roll his eyes.
"But you didn't come into the store with me! I just asked you to pick through a catalog. Not the same thing."
"Too bad," I tried to sound more joking, but Theo looked genuinely annoyed.
In fact, he had the entire time.
I was sure it was because of the whole Cedric incident, but Theo had been in a mood the whole time I tried on dresses. Every time I stepped out of the changing room it was a "fine" or "it looks good", nothing of substance. His mind was clearly elsewhere, hardly focused on me at all, and when he did actually respond something, it was snarky and with attitude.
I wasn't used to Theo acting like that; he and I were always such close friends that we never argued or been overly moody around each other.
By the time we were entering the Slytherin common room, Theo looked so tired (and generally irritated) that I almost felt embarrassed to walk in with him. I didn't want to look like I was the reason, although I knew deep down, I was.
"Where have you two been?" Blaise asked, sitting on the couch with a quill and stack of parchment in his lap.
"Y/n forced me to tag along on some girly dress haul," Theo cringed, tossing his garment bag on the couch.
"Meanwhile I've had to endure his complaining like a child for the past two hours," I glared at him, sitting next to him on the couch.
"All that and you just picked a basic black cocktail dress," he shifted in his seat.
Did he just scoot away from me?
Merlin, I knew he was upset, but this upset? Have some class.
I turned to look at him, fed up with his demeanor. He was slumped in his seat, looking as pissed off as ever.
"Theo, what's your problem? If you have something to say, just say it."
He looked back at me, his usually cool blue eyes looking more fiery, like he had a passion behind him.
"I have said something... I've been saying something, but you don't want to acknowledge it! All day I've been saying, even before then I've warned you!"
"It's not your problem! Leave me to deal with it myself and stop having such an attitude!"
"Guys, I think you should cool off," Blaise interjected. "Whatever the problem, it's not the right place whatever—"
"You haven't heard what she's done now," Theo turned his head to look at Blaise. "Going off and making public dates with her lover—"
"It's not a date, Theo! Merlin, even if it was, couldn't you mind your own business?"
Blaise had a disgusted look on his face. His eyebrows were scrunched together, nose crinkled and lip sneering. He and I never were the best of friends, but since he was close with Theo we usually were polite or decent acquaintances. He'd never been necessarily upset with me, though.
"You've done what?" he raised his voice. "Y/n, please tell me Theo's just bullshitting."
"He is! He's making it a bigger deal—"
"No I'm not! You don't understand what you've done— how he's going to feel— Merlin, just forget it. Fuck, I can't stand to be around you right now, y/n."
With that, Theo stormed off, presumably to his dorm. I huffed and slumped in my seat, crossing my arms over my chest and trying to calm myself down.
"Tell me you don't believe him, Blaise. We all know Theo can talk a lot of trash when he's upset."
Blaise narrowed his eyes, looking cross with me like Theo, but almost darker. Theo had more of a boyish annoyance, whereas Blaise looked genuinely displeased.
"I'm going to go and try to calm him down. For your sake, y/n, I hope you're right. But if you're not... you have no idea what shit you've gotten yourself into."
I was left with my mouth gaping open, eyes following Blaise as he followed the path that Theo had just gone.
Left by myself, I sat and considered the events that just took place, but more importantly everything that led up to this point. I felt the emotions of everything start to bubble up and come to the surface.
My feelings for Cedric, versus the fact that I knew I should have said no, even if Theo interrupted us. I should still go back and say no, but the way I feel about him won't allow me to do that. Mixed with the fact it seems both of my best friends are annoyed with me, I started to come to terms with the gravity of the situation.
When push comes to shove, I wanted to say yes. So I did. Even if it was wrong.
I knew better, but my own personal feelings got in the way, and I kept letting them. That was the real problem: wanting what I can't have.
I looked around the room, which was filled with students a moment ago, now completely vacant. Probably during our little argument they all left, not wanting to get involved.
Admittedly, it wasn't the best idea or best setting to do it, but seeing as I was already alone and was dealing with everything going on, I decided to do the only thing that my body was willing to do. I let it all out.
In the faint distance, I could hear some shouting coming from the boy's dorms. My guess was Theo and Blaise, but I couldn't be bothered to figure it out.
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