《Learn to Love » Draco Malfoy x Reader》X
After our less than desirable encounter in the corridor, the walk over to Hogsmeade had been agonizing. It took all the restraint in my body to keep myself from clawing his eyes out. Those smug, self-serving icy gray eyes...
I tried multiple times to stay away from Malfoy as we headed over. Unfortunately, when I fell a few paces behind him, he would tease me for slowing down our assignment, prolonging it and making it take longer than necessary. When I walked quicker than him, he laughed for running away like a child. Needless to say, walking ever so close to him was not the way I wanted to spend my afternoon.
To make matters worse, Tomes and Scrolls was closed when we arrived.
"This is ridiculous," Draco slapped the sign on the door window which read that they'd be open again in two hours. Apparently, there had been some accident regarding ink processing that ruined a batch of books. I hoped that it wasn't the potions textbooks we were meant to pick up, otherwise I'd never hear the end of it. I'd somehow get blamed for it.
"What do you suppose we do for the rest of the wait time?" Draco piped up.
I, however, was still seething with Malfoy for his insult earlier that he had seemingly forgotten about. I couldn't figure how he could so blatantly call me a slut —no, "acting" like one— and go on about his normal day as if that didn't happen.
I plopped down on the bench outside of the shop. "Wait here."
"Just wait? For a whole two hours?"
"There's no point in going back to Hogwarts, we'll just have to come back."
"Sure, but there's an entire town for us to mill about," he huffed matter-of-factly.
I rolled my eyes. "Forgive me if I'm out of line, but I don't particularly want to explore Hogsmeade with someone as degenerate as you."
"Degenerate?" he feigned hurt, placing a hand over his heart. "That pains me."
"It should. Now if you'd like to entertain yourself, go ahead but leave me be."
"Come on, Vitelli. Forget about what I said back there. We both know it wasn't true," he looked down at me, prompting me to meet his gaze skeptically.
"Of course it wasn't true, but that doesn't mean you should have said it."
"I'm not going to apologize for it, but know that I don't think of you like that. It kind of just... slipped out, regrettably."
I mused by scanning him up and down. His hands were in his pockets and he kicked a rock absentmindedly with his foot, his platinum hair lightly moving about as gentle wind passed through it. His eyes were soft, not narrowed or angry like before. I didn't think he was entirely sincere, but at least he wasn't hostile.
"Do you expect me to just forget about it? Honestly, Malfoy, have you no human decency? And for me, of all people..."
His eyes bore into mine, with some sort of expression playing. It wasn't... remorse, but a ghost of it, perhaps. His features were softened, his shoulders slumped. Maybe my slight reminder of the fact we're married knocked some sense into him.
"Can we at least try to put it aside for two hours? Certainly we can go that long without maiming each other," he let out a dry chuckle to alleviate some tension.
The end of his lip tugged up in sort of a smile. Not his typical malicious smirk, but a —small, yet still present— smile. Something like it, anyway. It made him look awkward in a boyish way.
"Why would you even bother we spend time together? Wouldn't you rather we just go our separate ways and regroup in two hours?" I inquired, raising an eyebrow.
"Think of it as charity work. I'm feeling generous today," he joked in a soft way. Again, it wasn't his typical arrogant remark, but almost like he was trying to convince me.
I stood up authoritatively, pointing a finger as if I were nagging him. "Some ground rules: no insults, no snide remarks, and no offensive comments about my friends."
He held his hands up defensively, nodding slightly. "Acceptable. Is that all?"
I crossed my arms over my chest and deadpanned, "Apologize for what you called me earlier."
"Vitelli, I didn't call you anythi—"
"Apologize or I won't bother being civil with you, ever again. Trust me, Malfoy, you know I can make your life miserable in more ways than one."
He exhaled deeply and flicked his tongue against his lip. He looked unsure for a moment before returning my gaze. "Fine. I... apologize, for my uncouth behavior. You... didn't deserve it."
I breathed calmly and slightly nodded, relaxing a little. "I know I didn't."
"I already told you before that I didn't mean it. I just... didn't know how else to react."
"There were plenty of other ways to react! Better yet, you could have just not said anythi—"
"Can we just start being civil with each other like you said? I'm holding you to that same standard of decency today, you know," he cocked his head, slightly frustrated but not necessarily starting anything.
I brushed past him, bumping into his shoulder which caused him to turn around and face my way. I, however, was already making my way into the town. "Follow me, then."
My strides were pretty long, trying to keep the pace of our walk up. Internally, I must have figured that keeping my legs busy would mean that we'd have to talk less. I'd so much rather have been here with Theo, or Daphne, even Cedric; anyone but Malfoy. I just prayed that I wouldn't see anyone from school here today, otherwise someone might read more into it than there was.
Part of me felt silly. In all fairness, Draco was my husband. We were legally married, and there should be nothing wrong with spending time with your spouse out in public. The only problem was that because of my feelings toward him, I could barely stand his presence, let alone his company for an extended period of time.
I pondered about whether or not I should let this outing be a fresh start for us. No, that was nearly impossible, especially after what he just said. I know he apologized, but I couldn't forget it. Maybe this could at least be the start of us tolerating each other, if nothing else.
"I'm starved. Fancy a snack?" he inquired, actually sounding somewhat pleasant. He said it so casually, like we were old pals. I tried to brush it aside and put up with him; we made a deal, after all.
It was only then that I realized I hadn't eaten lunch yet. What with Hermione's surprise task for us, I didn't exactly have the time to go to the Great Hall for any food. I didn't want to sound so eager to share a meal with the boy, but if he was offering and we're forced to spend time together, over some food may not be the worst way to go about it.
"I suppose," I agreed blandly, following him into the Three Broomsticks.
I scanned the room quickly and felt a wave of relief wash over me when I realized I didn't know anyone inside. Still, while Draco went to order some food, I snagged a table in the far corner, just to avoid anyone seeing us if they happened to walk in.
I twiddled with my thumbs waiting for him to come back. Merlin, what was I doing? I should have just gone back to Hogwarts then came back in a couple hours. Nothing could be worse than risking the humiliation of being seen with Draco Malfoy in a potentially social setting. I tapped my foot out of anxiety. The longer it took for him to return, the more upset I was with myself for being momentarily distracted enough to agree to this outing.
"What's up with you?" his voice eventually interrupted my thoughts as he sat down. "I must say, the back corner table is a nice touch," he chuckled, sliding over a butterbeer to my side of the table. He also had a tray of some assorted pastries and desserts. They didn't quite all appeal to me, but a strawberry strudel looked appetizing.
"I didn't particularly want to be seen with you," I retorted, "but thank you for the drink."
He pushed the plate of pastries over. "Take what you like."
I reached for the strudel and took a bite, pleased with the sweet, sugary taste. It was a nice distraction from the misery I was enduring otherwise.
"Thank you, again," I forced a small smile. At least he was being tolerable. "It tastes good, actually."
A small grin tugged on his lips. "I always get this when I come here. I figured you'd like it. I mean, everyone does."
"You come to Hogsmeade often?" I mused, nibbling away at my snack.
"I used to a lot more, around third and fourth year. This year I haven't had as much time, with classes and prefect duties. It's another reason I wanted to mill about today; I haven't gotten to in a while and I missed it."
"But with me you wanted to walk around?" I asked, an eyebrow raised. It wasn't accusatory, but simply inquiring.
"There's worse company to keep," he sipped his drink. "And it just so happens that this might be a good... opportunity."
Of course, I had an idea what he was referring to. It's been weeks since the school year started... a couple months since we've been married and we've barely discussed it. Apart from a few short times before and after the wedding, we'd largely avoided each other at all costs.
"I'm not saying we have to be best friends, trust me it's not on my agenda, but it might be... beneficial, if we tolerated each other a little more," he drawled out. Part of his tone was sarcastic, another part seemingly more genuine. I couldn't quite place whether or not I trusted his motives entirely.
"Where's this coming from? Not even a week ago you said I was barely a Slytherin after the quidditch match."
"I know, y/n, but that was right after we'd just lost—"
"You mean right after you lost."
"Sure," he grimaced, pressing his lips to a thin line. "Right after... I lost. I was throwing a fit. Poor Nott had to hear me talk his ear off," he took a swig of his drink.
"I thought you had a team meeting after the game?"
"Hmm? It was just Theo and I talking."
That's so strange. I could've sworn I remembered him saying they had a team meeting. I remember Draco coming up to us and pulling Theo away for that reason.
"Must have been mistaken," I chose not to fight him on it. "Anyway, I suppose I agree with you. It would be nice not wanting to kill you every time we patrol together," I half-heartedly chuckled.
"The feeling is mutual," he nodded, taking a bite of some other pastry. "I must admit, however, the idea wasn't mine. My father wrote to me; thinks we need to start... associating more."
I almost went into shock upon hearing that. Of course it wasn't Draco's idea, I could have figured that, but every so often I let myself forget I'm actually married. It's a wonderful moment of ignorant bliss, before realizing that I'm actually wedded to the boy sitting across from me. Hearing that his father wrote to him is a harsh reminder that I should be doing more at least to endure his presence if I don't want to be miserable the rest of my life.
"I understand," I monotonously returned.
"You have no objections to this?" he asked with an eyebrow raised, almost like he didn't believe me.
"I suppose not. It's not like it can get any worse."
He looked a little hurt by that, eyes looking down at his lap. He remained this way for a moment before looking back up with a forced small smile plastered on his face.
"Yeah, I know what you mean. But I guess I'm just relieved that you're open to it. Makes things easier."
I was pretty certain Draco had made the point he wanted to, because after that he changed the topic to something more sociable. In my opinion, it probably would have made more sense to start with the easy conversation before talking about our marriage, but he'd always worked differently than anyone else I knew.
Our chat was tolerable, anyway. I wouldn't necessarily want to have it everyday, but he proved he could hold a decent conversation without any insults.
He talked about quidditch for a while, how seeker was the only spot he ever wanted and would be bored playing anything else. We chatted about our teachers, especially how Snape clearly favors our house but we were both okay with it as long as it was to our benefit.
"Theo seems to think you're a pretty good seeker, apart from your... occasional fumbles," I toyed, messing with him over losing the last game.
"He better. I taught him everything he knows," he smirked.
"Right," I let out a dry laugh, half-amused. "I remember him saying he was considering being seeker but settled again for chaser. He could've given you a run for your money."
"Nott, seeker? No way. That's my position," he scoffed.
"I suppose they wouldn't have changed seekers after so many years, anyway. Still, he seemed bored with chaser."
"I remember he told me so. I didn't let him try out for seeker."
I cocked my head. "Really? You'd do that to your friend just to keep your spot?"
"It's not about that," he shook his head. "I want to play seeker for— other reasons. Ones that frankly don't concern you."
I sat back in my chair, slightly annoyed how his mood shifted. "Here I was thinking we'd become best friends in the past half hour," I sarcastically replied.
"We had a polite thing going here, Vitelli. Don't ruin it now."
"Then drop your attitude, you agreed to be cordial, too. Always with the short temper," I quipped.
"Like you're not being just as temperamental— fine," he exhaled deeply. "Apologies for having my little outburst."
"This is your second apology of the day, then," I smirked smugly, making him roll his eyes jokingly.
"Don't get too used to it. At least it succeeded in making you less upset with me."
"For once," I shrugged. "While we're on the subject of quidditch..."
"Go on."
"You were at the Hufflepuff party. You and Blaise."
His eyebrows arched slightly. "I... suppose we were. You comment, why?"
"I just didn't think I'd see you there. Especially after how the game ended."
"Is it so bad for a man to want to let off some steam?"
"At the party of the house that he lost to?"
He rolled his eyes. "Don't try to make sense of it. I just needed to let myself go for a bit."
"But you didn't," I shook my head. "You and Blaise were in the other room... not dancing, maybe drinking a bit, but no girls or anything. What was that?"
He stiffened in his seat a bit, looking uncomfortable. He cleared his throat.
"Didn't think you kept such tabs on me, y/n," he drawled out my first name, something I haven't heard him do before.
"I don't," I deadpanned. "I was just wondering what was going on."
"I could ask you the same thing," he quickly quipped. "Come on, let's leave."
He reached into his pocket to pull out an expensive looking, silver etched wallet with his initials embroidered on the front in green letters. It would have been quite pretty, were it not for being his. He pulled out a galleon and dropped it on the table as a tip.
Draco promptly stood up from his spot and went to pull out my chair, which was a move I was not expecting from him in the slightest. It was far too gentlemanly for him in general, but especially since he seemed so unnerved at the end of that conversation. Nonetheless, I stepped aside and he pushed my chair back in, uttering a soft "let's go" before brushing past me.
I followed him out the door, once again wondering why I chose to entertain his notions. I could have so easily just stayed in The Three Broomsticks or waited back to see if the bookshop opened up sooner than planned. Especially after his less than responsive attitude a moment ago, I felt stupid for even continuing this interaction.
All of my thoughts were moot once I realized how fast he was walking out the door and into town, and how fast I was following him.
Before I could protest to any of his quick decisions, he stumbled into some shop. Probably against my better judgment, I followed him but he was already out of my line of sight once I walked in.
Merlin, why was I even following him? He paid for my butterbeer and a snack, which was nice and all, but that doesn't mean I should be obligated to tail him like a lost puppy for the rest of the afternoon. If he really wanted my company he could have at least waited for me.
I quickly remembered that this was the same boutique that Theo and I had wandered into some time ago, looking for a present for his sister. I figured I might as well go back to the jewelry section, just to see if that necklace I liked might still be there.
My eyes scanned over the glass-covered jewelry displays. Much of the jewelry was the same, as I remembered. I saw a similar pair of earrings that Theo ended up buying and smiled to myself at the happy memory we made together.
Still, I looked all over and saw nothing of my necklace. I saw plenty; a diamond encrusted necklace, a sapphire, emerald, some more plain silver and gold ones, but not mine. It was a shame that it was gone, perhaps I would have bought it now that I had the time and was here by myself. At the same time it was nice that someone else appreciated it as much as me to buy it.
"Something caught your eye?" I heard Draco ask close to my ear from behind me, causing me to nearly jump at how surprised I was.
I craned my neck to look back, noticing he was much too close. I was almost pressed up against the jewelry display. He must have noticed my discomfort as he took a step back.
My chest heaved up and down as I returned my breathing back to normal, "Merlin, Malfoy, you scared me half to death!"
A boyish smirk played on his lips as he chuckled lowly. "Only half?"
I rolled my eyes and lightly smacked his arm, causing him to flinch jokingly. "That wasn't funny."
"Sure it was," he laughed. "Easy with the arm there, slugger. You'll actually put me half to death."
"Only half?" I mocked his play of words, causing him to scoff with that half-grin still donning his lips.
"I'm serious, y/n. See something you like?" he inquired, peering down at the displays.
"Not at all, actually."
"Ouch, that hurts," he jokingly placed his hand over his heart. I rolled my eyes when I realized he was referring to himself. "Kidding, again. Then why're you loitering over here?"
"Last time I came here there was something nice. I was just checking if it was still here, but it's gone..."
He pressed his lips to a fine line before lightly clicking his tongue. "Sorry to hear that. Should've gotten it last time, then."
"It is what it is. Just a necklace... so what did you want to come in here for?"
"Nothing, really. It was just kind of the first thing I saw..." his voice trailed. "Why don't we go to Honeydukes instead? I can buy you something you'll like."
"Thanks, Malfoy, but you just bought me food at the Three Broomsticks."
"I told you I'm feeling like doing some charity work today," he lightly chuckled. "Come on, it can be consolation for your necklace not being here."
I didn't quite like the idea of Draco buying so many things for me. Sure, they were just small snacks and it wouldn't cause him to dig into his inheritance, but it was still something that I wasn't comfortable with yet. We'd only decided to make peace today; that doesn't mean he had to buy me candies.
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Let’s Finish What We Started!
She possessed the body of a side character who was suffering because of her toxic fiancée.
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The Emperor's Concubine
[participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] The heroine is good and the villainess is evil. That was the absolute truth. That rule was undeniable as well as the fact that only the heroine would receive true love and her happy ending. Likewise, the malicious villainess would always suffer and leave the stage to clear the path for the perfect heroine in the end. So, for Blanche it felt like her world came crashing around her when she remembered the truth about her life. As the villainess in the typical romance novel “To Be Empress” she was fated to be condemned and abandoned by her lover. No matter how devoted she was to Theodore Estien, the emperor of Artias, she would only be the bratty concubine that would obstruct the heroine, who happened to be Theodore's lawful wife and the empress. In the end, the villainess would be deserted and executed. It was destined to happen like this, and yet she couldn't give up. She had to change the future. Preventing the romance between the main characters would get her killed. Much like trying to steer away from the enemies' intrigues, in which she was already caught up, would. But neither the heroine nor the emperor's political rivals would change the fact that Blanche loved the man that was supposed to be the heroine's. And no matter what happened she would always stay by her lover's side. So she wouldn't just follow the book's storyline and let her own doom arrive. Blanche would survive while trying to suppress all of the selfish desires that had made her the villainess. But was she truly fine with that? Did she not desire more than just surviving? Did she even have the right? Could the villainess ask for a happy end? Was she too brazen if she just wanted to stay with the man she loved and receive his affection? And wasn't there a bit more to this novel than she remembered? She didn't know and in the end that mattered little when the world around her changed with each day as more and more questions about the future and the past arose. "The Emperor's Concubine" will be updated thrice a week (usually on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays) *The Profanity tag was added due to the characters' occasional swearing, which should not happen too often.
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