《Learn to Love » Draco Malfoy x Reader》V
Prefect duties were a blur, most nights.
I'd been asked to fill in, here and there, which were oddly enough the nights that I enjoyed the most. Patrolling around the castle with Granger, Abbott, or even Weasley were productive enough that I could be back in my dorm room at a reasonable hour. They all did their job, which I appreciated. Some light conversation, cordial and polite, but it was mostly just getting our necessary work done. I still hadn't been scheduled with Cedric, which I was relieved about.
Patrolling with my assigned partner, however, was torturous for a multitude of reasons.
Draco's mood always seemed to shift at the drop of a hat.
At some points in the night, he would remain completely silent, even ignoring the short conversations that I tried to make or things to discuss as per prefect duties. Other times, he'd be oddly talkative, albeit his typical arrogance or making crude jokes, but talking my ear off, nonetheless. I even snapped at him a few times after he annoyed me so much that I couldn't contain myself any longer.
Even regarding actual duties, he had a terrible attitude as if he couldn't be bothered to write up a slip for detention. He did, however, always make sure to scold the student or yell at them in some capacity, which meant I always had to step in and apologize to the younger year. I couldn't have them running off to bed terrified.
"You could be nicer to these kids, you know," I scoffed, watching one walk away after I'd assigned him a detention for staying out past curfew. "They're just children."
"And you could grow a spine," he rolled his eyes. "They know the rules. I have every right to discipline them as I see fit."
"No, you don't actually. You can't make the rules; just enforce them. And traumatizing eleven-year-olds isn't included in the job description."
"Must you always be so prissy? Live a little, y/n."
"Unlike some people, I actually have respect for this school and its rules, especially my position. I happen to like our prefect group, barring a certain member," I sneered.
He feigned hurt at that comment. "Ouch, getting a bit personal, aren't we?"
He smirked and tucked his hands into his pockets in a smug way as we continued on with our patrol.
"That's actually the opposite of what I'm getting," I rolled my eyes at his malicious comment.
"Oh, please," he scoffed, becoming annoyed again. "We all know the reason why you're so keen to be the perfect group member, anyway."
I turned to look at him, cocking my head as I tried to make sense of his remark. "And why is that?"
"To impress your beloved Diggory, of course," he leered.
At that, I stopped in my tracks and let out a burst of laughter. It was loud and obnoxious at first, enough to be heard from the other end of the corridor. As I saw his expression change from pompous to confused, almost offended that I'd laugh at his proposition, my laughter changed to a lower, more dry laugh that made him seethe. I clutched at my stomach as I suppressed the laugher rising up in my chest again.
Draco stood with his hands on his hips, weight shifted to one side and rolled his tongue on the inside of his cheek in an impatient fashion.
"Care to explain what's so funny?"
Once I regained my composure, I stood up straight to face him properly, still letting out a low chuckle as my breathing returned to normal. He ran a hand through his white hair that somehow slightly tousled itself during our walk.
"You... you think... I need this job to impress him?" I choked out between laughs.
"Why else would you take the position?"
I let out a cough, ending my spiel of hard laughter. My throat was suddenly dry from its cackling.
"If you had any idea of our relationship, past or present, you'd know that I don't need this job to get Ced's attention."
His grey eyes shot daggers at me, while the end of his lip snarled bitterly.
"Fine. Let's pretend that's not the reason you're so excited for every meeting. Then why do you bother with all this?"
"Malfoy, unlike you, some of us just care about the school and want to do well as students. Where's your Slytherin ambition?"
He looked offended once more, the end of his lip tugged up in that same, spiteful half-grin. "I have plenty of ambition, y/n. In ways you wouldn't understand."
I brushed off his poor banter and continued on with the patrolling, allowing him to catch up to me. His lean, long legs took prideful strides in a relaxed manner that caught up to me quickly, so that he was on my left side.
"If you're so confident, then enlighten me: what's anything you're ambitious about?"
The smirk that was on his face a moment ago grew larger. A sharp breath escaped him in something of a snort, amused with whatever he was thinking.
"I don't think that's suitable conversation for prefect patrolling," he teased in a low, suggestive tone. "That's more... after hours activities."
My eyebrows scrunched together in a disgusted way, having a faint idea of what he could be referring to. I had heard rumors around the castle about him being quite the womanizer (for whatever reason girls seemed to find him attractive), but he hadn't made any clear, suggestive remarks to me yet. I found it disgusting that he'd brag about his conquests.
"Merlin, Malfoy, I meant something important. Not your... erotic personal matters," I quickly dismissed his comment, making it clear that I didn't find it amusing in the slightest.
He chuckled. "You did ask, after all."
"It's not what I meant. If anything, you're proving my point more by failing to produce anything of value to mention. If I didn't know any better, it might sound like you're overcompensati—"
"Don't try to psychoanalyze me, Vitelli. What I get up to... what makes me tick is my own business, and I don't have to answer to you about anything."
I let out an exasperated groan which piqued his interest, having him turn to me with a look of surprise on his face.
"Can't you ever just be at peace? Stop being so difficult once in a while, especially for this. You always prolong everything to the point where we argue so much that we can't even finish patrols on time. Trust me, I dread these nights even more than you do," I ranted out.
Part of me was slightly disappointed in myself that I slipped out my aggression like that, but I knew he deserved it. That and then some.
He stayed silent for a few moments, as we walked in awkward peace for the first time all night. His chatting had resulted in him putting his foot in his mouth; I just had to call him out on it.
"I didn't say I dreaded these nights," he mumbled after some time.
"Yes, you have. You've repeatedly complained how much you hate this job—"
"This job, yes, I dread. The nights, not so much," he corrected matter-of-factly.
I furrowed my brows as I tried to analyze whatever he meant. It made no sense; these nights were his job, there was nothing else to look forward to. Unless, of course, he was referring to some of that personal "after hours" business that I refused to dwell on.
I chose not to reply to whatever he meant. Better to finish the job in silence, if I wanted to be back in my dorm room anytime soon tonight. If it was important, surely he'd repeat himself, or clarify.
He never did.
That Sunday was the first time I'd been out to Hogsmeade all term.
After enough persuasion, Theo had finally convinced me to accompany him on a weekend outing.
"You've been peskier than a first year finding his classes about this trip, you know," I jokingly bumped his arm as we made our way into the Three Broomsticks for a drink.
"But it was worth it, was it not? I've finally got you to leave that dorm and take a break from your studying," he returned a genuine smile, finding us a spot as we sat down.
"I suppose," I shrugged. "It's not like I haven't been here before. Only since third year," I chuckled.
"Fine," he huffed, before smirking playfully at me. "I'll just have to get you to come to more parties this year, then."
"Dream on, Nott."
"Come on, we're going to have to celebrate lots after the Slytherin team crushes the quidditch season this year."
My eyes perked up at this comment. "So you made the team? Way to go, Theo!" I nuzzled into his shoulder as a congratulatory gesture.
He shrugged bashfully, a slight pink tint appearing on his cheeks. "No need to make a fuss, I've made the team for four years straight."
I pulled away from him and gazed at his bright blue eyes, slightly glossy with what seemed like contentment. "Still, I'm very proud of you. Did you... make seeker? I remember you saying you were considering it."
He looked down, suddenly seeming a tad embarrassed. "Uh, no... I— I couldn't... I settled for chaser again."
"What do you mean you 'couldn't'? They wouldn't let you try out for it?"
"Something like that... don't worry about it, y/n. I'm perfectly alright with chaser for another season," he plastered a weak grin on his face, clearly trying to appear fine with it.
I sighed breathily, not quite believing it but accepting his wishes of being left alone. "Alright, fine. But as a congratulations, I'm buying you a butterbeer in honor of your four-years-running chaser success."
He looked up again to meet my gaze, a real smile taking the place of that obviously fake one he donned just a moment ago.
I made my way to snag a couple drinks as well as some snacks for us before coming back to sit down. I made sure to get up and bring it over myself, otherwise Theo would undoubtedly try and pay for it regardless of my offer. I sat his butterbeer down on the table and gently slid it over to him a few inches from myself.
"Thanks, y/n, you're a gem," he grinned, taking a sip of his drink.
"Anything for our resident champion," I teased, making him blush again.
"Quit with the compliments, I know I'm godly but a man can only take so many in one sitting," he brushed it off, still donning a toothy grin as he continued gulping his drink.
After some typical Theo chat, mostly him gossiping about whatever was going on with Blaise or his other friends, he insisted we walk around for a bit. Theo was more useful than a newsletter; he seemed to know everything about everyone at all times.
"I could use a female opinion on something," he confessed, as we walked into a clothing and jewelry shop. "My sister's birthday is coming up and I haven't the slightest idea what to get her. Might you suggest something?"
"I think I have to," I giggled. "After seeing what you got her last year, you need help."
He rolled his eyes at my light hearted joke, taking it awfully personal. "Hey, she loved those candies I bought her!"
"Yeah, until the acid pop burned a hole in her tongue so badly that she needed to go to the hospital wing."
He playfully shoved my arm as we made a slow saunter throughout the store. Some of the clothes were quite cute, but Theo refused to let her wear any of it. Being the protective older brother he was, he didn't want her looking attractive to any boy in the school, whatsoever.
"Just what I need: to watch out for some older Slytherin punk to protect her from," he rolled his eyes when I held up a pink skirt, on the shorter side. "There's no way my baby sister is wearing any of this."
"Theo, she's sixteen. I'm sure she'd love something like this," I motioned to the racks of similar, shorter clothes.
"Doesn't matter. I know what guys want and... unfortunately, it's this," he sighed, distraught at the thought of his sister off with some boy, one like him, or worse. He knew the types of guys that his house had, and their track record wasn't too impressive.
"You know, you're lucky you had someone like Diggory," he scoffed, moving over to the jewelry section as he gawked at some of the necklaces on display. "That's not someone I had to protect you from."
I looked at him confusedly. "Protect me? Theo, you couldn't protect yourself from a niffler if you tried," I dryly joked.
"You know what I mean, y/n. He and I aren't friends but know each other from quidditch, locker room talks and all. He's an alright guy; never had a bad word to say about you, and I heard a lot over two years," he continued peering at the displays.
I know it wasn't Theo's fault, but it was hard getting over Cedric when things around me constantly reminded me of him.
Prefect meetings were especially the worst. Multiple times a week I was forced to sit in a small group and listen to every word he had to say as Head Boy, and I couldn't look away for more than a minute without Malfoy suggesting to the group that I'm not paying attention because I've lost interest in the position. Truth be told, it was difficult having to see Cedric and fight the urge to jump in his arms and be engulfed in his embrace like I so often used to. I appreciated having a moment to myself to try and shake my feelings in the meetings.
It seemed like the more often our group met, the more I missed Cedric. I had gone a whole month without seeing him, after I broke things off with him, then to seeing him regularly throughout the week at Hogwarts. It was a change I hadn't adapted to.
"I suppose, but you know it has to be over between us. There's nothing I could do about it," I told Theo who weakly smiled at me, apologetically.
"It's a shame your husband can't even make an effort to be a decent person," he added.
Upon hearing that, my neck craned to scan the surroundings and make sure nobody around us heard that. After seeing that there was nobody else on our side of the store, I visibly relaxed, sighing and pressing my hand to my forehead with ease.
"Sorry about that," he brushed a lock of his wavy brown hair out of his eyes. "Lucky we're alone."
I gave him a half-hearted smile and silently continued on the prowl for a gift for his sister.
I searched a few glass-covered displays until I stumbled upon a gorgeous gold necklace. It reached a bit past the collarbone, with a diamond crescent moon attached to the same clasp of two smaller golden stars. No doubt it would be expensive, but cost was no hindering factor for a family like the Nott's. I grabbed Theo by the upper arm and he bent down to look at it.
"What do you think?" I asked him, slightly turning my neck to face him close by, just a few inches away from me.
He looked from me to the necklace, observing it for a moment and back again to meet my gaze. "It's... beautiful, y/n. I don't know if it's quite for her, but it's lovely."
I stood up straight again and slightly distanced myself from him, Theo following suit. "We can keep looking. I just thought that one was... quite captivating," my eyes naturally dragged back down to it, observing all its features.
I considered buying it just for myself; money, like for Theo and other pureblood families, was nothing to worry about for me. I could definitely indulge in a fancy necklace if I chose to do so. However, I figured this was not the time. We were looking for someone else, and I couldn't act selfishly by purchasing it myself.
"I think it would suit you better," he returned to look down at it in its small display case.
"Don't worry about it, Nott. Let's keep looking," I grasped his forearm once more and pointed us in the direction of some earrings instead.
While we kept searching for the perfect gift, he returned his attention to the necklace I had my eye on. He insisted it would be fitting for me, but I just smiled and tried to distract him with other jewelry.
After some failed attempts of getting him to pick something else out, he finally settled on a pair of emerald earrings that he decided would go well with his sister's school uniforms best.
"They're not perfect, but they'll do," he gave me a lopsided grin as the cashier wrapped up the earrings for him. "She'll like them regardless. If it's shiny, she'll take it."
As we walked out of the store, Theo turned to me and ran a hand through his shaggy hair. In the midday sun it actually made him look quite handsome, the natural highlights being accentuated and contrasting well with his light eyes. I knew lots of girls had crushes on him, but it wasn't something that I ever really considered. It was undeniable that he was easy on the eyes, though.
"You didn't get that necklace for yourself," he started. "Were you waiting for me to offer to buy it for you?"
"What?" I looked up at him surprised. I wasn't offended, but more so taken aback at that question. "No, of course not. Why would you ask that?"
He shrugged. "Other girls would. And there was only one... why let it get away from you?"
"This trip wasn't for me, Theo. We were finding something for your sister. And I've got enough necklaces... leaving one behind won't hurt."
"I suppose. It's just... nice spending time with a girl who isn't self-absorbed," he weakly smiled. "You even bought me that butterbeer."
"Oh, please. It was just a drink."
"I know, but it was kind of you. That's not something you see from a lot of girls, especially in our house. You know Daphne wouldn't have done that."
"Theo, seriously, don't stress about it. You invited me out to Hogsmeade and I thank you for that. It's been a nice afternoon and I appreciate us spending the day together."
He nodded, seemingly understanding what I was getting at. He pointed in the direction of Honeydukes.
"Come on then, let me buy you something in return for that butterbeer."
"I told you, that was just for you making chaser on the quid—"
"Then it'll be a thank you for helping me pick out these earrings."
I gave him a bashful smile, then shrugged, defeatedly. "Fine, but don't even think of giving me any acid pops."
A/N: Howdy y'all! Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! My apologies if it's going pretty slow as of right now, I'm just trying to establish relationships and minor paths for a more complex plot further down the road. I ~promise~ it won't always be this boring, don't worry! Also, can you tell I'm a major Theo simp? Thank you again for reading, I love y'all to the moon and back! xoxo
be sure to vote and + comment! helps my book be seen by more people!
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