《The Candlewood Sisters: Lavender》It's all I ask
"Atlas......Atlas?" Lavender poked her head in his office. But he wasn't there either. She closed the door in confusion and walked down the hallway.
He wasn't in his room. He wasn't at breakfast and he hadn't been in his office. Where was he?
"Vera? Vera!"
The old lady sighed as she turned to her mistress. "Yes, my lady?"
"Have you seen Atlas? Where is he?"
"Oh he left early this morning." Vera explained, glad that it wasn't another question about renovation.
"Left?" Lavender whispered.
"Yes, business and all that. You know men." She brushed it off.
"Did he say when he'd be back?" Her shoulders slumped.
"No." Vera stated simply. "I'm just a servant my lady...not his confident." she turned and walked away, leaving the new lady of the house alone and baffled. Vera stopped halfway down the hallway and kicked herself for feeling bad. She turned to face her mistress. "My Lady, I'm sure he'll be back soon." The old lady smiled. "He has reasons to return...before he didn't."
Does he? Lavender nodded at her attempt to comfort her. "I'm sure.....hehehehe..." she tried to cheer herself up.
Vera gave her a strange look and turned around. "Well then...."
Atlas pressed her head into the bed as he thrust harder. His eyes closed, body damp as he rolled his hips.
"Oh yes! Yes! My Lord! I missed this! I missed this dick! YYYEEESSS!"
Atlas grunted as he lifted her ass higher, pounding into her relentlessly.
Atlas panted as he lowered his body to press against her back. He brought his hand forward and clamped it over her mouth. "Do me a favor Mina and shut the fuck up." He ordered. He squeezed his eyes shut and tried to reclaim his rhythm. He thought of the wet pussy he was sliding in an out of, the way her walls hugged her dick. Her ass grinding against his balls. The way she'd swallowed his dick earlier. Atlas grinned as he rolled his hips. There we go.
Her moans filled his ears as he felt her pussy squeezing him. He opened his eyes and looked down at the arch of her cinnamon skin. He ran his hands over her ass and down her back. An image of Lavender laying naked on the bed flashed in his mind.
"Oooohhh, I'm gonna cum..." she moaned quivering.
Atlas thrusted inside her a couple more times in frustration. "Fuck." He pulled out and looked down at his dick softening and jerked himself.
Mina whirled around in shock. "You didn't cum."
"Give me a minute."
"What did I do wrong?"
Atlas squeezed his eyes shut. "Stop talking. Give me a min----"
"Here, let me help....I can suck...."
"Jesus Christ!" Atlas pushed her hand away.
"What in the bloody hell is wrong with you!" she shouted emotionally at his outburst.
Atlas released his dick and sat on the edge of the bed. He panted and covered his face momentarily before running his fingers through his hair. "I'm too drunk." He slurred. His head spinning as he stood back up. He put his hands out.
"We can try again." Mina offered.
Atlas grabbed his pants off the floor and pulled it on, tucking his dick back inside.
"What are you doing?" She asked as she sat up on the bed.
He ignored her and slipped into his shoes.
Atlas stumbled as he grabbed his shirt. "I gotta look for my brother."
"You're just gonna leave? You're just gonna leave?" she demanded but her cries landed on deaf ears as the Marquess of Shirewest staggered out into the crowded hallway.
He took a deep breath and straightened up as he tucked his shirt. Shaking away the alcohol he headed down the stairs to his brother, currently on the red sofa, receiving a lap dance from a very skillful dancer.
Robert looked up as Atlas came into view. He turned and patted the redhead's ass. "I'll find you another day." She winked and blew him a kiss and walked away. Robert jumped up and rushed over to his brother. "Home?" he offered up with a big smile.
"I wanna go somewhere else." Atlas looked around, trying to still his spinning head.
"How about------we go home now." Robert suggested. "And if you manage to survive alcohol poisoning and actually wake up.... than we'll go out again tomorrow night."
Atlas grabbed his little brother's face and squeezed it. "Let's go somewhere else." he ordered talking to his brother's mouth. "Somewhere else." He patted the young guy's cheek hard and whirled around. "The world is my oyster." Atlas chuckled with his arms out.
Robert sighed and hung his head as he ushered his brother out. As levelheaded and charming as his eldest brother could be 95 % of the time. It was that 5% that scared him. And not a lot scared Robert. What the fuck happened? Last time he was like this, Robert had gotten stabbed and he still had the scars to prove it. A baron ended up dead and father had shipped Atlas to Scotland for three years to clean up and fix any loose ends.
Azalea looked nervously behind her as she tightened her cloak, pulling her hood down further. He was late. So late. She needed to go.
"Whoa...boy slow down."The gentlemen effortlessly jumped off his horse.
She whirled around, her heart jumping. She grabbed his arm and pushed him into the alleyway.
"Oh, I like it rough." He grinned grabbing her waist.
Azalea wrapped her arms around his shoulders and kissed him hard. He grabbed her ass and rubbed himself against her, turning around and pressing her into the brick building.
"Have you divorced her yet?" Azalea whispered breathlessly, breaking the kiss. "You should come by the house tomorrow----"
He chuckled. "You eager, eager little kitten. I'm not yet divorced. You just have to wait a little longer."
Her face fell. "But you said."
"I said wait." He ordered.
She closed her mouth as he caressed her cheek.
"I will marry you." He whispered, pulling her skirt up and slipping his hand underneath.
Azalea bit down on her bottom lip, his touch causing her body to ache.
"But I like my girls patient. Be patient my little flower..."
She threw her head back and gasped as his fingers sank inside her, coaxing her wanton ways to come forth.
He abruptly pulled his hand back. She looked down at him in confusion. "What happened? That was much shorter than last time."
"Before I make you see stars...I need you to do something for me sweetheart." he whispered against her mouth and kissed her hard. Azalea moaned as she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him back just as passionately.
Lavender stared across at the empty chair. She sighed and nodded. The servant came forward and placed the platter in front of her.
"Your breakfast my lady."
She smiled softly and picked up her spoon.
"What do you think of this dress?" Lizzie looked at herself in the mirror. "Isn't it marvelous?"
Matthew scoffed. "Isn't the front a little low." He glared at the seamstress.
"Matthew! It's all the fashion. And it's not." Lizzie turned to the pudgy woman before her. "I think you've done a wonderful job."
"Can we go now?"
Lizze sucked her teeth. "Robert and Atlas never rush me for my fittings!"
"Well, is Robert or Atlas here?" Matthew put his arms out. "No. Because we haven't seen your brothers in 2 days." Matthew remarked angrily. "Which means, there's going to be some shit, that I'm going to have to clean up, very, very soon. So excuse me if I'm not overjoyed at your low neckline or clapping for a dress that looks the same as every other dress out there."
Lizzie glared at him, but Matthew ignored her and looked behind at the mistress. "Hey! Private family conversation, stop being nosey and bag up my sister's dresses.....please."
The seamstress nodded rapidly and started to pack.
"You don't have to be such an ass."
"Lizzie, try to be a little more ladylike and lose the fucking cursing before father hangs us all!" Matthew smacked the back of her head.
"UUUUGGHHH! You're so infuriating!" Lizzie exclaimed as she stormed out the shop. She turned around to the shop window and gave the middle finger to her brother's back.
"Yeah, that'll show him."
She whirled around having gotten caught. Her eyes widened at the tall guy in the top hat. His cane in one hand. A smirk on his face and devilishly beautiful hazel eyes. "Duke of Jensen." she took a couple steps back, his presence overpowering her senses.
"Respectable young ladies shouldn't be outside unescorted Miss. Worthington." Pablo arched an eyebrow. "Go back inside to your brother."
Lizzie lifted her chin. "I am perfectly capable of going in and out of whatever establishment I please....and I please....to wait for my brother here."
Pablo's mouth twitched up, but he touched his hat, giving her a slight bow. "Well in that case, please step aside Miss. Worthington. I would hate for you to accidentally vomit on my shoes as I walk past."
Lizzie gasped and touched her cheeks, warming up in embarrassment. "That's not fair, I was 14. I cannot be held responsible for whatever happened at that age."
The Duke of Jensen moved his jaw. "Good day, Miss. Worthington." He bowed again and resumed walking.
"I like your eyes." she whispered as he passed her.
Pablo stopped and turned to the young woman.
"Lizzie, inside, one more fitting and don't say I never did anything for you." Matthew called out. He looked past her and smiled. "Duke, good afternoon. You wouldn't have happened to see our brothers by any chance?"
Pablo quickly shifted his eyes from the Worthington sister and shook his head. "Not yet Worthington. I will keep an eye out."
Lizzie smiled as she turned and walked past Matthew and into the store. As Matthew said his goodbyes and followed her in. Lizzie made eye contact with the duke through the shop window. She smiled shyly and turned her back to him.
Pablo blinked several times but then shook his head. "No....nope...no...." He walked away.
Atlas put his hand on the girls back as she rolled her ass in his lap. Another girl licked the edge of his ear and bit it playfully. Still another ran her hands down his chest as she kissed his neck from behind.
Robert sat in the dark across from his brother as he watched him. Even in this dim room, now illuminated by blue lights, he could see his brother wasn't into it. So what was he looking for? They've been drunk for 3 days.
"Pretty ladies, take it somewhere else."
Two of the ladies left.
"Stay." Atlas replied automatically.
"Go." The Duke of Jenson ordered the woman still grinding against the Marquess' erection.
"Don't ruin my fun, because you can't have any."
"Robert, Atlas...Matthew's been looking for you two. I saw him earlier today." Pablo leaned back with the cigar in his mouth.
Robert jumped up. "See. Let's go before Matthew starts throwing one of his bitch fits."
Atlas didn't answer as he simply stared straight ahead. He put his hand up and snapped his finger, the same woman who was on him earlier returned. This time she straddled him as he grabbed her waist.
Robert sighed and sat back down.
The Duke puffed away on his cigar as the piano played in the background. "Heard you just got married not too long ago."
Atlas ran his hands over the woman's big round breasts.
"Ain't this supposed to be your honeymoon."
Atlas stretched his neck as the woman planted kisses all the way down it. "This is my honeymoon." He replied
Pablo shot Robert a look. The younger brother shrugged.
"Atlas...go home to your wife." Pablo stated. "You're not that boy from three years ago."
Atlas let the girl kiss down his chest, and lower to his abs, lifting his shirt. "My wife told me to come." He chuckled. He brought a hand out and caressed the pouty pink lips, kneeling before him. "My wife....doesn't want me." Slender fingers worked to untie his pants.
"Hey! Hey blondie." Robert snapped his fingers. "Can't you see we're having a serious conversation here. I'm not about to watch you suck my brother's dick during a serious conversation. GO!"
Atlas sighed and closed his eyes as the girl scrambled up and left them quickly. He rubbed his temple and groaned.
"Atlas..." The Duke sat up. "Go home to your wife...while you still have a wife to go home to." He responded seriously. "Take advantage of her presence....because when she's gone...none of this shit will matter."
Atlas opened his eyes and stared up at the ceiling.
Robert made the sign of the cross on his chest. "Sorry about Sara, Pablo. May her soul rest in peace." He whispered.
"You wouldn't understand." Atlas croaked
"I understand self-sabotage." Pablo brought the cigar back to his lips. "I understand pain."
"You wouldn't understand."
"I understand wallowing in self-pity." Pablo straightened up
Atlas closed his eyes in frustration. "There's no solution." Atlas put his hand up again and motioned.
"There's always a solution." Pablo countered. "And last time I checked, the 10 year old kid who swam naked through the icy river to prove a stupid point, doesn't give up so easily."
"Oh...." Robert put his finger up. " Father almost strangled us both." He jumped up and snapped his finger at the same women from before. "What the fuck? Stop coming here!"
Annoyed the woman took her hand off Atlas' shoulder and walked away.
"Brother...." Robert put his arms out and walked proudly. "A name drop if I may....when I was just a wee little lad....the cutest of us all, I dare say. A wonderful gentleman by the name of Charles Dickens----"
Atlas groaned and covered his face.
"Helped me with my schooling for one week. And he said, I quote...you are my favorite of the Worthingtons young lad, you will go far." Robert smiled happily.
"He didn't say that." Atlas rolled his eyes.
Robert waved his comment away. "Of course you don't remember, you're drunk. Anyways-----as we both know....I had a hard time....in my earlier days with----"
"Peeing yourself." Atlas interjected.
"Releasing my bladder---" Robert corrected loudly. "At---the most inconvenient times....when I happened to get frightened."
"Where is this going Robert?" Atlas snapped.
"I am intrigued and disgusted but also pondering the same question." The Duke of Jensen stated in amusement.
Robert sighed and got in his brother's face. "Atlas, when there seems to be no solution...sometimes the only solution is time."
"And he told you that, before or after you peed on his manuscript?" Atlas asked.
"By good that's bloody brilliant." Pablo whispered in surprise.
Robert cupped the side of his brother's face. "No asshole. He told me that when I confided in a complete stranger of my fear of being ostracized because of something I couldn't control." He patted his brother's cheek affectionately.
Atlas slowly lowered his gaze.
"By god..." Pablo spoke up in awe as he looked at Robert. "I do apologize, I did always consider you the dumbest of the lot."
Robert grinned and wiggled his eyebrows at the Duke. "So does that make you want to fuck me now?"
"No." The duke shook his head.
Robert sighed and went back to his seat. "Eh, you win some, you lose some."
Pablo chuckled and turned his attention back to the eldest Worthington whose face was grim and defiant.
Atlas locked his jaw and put his hand up again and snapped his fingers.
"Take one step over here and I swear to God, you'll regret it for the rest of your life." Robert pointed behind Atlas.
"You never did tell me why you got married so quickly." Pablo put his cigar back in his mouth. "Knowing you, the reasons could be anything from nefarious to virtuous dear friend." He blew a cloud of smoke into the dimly lit room. "I would hope it was for love. Sara loved you."
"We courted 2 weeks Pablo." Atlas sighed. "And I told you, I never touched her."
"Oh I know. But she still loved you, she'd known you her entire life." Pablo puffed away on his cigar.
Atlas sighed and lifted his head to his friend. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when she passed."
The duke shook his head and smiled sadly. "This isn't about Sara." He whispered and turned to fix his hazel eyes on him. "It's about your wife....and any other women whose ever crossed path with Lord Worthington."
Atlas glared at his friend, but there was no malice in the Duke's hazel eyes.
"I am sorry, that your mother passed so young." the Duke whispered.
Robert dropped his eyes, feeling emotions well up. He made the sign of the cross and kissed his mother's necklace that he always wore.
"Because maybe, if you'd had a little more time with her dear friend...your views on women would be quite different."
Atlas shot out of his seat and for a drunk man, amazingly retreated his pistol with the swiftness as he aimed it at the duke. "Do. Not. Talk about my mother." His voice shook.
Pablo stared back unflinching. "Women are people...with feelings...and thoughts...and their own lives. Not just for our convenience and pleasure."
Atlas cocked his gun.
Pablo brought the cigar calmly to his lips and inhaled deeply. "Mothers and wives teach us that."
Robert stood up and slowly pressed his brother's hand down, lowering the pistol.
"Go home Worthington. Your wife is a good one." Pablo closed his eyes and exhaled a cloud of smoke above him.
Atlas's bottom lip shook. Robert wrapped his arm around his brother's neck and pressed the eldest' head against his collar. "There, there, a little harsh on the mommy issue Pablo...." Robert called out to the Duke in annoyance as he comforted his brother. "Or did you forget Atlas is the one who found her."
"My apologies." Pablo nodded sincerely.
"Mama?" Atlas whispered shaking her a little harder. "Mama wake up, we're going to be late. Mama....Mama!"
"Whoa...whooaa, where the hell have you two been?" Matthew whispered harshly as he caught Atlas before he could crash to the ground.
Robert groaned and straightened up, happy for the help. "Don't be an ass Matthew, can't you see our brother was having a difficult go of it?" He chuckled and stumbled as he crashed against the side table.
"Don't be an ass? Don't be an----" Matthew's blue eyes flared up.
"Oh no Atlas! Robert! What happened?" Lizzie ran down the stairs to her brothers. "We were worried sick!"
"Lizzie it's 4 in the morning! Why are you up?" Matthew demanded.
"Oh get that stick out your ass Matthew." Robert, turned and helped Lizzie in supporting Atlas, who was mumbling incoherently.
Matthew sighed. "Did anybody get hurt?" He asked in annoyance. "What mess do I have to---"
"Shut-up Matthew."
All three siblings looked up at the figure at the top of the stairs, leaning on his cane.
"Help your brother to bed. Lizzie, to your chambers now."
"Yes Papa." Lizzie nodded and gently passed Atlas' arm to Matthew.
Atlas looked up. "Where were you?" His voice broke as fresh tears ran down his face.
Lizzie froze at the bottom of the stair and looked at her eldest brother cry for the first time.
Martial World
In the Divine Realm, countless legends fought over a mysterious cube. After the battle it disappeared into the void. A young man stumbles upon this mystery object, opening a whole new world to him. His name is Lin Ming, and this is his road of martial arts.
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