《Reign of the Dragons》Interlude: Matchmaking


Baelon and Helaena were officially betrothed in 115 AC, despite Alicent's protest on how Helaena should marry Aegon.

Viserys refused this, citing that a child of Baelon and Helaena would combine the lines of his two wives as well as be potential match for a future child of Dorian and Daenaera.

And that child's child could marry Aemon's future heir.

Baelon had claimed a black and copper she dragon named Tyraxes while Helaena had claimed a dark blue and gold male dragon she named Arrax.

Both were young dragons who would be medium sized in a year or two.

The Sky Dragon also schemed to ensure the Houses of Westeros loyalty to her line.

Aemon was betrothed to Jocelyn Baratheon, which would bring fresh blood into House Targaryen. Daveth's mother was a Tarth while Borros's mother was an Estermont.

She was considering bringing Dorne into the kingdoms via marriage. Rhaella would not however, promise the hand of an unborn child to House Martell.

In a few more years, then she would convince Viserys to do it if Dorian agreed. Or outright manipulate Viserys if he refused.

She also got more grandchildren in the one hundredth and fifteenth year after Aegon's Conquest.

Twins Aelyx Targaryen and Visenya Targaryen were born in 115 AC at High Tide. Rhaella and Viserys were present for the twins birth.

The twins were given eggs. Aelyx had a white and bronze egg, Visenya had a lilac and black egg.

Both eggs had hatched two hours after their birth.

A good omen and a sign of the Seven! the Faith had preached. The Queen of Dragons line runs true!

Aemon had been permitted to claim a drake (Rhaella had tried to give him a hatchling, but her grandson had opted for a drake). The she drake was black with purple patterns on her face, neck, and wings with purple eyes. By the time Aemon would be six, she would be a full grown dragon.


The smallest ridable size, but still a dragon.

Rhaella then flew for Storm's End. She made it just in time to be there for Rhaenyra's second pregnancy.

Victor Baratheon was born hale and hearty, with black hair and mismatched eyes—the right one blue and the left one purple.

The Queen of Dragons heart filed with love with the birth of her new grandchildren. She would burn the world for them.

Raze the world to ashes with Dreamfyre's flames for her family.

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