《What Am I {J.J.K. FF}(#wattys2018)》ONE ROOF


"Let me ask you. Where are you moving to?"

"I will live with Jungkook starting today."


"Yup. Shocking isn't it?" i said with a poker face.

"Oh! So that's why Jungkook was the one who took you to the hospital! Your mother must've arranged you two!"

"Your girl sense never grows old."

"Yup. You know me. So, how did you get that car? Lamborghini to be exact."

"What?! Lambo?! Really?!"

"Euhh, yeah? You didn't see the logo on the car?!"

"Eheheheh. Nope. I don't know. Maybe they have too much money left? But i don't really like that car. It's too cramped. My things can't fit."

"Right. I still laughed when i think about it." she chuckled.

"Hey it can't fit! Your boxes are too big to fit in here!"

"Try to push it!"

"It can't close! Urrghhhhh!" Jihye groans to close the baggage door.

"Let's just call the mover company to move our things and add some things to be moved because the taxes will be the same."

"Yeah let's do that. I'm exhausted."

After a while the truck came.

"We'll arrive in a week." the driver say.


"Yeah. Because it's moving season and there's this president coming to our country and using our company to move his things."

"Arrghh! What nonsense is this?!"

"I'm sorry."

"Okay. Whatever. But please if you can make it quick!"

"We'll try."

" Wait. Let me take something from there."

I took my thick blanket and my pillow.

"You can go, sir."

"Once again i'm sorry and have a nice day!"

"You too sir."

"Right, done. Let's get going!"

"Right. Let's go!"

"But you can drive?!"

"Of course! I just never really done it before."

"What?! And you're trying to drive?! Now?! Using Lambo?!"

"Yup! Wish me luck!"


"Wish me alive!" she screamed.

Then i stepped on the gas. The car runs off.

"Arrghhh!" Jihye screamed.

Shortly, we arrived to my new house.

We walked out from my car and then scan each other.

"What in the hell happened with you?!" i was shocked with Jihye's appearance. Her hair is very messy, her shirt is very crumpled.

"What? It's because of your lacking driving skills!"

"Really? Hehehe. I really should learn to drive again."

"Then why do you drive you babo!"

"So i won't burden anyone. Anyway, let's go in."

I brought my big fluffy blanket and my pillow to the front door.

"Okay! Let me help you!"



"Fix your hair before you get in there. He might mocked you and said hurtful things you gonna regret."

We walked to the doorstep.

"Who's gonna ring the bell?" i asked.

"I don't want to. You're the one who's gonna marry him."

"But i was forced to. I'm not willing to marry him."

"But you're gonna marry him so ring the-"

"Girls. Always being loud. Now get in." suddenly Jungkook popped out from the door.

"Ah! Kamjagiya!" Jihye got shocked of his sudden appearance.

"O-okay." i answered.

"W-where is m-my room?" i tried to spit out the word because my voice was muffled by my blanket.

"Turn right, the first room you saw on the left."


Then when we got in to my room, damn, clean as ever.

"Damn gurl, you got some wild shit over here." Jihye said.

"Do you just spit out your thoughts right now?!"

"Maybe? Of course! What's with this average room mann?! I peeked a little at Jungkook's room it can fit fifteen sleeping people at once!"

"That's why this was called Guest. Room."


"Yeah. Maybe from now on, my life will be stuck with 'First come, first serve'. So i doubted that i won't get anything that i like if Jungkook likes it too."


"Right. You know how competitive he is."

"Yup. But wait-"


"Where is the f***ing bed?!"


"Let's just go back to your house and call back the truck and put your bed into the truck!"

"Yup let's chop chop!"

Then we were rushing as hell. Jihye called the company's truck, then she ran to the car with me and we zoomed to my house.

Then when we arrived, the truck is already there.

"Damn Jihye. What do you say that make them arrive this fast?!"

"Well this and that."

After they move my bed, me and Jihye drive back to my SHARED house.

"Sorry Baram but can you drove me first to my house? My mother already nagging at me to go home."

"It's okay."

"Sorry Baram."

"It's okay, really."

After driving for a while we arrived at her house.

"Thanks Baram and drive safely!"

"Yeahh! Sleep well!"



At last, i'm done for the day! I parked my car in the house as Jungkook peeked at the door to see who's arriving.

Here comes nothing. His eyes suddenly gone wide. I saw him with 'what's-with-that-expression'.

"Y-you have a l-lambo?!"

"You have eyes right?"

"Unbelievable! You've must stolen it!"

"Shut up! If you don't believe it just fucking ask my parents."

"You don't have to be all-mad ya' know."

"I don't know anymore! Arrghhh!"

"Can i borrow your car?"

"Big. No."


Then he leaves. I looked at my phone cassing.

Jesus christ! The appointment!

15.50 p.m.

What the fries?! Come onn!

I rushed to the bathroom and not until 5 minutes i already dressed casually.

I walked down the stairs seeing Jungkook on the sofa watching 2 days and 1 night Season 3.

(A/N : No kidding check it out guys it's really funny as hell.)

"Where are you going?" Jungkook asked.


"I won't be back until 11 p.m. tonight."


I looked at my watch again.

15.57 p.m.

Guess i have to speed up now.

Within 5 minutes i've arrived at Pluto Psychology Centre that supposed to be 15-minutes course.

I parked my car at the basement and hell, the building is enormous for a psychology centre.

I got in there and was greeted by the receptionist there.

"Hi. What can i help you with?"

"Hi. I have an appointment here that supposed to start at 16.00 p.m. but i'm late."

"Okay let me check it first. Are you patient Lee Baram?"

"Yes. That's me."

"Okay. Room 134. Down the aisle there, turn left, and then the first room you see on the right."

"Okay thank you."

"Your welcome."

I ran to the room, almost bumped with the wall on the turn because i was too fast.

Then i knocked on the door and hear

"Come in."

Then i walked in and surprised, seeing someone i despised to it's bone.


A/N : Hey yo! Sorry for not updating so i make this chapter longer. A record cuz' i've never wrote this many words in a chapter.

Sorry if there's some mistake because I'm not checking it twice. So if there's some mistakes you can comment right on this description.


Sorry to keep y'all hanging. I've heard some rumors that wattpad will delete accounts that wrote Fanfictions but i'm not sure if it's true.

I was just going to unpublish this book because of that rumor but my favorite friend in this world told me not to unpublish my story because it's a shame that i've reached this many readers and it'll all gone because of some rumors that could be just made up by some annoying person.

The end of the story. Hope you like this chapter! Don't forget to vote my lovely readers!

Thanks guys for making me reach this sooo many readers! 1.12k readers! ! I want to thank to all of you personally but sadly i can't see all of my readers profiles (or maybe i'm the dumb one that don't know how to) except some of you who have followed me. Thank

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