《What Am I {J.J.K. FF}(#wattys2018)》HOSPITAL (Again)


Baram's POV

Oow, headache. I slowly open my eyes. Finding Jihye lying beside my arm, sleeping.

She's so cute when she sleeps. But i have to wake her now.

"Jihye. Jihye wake up."

"What? Don't distu- You're awake!! Yayyyy!!"

"Yeah. And can't you stop yelling? We're in hospital."

"Ooh right. And you know where you are, i see."

"Yup, i think. Waking up with a headache. Memories of myself fainting."

"This time, the boys save you too. They also wait for you to wake up. But they already went home. They also give me their picture in the car"

"They look so happy. So, they have saved me twice?"

"Literally, yes. But the first time, they help me saving you. So, this is their first time really saving you."

"So, why do i faint earlier?"

"The doctor said that you've got food poisoning."


"Yup. They said your immune system is very low. So you need to stay here for 1 week."

"By who? Who's poisoning my food?"

"Please don't hate me."

"Impossible! Is it you?!"

"OF COURSE NOT! I just leaving our tray for a minute to get our eating utensils. But then, i think someone put food poisoning in your food. End of story."

"Ooh. That's the plot. Do you perhaps know who put the poison on my food?"

"Sadly, no. I don't know. Sorry i shouldn't have leav-"

"It's okay. I'm okay now. See? Don't cry. You're ugly if you cry."

"Hey, it's not funny."

She said that but she end up laughing.

"Can't they discharge me earlier?"

"I don't know. Looking from my point of view................. Maybe yes maybe no. OMG i'm dumb."

"Why? What happened?"


"I forgot to call the doctor. I'm not a good friend. Wait here."


Then, the doctor came in and checked my health.

"I see a lot of improvements in your immune system miss. I think you can get discharged in two days. But let's see again tomorrow."

I was squealing with happiness when he said that. As you know, i hate being in the hospital.

Not because of my past. I just hate seeing sick people. I want to replace them somehow.

I pity some of them because of the fact maybe they can't live longer.

"Thank you, doctor."

"You're welcome. And good night."

Then he and the nurses left.

"Jihye, you can go home you know."

"Nooo. I want to be here with you."

"What about your parents? Did they agree?"

"Right. Wait i ask them."

Then she texted them. She looked at my face with a sad face.

"They didn't let me."

"Go home then. You don't want them to be mad right?"

"But i don't want to leave you alone here."

"I'm used to being alone. Now go. I'm okay."

"Araseo. Call me if you need anything. And here's your phone."

"Kayy, byee."


Then, she left.


My phone ringing. I look the caller ID. 'Witch' ahh. My so-to-be-called mother.

(B: Baram, W: her mother)

: What do you want?

: Tomorrow let's have dinner together.

: Really?!

: Yes. I've sent you a dress. Wear them.

: Okay.












*PS: THANKS FOR 200 READERS. I WOULDN'T MADE IT WITHOUT YOU GUYS. Please vote and comment. Thanks guys. 사랑해 💕💕💕

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