《What Am I {J.J.K. FF}(#wattys2018)》FAINT


Aishh. What's wrong with this Taehyung. Soo shocking hearing him scream like that.

"Oops, sorry Baram-ah. Hehehe" He apologies while smiling.

"But....... Girlfriend? Really? Do you know her by the way?" Jimin asked me.

I slightly nodded.

"Who is she?"

"Yeah, who is she?"

They all asked me.

"I-i don't know. M-maybe she changed. But the last thing i knew was....." I stopped talking, founding one of Minah's friend eavesdropping.

"Nothing. Nothing." I snapped.

"Please tell us Baram-ah"

"Yes, we need to know."

They all rushing me.

"Nothing! Okay?" I said in a higher tone.

They all went silent. Gosh i didn't knew they're this scaredy-cat.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to raise my tone."

"It's okay. Even, it's interesting for me to knew that a student here has the gut to mad at us." RapMon said.

"Yeah." They all nodded.

"May i get all of your phone number? It's okay if you didn't want to give it to me." I whispered to them.

"Why are you whispering?" Taehyung said.

"Someone eavesdropping at us."


"I'll tell you later."

After i got their number, i rushed to the cafeteria to found JiHye eating.

"Hey..... Sorry I'm late."

"Nahh, no probs. Here eat I've got your favorite food."

"Thanks. I count on you."

JiHye was looking at me worriedly. Maybe because of my swollen eyes after crying.

I decided to shrug it off because i was so damn hungry.

Then, i just ate deliciously.........

Before i fainted.

JiHye's POV

Why is she so gloomy right now? And her eyes are red?

I decided not to ask her because she looked tired already.

I was shocked to death to see Baram suddenly fainted to the floor.


Wait, her mouth......... There's bubble coming out from her mouth.

Food poisoning! Who the heck dare to do this to her?!

I quickly asking for help. Luckily, Bangtan was nearby.

"Please, call for ambulance please. H-her m-mouth. I-it's food p-poisoning." I barely said tears filling my eyes.

"Okay JiHye-ah calm down. Tell us what happened. We already call an ambulance."

"I-i think she g-got food p-poisoning. I think s-someone put something o-over her f-food when i leave for a s-second t-to get eating u-utensils."


"I tell you everything. Everything about her past when we got there. Please just save her."

"The ambulance is coming!" Someone shouted.

Bangtan Boys and I quickly ran into the ambulance.

We wait for 2-3 hours outside the operating room.

At last, the doctor walk out from there.

"She's okay now. She just need rest for the time being. And she got food poisoning. But, because her immune system was low, she needs to be here at least for 5 days. She's in room 1605 of you want to visit her."

"Thank you doctor." I said, relieved.

I ran to the room as i get off from the elevator.

The Bangtan Boys were running too.

"Ohh, sorry. I forgot that you guys were here."

"I-it's okay. B-best friends f-first." Taehyung said while panting.

"Thanks. For helping us." I smiled to them.

"Nahh. It's nothing."

"Where's Jungkook?"

"Ooh, Baram didn't tell you yet?"

"Tell me what?"

"He got a ."








*PS : Ooh :O what will happen? Pls vote and comment thanks. I appreciate it.

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