《What Am I {J.J.K. FF}(#wattys2018)》TROUBLE


Still Flashback

"Heyy, you came. I didn't thought you'd came. Come here." Minah snapped at me.

"W-what do you want?" I asked her.

Then, she calls her friend to beat me up.

Then, i hear someone shouted my name repeatedly before i blacked out.

*End Flashback

Jungkook's POV

"Jungkook?!?!" Someone shouted my name.

That voice, it's familiar........

I turned to look at that person. Ahhhh she's the cold classmate.

I think she's shocked that she shouted at the cafeteria.

"Heyy! You, the cold one at the class earlier." I said, without thinking.

"H-hey." She replied.

Whoaaa she's two-faced mannn. She's suddenly being all nice.

"Umm... Talk to you later! I have to go with the group now. Byee!" I said to her, a little shouting.

"Ya! Who is she? You know her? She's pretty mann. Someone got a crush here." Jiminie-hyung said.

"I think you're the one who have a crush on her hyung." I snapped to him.

"Ya! Mwoya..." He slapped my shoulder.

After that i sat with Bangtan hyungs to eat our lunch.

Ahhh time to get back to class.

When i walked in the class, everyone started murmuring again.

I'm tired with my popularity, girls asking to go out with me.

Why can't i just live a normal life?

Then i saw her walking into the class.

She look sick, pale, not like before.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

She just ignored me, instead her tears threatening to fall.

"H-hey I'm sorry I'm sorry, but why are you crying?" I'm always scared with girls but there's something in her that soothes me.

"N-no I'm o-okay, i'm okay." She says, wiping her tears.

"Eummmm what's your name if i may ask?" I asked cautiously.

"이 바램(Lee BaRam)" She says.


What a beautiful na-, ahh babo why am i thinking about her name.

"What about your friend earlier?" I asked her.

"Ahhh, you want to know her name......ASK HER YOURSELF LAAAA." She shout at me.

"Alright. Alright sry." I apologized to her.

"But you seem like you didn't mean it." She murmured to herself i think.

BaRam's POV

ARRGHHH why is this kiddo bothering me.

But, he make mind feel a little bit at ease.

"Arrghh throw your mind away, away BaRam-ah." I murmured to myself.

Then my thoughts went back to what SeoJin says to me.

I really feel scared. I don't know what i have to do.


"Ya, are you okay? Want me to accompany you to the rooftop?" JiHye nudges me.

"Oohh nope. It's okay let me handle this alone. I don't want you to get hurt." I said to her, feeling uneasy.

"Araseo, if anything happened just call me, okay?" She says to me, worriedly.

"O-okay." I told her.

Fiuhhhh you can do this Baram-ah.

Then i walk to the rooftop and found SeoJin and her friends waiting for me.

"Heyy, you came, i thought you would run away." She said, looking all happy.

Whoaaa that's the same sentence with Minah.

"W-what do you want from me?" Stuttering really sucks.

"Easy. Leave him alone. Done." She said.

"I never bugging him, i think you're the one who bugs him." I snapped at her.

Yess, she looked shocked mannn. Way to goooooo!

She slapped me until my cheeks got numb.

Then she kicking me in the stomach over and over hardly until i spit blood.

"You will get the consequences bi**h." She said to me.

Then, she just left.


I can't control my body. My visions are blurry because of the tears that are filling my eyes.

I managed to call JiHye but no voices managed to came out.

"Hello? Baram-ah why? Are u okay?hey reply me pls!" She say over the phone.

"H-help................m-" i blacked out.

Jihye's POV

I rushed to the rooftop. My tears threatening to fall. Pls don't die Baram-ah.

But then i bumped into some guys. And my tears already falling out.

"Heyy, easyy, are you okay?" Someone says.

"Hey, why are crying?" A familiar voice said.

Ahh it's the Bangtan guys. This is not the time to fangirling.

"M-m-my f-friend. I-i thi- no s-she p-passed out." I barely managed to say.

I continue to ran to the rooftop, not realizing the Bangtan Boys was following me.

When i reach there, my heart broke a thousand pieces.

I stood there, infront of her not-moving body, with blood covers her mouth.

Then the boys arrived and got shocked over what they have seen.

"Please call the ambulance, please!!" I told the boys.






*PS : How was that? I'm sry if i'm too bad at making stories. Don't forget to leave a comment.

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