《Y/N you are MINE (Ayano x fem! Reader) [Yandere Simulator]》Chapter twentytwo - overdose on sleep


•Y/N's POV:•

I was at school doing a PE lesson. I huffed as sweat went down my face. We had to run down this track 3 times. I was doing well so far. 2 laps just one more to do. My stomach hurt like hell, the stitch was starting to get overwhelming. I slowed down and began to walk. My legs felt so weak and my I felt lightheaded.

One of the Male students came up to me. "Hey are you alright?" He asked, I fell to the floor as he yelped. "D-dont move, try to lay down if you need to. I'll go get the teacher!" He said. I laid down in the floor as he ran to fetch the teacher. Students surrounded me and to make it worse, they were all asking different questions, giving me a headache.

"Students! Please! Be reasonable and give her space, carry on with the track while I take her to the nurse." The PE teacher said. I sighed in relief as everyone continued doing the run. She picked me up and took me to the nurses office.

I passed out on the way.

-•Ayano's POV:•-

After class I was waiting near the fountain for Y/N since we planned meeting here today.

I heard a group of girls behind me say "oh isn't that the Ayano girl that hangs around with Y/N?" One of them said.

"Yeah, ill tell her what happened to Y/N." Another said.

'Wait! What happened to Y/N?! Did she get hurt! Darn these people I'll kill them I'll kill them ALL-' a tap was on my shoulder.

I turned around, my hands shaped in fists.

"Hey! I'm one of your friends Classmates in PE. Y/N is at the nurses office because she was feeling ill? I don't know but just to say. Cya." The girl with light purple hair turned around and went back to her group. Talking about boys now...


I ran towards the nurse's office. One of them dressed like a slut and acted like one too. I ain't having it.

I ran in and looked towards the slutty teacher bending over towards Y/N, probably checking if she was alright. She looked at me and smiled... "you must be this young girls friend yes?" She asked. My eye twitched. I closed the door behind me.

"Y-yeah- I suppose I am." I smiled, it was obviously fake. "Well she should be waking up any minute now." The nurse walked away, going towards the sink with a foam cup. I slowly stepped towards her and snatched the keys off of her. She stood up straight, "I'll put this on her desk for when she wakes up." The nurse said, walking off again I went to the cabinet and grabbed the syringe and poison for if bugs were around they can plant the place with poison to stop them from coming, I loaded the syringe with the poison and went towards her. Once she put the cup down, I pulled her down onto my chest covering her mouth with my hand so her screams were muffled and quite, I stabbed the syringe in her making her fall asleep. I picker her up and opened the doors again with my foot, I looked left and right and saw the hall way was empty. I went to the end of the hall and put her in a box. I then quickly ran towards the nurse's office again and sat on the small chair. The non-sluty nurse came in. She looked around and saw me, "hello young miss, have you seen the other nurse?" She asked. I shook my head, "I saw her leave here and that's about it." I pointed towards the open doors. She puffed and walked away.


Y/N then began to move around, I smiled, happy she was about to wake up but she never did.

"You should take her home and look after her, I'll inform your teachers, what are you two's names?" The nurse asked.

"Ayano and Y/N." I said she nodded and shooed us off. I picked up Y/N and put her on my back. Heading towards her home.

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