《Kakanaru: The pain behind Naruto's mask》14


When we returned to the leaf village, Kakashi told us we'd have a week off. I went back to my apartment. Kurama was napping on top of the heater. I reached out to stroke his fur. He yawned, stretching with his front paws way out in front of him. I picked him up and sat on the bed. I glanced around my apartment. It was small, but neat. There were two rooms, a kitchen and a bedroom. Wondering, I thought perhaps I should move. This was fine for just me, but I knew in the future I wanted a family. Not yet though, perhaps in a few years when I was 15. Since I had a week free, I thought I'd talk to Jiji about moving.

I arrived at the Hokage's office. Going inside, the day receptionist glared at me. I ignored her and knocked on Jiji's door. "Come in." I entered and closed the door behind me. "What can I do for you, Naru?" I answered. "I'm thinking about moving. I was wondering if you knew of a place that would work?" Jiji seemed confused. "What's wrong with where you're living now?" I leaned back against the door as I replied. "It's too small. It's fine for just me but I'm not planning on being alone forever. I want to have a family one day. I want to see a bunch of mini mes running around causing havoc and giving me a headache. And you know better than anyone that I'm capable of planning decades, even centuries ahead." Jiji nodded. "Still, don't you think it's too soon to be thinking about that?" I thought, oops, forgot to tell him. "I have a boyfriend that I'm head over heels for, and dreams of tying him up with as many strings as possible." Jiji's jaw dropped. "SINCE WHEN?" He roared. His overprotective nature was showing through. "We've been going out for several weeks now." Jiji sighed. "I still think you're too young to start thinking about this kind of thing. But I know that you were forced to grow up to fast. So even if I don't like it, I know you know what you're doing." Jiji steepled his fingers. "We can move you to the Namikaze-Uzumaki household." I was shocked. "You know the villagers would never accept that. There's no proof of my birthright, and even if there were, they would say it was forged. They see me as the demon, or have you forgotten?" Jiji just smiled. "We have an irrevocable proof. Only people from both the Namikaze and Uzumaki clans can open the gate to the house just outside the village. They'll have no choice but to acknowledge that you're the son of the Fourth Hokage." It took just a moment for that to set in. No more beatings, no more hate. I wouldn't trust most of the villagers, but I've already figured out who my true friends are. Remembering something, I looked at Jiji. "By the way, sorry but you didn't get my first smile." Jiji looked upset. He was clearly glad I smiled, but he wanted that smile for himself. "Well, who did get it?" I stuck my tongue out. "My boyfriend Kakashi. By the way, I'll be moved into my new place by the end of the week. Feel free to spread the word about where I'll be moving." I left Jiji spluttering. He would probably send for Kakashi to give him the 3rd degree.


At my apartment, I packed up all of my clothes, as well as the teapot Iruka got me last year for my birthday. I would leave all of the furniture, since my new place would be fully furnished. I wouldn't start to move until tomorrow, so I took some time to visit Kakashi. I tapped lightly on the window, knowing that he would be hyperalert listening for it after I threw him to the wolves. He came and opened the window. As he helped me inside, I said, "Good to see you survived." He gave me a playful glare. "No thanks to you." I smiled mischievously. I ran up to him, jumping up and wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. Then he did something that ticked me off.

He tickled me! He tickled just beneath my ribs and I went weak in the knees shaking with silent laughter. I couldn't hold on and fell down on my rear. "No fair!" I pouted. Kakashi just smirked. I can always tell his expression from the way his mask twitched. This expression made me mad. I turned my head away from him and crossed my arms. Kakashi didn't take the hint. He picked me up and slung me over his shoulder. It was embarrassing. "PUT ME DOWN!" I pounded my fists against his back. He dumped me on the couch. I glared at him. Ignoring me, he took of his mask and grabbed hold of my wrists, as I was currently trying to hit him. I started growling, but it didn't even faze him. He just reached up and tweaked one of my ears. I couldn't help it. I blushed and whined. My ears are highly sensitive. I wanted my hood back up, but it didn't look like he was about to let me leave anytime soon. He leaned down and bit my lip, making me gasp. Before I could prevent it from happening, he took advantage of the opening. I moaned into his mouth, and bucked my hips. Kakashi pulled back a bit. I whimpered. I didn't want him to stop. He just smirked. He nibbled my ear and trailed kisses down my neck. He pulled back completely then. I pouted again, this time for an entirely different reason. "We should get some sleep." Kakashi was looking smug. I was mad all over again, but I nodded. I got up from the couch. "You'll have to sleep without your favorite pillow tonight." I smirked laughing at his failed attempt at copying my puppy dog eyes. I left and went back to my apartment for the last night.

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