《Kakanaru: The pain behind Naruto's mask》11


We woke up to my teammates and Tazuna staring at us. I realized the position I was in and blushed. I seem to be doing a lot of that lately, ever since Kakashi asked me out on that date. "Morning." Kakashi yawned. "We should probably expect Zabuza to show up again sometime soon." That got their attention for the moment. I had told Kakashi my suspicions late last night. "What do you mean?" Sakura asked. "He's dead isn't he?" Kakashi answered her. "Don't be so sure. He was hit by needles in his neck, which most medical ninja know can induce a death like state." Sakura nodded, looking concerned. "If the sharingan takes so much out of you, it might be better not to use it." Kakashi told them, "I'll be fine. I'm tougher than I look." Sakura spoke again. "I'll say, especially if it only takes you a single night to recover from chakra exhaustion." They all left, Sakura glancing back at the two of us. She'll have to get used to seeing Kakashi and I together soon enough. I got up and stretched. As I was swinging my legs off of the bed, Kakashi grabbed my arm and pulled me against his chest. "You aren't leaving me without a good morning kiss, are you?" My face red, I pulled down his mask and pecked him on the lips. "More." Kakashi demanded. He pulled me down and swung so he was on top of me. He traced my bottom lip with his tongue, and when I moaned he slipped inside. I could feel his hunger, as if he couldn't get enough. It felt like I was on fire. I grabbed his shoulders and arched my back, gasping. He reached down and pushed up my shirt. He placed light kisses all over my stomach, and licked one of my nipples, making it harden instantly. He pulled back, and with a husky voice said, "We should go to the others." I nodded. Neither of us wanted to move. I knew if I looked through his eyes, I'd see someone with glassy eyes, breathing hard, with messed up hair. Looking at Kakashi, I noticed that his eyes were burning. No one else had ever looked at me like that. Groaning, we both reluctantly started putting ourselves back together to face the day.


When we met up with the others, Kakashi told us that we'd be training. We went into the woods. Sasuke asked, "What'll we be doing?" Kakashi replied. "Climbing trees." The other two started complaining until Kakashi said we wouldn't be using our hands. They were quiet for a moment, and then Sakura said, "That's impossible." By way of answer, Kakashi proceeded to demonstrate. After that, he threw down two kunai, one to Sasuke and one to Sakura. He said, "Mark your progress with these." Sasuke asked, "Why doesn't the loser have one?" I shook my head. They just don't learn. Disregarding Sasuke's insult, I climbed the tree and sat on the branch next to Kakashi. Sasuke's mouth dropped open. Gritting his teeth, he charged the tree, thinking that if I could get it in one go, obviously he could too. Obviously not. He fell before he got a few steps up. Sakura got it after a few minutes, but Sasuke continued to struggle. After a while he spoke to me. "How did you get this so easily. You're dead last, the idiot that can't do anything right. So how are you able to do this when I can't!" I could hear the frustration in his voice. Kakashi tensed during that tirade, infuriated that I was being insulted, but knowing I would be upset with him if he butted in. "I won't tell you how I am as I am," I called down, "but if you like I can give you a few pointers." I could tell I got his attention. "When you go up you have to get the exact amount of chakra. Too much and you break the tree pushing off. Too little and you slip." He nodded. He'd never show it, but I knew he was grateful for the tip.


When we arrived back at Tazuna's house, it was time for dinner. Everything was going well, but all of a sudden Inari stood up. "Why?" He asked. "You'll never win so why do you keep trying! You're all going to die!" After his outburst Inari ran to his room. In an attempt to change the subject, Sakura asked about a picture, after which we hear about Inari's father figure. Getting up, I left, and on my way out I said, "I'll talk to him. I think I might be able to help."

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