《Perfect Child| Platonic Yandere Vampire Father x Reader》Chapter Seven


Luis decided on a different type of punishment for you this time, but it left a more brutal effect on you than the other punishment.

He locked you up in your room for days with little food and water, not bothering to visit you.

You became skinnier due to the lack of food, and the lack of water caused you to feel dehydrated and rotten, and due to that, your body has weakened to the point that you can’t stay active for the rest of the day.

Nor could you get a good sleep due to the burning hunger of not being fed well.

Through the five days, you feel disgusting, hope started to fade of getting out of this punishment until Luis decided to visit you on the sixth day.

‘’Have you learned your lesson, angel?” the vampire taunts, after stepping into the room, holding a large tray of food, and a goblet filled to the brim with water.

‘’Yes,’’ you mumble out, sitting up in your bed, before Luis places the trey on your lap and adjusts the pillow behind your head, so you could lean your back on it while eating.

Just when you were about to eat, your adoptive father snatches the fork and knife away from your grasp.

‘’I’m going to feed you, myself, but first…’’ his red eyes meet yours, a smirk appearing on his face.

‘’I want you to apologize for what you said about me’’

If the punishment wasn’t humiliating enough, and the fact that he wants to feed you himself as if you were a baby.

Yet he has the nerve to say that he wants you to apologize for offending you when he killed your parents and kidnapped you to force you to become his daughter.

‘’I apologize for offending you, papa’’ you say through gritted teeth, and with a fake smile.


‘’Apology accepted’’

Luis slowly starts to feed you, mockingly cooing at you as he feeds you every piece patiently.

You can tell that he is enjoying every moment of treating you like a child...a small helpless child.

However, you believe and know he won't change his treatment towards you no matter what.

"You need to learn discipline, it will tame you" you roll your eyes.

"Tame me? Am I your pet?" Luis chuckles, picking now your empty tray.

"No, of course not, you are my sweet innocent daughter" you sigh, and lay under the covers again.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going back to sleep" you reply.

"No, you are not, get ready, we have a long night ahead of us" Luis stands up and walks towards the door.

"Oh and wear the prettiest dress you have, angel"

With those words being said, Luis leaves the room.


You took a warm bath and dressed in a pretty dress of your choosing.

The maids helped you with dressing up and combing your hair, yet they didn't speak to you or look in your eyes from fear.

You figured out that your father is probably behind all this because you cannot see Lyrik nor Anastasia.

Has he fired them?

"You look beautiful and smell better" Luis compliments, dragging you towards the room you have entered a few days ago.

"Please Papa, I don't want to go in there" you plead, terrified of seeing those waxed corpses again.

The sight gave you nightmares for days, adding to your horrible punishment.

"Why not? I want to show you a surprise"

Once you reach the room, you try to run away, Nevertheless, Luis stops you with his tight grasp on your shoulders.

The moment you step a foot into the room, your heart almost stops from shock.


There are nobodies in the room, just a white canvas, and painting tools, which confused you to no end.

Did he get rid of the bodies? That must be it.

"I want to paint you, so, please go and sit on the sofa"

Ok, now you are terrified after remembering Lyrik's words.

'Well, you see if he sees that his victims look beautiful enough, then he will preserve them so he could paint them later, my lady'

You find yourself obeying his words, walking over to the sofa, and set yourself on it.

"Here hold this on your lap"

You watch him while he pulls a familiar-looking small leather journal out of his pocket.

When he hands you it, it instantly becomes recognizable.

It is your journal, that you kept hidden in your room, no wonder why you couldn't find it for the past week.

You thought you lost it, yet apparently, Luis had it all along with him.

And there is no doubt that he has read what was written inside.

"Don't move from your place, so the painting can turn out perfect, angel" Luis instructs, moving behind the canvas, and picking up his paintbrush.

This journal consists of insults towards him, towards the cruel manner that he uses against you and others.

You blame yourself for being foolish and allowing yourself to write down your own thoughts on paper, not thinking about the possibility of Luis finding the journal and reading it.

"You should consider yourself fortunate" Luis exclaims, not removing his eyes away from the canvas.

"Why?" you ask, already knowing the answer.

Though he had a completely different answer to what you are thinking about right now.

"Every person who enters this room never comes out alive, so you should truly consider being fortunate to be my daughter" you raise an eyebrow.

"Are you claiming that you are not going to kill me?" Luis looks at you.

"Why would a father kill his child...unless"

The last word made your skin crawl in fear.


"You see, some parents kill their children to keep them safe, but I'm sure that we won't reach that point" you change the subject quickly upon feeling uncomfortable.

"Where are Anastasia and Lyrik?" You utter out the question.

"I fired them" you nod your head slowly.

"So, they are alive?" Luis chuckles, showing his sharp fangs.

"You think too lowly of me" you let out a relieved sigh, thinking that he didn't kill them until he said the following words.

"Of course I killed them, I cannot allow pitiful humans to leak our secrets out now, can I?"

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