《Perfect Child| Platonic Yandere Vampire Father x Reader》Chapter Four


You stare at yourself in the full-length mirror, a small smile on your face even though you are very nervous as this is going to be the first ball that you are going to attend.

Luis made sure everything is ready, he made the maids dress you in the finest clothes and brush your hair until it is neat and soft, decorating it with expensive flower pins.

The heirloom necklace is adjusted around your delicate neck perfectly.

"You look splendid, angel" Luis compliments after entering your room, looking charming as ever in his tailored attire.

"You look handsome as well, Papa" you return his smile with a bigger one.

You have been planning this for a while, act as you have finally accepted your fate as his daughter until the ball day then escape when he is not paying attention.

"Now that you are ready, we should take our leave, but before we leave there is something I need to warn you about"

You gulp as he leans his tall figure towards your shorter one, feeling more stressed.

"You are not allowed to speak with others at the ball, you have to take my permission first" you nod your head at him.

'It is not like I want to speak to anyone in the first place'

"As you wish, Papa" Luis smirks, placing a hand on your left shoulder.

"Such an obedient child for your Papa, aren't you?"

It might seem odd to some people how your adoptive father treats you like a toddler, but to you, it is normal considering how you can't change the way he thinks about you.

He acts like you are going to break if you don't depend on him in everything.

The only reason you argue to leave heightened is the voice in the very back of your mind that is telling you everything is better with Luis, he is no different from your parents.


I mean your inner voice is kind of right, Luis loves you the same as your parents did, the only difference is that he shows you his love in his own type of way.

The deadly protective type of way.

"Tonight means everything to me, you have to earn the blessing of a very important person" Luis instructs.

"Who is that person?"

"You will see when we arrive"


Your mouth almost drops in shock at how big and luxurious the ballroom is, the person who owns the place has good taste.

"Always look straight forward with your head held high, and do not show any sights of amusement, we are not at a toy store" your father reminds you softly.

Your excitement dies down the second you reach a couple, who look very similar to Luis.

Strangely, everyone has the same hair and eye color as Luis...well, except for a few people here who have average natural hair and eye color.

"You are here, Lu" the elegant white-haired woman greets Luis sweetly, while her partner stands still like a statue looking stressed.

"It seems like you have brought your little pet with you, Luis," the now smug man says, casting his eyes down at you with distaste.

"She is my daughter, Oliver" Luis corrects strictly, glaring at his friend.

"Do not be rude" the woman scolds her betrothed.

"What? She is his pet until his highness decides otherwise, Liara"

"And I know that his highness will decide wisely, Oliver"

you are getting more confused by the second, who is his 'highness' ? and you are Luis's pet.

Your head was swirling with these thoughts until you suddenly remember your plan.

'Focus, there is no time for those questions'

"Humans are pathetic little creatures"

Alright, running away or not, you officially hate Oliver.

"You are the one to talk, you are not better than us, you are rude and evil, kind sir" you emphasize the last two words in a mocking tone.


Oliver chuckles, his red eyes glaring at you with wickedness.

"Your little pet has a tongue on her, better start showing her that those who are weak do not survive in our world.

"Then I wonder how you survived in this world, Oliver" Luis sneers, placing both his hands on your shoulders protectively.

"I w-" Oliver stops himself from saying anything further as he sees a familiar someone come their way.

"Greeting, your royal highness"

When you see Liara curtsy, your father and Oliver bow their head at the appearance of the tall vampire, you also curtsy in respect, not wanting to seem stupid.

"I am delighted to see all of you at my ball"

You can't believe that this is their king, despite his scary fangs and tall height, he looks to be a warm person on the inside.

And your theory is confirmed when he smiles gently at you, after laying his red eyes on you.

"Ah, this must be the child you wish to make your own, Luis" your father nods his head at the vampire king.

"And I wish for your blessing to turn this child into our own kind" your whole body freeze in shock.

Turn you into a vampire? No...Absolutely not!

The idea of turning into a vampire terrified you, you need to get out of here as soon as possible, you can't allow him to turn you into his kind.

"You have my blessings, yet I would prefer if you wait a bit longer before turning her, as she is young"

'I would rather not get turned at all'

"Of course, and thank you for your support, I can not get enough of your kindness from you, my royal highness"

While the vampires are busy conversing, deep in conversation, you slowly slip away from the group without any notice from them.

You quickly start walking towards the exit, pumping into a few vampires, yet you careless to apologize to them, only caring about escaping before Luis notices your disappearance.

Once you step a foot out the manor, you let out a relieved sigh, finally feeling the wanted freedom.

You keep walking until you reach the gates, walking through them without anyone suspecting you.

"Look what we have here"

A woman with very pale skin appears in front of you, frightening you.

"A human girl looks like I'm going to enjoy my meal tonight"

As she charges at you, you start running away, not giving up on your life by standing still.

Unfortunately, she is faster than you and was able to catch you within seconds.

"Do not worry, I am not a sloppy eater, I will give you a merciful death"

Just when you were waiting for her to sink her fangs into your skin, her head gets chopped off her body.

You gasp when you get grabbed by your neck towards your supposed savior.

"See that what happened when you disobeyed me, you were going to turn into a meal for a lowlife like that wh*re" Luis exclaims angrily

"Please forgive me, I just could not bear it anymore" he grunts, enraged more by your words.

"Could not take what anymore? Me loving you as my daughter, me providing for your every need, me protecting you, you are truly ungrateful" you grab into his wrists.

"You killed my parents! And kidnapped me" you spat.

"If you think you are escaping your punishment by trying to make me the one at wrong here, then you thought wrong, angel"

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