
"Where are you hiding her?!" My senses snapped hearing an unpleasant voice from afar. It's coming from the front gate. That guy has the audacity to show his face along with his henchmen. The guards are barricading the way ready to attack. I stopped by the trees observing whether this fool will admit his mistake and apologize.

"If you dare attack me, you will face the wrath of Sicilia. You wouldn't want to be punished by the King, right?" You shouldn't have said that. "And you blood-suckers, do you want to start a war?"

My heart squeezed and within a second I appeared in front of the fool Prince.

"Wh- Who are you? A.. vampire?" I stared at him eye to eye. His shock is covered by his pride.

"Apologize." I ordered in such a low voice that only he could hear.

"And who the hell are you?" Unbothered by my warning, he even raised his brow. "Don't you know me? I am Azazel, the Prince of the Werewolves." Prince?

"A prince will not threaten anyone from here." A royalty will know that.

He raised his brow. "What do you know? As expected, vampires don't know their place."

"You should go back to Sicilia while you still can. Maybe, you'll live one more day."

"Are. You. Threatening. Me?"

"I.Am... being reasonable."

"You will be the first one to die." His amber eyes glowed, his hands are changing into claws. I don't want to cause a ruckus, the children are sleeping.

I grabbed his hand, preventing his transformation. He furrowed his brows, sensing that something was wrong.

'Laine, don't kill him.' Duke mindlinked on such a rare occasion.

'But I can.' I was reasonable.

He grabbed my hand and was about to throw me away but I got him first, throwing him towards his henchmen.



I didn't scathe him? He quickly recovered from my throw.

"You'll pay for this." His veins are popping out and his wolf is taking over, nobody from my side is stepping up, the vampires know that I am not to be messed with and the others, I suppose, they don't have to protect me anymore.

I slowly walked forward not minding that they are quite the number. All I could focus on is this... what is his name again? He did something bad. And to imply on breaking the hard earned treaty... he deserves a punishment.

"I guess, we'll settle this in brute force." I cracked my knuckles, readying for a not-so duel. He growled menacingly. His snout extends as he slowly takes a semi-wolf form.

"Good, at least they wouldn't say that I beat a helpless one." He sprinted forward and lunged towards me. Yet again,

*Boom* I kicked him further away.

He stood up, mad at his sudden weakness. But he didn't learn and lunged again. I don't have time for this.


The ground cracked with him lying on the ground unable to move, my hand choking his neck. I made sure he would not fight back as I cut off his werewolf abilities and all of his strength. He struggles like a fish out of water. My nails slowly digging on his neck as his eyes reflect mine, now turned gold.

"You are no Prince, much less a warrior. Your pride leads you to crime and there I shall punish."

"Wh- Who are y-you?"

I couldn't help but smile. "A prince does not know me. Your king will be disappointed." Will he mind if I kill you? It doesn't matter. He must pay for what he has done. His henchmen started growling at me ready to attack, but I stared at them forcing a mindlink.


'Don't be foolish. It's futile.' Their wolves sense my power. If they gave me a reason to attack them, I will not back down. Without any more movement, I turned to the choking Prince.

"You should've ran." I shall...

"Lady Kore!" I did not have to look to see that it was Eros and the royal guards.

"Please let him live." I eyed him. Why should I?

"My Lord pleads to. He will punish him accordingly."

Accordingly? What am I doing then? My sharp gaze did not go unnoticed.

"Please, for the King's sake. Azazel is just a kid."

I narrowed my eyes and looked one more time at the fool child. And Riri is my Riri. A kid or not, what he did is unforgivable.

"Laine." Duke appeared beside me. "Not like this." I turned to the fool again.

"Dare to use your power and silver will burn you." My voice is laced with a spell, he should repent until he learns. I let him go and the royal guards took him away along with his henchmen.

"Thank you, I will see to it that he will be punished." I turned away, because if I did not, I might continue on a rampage.

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