
"Get out of my way." I threatened.


"This is a warning. Get out of my way." There are more men coming. Their eyes are proof of their resurfacing wolves.

"How did that girl get in here?"

"We don't need her. Kill her." Their claws extended.

"To threaten to kill someone, you must be prepared to exchange your life." I whispered but all of them heard it.

Thunder roared in the distance. I felt my eyes turn gold and...another thunder and everyone has gone unconscious.


I held her hand again. "Let's go." We headed downstairs.Someone was charging towards us but I grabbed it's face and slammed it against the wall. I am... angry. Mad.

Those who tried to stop us ended up unconscious. We reached the front yard and there were a few wolves surrounding us.

"Move." I said through gritted teeth.But all I heard were snarling, growling and barking.I don't have time for this.

"Riri, close your eyes." I don't want her to see this side of me. But I am really, really angry right now. My hands are itching to kill. My chest is about to explode.

Thunderclaps. They are charging and...

*Swoosh* A red light swooped in and they fell on the ground.

"I told you, I will come." Duke said, walking towards me.

My brewing anger still makes my hand tremble.

"Laine." He reached for my face, eyes glowing red. "It's alright now. Breathe."

I breathed out and the thunderstorm stopped.

"Riri!" Theo came running towards Riri, who he immediately embraced. They are mates, I concluded.

Then, I noticed another presence. Aiden.

A cold chill ran under my skin. Is he angry?

"They said if I tell anyone, they will... they will hurt everyone." Riri cried. We head back to the orphanage. "I don't want to hurt anyone."


"Shhh... It's ok. We're here. You're safe now."

"We need to let her rest." Headmaster said.

"I'll stay here."

"Okay, take care of her."

The rest of us walked outside towards the office. Duke is with me as I am still furious at this Prince.

"If that threat is real, we need to be on high alert."

"I'll stay here. I called some of my warriors to come here the soonest." Aiden is mad, I can sense it and it is adding to mine.

"I will deploy some of my guards."

"Your guards?" Aiden asked. Right, he has a vague idea what or who Duke is.

"Your warriors might take time to arrive. Don't worry, they are trustworthy."

"I will contact Sicilia to inquire of this matter."

My jaws clenched as I try to be as logical as I can be. I don't want to leave here right now. I must protect them, I don't want the same incident to happen ever again.

"Laine." Duke whispered. All of them are staring at me.

"You're hurt?" Aiden asked and there I realized, my nails dug through my skin as I tightly clenched my fist.

I stared at my hand. It was I, who inflicted this. Yet, it does not hurt.

"It's nothing." I put my hand down. Wounds are not exactly a big deal to me.

But Aiden was quick to grab it. "It's bleeding. Do you have first aid?" He asked the headmaster.

"I'm fine." I said, hiding my turmoil.

"You're not."

Surprised, I stared at him. He was... concerned. It was not Kylo who said it but Aiden.

For some reason, I let him bandage my hand. Headmaster hauled Duke outside to his every protest. I just eyed him for a second and they left.


"If you want to protect them, you should take care of yourself." I turned to my hand. My wounds will heal, I can bear my pain, what I can't stand is anyone getting hurt because of me. "Don't hurt yourself for something you were unable to do. Regret things but don't let it swallow you."

"Why?" That's all I could ask. I want to ask why he is concerned, why does he care. He almost rejected me.

"You should love yourself, because I can't." There was something in his eyes. A sadness that has always been hiding. I want to know why? Why did he treat me like that? There is a reason. I want to know what.

"We have to protect all of those important to us. I want to protect you, so I can't love you." He stood up as my heart slowly cracked. Why? He left and slowly my tears welled up.

Why am I doing this to myself?

"Laine." Duke came in as the loud downpour outside resounded.

"Why does nobody love me?"

He encased me under his arms. "That's not true." He whispered.

"Then, why?" My tears uncontrollably pour down and I want to... I want to forget everything.

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