
We head inside yet with another silence. I trail a little beside him.

"Why do you want to adopt in this orphanage? There are other places near your pack." I don't expect him to answer. I was just curious.

"This place is specially under the guardian's protection."

"This place is not as popular as you may think." There are still others with special facilities and more staff.

"But this place is where the guardian was often seen." Was I always here before? Hmm... well I visit the mountain but not particularly the orphanage.

"You want to meet the guardian?" Depending on his answer, I may reveal myself. I'm just not fond of being known as such.

"Waahhh!!" The cry came from the toddler's room. We rushed inside.

"What happened?!"

Theo was carrying Nala who kept on her outburst. "Theo? What are you...?"

"Riri is on– off." Nala's loud cry drowns his voice. "So, I volun–"


"Come here." Aiden took her and in a second she was calm again. Does Nala think that he is someone from her family? Maybe his scent is similar to one, though, I don't know his.

"He is really good with children. Amazing." Theo murmured.

"Unbelievable, right?"

"Huh? Oh... Uhm..."

"So, what were you saying about Riri?"

"Miriel said that Riri is having a day-off, so I volunteered to help on her shift."

"Well, she deserved it. And... Thank you for volunteering."

"Huh? Thanks for coming. I was hopeless with Nala."

"Excuse me," Annie with the other kids piled in front of Aiden. They flinched when he looked at them. Some kids are about to cry. "Where is-- Mr. Kai?"

"He's not here." He answered in a low voice so Nala would not be startled.


"He will not come?"

"No. He has some things to do."

The kids' face saddened.

"What's wrong? Why are you looking for him?"

Annie faced me. "We want to hear stories."

"He said he will tell the stories."

"I want to hear stories."

"Me, too."

"Stories. Stories. Stories." They chanted.

I don't know any good stories. I can't just tell them anything about war.

"What story did Mr. Kai tell you?"

"The moon goddess gives power to the guardian." Raegan excitedly started.

"The guardian was a good werewolf then the moon goddess said..." I subconsciously furrowed my brows. A good werewolf?

"You are a good werewolf so you will be the guardian." The other impersonated.

"Hey! I should say that."

"Hehe. Sorry."

"Then, the guardian helps the werewolves be happy." I bit my lip yet held a smile. That's the children's story.

"Thena, tell us more stories."

"Hmm... Let me think."

I can twist the story for the kids' version.

"Okay, everyone be quiet, okay?" They nod. "Once there was this beautiful land, plenty of trees, fruits, animals and everything else. In that land, lives the werewolves and vampires who always fought. Nobody wants to share the land. And what do we say about not sharing?"

"It's bad."

"Vampires are scary. Wolves should have the land."

"Yes, if vampires don't share, they go away."

"That's what the little werewolves say. But the little vampires also said the same thing, that werewolves are scary, if they don't want to share the land, they should go away." To put it simply, the war was childish.

"Huh? But Basil is not scary. Why they say that?" His cute chubby cheeks are enough to convince me.


"Because... both sides did not know about each other. They don't say 'hi' or 'hello'. They only fight day and night."

"But... but fighting is bad." Annie held on to her little teddy bear.

"It is bad if you don't have a reason."

"Why are they fighting?" Their innocence of this world is curious.

I shrugged.

"No one really knows why." No one truly remembers where it all started.

"I know that's when the guardian say, 'STOP FIGHTING!'" Milo motioned with his hand.

"Huh? Uh..." I was not actually the one who said that. It was... "There was a little kid, about your age. He bravely stepped in the middle and shouted, both at the werewolves and vampires, to stop fighting."

"Wow." Their eyes almost sparkle in admiration. It was, indeed.

"What was his name?"

His name? My mind ran through thousands of broken images.

'Arios.' His voice echoed in my head. "Arios." I said.

"Arios, wow."

"I want to be like Arios."

He was... a gullible kid. I watched him grow. He was a brother. But then, he...

'Forgive me, I cannot walk beside you anymore."



"That's scary."

"Wahhh!!" Nala's cry woke me up.

"It looks like there's a thunderstorm." The dark clouds are very visible. What is happening to me?

*Bzzz... Bzzzz...* My phone vibrates, receiving a call. It's Duke.

"Theo, can you look after them for a sec."


I sighed, answering the call as I exited the room.


"So?" He asked.

"That wasn't me."

"Denying will not work on me. Come on, Laine. Don't force yourself. They will understand it if you take some rest."

"Fine. Just this day. After this, I'll rest, okay?"

"Ok. But," he paused, "if this thunderstorm worsens, I'll find you."


I returned to the room only to find the kids, including Theo, sitting around Aiden.

"Are there any large houses there?" Is this another story time?

"Yes, there's a packhouse where most of us the pack members live. There are separate rooms for everyone."

"Wow, that's awesome."

"Are there little kids, too?"

"Yes. There's also a training ground and playground."

"Wow. Packs are amazing."

"Can we go there?" Aiden eyed at me, asking the same.

"We can ask the headmaster, if he agrees, you can go."

"Yey!" Although that will be a very long trip.

"Thena, come with us, too." Annie invited.

"Of course." That was a lie. That place is where everything should've ended.

The kids continued asking about the pack until it was time for lunch. Instead of going to the garden, I headed to the dining hall, to assist the little kids in eating.

"Thena, Thena. Say Ah..." Basil held a spoonful of what looks like rice in front of me.


"Is it good? Can I be a chef?"

"Yes, thank you."

He giggled and scooped another.

"Miyel, Miyel."

"Huh?" Miriel, who was passing by, stopped beside him. "What is it?"

"Say Ah..."

"Oh. Ah..." She hasn't started chewing then,


"What is that?" She pulled a tissue to spit out whatever it was. "That's..." She continued coughing.

"But Thena said it was good."

She turned to me as I handed her a glass of water.

"I salute you for not ruining a child's dream." I just smiled and she went on. I think I understand why Duke did that last night, and why he is more concerned right now.

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