
He took care of Nala as I entertained the other kids. Watching him caress the baby made me realize how little I know of him. I do hear news about him like how he shows great potential as a leader and Alpha but I never know him as a person. And even if I want to... will it change anything?

After a while, Riri took the kids to have lunch. Another volunteer looks after Nala. The only ones left are Aiden and me.

"Thanks, I suppose"

He clicked his tongue before standing up. Did I upset him?

"If you couldn't take care of one, how are you even here?" I froze and he left.

The thought of being useless made me uneasy. It crawls under my skin squeezing my muscles. What am I doing here? I'm not good with kids in the first place.

"You okay, nee-chan?" Riri returned to the room.

I just gave her a smile. To be honest, I always find that question vague. Regardless, I am certain that she is only concern.

"Here." She handed me a sandwich but held my hand for a while longer.

"If you need something you can always ask me, 'kay?" I smiled. Even though she calls me big sister, she has always been checking on me.

"Thank you, Ri." She left a moment later to check on the others knowing that I don't join them for lunch.

First, the dining hall is filled with children.

Second, I don't really need to eat.

So, I moved to the garden, bathing under the sun. It has been more than a millennia since I became a guardian. Before this, I lived as a human, peacefully existing in a small village. It was not easy during those times but we got by. I was content, if only... they did not arrive, if only I did not lose everything, if only I did not watch them die. Those wolves, werewolves, ruined my life.


However, fate decided to make me protect them. I turned to something I hate.

"You should go home if you're gonna mope around."

Familiar with the voice, I turned towards my side. It was Artemis, or Artie as I call her, holding a lit cigarette like it is normal in an orphanage. She's one of the volunteer teachers of the older ones.

"I'll mope whenever I want. Aren't you moping, too? Your visits in the garden is pretty... regular."

"Well, touché"

I stared at the cigarette on her hand. I told her so many times to refrain from her habits when she's here. If Riri or Miriel saw her, she'll get a good scolding.

"Says the one who sits alone in a garden." We often meet here although unintentional. This is a good place to absorb energy, my lunch.

"I heard there's a new helper."

"Is that all you heard?" Let's just say that she has a dark past that involves gathering intel and other things that should not be mentioned.

"He's an Alpha." His aura is very well known by adults, but for the kids, he will only look like a scary person.

"You know him?" She asked or more likely stated.


"I know a lot of people."

"Of course, you do." I never mentioned who I am but her previous dealings might have told her information like that.

"That Alpha has a lot of agenda on his plate." she put off her cigarette before turning to me. "You should be careful." She then walked away.

Is this fate warning me of the impending disaster?

A warning? That's funny. I can move to another side of the planet but it will turn out the same. After years of protecting and guiding their race, will I ever find peace?

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