《Real Life Paranormal Experiences Part 1》The Orphanage


Date: 03-22-16

Time: 12:45 am

I really hate to get up by midnight to go the bathroom, but you know, when you got to go you got to go. So I woke up and slumber-like-wobbling I managed to walk out my bedroom. I turned the lights on and Holy Mother of Jesus Christ! There was a man standing out the window looking straight at me. It was maybe one or two seconds until I reacted and realized he 'was not a member of the realm of the living people'. He did not even blink an eye. And his face, he looked so sad, like someone lost.

I held my breath first and then screamed and jerked back to bed. My husband woke up immediately and searched everywhere. No one was out there. The dog didn't bark as usual.

I still gather all the signs in my head. It was a peculiarly still night. No breeze, no noises... Only quietness. Very strange. Night seemed to be dead as well.


Time: summer of 1991

Hour: somewhere around 3:00 am

A year after my grandma's leg was amputated due to diabetes, she volunteered to cook for kids in an orphanage. My father took her every summer to the place and she stayed there for a month to prepare delicious meals for those in need.

It was a beautiful complex of three farmhouses by the lake in the countryside. But they had a pool, a tennis and a basketball court. The kids in the orphanage even had a choir and they toured the island singing in churches and hospitals.

I was twelve when grandma asked me to go with her to spend a few weeks in the shelter and I gladly accepted.

It was maybe the third night after we arrived there. Everyone was sleeping when there were heard some noises in the chicken corral first. The birds got like crazy in there and then the rest of the animals. The dogs began to bark and even though the younger ones stayed in bed, some of the adults woke up and checked from the balconies. They saw nothing, only something dark and reptile shaped crawling back to the lake. They returned to bed after thinking it was an alligator. It was too dark to venture outside. Snakes, rats, wild dogs were common in the area too.


But what we witnessed the next morning was beyond everything I've ever seen. Right after the sun rose, the adults went to revise the corrals. They found a calf half eaten. They ate its guts. Stomach, liver, intestines, kidneys... Everything was gone. The ribs were exposed clean. There was no blood or meaty mess by the animal. Even the skin seemed as if was cauterized.

They searched everywhere but there was no trace of a creature able to do that... And not a single drop of blood on the grass or on the lake shore. It was certain an animal had eaten it and they could only think of an alligator.

Sometime later the chupacabras tales were heard around the area... I guess now it was it.

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