《Space Voyage | VKOOK by LARRYVGL》Epilogue
✫5 years later✫
"A... space voyage?"
Namjoon looked at the older man sitting across the oak brown table diligently, raising his brow, a certain assertiveness in his tone that people knew to be cautious of. The man across the table smiled uneasily, nodding.
"Yes! An extensive journey across the galaxy. See, ever since those new alien species appeared from eons away, we've grown scared. There's so much of the universe that's still undiscovered! So I talked to my superiors, and we think it's the best fit for someone like you to lead this kind of a mission. You've done it before, no?" The man said, and Namjoon sighed, fixing his suit jacket.
"Eh... probably a few months." The man said, and Namjoon rose his eyebrow again. The man sighed. "Okay, 1 year. It'll be 1 year long, but that's not even that long! Ships go out for years at times!"
"Right, but by the time we're back, many many years would have passed," Namjoon said, and the guy shook his head.
"Only a few! That's why I want you to arrange a team of hard-working young people who aren't scared to venture out for so long. Come on, Mr. Kim. Do it! All the paperwork you surround yourself with must get cumbersome. Don't you want to go back to space?"
Namjoon looked unsure and then stood up, humming.
"I'll be back with my answer shortly," Namjoon said, and then walked out of the room.
Namjoon let out a short breath, walking out of the Galactic Navy headquarters, where he worked. He saw the pink skies overhead and then saw his car drive up, driver waiting for him to get in. Namjoon got into the back of the car and then gave the driver a certain address. Namjoon took his phone out, pressing it against his ear.
"Hello?" Namjoon asked, and then sucked in a sharp breath. "I'm afraid we're going to need your assistance."
The 27-year-old man sat on his couch, seeing the hovering television above him, his dark hair tousled, fingers gripped around the neck of a wine bottle.
"You're drinking."
"Your mom."
"Yoongi that CAN'T be your answer every time I catch you drinking," Hoseok said, walking up to him. Hoseok grabbed the hovering television from above Yoongi and folded it up, chucking it to the side.
The smaller black haired man looked up at his orange haired boyfriend, who still had his bright young eyes and pinchable cheeks. Yoongi sat up, huffing. Hoseok sat down in front of him, cupping his cheeks. "Talk to me, baby. You've been drinking again. That's never a good sign."
"I'm just..." Yoongi mumbled, and then pushed forward, leaning his head on Hoseok's lap, clawing to hold his hand like a cat. "Bored, y'know? Work's been so boring lately. You can only translate another alien species' language so many times before it kills you!" Yoongi said, and Hoseok carded his fingers through his hair.
"Yeah, I get it. Work's boring for me too. I designed 18 ship engines over the past 9 weeks, and honestly, they're all the same thing.
I handed 18 same blueprints, and no one knows. Yoongi oh my fucking god I'm going to jail-"
"You're not going to jail for sending in the same 18 blueprints, dummy," Yoongi said, and Hoseok kissed his forehead. "But yeah. Working sucks. Why can't we just like... NOT work and still get money and benefits?? Ugh." Yoongi rolled his eyes, and they both heard the doorbell ring.
Hoseok and Yoongi both looked at the door, not expecting anybody. Both got up and trudged towards the door, and Hoseok opened it, and both him and Yoongi gasped in surprise when they saw Namjoon.
Namjoon grinned. "Say goodbye to your boring old lives," Namjoon smirked. "We're back on board, bitches."
"Feel like that's overly aggressive and insensitive but WHAT?!" Hoseok gasped, and then Namjoon rushed into their house to tell them everything.
"No!" A loud voice shouted. "Please, don't hurt her!" Jimin cried, tears in his eyes, hands stricken.
"Jimin it's fine," Lav let out softly, her hair straight and till her shin. She nodded at Jimin.
"It's fine Jimin. Everything will be fine." She said.
"No!!!" Jimin continued, tears beginning to rush down his face.
"Why the FUCK are the two of your being so fucking dramatic?" Jin snapped, sitting on their breakfast counter, a glass of orange juice in his hand and a frown on his face.
"Because, Seokjin, we're playing Pacman and the little pink ghost is going to fucking DIE," Lav said, and then moved the controller and Jimin screamed when Pacman ATE the pink ghost.
"I fucking hate you guys. Why do I keep coming here for breakfast?" Jin grumbled to himself, getting up from the bar stool, walking over to the couches area, where the now lavender haired boy and Lavender were sitting on the fluffy baby pink carpet.
"Because you got kicked out from your apartment."
"I didn't get kicked out- shut up Jimin! I left on purpose because Namjoon wouldn't choose with flowers to have for our 5 year anniversary dinner. When I asked for the last time, the bitch said lillies. Fucking LILLIES! Untasteful BITCH! So obviously I broke his watch. And then-"
"Literally relax. Also, I can't believe the two of you have been married for 5 years." Jimin said, and Jin sighed, walking up to them.
"Yeah, whatever. I'm done with this boring ass planet. I think me and Joon might shift." Jin said, and then there was a ring on the doorbell.
"Don't leave Jinnie! Who's going to help us when we get sick?" Jimin asked, and Jin frowned. "Bitch help yourself... damn."
Jimin widened his eyes. "Someone's aggy."
"Shut up. Your hair looks like slime. Stop coloring it so much. Shit feels like sandpaper." Jin said, feeling Jimin's hair between his fingers.
Jimin got up and jumped on him, beating him up. Jin yelled, and Lavender giggled and walked to the door. Jimin started talking about how he was going to fold Jin like an omelet, and then they heard a gasp.
"Namjoon!" Lavender said, and Jimin stood up, and Jin sat up, frowning. Namjoon smiled at the door, wearing a suit, hair dyed grey.
"Lav, Jimin- say goodbye to your old boring live-" Namjoon began once again, and then Jin stood up, walking up to him.
"You!" Jin shouted, and Namjoon widened his eyes.
"Oh my god," Namjoon said, and then ran out of Jimin and Lav's house, onto their front lawn. Jin ran after him, racing fast and then jumping onto his back. Namjoon screamed in terror.
"Look at this buffoonery," Jimin mumbled to Lav, who shook her head while they both watched.
Namjoon, who was now on the floor, looked at Jin and groaned. "Babe seriously, you're 29 now."
"Fuck you're right. I look mad dumb doing this bullshit out on the roads. Let's go to Jimin and Lav's house, I'll fight you in there-"
"No! Look, our 5 year anniversary is going to get a whole lot fucking better tonight, wanna know why?" Namjoon asked, a big smile on his face. Jin sighed.
"You're going to top for once?"
"What? No. Shut up." Namjoon said quickly, blushing. "Anyways! Come inside, I'll tell you everything." Namjoon said, and then both him and Jin got up and walked into the house.
"What's this about? RuPaul's Drag Race season 23982 is airing soon and I don't wanna miss it." Lavender groaned, and Jimin groaned as well, nodding.
"This is more important. Guys-" Namjoon said, and then grinned at them. "We're back on board." He said, and the three widened their eyes.
There was only one more house Namjoon had to visit.
A slim finger twirled around a lock of red hair, twirling it over and over its fingers. A loud sigh filled the room, slim legs kicked onto a brown table, wearing short shorts and a bright red t-shirt.
"It's really annoying." Jungkook's voice filled the room. "He just refuses to do so! I keep asking again and again, but... I don't know. Maybe he's losing interest in me... we've been together 5 years! Yet he still hesitates..."
"Who're you talking to?" A deep voice asked, and Jungkook looked up and bit his bottom lip when he saw the silver haired boy leaning against the doorframe, wearing blue sweats and a black shirt.
Jungkook humphed, looking away. "Wow. So now you care about my feelings?"
"Are you still mad about last night, cherry?" Taehyung asked softly, walking over to Jungkook, who bit the inside of his cheek, seeing Taehyung walk over. "I said sorry so many times."
"Whatever. Big head." Jungkook mumbled, and Taehyung pouted a little, kneeling down by him.
"Who are you talking to?"
"Oh-" Jungkook said, looking at the phone, which was still on call. "I was just telling your dad about how you refuse to cum inside me without a condom on-"
"Jungkook!" Taehyung snapped, eyes big and cheeks blue. He grabbed the phone and put it against his ear. "Sorry, dad. Enjoy your vacation with other dad." Taehyung said, and then heard a chuckle from Zaivis from the other side and cut the phone.
"What's wrong with you? God- stop talking to my dad about this kind of stuff!" Taehyung snapped, and Jungkook's eyes grew big.
Jungkook saw Taehyung looked angry, and then whined, getting up from the chair. "You're being mean again!!" Jungkook cried, rushing out from the living room, his shorts riding up as he did, ass bouncing, making Taehyung look at them scornfully. Taehyung gulped, seeing the red haired boy jump onto the sofa, onto his stomach.
"Baby..." Taehyung said, walking up to him. "I'm doing it for your own safety, darling! It's not anything against you," Taehyung explained softly.
"You're just being a little... voluptuous." He kneeled down in front of the sofa, putting his hand on Jungkook's ass.
Jungkook looked at him, pouting lightly. "Big word." Jungkook said in a small voice, and Taehyung smiled. Taehyung loved this. Loved this part of their relationship. Because Jungkook was sometimes bratty but so so fucking cute all the time, and Taehyung could live with that for a million years.
"It means you're not thinking right. Last night we started having sex, right? And then what went wrong?" Taehyung asked, continuing to knead Jungkook's ass.
"You... you didn't cum inside of me because you weren't wearing a condom." Jungkook explained, and Taehyung hummed, looking at him closely, hand still firm on his ass. "And then what did you do?"
Jungkook's cheeks turned the same shade as his hair, and the boy hid his face with his hands. "I started crying a-and called you a big jerk."
"Do you think that was fair to me?" Taehyung asked, and Jungkook shook his head, biting his lip. "I-I know- but- but I'm on birth control, Tae. Look-" Jungkook said, and then turned in a way and bent over the head of the couch, so his ass was facing Taehyung's face.
"How does me looking at your ass give me an indication of you being on birth control?" Taehyung mumbled.
"I don't know, but fuck me~" Jungkook wiggled his hips around, and Taehyung sighed, standing up and giving Jungkook a spank. Jungkook fell over and then growled at Taehyung.
"Kook you keep missing out on your pills! You don't even take them unless I remind you to." Taehyung snapped, and Jungkook bit his lip, squirming around on the couch.
"Nngh-" Jungkook mumbled, bringing his sweater paws up to his mouth and biting onto them. Jungkook began wiggling his ass more, and Taehyung frowned. "Nskdjskd."
"What?" Taehyung frowned. "SKDJKSDJ." Jungkook cried out, and Taehyung pulled the sweater sleeves out from between Jungkook's lips.
"Put your dick in me!" Jungkook whined, spreading his legs.
"Jesus." Taehyung said, turning around and walking out of the living room, leaving Jungkook like that. Jungkook started whining from the living room, and Taehyung just heard the bell ring and walked up to the door.
The door opened, and Taehyung gasped.
"Namjoon!" Taehyung said, and then hugged him tightly. Namjoon hugged him back.
"Hey, Tae! Jimin told me you got back from Jupiter just a few days ago. How was your trip?" Namjoon asked, and Taehyung let him in.
"Great, great. You know, still helping their broken economy and all that. But this is such a surprise! How come you visited? We haven't met since Yoongi's birthday." Taehyung said, and Namjoon followed him inside.
"I have some big news! I think you'll be excited." Namjoon said, and Taehyung grinned widely.
"Ooh, that sounds exciting. Why don't you wait in the living room, I'll get some water." Taehyung said, patting Namjoon's back. Namjoon hummed, walking up to their living room.
He opened the door, and then instantly he saw Jungkook on the couch with his ass in the air, whining into the pillow which his face was stuffed in. "Taehyungie pleaseeeee I need your fat cock to split me open-"
Namjoon screamed. Jungkook sat up on the couch and screamed as well, getting off the couch and standing up.
"Namjoon! What- what the fuck are you doing here?" Jungkook let out, eyes wide.
"I'm!!!!!! Fuck! Okay." Namjoon took a deep breath. "I'm going to ignore what I saw, it's not like I haven't seen worse. I'm here to give some big news."
Jungkook gasped. "I'm pregnant."
"What?" Namjoon asked, eyes wide.
"What else could the big news be?"
"Why the fuck would I come to your house to tell you that YOU'RE pregnant???"
"I don't know how babies are made!" Jungkook snapped, and then the living room doors slid open and Taehyung walked in, holding a glass of water.
"Here." Taehyung said, giving him the water. He walked up to the other couch with Jungkook and sat down on it, seeing Jungkook still standing. Taehyung pulled Jungkook's shorts down from behind to cover his ass, giving an indication for the boy to sit down. "What's up?"
"We're back." Namjoon said, grinning. Taehyung froze for a bit, eyes growing big. Jungkook looked clueless.
"Back where?"
"We're back!!! Dude, it means we're back!"
"I have NO clue what that means-"
"Jungkook it means we're BACK."
"PLEASE someone explain clearly what the FUCK is going on-"
"The head of the Galactic Navy told me he needs me to find 9 suitable people to take on a mission to the other side of the galaxy for a year to explore." Namjoon said, and then smiled a little. "Just like we used to."
"Just like we used to," Taehyung's eyes glimmered, and then he smiled. "Are- are you here to recruit us?"
"I already asked Yoongi, Hobi, Jin Jimin, and Lav. So, yeah. The two of you. I know you guys just got engaged..." Namjoon said, looking at the sparkly rose gold ring sitting prettily on Jungkook's fourth finger, the bright blue diamond on it glittering in the sunlight. "...like two weeks ago. Which was why I thought this might be iffy to you guys..."
They got engaged 2 weeks ago. Zaivis had given Taehyung his grandmother's ring.
Taehyung told an oblivious Jungkook that they were going for dinner. The two of them went to the moon, and Taehyung booked the roof of a restaurant. The lights were a light blue and red, and so were their cheeks, opposite but complete in its own way. Taehyung had kissed Jungkook lightly, and then Jungkook had begun rubbing himself against Taehyung because he thought Taehyung was hard. Turns out, Taehyung wasn't hard and just had a box in his pocket with a ring in it.
Taehyung looked at Jungkook, and then caressed his thigh, the redhead still looking a little confused. "No! No, honestly, we'd... we'd love that. I mean, all of us met that way, y'know? And I know cherry here hasn't been to space for a good few years. I mean, he just finished with University, after all." Taehyung said, and Jungkook nodded.
"I have a degree!" Jungkook said excitedly, even though Namjoon was there at his graduation. Namjoon smiled.
"Exactly! No school butting into your lives, no work, nothing. Just us. In space. For a year. Cruising the galaxy. We might come close to dying- but look how much we've grown! We've got amazing weapons, powerful technology! I mean, Jimin can communicate with almost every species! Yoongi can get all the information on the planets! Jin can help all of us with our injuries! Hoseok can engineer the ship! Taehyung, you can explore, and Lav can navigate! And Jungkook can...." Namjoon trailed.
Jungkook looked down, pouting. "I-it's okay. You don't have to take me if you d-don't wanna." Jungkook said, gnawing down on his bottom lip, looking hurt, eyes big.
"Woah, Joon-" Taehyung said, hand protectively going on Jungkook's back. "I'm not going without Jungkook," Taehyung said lowly, and Jungkook looked at Taehyung with a slight blush.
"I know! I was kidding, relax! Jungkook can help us so much. He's the ideas guy, isn't he?" Namjoon said, and Jungkook looked up with big eyes.
Ever since University, Jungkook's main job in the Galactic Navy was to literally make up as many ideas as he could. His brain always runs wild and he comes up with a list of a thousand things. And even if 999 of them are absolute bullshit, one of them is what makes their whole mission a success.
Jungkook smiled. "Yeah! Let's do it!" Jungkook chimed, grinning widely. Taehyung smiled.
"Yeah. Me too. I'm getting tired of being the Jupiterian diplomat. I wanna get down and dirty again."
"You can get down and dirty here too, Taehyungie-" Jungkook licked Taehyung's ear, and Taehyung put his hand over Jungkook's mouth, still smiling at Namjoon.
"We're in." Taehyung said, and Namjoon nodded with a grin.
"But wait-" Taehyung said, frowning. "You said 9 people. Jungkook, Jimin, Lav, Jin, Hoseok, Yoongi, You, me- that's just 8. Who's the last person?" Taehyung asked, and then trailed. "Unless you mean..."
Namjoon took a deep breath, nodding fearfully. "He's here." He whispered faintly, and Taehyung and Jungkook's eyes widened.
"Y'all want me to come on some kind of a space cruise?"
Taehyung, Jungkook, Jimin, Lav, and Namjoon stood there, looking nervous. Sitting on a beach chair was Yeontan, getting a back massage by some girl.
"Look, Tannie. You're our only hope. You know the universe better than anyone does! You're the master! With your intellect, we could be safe and sound!" Taehyung said.
Yeontan looked away, sunglasses on his head. "I don' know, fellas. I'm chilling here. I've got a nice ass house, some nice ass babes, a nice ass life. What do y'all have? NOTHING. And THAT'S the real tea."
"I love him." Lavender whispered to Jimin, who nodded in agreement.
"Please, Yeontannie? Just for a bit! You don't have to stay the full year!" Jungkook said, blinking his big lashes, kneeling down in front of the beach chair. "We'll do everything for you!!"
"Yo, weren't you straight or summn' 5 years ago?" Yeontan asked, and Jungkook huffed.
"Homosexuality got me, bitch. Anyway- please!!"
Yeontan kicked Jungkook, and Jungkook turned away, knowing he deserved it.
Yeontan sighed. "Okay, fine, fine! I'll come for a month or so. No longer, aight? I don't trust humans and shit. Y'all stink."
"Girl you're ferile."
"I'll kill you." Yeontan said to Jimin, who looked down, getting hit in the head by Namjoon. Namjoon looked at Yeontan longingly.
"Thank you so much. We owe you a lot. The ship takes off tomorrow." Namjoon nodded, and Yeontan hummed, seeing them walk away. Jungkook rushed up to him and kissed his head.
"I'll spit on you."
"Got it." Jungkook said, and then waved at him and rushed up to the others, smiling.
"King Bing DIED??"
- In Serial11 Chapters
Enigma's Multiverse: Rewrite
This novel was rewritten with the following goals in mind: -A 'human' MC, that struggles underneath the weight of his past emotions and slowly grows as a person as he deals with past trauma and regret. A relatable protagonist whose actions are in line with his motivations, who may be amiable or ruthless depending on the stakes presented. (Caucasian male protagonist, set in the modern world with alien 'induction' into the cultivation world.) - Competent antagonists that have their own goals and ambitions, instead of always targeting the MC for plot convenience. - An original cultivation system. - Interesting and well fleshed out enemy archetypes. - Hell mode challenge right off the bat. - Lots of action and fighting with psychological elements. - My vision of what a cultivation novel should be like. This is the rewrite of the original Enigma's Multiverse, the first version reads more like a skeleton or a first draft as it was my very first work and I've come a long way since then. A lot of things from the original will be tweaked/enhanced, so it might just end up as a completely different work. Cover Credits- Instagram @just_anime_art_things
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Swine and Saber Hunting Company: Swine Prologue
Oleander Swine is a freelance monster hunter struggling to make ends meet in his homeland of Morrigan. While monsters are in no short supply, the public at large has put all their faith in the hunting companies to protect them. Oleander knows that in order to survive in his line of work, he'll have to assemble a company of his own. What can he offer that the other rich enterprises cannot, his willingness to help and hire other races aside from humans.
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Death Incarnate
Living only to kill, he craved death. Finally, upon dying he wished for life. So the Gods played a cruel trick giving him a dead body but a living mind. Follow this mysterious protagonist as he is flung, quite literally, into a world of beasts and magic. Terrible synopsis because I am lazy.
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Hades' Evolution
A young college woman and the human race get transported to a new world by a program with new challenges like monsters, programs, wars, and magic. this novel is something I do for fun, and for now, does not have a regular schedule on when it will be updated. it is inspired by other novels such as Randidly Ghosthound by puddles4263 and A New World by Monsoon117
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Jan 1, 2022 Edit: Happy near years! Sorry for the long delays once again, I hope to write more frequently. The NPC-MAKER only has one goal… and that is to rule the world with his NPCs! He has the power to create any NPC he desires as long as he has the resources for it. He was obviously going to create slave NPCs to gather resources so he can focus on making more NPCs. There are way too many enemies in the world trying to kill him so he must create many NPCs stronger than himself to defend him and his empire! Unfortunately, he finds himself stranded in the desert with nothing around. He must survive the harsh conditions and hopefully create NPCs to help him. ~ What to Expect ~ - Lots of NPC interactions. Arc 1 Desert Survival Chapter 1 to... ( work in progress)
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The Storm is Coming. We are The Storm
What is this? This is a Revolution Steak braised in heart-pumping action, cooked to well done characters, garnished with romance on the sideplot and served with a dash of wit all on a steaming hot platter of epic.Please read responsibly.****************************************Synopsis: Eight Revolutionaries- who act more like criminals- take on the newest VRMMORPG: World Sprawl Online to strengthen their ability to wage Revolution in whatever form it comes in . They don't seek blood, justice, power or peace but the chance to create a more brilliant, intriguing and exhilarating world . And they won't stop at anything to achieve it.****************************************Author's Happy Place: Wow. This place is really superb. I'm glad I made it. As for youreaders... Shoo! I'll decorate my happy place later with tasty info as necessary!
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