《Space Voyage | VKOOK by LARRYVGL》Ten
"Did you just say groan-"
"Listen Yoongi, my head hurts like a bitch- I drank too much last night. Why didn't any of you stop me? I'm only 18- you all are irresponsible. I'm probably not even legal in that galaxy." Jungkook grumbled, and Hoseok groaned.
"Shut up. Just shut the fuck up oh my god." Hoseok said, voice hoarse, and he grabbed a glass of water and downed it, some of it spilling out of the glass.
"What the actual fuck was in that alcohol, man? Made me horny as fuck last night-" Namjoon grumbled, rubbing his eyes.
"Same." Jin said. "Same." Hoseok and Yoongi mumbled, and Jungkook yawned. "Me too."
"So Jungkookie. I saw you and Taehyung running into your room last night. What was that about?" Jin asked with a wiggle of his eyebrows, and Jungkook blushed a little.
"You two hooked up!"
"No! Maybe! Shut up!"
"Do you like him?"
"Ew- no! Never! Like you said, I was just horny, and so was he, so we randomly hooked up. Won't happen again." Jungkook mumbled, and then Yoongi snickered.
"Who topped?"
Jungkook looked up, and saw genuinely curious eyes. He could, either tell them to mind their own business or say that they both kinda topped each other in a weird way, but-
"Me. Obviously. Do I look like a bottom to you??"
Jungkook glared at Hoseok, and then leaned against the chair, propping his feet onto the table in front of him. "Well I didn't. I topped. As always. He- was... a bottom. He bottomed. A whiny ass- fuckin'- uh- submissive ass bottom."
"Oh.. eh, we never know what goes on in someone's bedroom." Namjoon said, and then Jungkook got up from his chair.
"Well, you know that I dominated in mine. That's right, girls. Menace in the streets, even bigger menace in the sheets. Wooh!" Jungkook let out, and then turned around and walked out of the dining room, leaving them.
"Jeez." Jin laughed, and then Taehyung walked into the room, looking hungover as fuck, slumping onto the chair Jungkook was sat in, rubbing his face with his hands.
"Good.. morning, or whatever time of day it is. Space really fucks you up, huh?" Taehyung snickered in a raspy voice, and Hoseok hummed.
"It really does. Anyways- you okay from last night?" Hoseok asked, and Taehyung nodded. "Yeah. M'head hurts a little bit, that's all."
"Jungkook told us about what you guys got onto last night. So if you're sore or anything-" Jin started, and Taehyung frowned.
"Why would I be sore?" Taehyung asked, and the guys all furrowed their eyebrows. Hoseok was about to speak, but Yoongi placed his hand in front of him, stopping him.
Yoongi got a conniving, knowing smirk on his face, eyes glinting with mischief. "Taehyung.. who topped last night?"
The boys all knew what Yoongi was doing, and looked at Taehyung will great interest. Taehyung looked up. Now.. Taehyung could tell them to fuck off or just tell them that they both kinda bottomed for each other in a weird way, but-
"I did. Obviously. Do I look like a bottom to you?" Taehyung asked, and all the boys held in smiles, and just nodded along.
"Jungkook was- he was a baby in the sheets, y'know? Begging and shit. Acts all tough to hide the fact that he's secretly a submissive bottom." Taehyung scoffed, and Namjoon nodded.
"Interesting." Namjoon said, and Taehyung hummed, picking at his nails.
Jimin walked into the room, pink hair sticking up from every place. He was scratching his arm as he walked in, yawning. "Hey guys. Namjoon- why is my underwear container all womens underwear?"
Namjoon sighed. "Yeah, um- we ran out of clean underwear. So, lace panties it is. For all of us."
"That's kinda hot." Hoseok smirked, giving a wink at Yoongi, who blushed a little, but then frowned.
"You're wearing them too.." Yoongi said, and Hoseok grinned. "That's what makes it hotter, Yoongs."
"Nah. Fuck that. I rather go commando." Taehyung said, just as Jungkook walked in with a bowl of cereal.
"Who's going commando?" Jungkook asked, sitting down, and Taehyung pointed at himself, and Jungkook snickered, dipping his spoon into his bowl.
"Won't that be uncomfortable? I mean- a thing that big swinging around-" Jungkook said, and then widened his eyes, blush forming on his cheeks upon realising what he said.
Taehyung kicked his shin, and Jungkook winced, just stuffing his mouth with cereal to shut up.
"Um.... anyways. Taehyung, we have to wear our uniforms that should be cleaned in a few days- so I suggest you put on a pair." Namjoon said, and Taehyung pursed his lips.
"They're actually pretty comfortable." Jin said, and Namjoon laughed at his comment.
"Put on a pair of what?" Jungkook asked, stuffing his face with another spoon of cereal. "Women's panties."
Jungkook spit his cereal out, and it went straight onto Jimin's face- who screamed and threw a plate at Jungkook.
The plate disappeared, so Jimin groaned and rushed out of the room and into his washroom, presumably. Jungkook blushed and wiped the corner of his lips.
"Sorry, I thought I heard you say women's panties." Jungkook snickered, wiping the sheen off his forehead.
"I did."
Jungkook's eyebrows flew up. "What? Why??? I'm not wearing a thong!" Jungkook snapped, and Taehyung rolled his eyes.
"Shut up, Cherry. We need to wear something. So stop complaining." Taehyung said, and Jungkook glared at him.
"You're just saying that because you want to wear it-"
"Shut up you literally wear the tiniest booty shirts around here so I don't know why you're bitching-"
"They're not booty shorts they're normal boxers-"
"Quiet!" Yoongi snapped, and the two shut up, looking away in anger. Jimin reentered the room, face washed, and sat down away from Jungkook. "It's not like we're forcing you to wear a dress, Jungkook. Stop being a brat."
Jungkook stomped his foot on the ground. "I'm not a brat!"
"You say while stomping your foot and pouting-"
"Shut up Taehyung you're- ugh- you're so annoying." Jungkook growled, and Jin sighed.
"In good news, we're reaching that other planet in about an hour for more resources.. so Cherry and Taehyung, instead of fighting-"
"My name isn't Cherry, for fucks sake- whoever calls me Cherry next I'll-"
"What're you gonna do? Whine until they stop and give you your baby bottle back?" Taehyung snapped, and Jungkook stood up from his chair and rushed over to him to fold him like an omelette, when-
"Jungkook! Taehyung! Go to your rooms right now and get dress. One more word out of you two and I'll get Jimin to spank both of you." Namjoon snapped, and Jimin frowned.
"Why do I have to do it??" Jimin asked, and Namjoon gave him a quick look, and then turned back to face Jungkook and Taehyung.
"Don't bother threatening Taehyung with spanking, Captain. He'd probably like it-" Jungkook started, and then Taehyung slapped his ass really hard, making Jungkook jump.
"Ah!" Jungkook yelped, and then Taehyung got up to walk out, and Jungkook kicked his ass, literally. Both walked out, pushing and kicking and slapping each other's asses in annoyance, leaving the five alone.
"Oh my god they're so annoying-" Yoongi groaned, tugging at his hair.
"I know. But listen- which one of them was lying about being the top?" Namjoon asked, and Hoseok scoffed.
"Jungkook was. Taehyung clearly tops him."
"Hm.. I don't know.. Jungkook seems kinda aggressive too, y'know?" Yoongi replied.
"I agree. Plus, Jungkook's more built. My money's on him." Jin said, and Namjoon rolled his eyes.
"You guys are wrong- Taehyung's more mature and assertive. Like, yeah, Jungkook's more built, but since when did body type equate to dominance in a bedroom? Plus, if you take in their reactions to given situations-"
"Oh my god Namjoon, just write an essay." Yoongi grumbled, and Jimin sighed.
"Okay, now all of you shut up. This is weird-" Jimin started, but Hoseok frowned.
"Yoongi you're just mad because Jungkook's a bottom." Hoseok said, and Jin scoffed.
"Oh autocorrect, I think you meant top." Jin said, and Hoseok raised his eyebrow.
"Jin this is a verbal conversation-"
"Are you guys seriously debating over which one of them tops and bottoms? Jeez, you guys are older than them, this is weird! It's none of anyone's business, and-"
"Y'know what- I bet that Jungkook's not a bottom." Yoongi snapped, standing up. Namjoon scoffed.
"Oh my god, now you guys are betting on this? Jesus-" Jimin started, but Namjoon cut him off.
"Sure thing, pal. Whoever loses has to be.. Jimin's servants for a whole day." Namjoon said, and Jimin suddenly grinned, sitting up.
"Okay now I'm interested." Jimin said with a dazzling grin, and Jin rubbed his face.
"We're crackheads. This space thing is taking a toll on us. I'm gonna go change." Jin said, standing up. The others nodded, letting this debate go, but agreeing on the bet.
Jimin got up and ran out of the room, and rushed right into Taehyung's room. Taehyung was in black short shorts, and sighed. "Does no one knock anymore??"
"Listen, Taehyung. I'm gonna need you to bottom for Jungkook." Jimin said, and Taehyung frowned.
"What? Why?"
"Because Namjoon and Hoseok are more study and probably give better messages." Jimin snapped, and Taehyung paused.
He look ed at Jimin for a few seconds, before giving up. "Nothing of what you said made sense." Taehyung let out, and Jimin suddenly widened his eyes.
"No wait- what am I doing?! I need to go see-" Jimin started, and then the door to Taehyung's room burst open and Jungkook walked in.
Jimin turned around, and Jungkook stood there in tiny pink panties, hands on his hips, looking angry as fuck.
"Is this for real? I'm not fucking wearing these!" Jungkook snapped, and Taehyung smirked at the sight, leaning against the wall.
"Damn, Cherry. Makes your ass look good." Taehyung commented, and Jungkook shot him a glare, and Jimin walked up to Jungkook.
"Jungkook, I'm gonna need you to bottom for Taehyung." Jimin said, and Jungkook raised his eyebrow, but Jimin didn't let him talk. "Because Yoongi and Jin cook better!"
Jungkook stilled, and then looked at Taehyung, and then back at Jimin. Jungkook let out a long sigh, and then put his hands on Jimin's shoulders. Jungkook looked into Jimin's eyes, and then looked at Taehyung. "He's high."
Jimin slapped his hands off, and then walked out of the room, grumbling to himself.
Jungkook turned to Taehyung, and then snickered. "Who's the one wearing booty shorts now?"
"Dude you're literally in panties, you don't have a right to tell me what I'm doing." Taehyung said, and Jungkook felt embarrassed, legs pressed together.
"Shut it." Jungkook squeaked out, and then turned around and walked out, knowing Taehyung's eyes were trained on his perky ass.
Hoseok walked to the exit of the spaceship, and sighed. "We look so fucking dumb." Hoseok mumbled, looking around to see all the boys gather around at the exit of the ship.
They reached the planet names Woofzuno. Now, Namjoon had done all the research on this planet, so the others didn't know much about it. Just knew it had normal grasslands. After last time's incident, the boys decoded to all go together as it would be much safer. They didn't want another occurrence of any of the boys being restrained by tentacles or something.
And, much like Hoseok said, they did indeed look very fucking dumb.
Jin was wearing a beach kimono, a sunhat, distressed white jeans and a floral top. Hoseok was wearing a pale blue t-shirt which had 'TITS' on it, and trousers which were a little too tight on his crotch.
Yoongi and Namjoon joined, and Yoongi was wearing a white croptop-ish shirt with a bunch of kittens on it, and denim shorts. Namjoon was wearing a top which reached his thighs with tight pants, and as much as he kept saying it wasn't, it was definitely a dress.
Jungkook was in a fucking romper which was light purple and had curls and lace on its side, a big bow on its back. He didn't like how small it made his waist look. Taehyung was wearing tiny black shorts and a red t-shirt which had it's back see-through, wearing sunglasses.
Jimin was perhaps a little too into it. He walked in wearing big circular sunglasses, pink jeans ripped showing off his thighs, a pink crop top which was definitely made for someone with boobs, and a pretty pink choker.
"Let's get this going, gays." Jimin snapped, and the guys all huffed a little, and then walked out of the spaceship.
"We look like lesbians."
"I'd consider that a compliment."
"Why the fuck are the pockets so goddamn small on these pants-"
"What the fuck is a romper and how the hell am I going to pee?"
"Might have sanitary restrictions, but at least your waist looks snatched!"
They all grumbled and chatted as they walked down the steps of the ship and onto the planet. Everything was normal, the air just a little lighter than usual.
"I heard everyone here is friendly." Namjoon said, looking around. There was no one near them, just some more parked ships.
They walked out of the ship holding center, and all looked a little confused. Everything was a little.. small, you could say. Doors were shaped weird,.. footpaths were small.. no tall buildings in sight..
They walked around the market area they were in, and then saw a whole DOG behind a counter of the shop.
"Oh right, I forgot to mention. This planet its full of dogs." Namjoon said, and all of them gasped.
"Oh. My god. I love dogs." Taehyung squealed, and Yoongi grinned as well.
"This is amazing. Look at- ah!" Jimin squealed as well, pointing at a cute little Pomeranian puppy, black and light brown.
The puppy walked up to them, wagging his tail and tongue sticking out. Taehyung crouched down and began petting him, grinning widely. Taehyung looked at the nametag on his collar. "Hi.. Yeontan. Aw, aren't you a little cutie." Taehyung said, and the dog leaned into his touch, allowing Taehyung to pet him.
"Hey Yeontan- do you know where the government building is? We need resources for our ship, you see." Namjoon asked softly, and Jungkook snickered.
"Never thought we'd ask a dog that." Jungkook scoffed, and the dog growled at Jungkook, which made Jungkook widen his eyes and step back.
The dog nodded at Namjoon, and then wagged his tail, as if trying to tell them something. "I think he wants us to follow him." Hoseok said.
"How the hell can you tell? He's a dog-"
Yeontan barked at Jungkook, who frowned. "Jeez, okay Yeontan. We'll follow you." Jungkook mumbled.
The little dog began trotting down the pathway, the boys following him. He was quite fast, so they walked fast as well. Yeontan ran up till they reached a small white building.
"Lord." Jin said to himself, seeing a big German Shepherd sitting on a throne, quite big. He had smaller white dogs beside him, they seemed to be.. massaging his back.
Yeontan started yapping, barking, telling the big dog something. The German Shepherd nodded, barking back. Both communicated, and then the big dog howled.
Two pitbulls came up to them, and Yeontan pulled at Taehyung's shoe, as if telling them to come with him.
"Okay how the fuck do we trust this-" Jungkook said, and the others just blindly nodded and began following the tiny dog. Jungkook scoffed. "You guys! These are dogs! What the hell-"
Jungkook saw Yeontan turn his head to face Jungkook and glare at him, and Jungkook's eyes widened, and he hid behind Jin.
"Jin I think that tiny dog hates me."
"Don't be stupid, Jungkook. C'mon, let's just follow him." Jin said, and Jungkook huffed and followed the dogs into another small hut.
There were many resources there, like meat and collars. The room supposedly led to another one, perhaps one with more stuff. Yeontan barked, and then pointed his paw up at the door, which the two pitbulls were guarding.
Namjoon nodded at Yeontan, and then walked to the door. The pitbulls let him enter, and like that, let Jin, Hoseok, Taehyung, Jimin, and Yoongi enter. Jungkook walked behind them, but Yeontan began growling, biting at his shoe to keep him from moving.
"What the- yo! Let me go!" Jungkook snapped, trying to shake the dog off his foot. Yooni sighed, seeing the mess that was going on. Jungkook tried walking into the room, but the pitbulls growled at him.
"You better just stay there, Kook. We'll collect stuff." Yoongi said, and Jungkook scoffed, and saw the two pitbulls enter the room, and Yoongi close the door.
Yeontan stopped biting, and Jungkook glowered, crossing his arms. "This is fucking great, isn't it? I'm stuck in a room with a fucking dog. For fucks sake." Jungkook grumbled.
He walked around, looking at the meat and collars and other dog food. Jungkook sighed, slumping against the wall, covering his face with his hands.
"Listen up bitchass-"
Jungkook's eyes flew open,and he looked around the room. A deep ass voice just say that, and it made Jungkook frown. "W-who's there?" Jungkook asked, even though he was in a tiny room.
"Down her! Damn-" The deep voice snapped, and Jungkook fearfully looked down, and screamed when he saw Yeontan, the dog, with his eyebrows furrowed.
"W-what?! What the fuck??" Jungkook snapped back, and the dog rolled his eyes.
"Oh my god, shut up. Y'all so annoying and shit. Especially your dumbass. Can't you humans ever shut your asses up?" Yeontan said, and Jungkook stood there, frozen.
"W-what is happening.." Jungkook squeaked, and Yeontan laughed. "Not just a dog, am I?"
"How the fuck are you talking??"
Jungkook cried, crouching down to face him. He still couldn't understand what the hell was going on.
"Why, y'all think we don't know shit 'cause we're dogs? Think again, ugly."
"O-oh my god," Jungkook let out, and Yeontan scoffed. "I know english, red. We're not all dumb."
"Right- u-um- sorry." Jungkook said, and Yeontan nodded. "Good. You should be. Now listen up, 'cause I'm not gonna repeat myself. Y'all want shit? Take it. But I'm coming with you on your fancy ass shit- 'cause my ass sick and tired of being stuck here, got it?"
Jungkook was frozen. "I-I-I d-don't know.. I'm not captain of the-"
"I said did you get it?" Yeontan shouted, and Jungkook nodded hurriedly. "Yes! Yes- oh my god- you can come with us. Please don't claw my eyes out."
Suddenly, the door opened, and Yeontan instantly unfurrowed his eyebrows and stuck his tongue out again. The boys walked out, holding a pile of stuff.
"Thanks a lot again!" Namjoon said, and Jungkook gulped.
"G-guys- this- this dog- he can talk." Jungkook said weakly, and the boys looked at him for a few seconds.
"He can what-"
"Talk! He just threatened me! H-he had a deep ass voice-" Jungkook cried, and the dog wagged his little tail and waddled over to Taehyung, who cooed and picked him up.
"This little thing? Oh, you're sho cute, who's a good boy?" Taehyung spoke animatedly, letting Yeontan lick his cheek.
The boys laughed. "Oh Kookie, you're probably still drunk! Dogs don't talk, silly." Jimin said, and Jungkook shook his head.
"No! Guys- don't listen to him! He's evil!" Jungkook snapped, pointing at Yeontan.
- In Serial78 Chapters
Core .001
This is a story of Shiro, a 12 year old girl who wished to adventure around the world. Only to end up in an untimely death. When she wakes up, she finds herself in what seems to be a new world, and her body has changed to that of a catkin. Using her knowledge from knowing literature of people in similar situations and adventuring, she tries to make a place for herself in this new world. Only to find out that reality is far crueler than one would imagine. Even with what one would call an OP unique skill and other OP advantages, she finds things quickly fall apart regardless how hard she tries. Thus she seeks more and more power to not only survive, but to protect what is important to her. Unbeknownst to her though, lies within her an ancient power time primordial. A power so vast it can bring anything to its knees. This ancient power can easily be unlocked with just one sentence, but this sentence shall never be spoken. Instead, Shiro will embark on a new path to gaining a new different kind of power as she moves forward in this new world. WARNING: The first few volumes will have tragedy, which will disappear at around Volume 5 or 6. From then on it will be just pure OP-ness and having fun. While I personally like OP characters and don’t like tragedies myself, I think it is unrealistic that a person goes to an unknown and everything just magically go their way via plot armor. So I wanted to build up a more realistic OP reincarnation novel where MC struggles through a new world regardless of their advantages due to gaps in knowledge (despite how prepared she was) and simply not having enough strength at the time. ------------------------------------------- This is my first poor attempt at a story. I read a lot of novels overall and was in the mood to see how well I can write one. Expect a lot of mistakes here and there as I am pretty new to writing. Releases should be about 2 times a week(changed due to chapter size pretty much doubling) unless stated otherwise or inbetween volumes. I will at least commit to finishing the volume I am on (Nothing worse than a story being cut off mid story). So give me your comments what you think. I don't mind if the comments are bad and etc. Just lay off the grammar nazi (My only weakness)
8 121 - In Serial66 Chapters
The Villainess Has Fallen
An overworked executive. An innocent, suffering soul. A twist of fate brings the two dreams in one magical way. Waiting for her inevitable end as she gazes at the frozen pastels painting the southern skies, Leonora—a simple, enlightened soul finds herself thrown into a pit of darkness. But worse is yet to unfold. Bound, gagged, and blindfolded, she wakes up and discovers she has transmigrated into another world. Not as Leonora, but… Victoria—an infamous villainess whose wicked feats have bedeviled her kingdom. A mass murderer, a malicious plotter, an evil witch, and a king-killer. A fallen princess condemned to death through the worst of all punishments—death on a burning stake. ***1 Chapter A Week.
8 129 - In Serial13 Chapters
War Of Mortal Gods
In the universe, twelve beings created everything, they then created the gods and gave them unique domains to rule and tasked them with overseeing and maintaining the natural equilibrium of the worlds containing sentient life, but restricted them from interacting with the worlds directly. The gods, who could only interact with souls that are crossing worlds in the reincarnation cycle discovered that there were two types of souls as well. There were normal mortal souls and unique souls that they called the heroes soul that are born at random. These gods then commincate with these unique souls after their first life ends and gives them a deal, either complete a certain number of tasks on various worlds to maintain the natural balance or go through the reincarnation cycle which will cleanse the soul and the memories they hold. This story is of heroes that sometimes must commit to maintaining the natural balance at any cost. There are times that these heroes save millions of innocent lifes and times that they must kill billions of innocent lifes to protect the natural balance, they arent always pure and righteous or corrupt and villaneous, these are just souls that walk the path of legendary figures and infamous killers, but who can save these heroes when they are broken and must suffer repeatedly from their role as defenders. This is the journey of a group of heroes and their growth as warriors, their traumas that make them mortal humans, and the moments that define then as immortal legends, but can they survive when faced with their greatest challenge to come that threatens to destroy whole worlds. This is the story of war that happens among mortals, Stories of wars on the inside and outside the realm of the soul, and war between mortal gods. Only one thing is certain, the side that loses the war, loses absolutely everything.
8 149 - In Serial30 Chapters
The Innocent Salvatore (Niklaus, Elijah and Kol)
A baby's cry pierces the air as the midwife passes the baby to the awaiting hands of the father. Damon happily takes the baby from her hands holding her close to his chest not worried about the blood most likely staining his clothes. As quickly as the moment began it was lost, Damon was pushed out of the small room the baby still in his hands. "Stop! Wait! What's going on?" Damon yells trying to get back into the room. That's when he gets a look into the room noticing the many midwives rushing around attaching things to his wife lying on the bed, covered in blood and sweat from just giving birth."Ruby! Ruby!" Damon yells over the loud cries of the baby in his arms. Damon stops yelling the shock to great. He hears the midwife's declare her dead, the blood loss to severe. In that one lonely moment Damon realizes that he will do everything he can to keep the little girl in his arms safe, no matter the cost.---------Angels Mother died when she was only a few minutes old leaving her in the hands of her father, the great Damon Salvatore. Who knew that that one special little girl would later have three of the most powerful men in the world wrapped around her finger?------This is kind of an AU but I will follow the plot the best I can.(Kol Mikaelson X OC X Niklaus Mikaelson X Elijah Mikaelson)(The beautiful covers are by @heartsails)
8 148 - In Serial35 Chapters
Offline ✉ zauren
''oops, it looks like the person you're trying to reach has been offline for a while. We'll deliver your message as soon as they connect again.'' ― © itshannaboo
8 72 - In Serial79 Chapters
Her Unrequited Love (Completed)
Love is the thing which make life heaven or hell💕Highest rankings#1 in Tamil out of 1.09k#1 in painful memories out of 328#1 in Krishna out of 320#1 in Meera out of 74#4 in betrayal out of 67.4k#5 in women out of 10.4k#9 in girllove out of 1.42k#9 in firststory out of 20.6k#11 in non fiction out of 33.2k#21 in unrequited out of 6.56k#18 in onesided love 2.99k#7 in general out of 7k#16 in care out of 13.46k
8 96