《Space Voyage | VKOOK by LARRYVGL》One
"Oh yeah- oh yeah baby- keep going, aahh-" Jungkook moaned out, banging his fist against the steel wall of the storage closet while his head tipped back, eyes closed.
He felt warm lips around his cock, swirling a tongue around his length. Jungkook's cherry red hair fell into his eyes as he bucked his hips in a little, smirking.
"Yeah? Like that? Such a good girl for me," Jungkook smirked, as the girl sitting on her knees continued sucking him off.
The girl placed her hand on Jungkook's trousers- his stupid tight yet stretchy red pants he had to wear in this place. Jungkook bit his lip as he came into the girl's mouth, and she pulled off with a pop, making a slightly disgusted face.
"Wasn't that bad." Jungkook said, and the girl smiled back. "Sure wasn't, Jungkook." She whispered, and then Jungkook grabbed her waist and kissed her neck, and then reached for the door of the supply closet.
The girl scoffed. "Well? Aren't you going to get me off?" The girl snapped, and Jungkook sighed.
"Maybe next time." Jungkook winked at the orange haired girl, who looked pissed off as Jungkook walked out of the supply closet.
The supply closet was in the corner of the campus. The campus of University of Space Technology and Exploration. Jungkook was in his red clothes, a tight red shirt with a badge of the school's name on it, and tight red pants to match. Many people around, all holding their tablets while walking around with friends.
The university was in one of the Moons of planet Scora VZ2. See, many many years ago- the earth overpopulated and, like, everyone died.
However, scientists found various other galaxies and smaller planets for humans to reside in. Of course, the aliens were one thing (and perhaps we can just skip over the colonisation as it was FRIENDLY) but the food and oxygen and gravitational levels were normal, like in Earth.
This University was known to be one of the best. It brings out the best Galactic Navy in the galaxy. Not to mention, their planet is connected to all the other ones, having higher technology and better advancements than the 3rd world planets.
So, easy to say, Jungkook knew just being in this University meant he'd get an easy job. See, this University has four branches you can study.
MEDICAL. Medical students learn how to aid those during space outings and give medicine to those in need. They wear blue uniforms.
COMMUNICATIONS. Now, the students learning Communications usually know more languages than just the Earth tongue. They can contact other planets and aliens and know how to spot life sources in various planets and how to communicate to them. They wear green uniforms.
ENGINEERING. Engineering students know everything about spaceships. They either built the structure or the mechanics of it. Very vital to be on board a spaceship. They wear yellow uniforms.
And lastly, SPACE EXPLORATION. These guys know the ins and outs of how to explore, navigate, find life sources and interact with them. How to find if a planet is habitable or not. How to find if a planet has resources or not. They wear red uniforms.
So yeah, Jungkook studied Space Exploration. He was only in his first year, but honestly- it's not that hard. All they need to do is NOT die.
Okay, so it's VERY hard and Jungkook has, like, a 63% survival rate when he does his job. But that's not that bad, right???
"Yugyeom!" Jungkook called, seeing his brunette friend in the green uniform talking to some girl. The girl Yugyeom was talking to was giggling, until she saw Jungkook and her cheeks turned red.
"H-hi Jungkook." She said, and Jungkook just gave her a little smirk. Yugyeom turned to Jungkook, and groaned.
"Will you fuck off?" Yugyeom snapped, and Jungkook started laughing. He slung his arm around Yugyeom's shoulder, waving the girl goodbye and walking away with him.
"Anyways- you all ready for the big exam?" Jungkook asked, and Yugyeom sighed.
"Fell asleep during the practice class. Not at all. So much shit could go wrong. Dude- I'm not even completely fluent in Marsian. I'm so failing this." Yugyeom mumbled, and Jungkook snickered.
"Eh. I'll just have to manage the controls and yell 'Aliens! Ah!' and it'll be all fine." Jungkook said, and Yugyeom rolled his eyes.
"Anyways. Saw that chick you were hooking up with walk out looking pissed. Doesn't she have a boyfriend?" Yugyeom asked, and Jungkook snickered.
"Dude- has that ever stopped me before?" Jungkook asked, and Yugyeom sighed again. "Fair enough."
Jungkook laughed at his comment, but then bumped into someone, like head first bumped into someone.
Jungkook fell back a little and then looked up and saw a guy with silver hair and dark grey eyes who he bumped into. He was also in a red uniform.
"Watch it!" Jungkook snapped, and the guy just gave Jungkook an annoyed look and kept walking, some guy beside him.
"You watch it, red." The guy snapped back, and Jungkook rolled his eyes and kept walking with Yugyeom.
"Watch it!" Some dude with bright pink-red hair in a red uniform snapped, and Taehyung just gave him an annoyed look.
"You watch it, red." Taehyung snapped back, seeing as the boy rolled his eyes and continued walking. The boy beside Taehyung huffed.
"Nice comeback."
"Shut up, Bambam." Taehyung mumbled.
"Relax. You're in space exploration. You have the easiest job. It's just a fake test." Bambam said, and Taehyung scoffed.
"Relax? You want me to relax?! They'll put us in a fake spaceship with six other strangers I don't know and we'll have to figure that shit out! I've been pulling all nighters for two weeks studying over this." Taehyung said, and Bambam raised an eyebrow.
"No you haven't."
"Okay, I haven't. But still! I stayed up till like, 11. And you know if I do shit my dad will kill me." Taehyung said, and Bambam just rolled his eyes.
"You're gonna ace this, Tae. Now come on- let's go get some food." Bambam said, and Taehyung nodded- and then accidentally bumped into someone.
"Ah shit- sorry," Taehyung said, and saw a boy with pink hair and glittery eyes dressed in green, who just nodded and walked away, his eyes looking a bit teary.
"Ah shit- sorry," A boy with silver hair said, and Jimin just sniffled like a loser and nodded and rushed away instantly.
Don't cry Don't cry Don't cry- Jimin chanted in his mind, biting down on his lip as he walked in a fast pace, walking towards an orange haired girl who was standing nearby a water fountain.
"H-hi Lisa." Jimin squeaked, and the orange haired girl turned around, and Jimin instantly noticed how her hair was a bit disheveled and her lips were plump and redder than usual.
"Oh. Hey Jimin." Lisa said, almost looking a little.. annoyed? Jimin was confused, but he just gave her a smile, and took her hand in his.
"Hey.. listen- I know I've been so busy this last week stressing over this stupid exam. I didn't, I-"
"You didn't mean to tell me you rather study than spend time with me?" Lisa snapped, and Jimin gulped.
"Just- ugh, fuck off Jimin." Lisa mumbled, and Jimin frowned to himself- but then just grabbed Lisa's arm again.
"Hey, I'm-I'm your boyfriend. Just talk to me-"
"Shut up, Park!" Lisa snapped, and Jimin stilled. "And stop touching me, it's fucking annoying. Why don't you just go study, since that's all you do?" Lisa grumbled, pulling her hand back.
Jimin felt like crying, and ohmygod he felt like such a pussy. "I-I-"
"I said Go. Away." Lisa growled- and Jimin nodded- feeling ever more angry with himself at how he flinched when she raised her voice.
"Yes girl! You show him! Girl powerrr," One of Lisa's friends giggled, and Jimin just turned around and walked away quickly- tears gathering in his eyes again.
She's just standing up for herself, Jimin. It's nothing. Respect her, Jimin told himself, feeling his eyes watery as he walked past some black haired guy, accidentally bumping shoulders with him- but not bothering to reply.
"So then I said- you're not my mom! Turns out, it was a guy from the planet Fuurus dressed like my mom! I swear those goddamn aliens-" Jin started, and then felt a shoulder bump against his.
He turned and saw a pink haired boy walking away really fast, and just hummed and turned back towards his friends. His friends all laughed- and Jin just grinned.
"God Jin- you're so fucking funny." One girl said, and some other guys nodded in agreement. Jin nodded. "I know. Anyways, bye- I need to go study." Jin said quickly, and then rushed away.
"You're seriously going to study? Mr. Popular Kid is actually going to study?" A voice asked, and Jin turned towards Mark and rolled his eyes.
"Not all of us are geniuses, Mark. Learning medicine is hard, okay?" Jin said, and Mark scoffed. "You called yourself a genius every day!"
"That's true. Anyways- did you hear that weird nerdy guy's trying to be Captain? I overheard him talking to some dweeb outside the academy. No one this young can be captain." Jin snickered, and Mark laughed.
Namjoon, walking past Jin- and also overhearing everything he said- just sighed, ducking his head and walked faster. He knows he's young and he knows he's not 'mature enough' to be captain- but he knows he can be! So what if he's young! So what if he's... technically studying Engineering and isn't supposed to 'technically' run for Captain for another two years. He'll show 'em.
Anyways, for now- he needs to go study for that goddamn exam.
"What exam is everyone talking about, exactly?" Yoongi asked his friend, who scoffed.
"Dude, seriously? You need to stop drinking that weird alien alcohol stuff." Jaebum said, and Yoongi- having a flask tightened in his hand- just hummed and tipped the flask back between his lips, alcohol smoothening down his throat.
"Eh, whatever. You don't wanna see me sober, Jaebum." Yoongi said, and Jaebum sighed- because truly, he doesn't.
"Well, it's the exam everyone has to take. You get put in a group with six other students chosen at random, and you're put into a made up spaceship for an hour or two. They give us simulated problems and shit we need to face- and it'll show how 'worthy' we are of being in the Galactic Navy or whatever." Jaebum said, and Yoongi sighed, smoothening his green fabric down with his hand.
"Awesome. I get to scream in alien language for an hour. Honestly fuck this. Let's go get high." Yoongi said, and Jaebum laughed.
"Before the exam? Yeah, no. Not happening."
"Oh come on! We always got high before exams- how is this any different?" Yoongi said, and Jaebum pursed his lips.
"It's the official exam that shows our worth as something we've been studying for a year or four, Yoongi. For once, just be sober and do this properly." Jaebum said, and Yoongi just rolled his eyes, walking back from him.
"You do you, JB. I'm gonna go snort a line of co-"
Yoongi bumped into someone- and then turned around, a little annoyed. He saw a boy with orange hair, dressed in his yellow uniform- eyes big.
"Woah there. Watch where you're going." The guy chuckled, a warmth in his voice as he gripped Yoongi's side to save him from falling.
Yoongi gulped and nodded dumbly- seeing the boy just grin at him and then walk away- disappearing into the group of people.
"You okay?" Jaebum asked, and Yoongi cleared his throat.
"Yeah. Yeah! Just- um. Blanked out for a second there." Yoongi mumbled, and then turned around and took another swig of his flask.
Hoseok grinned at the black haired pale boy with eyes a little doey, and then turned around and kept walking- assuming he's never going to see him again.
"Dude- the list is out!" Jackson said- grabbing Hoseok's arm. "What list?"
"The list of people who we're working with for the exam tomorrow. The timings of when we have to go and everything. They sent it to us on our tablets. Just check." Jackson said- and Hoseok nodded.
He took out the little tablet, clicking on it and opening up the notifications to see the EXAM SCHEDULE. He saw all the lists, all with seven people in it. He scrolled down and down all the lists of names and groups and frowned.
"What the fuck?" Hoseok mumbled to himself- and then kept scrolling, until he reached the ast list.
GROUP : 103
TIMING: 7 pm - 8:30 pm
Kim Namjoon
Kim Seokjin
Min Yoongi
Jung Hoseok
Park Jimin
Kim Taehyung
Jeon Jungkook
Hoseok groaned, looking at Jackson.
"Are you kidding me? I'm in the last group!"
Yoongi scoffed, sitting with his back to a wall as he saw the tablet. "I'm in the 103rd group to go! The groups in the end always do shit." Yoongi mumbled.
Jin let out a yell, throwing his tablet onto his bed. "Man! I'll miss dinner because of this goddamn exam." Jin said, and Mark laughed, sitting on his bed in their dorm.
Jimin was crouched on his bed, and then sighed when he looked at the tablet. "..I don't know any of them." Jimin mumbled to himself.
Taehyung laughed sarcastically, throwing his tablet at Bambam. "This couldn't be any fucking better! I'm the last group to go! At night! With a bunch of guys I've never met! Fucking great." Taehyung groaned, and then kicked the wall.
Jungkook looked at his tablet, and then turned it off and placed it back on the table. "Eh- it's not like I give a shit anyway." Jungkook snickered to Yugyeom, who just rolled his eyes.
Namjoon huffed, placing the tablet onto his table in the library, placing his head in his hands. "I'm in a group with a bunch of idiots."
Little did they know all the shit that this stupid exam would bring. These bunch of idiots were fucked.
✫ ✬ ✭ ✬ ✫
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