《Unnamed Thoughts》13. 'Pregnant??'
Sonakshi stood in front of the mirror staring at herself in a comfortable black dress that fell to her knees and kept her arms covered in sleeves that fell easily over her arms.
Dev was happy that his mare had lost one and won one race. But right now she had something more interesting to tell him. When he walked out of the bedroom in pants and a shirt she turned and smiled nervously.
"Dev, we need to talk."
He stopped combing his hair and looked at her, the tension on her face worried him. "What's wrong, Sonakshi?"
She took his hand and dragged him to the bed, sat him down and then sat down in front of him with his hands in hers. "It's not that something is wrong, Dev. I'm just under a misconception."
"Which is?"
She bit her lip and looked at him. "Could it be possible that I'm pregnant?"
He blinked like a foolish man at her. "Why?"
"Because I am." She smiled now. His face was expressionless and she'd expected just that.
"You're not pregnant, Sonakshi."
"I am pregnant Dev, it's been almost a two months since you seduced me off of alcohol. It's very much possible."
"Are you just teasing me or are you really pregnant?"
"I am." She stood up and sat down in his lap, taking his hand to her abdomen. "Can't you fell the small swelling?"
"I can, but maybe you're just fat."
She turned her face slightly and frowned, "You're supposed to be excited."
"I'm too shocked to be excited Sonakshi. Why don't we go ask mom?"
"Dev?" She pulled him back and wrapped her arms around him. "I'm very much pregnant and I'm sure of it."
"In that case," he picked her up and swung her around nearly screaming in joy while Sonakshi giggled.
"Okay, not this excited."
When he put he down and embraced he was surprised he had tears in his eyes. "I love you."
"I love you too! But I don't understand why you're crying." Amused, he drew her away enough to just look at her. She smiled and wiped his eyes. "Be happy. In less than eight months you'll have to take care of your little baby-"
"Our little baby and her mother."
"Or him. Whatever I don't really care if it's a boy or a girl. I care that this baby is ours." She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. "Shouldn't I get something?"
"What do you want?" He whispered closing his mouth on hers. "Is this good enough?" He mumbled drawing her closer than she already as. "I still can't believe it." He touched his forehead to hers, caressing her waist with one hand.
"We should tell Mom and Dad."
"I really thought you would have told Mom already."
"Don't you think it would be unfair to you? And, I've been musing over it since we've gotten here. Now I'm pretty sure. My feet have been swollen for a few days. First I thought it was just too much heels or something. Now I realize that it's not that."
"I can't wait till you're as big as a balloon." He laughed and touched her abdomen again, felt the small swelling. "Super-sized Sonakshi. And I can't wait to tell Viola. She'll be angry and as red as a tomato."
Sonakshi laughed, "That would be a sight to be seen."
"Dev are you guys ready?"
Dev and Sonakshi looked at Jay in the door. "Did I disturb something? Maybe you guys should keep the door closed." He teased.
"Not really. We were discussing something, very important." Dev looks at his father for a second then grinned. "What's the best way to put this?" He wondered aloud.
Sonakshi rolled her eyes and walked to Jay, whispered the news in his ear and ran away from there.
"Well congratulations, Dev." Jay said laughing at him. "I'm surprised you didn't notice. Your mother kind of predicted the news this morning looking at Sonakshi."
"Oh!" He frowned. "How come I didn't?"
Jay rolled his eyes and left from there. "You're an idiot, that's why."
The gathering was held at the a beach like every year. The sight was amazing and different. There weren't very many decorations. Music blasted in the background and the winning horses tied up in portable stalls.
Seeing Dev, Viola rushed to him. Then stopped in anger as she saw Sonakshi walk up after him with his... parents. She groaned and watched Sonakshi catch-up with Dev. It was the way he spontaneously kissed her and made her smile that bothered her. It was also the way that his arm kept her close in both a protective and possessive manner. It was also the way she was being addressed as Mrs. Dixit by the reporters who ran up to them for comments. It was also the fact that how that skin-fitting dress easily revealed that Mrs. Sonakshi Dev Dixit was pregnant.
When Dev and Sonakshi were left alone from the press Viola picked up two glasses of wine and walked to them.
"Hi Dev, Sonakshi." She handed a glass to Dev and one to Sonakshi.
"Viola," Sonakshi smiled and leaned into Dev. She was unexpectedly, extremely tired. She knew that pregnant women, in the first three months, were easily tired. But for Dev she would keep up. It was the least she could do for the man she loved so much. "Thank you for the wine." She smiled and placed the glass on a tray held in the hands of a nearby waiter. "I can't drink."
Viola hated it. She knew Sonakshi was pregnant but she wanted to hear it from her. Maybe she just looked pregnant because she was gaining weight. With a mental oath, Viola cursed herself for being in denial. Dev wouldn't be holding the lady the way he was if he didn't love her. More importantly, she was carrying their love within her.
"I'm expecting." Sonakshi told her softly, placing a hand over hers.
Viola smiled, "Congrats to both of you guys."
She'd been so wrong to Sonakshi. Even then as Viola looked at Sonakshi, she didn't see hate. She saw sympathy. She was sympathizing with her for the love she'd lost, as a woman not Dev's wife. But why?
"You guys carry on. I'll see you guys later." She turned with a sheen layer of wetness in those eyes that were left alone tonight.
"Why are you frowning?" Dev asked Sonakshi, handing her a glass of punch.
"I do feel bad for her, Dev. She does love you."
"Selfishly." He turned her face and kissed her lips. "You love me selflessly and that's why I love you."
"I love you too." She rubbed his arm with her lips pursed. "But I still feel sorry for her."
"Do you want me to ask her for a dance?" He asked taking her hand, kissing it. "I think I'm very happy."
"Why don't you express this happiness sitting down."
Since they were standing aloof from the crowd now he pulled her into his arms taking her glass away. She looked at him with a grin then laughed as he rubbed her nose on her cheek.
"Why don't I save that for later tonight?"
"Dev!" She pushed him away, almost shy. "Shut-up."
He wrinkled her nose upon seeing those pretty crimson cheeks. "You didn't have to wear too much blush."
She frowned and held his arm, walking back into the crowd. "I didn't wear any to begin with."
"Can I dance with you?"
"I would but my feet are tired. These shoes. I hate heals." She looked down with a sigh.
"Take them off." He sat her down and then bent.
"Dev," She took his hands when he moved to take them off for her. "No."
"Come on, I'll take mine off too."
"You will not!" she said laughing.
"I will." He placed her shoes under the chair, then took his shoes and socks off. "Come on."
Everyone looked at them, some giggling, some admiring, some disgusted. But Dev and Sonakshi didn't care. This mattered to both of them. He wanted to make her happy, her pregnant wife happy. And he knew she wanted to dance with him like this so everyone knew they were together. He wanted everyone to know he was married.
"Thank you." She said resting her cheek on his shoulder as they continued swaying to the slow, moonlight romantic music.
"For what?"
"This dance. You very much knew I wanted one." She looked back at him and kissed his cheek. "You're perfect, Dev."
He chuckled, "Not even close to perfect, Sonakshi."
"You can think whatever you want. I'll think whatever I want. You might not be a perfect person as a whole, but you are the perfect husband I wanted."
"Are your feet better?"
"They are, thank you. The sand is more pleasuring to stand on barefooted than with heels that are almost three inches high."
"Good, I need both of you to be comfortable." He brought his hand to her lower stomach with a smile. "And, I love you both."
"Well," laughing she brought him closer, "we both love you too." He was taller at the moment that she wasn't wearing heals. She took his face and lowered it, kissed his forehead.
Later that night Sonakshi laid on her bed waiting for Dev to hold her as she fell asleep talking to him. She was most definitely not in the mood if intimacy tonight. As it was, her eyes were closing quicker than she'd wanted them to.
When she thought she was about to fall into a deep sleep she felt his huge hands on her feet, almost startled, she pulled them back. Then lifted her head to look at him. He was frowning. He sat down beside her feet pulling them over again.
"I'm sorry I startled you." Leaning over he kissed those nearly swollen feet, more from the shoes she'd continued wearing all night.
She relaxed again and closed her eyes as he massaged them with lotion. "I don't want you to worry about the office, Sonakshi."
She opened her eyes and sat down beside him, taking the lotion away from him. "Thank you for that."
"I wasn't finished." He sat down under the blanket with her and brought her close.
"That's okay, I'm fine. But I want to help you with his venue still. I really think we should move the dates forward."
"But Sonakshi-"
"No." She looked up at him and smiled. "I promise I will take care of myself and our child."
"It's you I'm worried about, Sonakshi. More than the life within you."
"I don't know if I should be pleased or angry." She laughed and pulled his cheek. "Be worried for both of us, I'll take care of both of us. Okay?"
He shook his head, "You." he said with a kiss. "It's you I'm more worried about. You can not fall sick or hurt yourself at all. Please, Sonakshi."
"Dev." She rubbed his huge shoulder, "I will. Don't worry."
"If you say so. But we will go and see a doctor first thing tomorrow.
"Whatever you want. Let's go to sleep."
"How about we watch some T.V.?"
She sighed, "I'll try." She lowered herself into his arms. "But I'm already falling asleep."
He looked down at her and those wonderful eyes closing. He wanted to cherish even this moment, he knew. So he rested his cheek on her head and held her hearing her even breathing. He rested a hand on her abdomen. He loved this child, his child, their child, but he loved her more. As much as he wanted their child he wanted to make sure Sonakshi was safe. Pregnancy was a joyous thing with a fear, however. He knew his fear was baseless but it was there for no reason.
Their doctors visit was pleasant the next day. Everything was perfect and Sonakshi was very much pregnant. Not that it was a shock to them, but the news confirmed made them happy. There weren't any complications in her pregnancy and nor could the doctor predict any if Sonakshi ate and took care of herself properly.
Dev Dixit, vowed to make sure she did.
She was pampered by Dev and her parents. She hated it, however. She wasn't even allowed to cook for her husband for at least until she was through the first trimester of her pregnancy. More to the end of her forth month actually. And she was complaining about that eating lemon pickles as Dev helped his mother with dinner.
"It's not fair." She said licking her lemon filled fingers as Dev's mother stood in front of her, while she sat on the counter.
"You sitting here isn't right, Sonakshi. And, stop complaining."
"I agree." Dev said standing putting his arm around his mother. "Stop complaining, that's all you do all day. You should be happy enough I let you take care of the office stuff."
She let out an angry huff and looked at her husband and mother-in-law. "I hate you both."
"Good." Both Dev and his mother patted her either cheek and went back to their work.
"Dev's father didn't let me move until the first three and a half months of both my pregnancies, I was in my bed all day, everyday."
"Well..." Sonakshi pursed her lips in thought. "Did he stay with you all day?"
"Twenty our of twenty-four hours he did. Why?" She turned wiping her hands on her jeans.
"Because Dev only spends a good fifteen hours. Out of which eight are when we're sleeping. I don't think that counts."
Ishwari laughed after glancing a look at Dev. He stood there with a frown on his face. "You are never happy, Sonakshi. It's my fault. I've babied you too much."
"I told you not to."
"And I told you she would compliant later on." His mother told Dev taking her apron off.
"Now that dinner is done, I'm going for that walk Jay has been awaiting." Kissing both her children she left.
Dev went to Sonakshi and pressed his stomach into her knees. "So?"
She rose an eyebrow at him and stopped licking on her pickle. "So what?"
He took her hand and bit a chunk of her pickle. "I love these things."
"So do I. Can we go for a walk?" She finished her last bite and wiped her fingers on a towel near by, wrapped her arms around his neck. "I was kind of hoping for that kiss you haven't given me all day."
"Oh, really?" He helped her down, "I can give you more than a kiss."
"No," she pressed her hand on his chest chuckling. "A kiss you do just fine at the moment. But if you want we can postpone that."
"I don't think so." Teasingly, he rubbed his lips over hers. "Okay?"
"Perfect. Did Shanaya call yet?"
"Yup. Our selection was displayed with the others. It was a better idea than doing an aloof fashion show."
"It was." She looked at him then. "You know I can start feeling her flutter inside me?" He looked at her as she pressed his hand to her swollen belly. "Even now. Can you?"
"No." He nodded his head.
She frowned, "I wish you could, now. It's so wonderful."
"Me too." He pressed a kiss to her forehead and held her close. "I can't believe we've almost spent an entire two months here."
"Me too. I don't want to go back, Dev. I really don't." She tilted her head up and looked at him. "Ask Ma, and Dad if they can come back with us. I want them around, I'm scared."
"Of me?"
"No." She pushed his heavy curls back and cupped his nape. "I am pregnant for the first time." She shrugged.
"You'll be fine, I promise. Your doctor is very much confident for you and the baby."
She felt the child within her again, she was completing her fourth month of pregnancy in a week or so and they child was moving in side her more every few days. She remember the first time she felt her daughter, they knew it was a girl now, and wanted Dev to as well. She knew he could within a matter of a few weeks.
"We do need to go shopping for more cloths. Although I loved wearing your shirts, I need my own and more pants."
"Okay." He laughed and picked her up carefully. "Lets go sit down outside before Mom and Dad get home."
"I can walk."
"I want to carry you. You're aren't very heavy right now, so don't worry."
She gave him a loud, smacking kiss on his cheek once he settled her down on the day bed in their room. She cuddled, like she loved doing, against him and smiled. Life just couldn't get more perfect.
"When are we exactly leaving?" She asked him looking up. "I don't think I'm going to want to travel in another few weeks. I'm blowing like a balloon." Almost impatient, she felt the swell of her belly. "I'm so glad my morning sickness is gone."
Dev laughed as she made a disgusted face and shook herself. "We'll leave in a few days. Don't worry." He pressed a kiss at the top of her head. "I love you."
"Me too." She tilted her head up and smiled at him. "I still can't believe my life."
He rolled his eyes, "We need to make sure you see a physiatrist. Sonakshi, just feed this into your brain nice and hard, forever, everyday when you wake-up you'll see me right beside you and sometimes, if I want, our kids between us." She laughed and dropped her head to his chest again. "So don't say the, 'I don't believe it...,' thing again.
"Yes sir!"
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