《Unnamed Thoughts》7. 'Realisation'
Sonakshi woke up the next morning and looked at the back wall of Dev's room and smiled when she felt his arm lightly around her. She turned around and looked at him, he looked so serene she didn't want to wake him up. Moreover she didn't mind him staying at home and sleeping all day instead of seeing that Viola Love kiss him again and again. And honestly she didn't want to get out from the warm circle of his arms. She'd got here beside him and somewhere she was confident it wouldn't take long for her to enter his heart either.
She found it fun to look at him as he slept. Eventually he felt her stare and fluttered his eyes open. Quickly she looked down and closed her eyes just in time to allow him to think she was sleeping.
He looked at her the hair that had freshly fallen over her cheeks and then something told him she was awake. Maybe the smile that she was trying to hide by biting her inner lower lip.
"Good morning Sonakshi." He said lifting her face.
Her lips set free into a smile with her eyes still closed. "Good morning." Her eyes opened and met his. "How did you know I was awake?"
"I don't know." He shrugged, he could have kissed her good morning and he knew she wouldn't mind but he pushed the thought away, the kisses could wait for a few more days. He took his arm away and got out of bed. "We have a meeting with Viola at nine today and she will kill us if we're late, so hurry."
She made a face behind his back and rolled to her stomach and pressed her face on the pillow he'd slept on the night before and smiled at the smell of him. She thought herself to be insane to be so madly in love with her husband like a lover who was desperate to stay with her boyfriend all day, everyday. The fact that they were married and saw each other all day, every day, didn't bother her from falling in love with him deeper everyday.
Engaged to Jatin, she'd convinced herself she would forget Dev, and a part of her told her she had. When she married him she knew she was still in love with him, but the love was limited then. Now as she was spending more and more time with him, she fell deeper and deeper. And the love strengthened every time they supported each other with something. While she was kissing him yesterday for a second she felt that she had made a mistake by doing so. But when he'd pulled her closer and used pressure on her lips back, she knew instantly she hadn't. His support in front of Viola, for whatever reason it was, was overwhelming.
When Dev came back from the shower he saw Sonakshi still in bed, her face still pressed in the pillow. He lifted a brow at her laziness, very unlike Sonakshi. But at least she didn't feel obligated to be making his bed and preparing his breakfast everyday because she had to. She had been doing the chores because she thought that's what a job of a wife was. Now, he thought, she was realizing that they weren't all.
"Sonakshi." She turned her face and looked at him standing in his international blue robe. He walked across to his closet and took out the first thing he saw to wear. "Are you planning to stay home and sleep all day?"
"Sounds fun." She mumbled back into the pillow. "It's only six, I'm sure I could linger in bed and still get to the office on time. And, you can conduct he meeting alone." Originally she just didn't feel like going today, laziness seemed to be the mood of the day. "I feel like I need a day to sit at home all day and do nothing. Not even go and take a shower, just stay in bed."
He laughed. "You can, just not today. You'll have Saturday and Sunday for that and I'll accompany you." He sat down beside her, "now get up."
"No." She shook her head.
"Did you used to bother your parents on school mornings?"
She turned to her back now, "I did and I miss that. Mom would pick me up and put me under a cold shower.
"Oh!" He laughed. "You don't seem like that type of a person."
"I've made myself that way now. Now I wish I was still young and Mom would pick me up and throw me under the shower... figuratively."
"Ha ha." He said sarcastically.
"I hate you." When she was about to turn into the pillow again he picked her up.
"Lets throw you into the shower, Mrs. Dixit."
"Dev put me down!"
He stopped in front of the bathroom door, "You won't go back to sleep?"
"No, now put me down. You're not my mother and I'm not the eight year old Sonakshi anymore."
"Do you want me to put you down or throw you down?"
"You throw me and I promise I won't cook for you again."
"Then I'll throw you down."
"Dev." She grabbed around his neck and closed her eyes thinking he would throw her down. When he started laughing she looked at him. "You are a devil! Put me down!" She demanded.
He let her down, "you still have to pay for that heart-stopping kiss."
"No I don't and what kiss?"
"Do you want me to remind you?" He leaned forward, she covered his mouth and nodded her head.
"Settle down." Sonakshi announced walking into the board room with Dev at her side. She'd taken up as the boss because Dev had asked her to do so for this particular meeting. After all she had prepared the budgets report and had been handling the entire office for a week in Dev's absence. But more than that he wanted everyone to know that she had equal authority in the office as him.
Viola Love watched the pretty lady cross the room and sit down where Dev should have been sitting and Dev sit where Sonakshi should have been sitting.
Sonakshi was, unlike yesterday, dressed in a cream color suit with a matching tank top under it. The gold necklace was still around her neck. Viola, then, glanced at her left hand in which Sonakshi wore her wedding ring, a nice large stone. That ring was meant to be hers(Viola's), at one point. But now it was Sonakshi's. She looked at Dev who was saying something to Sonakshi with a smile on his face. Then she watched Sonakshi roll her eyes at him, look at him, smile.
"You're insane." She heard Sonakshi tell Dev. "And, I'm nervous." Voila felt something starch her heart when Dev cupped Sonakshi's hand in his, said reassuring words, picked up her hand, and kissed.
Shanaya walked in with a copy of the reports and distributed them. Once she was done she noticed that the seat beside Dev was empty and Viola was rising to sit there. More than Dev, better than Dev, Shanaya understood the way Sonakshi felt about Viola. Worst, Shanaya understood what type of a lady Viola Love was. Possessive and selfish. Once she set her eyes on something, no one could stop her from getting it.
So quickly, Shanaya sat down on the chair beside Dev and opened the file. From the corner of her eye, watched Viola stop, and sit round the table to sit on the seat across Dev, beside Sonakshi.
Sonakshi's temper was high, Shanaya knew that because she had a little chat with her previously. If Viola did anything to upset her everyone would see a part of Sonakshi they had never expected to see.
Sonakshi knew, and so did Shanaya and Dev, that everyone really liked her. She was a sweet lady who didn't pick up the entire office on her head, or turn everything upside down on a silly mistake. Or not a silly mistake. But, she was possessive about her husband, she had a right to be. He wasn't a mistake, he was the love of her life. And, if she had to show another side of herself to keep him for herself, she didn't mind doing that.
When Dev was finished with Sonakshi and everyone who needed to be there was there, Sonakshi slowly, gracefully, pushed the chair back and stood up. Cleared her throat and looked around. She hadn't been in front of a crowd for a mighty long time.
"Dev," Viola began to see a nervous Sonakshi, "I don't think Sonakshi is fit to do this presentation. As it is, you're the boss, she's only an employee."
Dev opened his mouth and then closed it.
"Viola, darling, I'm sorry to leave you under the impression that I'm nervous. I was simply waiting for you."
Viola rose an eyebrow at her. Dev covered his mouth because the smile couldn't be stopped. Shanaya simply grinned at Dev's laugh.
"I can't start the presentation until our most important member, you, doesn't open her file. And, she can't open her file and concentrate on me until she stop staring at my husband. So I would appreciate if you can pay attention to me and this presentation, than at Dev."
Dev looked at Sonakshi with a disapproving frown but Sonakshi simply ignored him and started the presentation.
Viola for most of the meeting couldn't stop fuming over Sonakshi's last words and how coolly she'd handled the entire presentation. Viola knew she could be great friends with Sonakshi but the fact that she was married to Dev Dixit wouldn't allow her to. Viola was wrapped in wines of love and the wines were Sonakshi. She knew how to be possessive about Dev in an angelic way. She knew how to tell Viola he was her husband without having to touch him again and again.
In Viola's perspective Sonakshi Dixit, unfortunately, Mrs. Sonakshi Dev Dixit, wasn't fit for the life style Dev Dixit belonged to. Viola didn't know Sonakshi too well or how she lived her life with Dev, but she did know she knew how to handle fame.
Just the way she moved her hand during the presentation was dipped with elegance and grace. Her calmness reflected in the cool, loud yet brilliant voice. Her confidence was her first pride and she had ego is the way she spoke, ego that was wonderful. Ego that wasn't there to show her cockiness but the fact she was Dev Dixit's wife who didn't care for his money but him.
If Dev was happy with her there was noting to be shocked about. Just the way she smiled at him during various moments of the presentation told Viola they shared more than just love. There was friendship and care.
Care, she'd never cared about anything but herself while dating Dev. It had always been her way or the high-way, both she and Dev were aware of that then. And now.
Once the presentation was over, everyone left one by one. Once they were left alone in the room Dev stood up and took the file from Sonakshi's hand. She looked at him and smiled.
"I'm sorry about the way I talked to Viola, Dev. I know it bothered you but I-"
"No." He whispered and kissed her forehead. "Good job."
She grinned at him, "the presentation or Viola?"
"Thank you." When she turned to leave he caught her wrist and turned her around again.
"Do you need something?"
"Actually," with his arms around her waist he pulled her closer, "I was thinking about reminding you of that heart attack you gave me yesterday."
She lifted a brow at him, "which heart attack?"
"The one you gave me yesterday." Lifting one hand to her hair, he stroked. "You still have to pay for it."
"Dev you-" she gasped when his mouth covered hers and his lips merely rubbed over hers. When she got ready to allow him to deepen the kiss the door opened, Dev drew her away and they both looked at the door.
Viola brought her hands to her hips, then dropped them, marched to the table. Looking at Sonakshi, she picked up her cell phone she'd left in the room, turned. She brought her hand to the handle on the door and stopped, looked over her shoulder. "This is an office, Dev."
"In that case you should have knocked," Sonakshi replied. "You knew we were in here."
She rolled her eyes, she did know they hadn't left, and how could she remind him this was an office. She'd kissed Dev so many times in here before.
Lightly, Dev hit his head to Sonakshi's shoulder a few times while she laughed. He then looked back at Sonakshi and smirked. "Can I finish?"
She leaned back and covered his mouth, "no."
He frowned, "Fine, then you'll have dinner with me."
She laughed at him now. "I have lunch, dinner, and breakfast with you everyday Dev. Remember, I'm married to you."
While he continued to frown at her she just tilted her head and played with the necklace he'd given her. "And, by the way, Dad called when you were gone." When she looked up at him he was staring at her. "Are you listening to me?"
He shook, "yeah. What?"
She rolled her eyes. "I'll see you later Dev."
When he didn't reply she ambled out the room.
"Sonakshi!" Dev screamed in his room looking at him in the mirror. When he didn't get an answer he yelled again. "Sonakshiii!"
"What Dev?" He was standing there in slacks and his shirt unbuttoned. Looking tight for some reason. "Did you pick up the wrong size?" She asked walking to him, pulling the ends together, then widening her eyes in shock. "Oh hell! I'm sorry I guess I washed all your shirts and dried them as well." She smiled at him while he took the shirt off and threw it on her face. "I'm sorry Dev."
"Sorry won't make a dead man alive."
"That's true." She took the shirt off her head and watched him pull on a t-shirt. "Why don't you go and shop for yourself again?"
"Because, darling, I've never shopped for myself." He took his shirt back from Sonakshi and looked at it. "I'm sure this would fit a sixteen year old, slim boy. Not me."
"Well, you are a what, twenty-eight year old, slim boy, man." She grinned, "you don't have a very full body." She stabbed a finger into his stomach.
He rolled his eyes and threw the shirt on his bed. "What's for breakfast?"
"The exactly same thing there is everyday. Why are you angry?"
"Because Sonakshi," he turned around and folded his arms, "you shrunk about half my shirts."
"I'm sorry!" She took his arm and wrapper her hand around it. "Why don't we go shop for you, it will be fun? I'll do the shopping for you since you're not used to it."
"And office?" He liked the idea of shopping with Sonakshi. It would be fun seeing his wife pick his outfits, fuss over the colors and styles. Nag about the way one looked or how the texture felt. He sighed thinking about the pleasures event. "That should be fun. I'm sure Shanaya can handle everything for today."
"I'll call her."
When she turned he took his hand. "Listen Sonakshi," she turned, "what if I don't like anything you like." She frowned now. "I think we should just drop the idea and just..."
"That's not fair Dev." Since he'd dropped her hand sometime ago she could move. "I should be given a chance."
"What if I don't like anything?" He had a plan cooking in his mind and it was a shocking one.
"Then you can do anything you want."
"Really?" He cocked an eyebrow.
"Really." She didn't think of anything about it and shrugged.
"Fine, I get to kiss you every time I don't like something you pick for me." He smirked at the disbelief on her face.
"Dev I don't understand something: why do you want to kiss me all the time?" The disbelief was gone and confusion came. She knew he was not trying to flirt. He liked being close to her, touching her just to pass time. And she also knew if he wasn't already, he was slowly falling in love with her. Or maybe it was that he was in love with her and didn't realize it. Or didn't want to tell her. Maybe he was worried that she didn't love him. Or maybe she was just overrating all this and just telling to pacify herself that he loved her. But then again, wasn't it fact that he loved her when he kissed her and stood up for her.
Friends stood up for each other. Well, she reminded herself, finds didn't stand kissing one another after a meeting to tell each other how good they did. Nor did they just suddenly go to one another's room and slept in each other arms at night. It was love, hopefully.
"You smell good. And I'm only joking Sonakshi. Who would want to kiss you?"
"You would." She mumbled, then smiled looking at him. "And I don't want to go shopping with you anymore. I'm sure Viola is free for you, go with her. She knows you better than I do. I am only your wife. She's was your girlfriend. Have fun, I'll take care of the office."
"Cool, I'll drop you off and pick up Viola. I'll call her myself."
Her face dropped and turned red in seconds. "Yes please."
The office was calm when Dev and Sonakshi got there. They were ready for their trip in two days, September 12. Horrible. Sonakshi hated the date 9/11. It always disturbed her entire day.
Shanaya walked out to Sonakshi and Dev, smiled. Before she could even start talking Viola pretty much jumped on the man and kissed his cheek, a long, big, noisy, smooch.
Sonakshi looked at her disgusted, angry. She had a million things to say, but if Dev didn't care then who was she to? She took Shanaya's arm and pulled her away from there.
"Viola get off of me!" He took her shoulders and pushed her away, angry. "What part of I'm married do you not understand?" He was yelling at her.
Sonakshi stopped and turned from the elevator.
Viola was in shock, staring at him tears trickled down her eyes. "Don't cry Viola." He said softly, holding her hand. "I'm married, I have a wife and she doesn't like another lady, my ex-girlfriend, jumping on me like this."
Sonakshi frowned that he was holding her hand and just talking to her. If another man had done something like this to her, she knew Dev would have punched him a few times and she would have pushed him out of the state. With a ding, the door of the elevator opened and Sonakshi stepped in with Shanaya.
"I don't love you Viola. I thought I did when I was seeing you but now I know I don't, I didn't.. Sonakshi married me and the minute I accepted her as my wife I entitled my life to her." He shook her by her shoulders as more tears fell. "I love her Viola. I love Sonakshi." It felt so wonderful to admit, to say, that he loved her. "I love her," he repeated. His hands dropped from her shoulder and walked away.
In their cabin, Sonakshi sat behind the laptop typing a formal e-mail angrily. Her fingers moved faster than they normally would. When she made her first mistake, she pushed the laptop back and then shut it fiercely. With a squeak, the door opened and a calm Dev Dixit ambled into the tranquil room. His gaze shifted to Sonakshi's heated face. His mouth opened and his voice got to the tip of his tongue, before he could say anything the phone rang. Because Sonakshi was being stubborn and irritated, Dev picked up the phone. While he was talking, Sonakshi tried to slip away from the room but he grabbed her arm. For the first time his grip was tight, so harsh she thought his fingers would cut through her flesh and bone. When he said his bye, and slammed the phone back on his receiver, Sonakshi shook seeing his sudden anger. She should have been the one angry, not him.
"What the hell do you think you are Sonakshi?" He pulled her closer, his hands closed tightly on her shoulders.
She looked at him in shock, in surprise that he was looking at her with actually anger in his eyes. It baffled her only for a second until he decided he needed to speak as she wasn't.
"You idiot, I've told you before that I don't have any intensions of leaving you for that brainless Viola. What can I do if she comes jumping on me? I didn't invite her, you were right there when it all happened. I'm sure you've dated someone in the past who would respond nearly the same way he felt about you the way Viola does about me."
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Just a Bystander
Everyone wants to believe they are the hero of their own story. But in a world where prophecies are real, what happens if you're not the Chosen One? A budding arcanist named Caden enrols in the Academy, entering the same cohort as one of the legendary Chosen Ones, and finds himself caught in a tangle of fate that threatens to unravel the entire Empire. Updates on the last week of each month. Join the Discord community here.Support me on Patreon here. Cover art by Fuyu Dust. "Just a Bystander" is a work of love and I intend to keep posting it for free on RoyalRoad for everyone to enjoy. If you would like to support me, I have a Patreon page for those who would like to make a financial contribution. However, I would like to stress that I am able to continue writing with or without financial support and that you should not feel compelled to put dollars into this. I am happy simply to receive your support as a reader, and would also love for you to join the Discord to hang out and chat with other readers.I've chosen not to offer early chapters because I'd like my readers to keep apace with each other, and there are time constraints that come with my situation.Thank you for reading my work. I hope you continue to enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. =)
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Patchwork System
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