《Chasing Royalty》Chapter 24


Fifteen minutes later, we arrived at a fast food chain called "Jollibee".

"Really? This is where we're going to eat?" Nathaniel said as he gave me an are-you-serious look

"What? You did let me choose the place. I want to eat here," I said simply, grabbing my purse and went out of the car.

"Well, I was hoping for something fancy."

"Oh, I see."


"I think you've been going out with a lot of gold-diggers for you to mistake me as one," I said with a raised eyebrow, emphasizing the gold-digger part.

I took a seat at far end corner away from the other customers. He took his seat opposite mine. We were silent for a moment until he said something that made me look at him.

"I'm sorry."

Did I hear that right? Nathaniel Westwood is apologizing?

"For what?" I asked although I know exactly what he's apologizing for.

He looked me in the eyes, and I saw the sincerity in reflecting in those green eyes as I stared back.

"For what I thought about you at the masquerade ball."

There it is! The apology!

"Oh! That."

Oh? That's all you got?

"And for snapping at you during the presentation of our first project."

"It's okay. It is my fault, anyway."

Yeah, right!

"So, do you think we could start over again?"

What? I frowned at him in confusion.

He cleared his throat. "Can we forget about our negative encounters?"

"Sure," came my reply as I nodded my head.

After he bought our meals, we started to eat in silence. Who wouldn't? I got myself some really delicious spaghetti and a hamburger at that.

"Why do you like the Percy Jackson Series?" He suddenly asked as I shove the last forkful of spaghetti in my mouth.

I covered my mouth in embarrassment and tried to chew a little quicker, so I could reply.

"Because of his adventures."

"What about Harry Potter?"

"Are you a potterhead?"

"No. Definitely not."

"Why not?"

"Let's just say that I don't read books that much."

So that explains your not-so-fun attitude. "I love Harry Potter, too, but not as much as Percy Jackson."

"Why? Harry Potter is very successful, especially in movies."

"I know, right? I think the Percy Jackson movie is a punishment."

He coughed on his drink as he stared at me.

"What?" I asked, referring to his stare.

"Why would you say that the movie was a punishment?"

"You saw the movie?" I leaned on the table waiting for his answer.

"Yeah. I think it was really good."

"Really? Really good? Are you kidding me? The writer of the Percy Jackson Series insulted that movie. He doesn't even want to have anything to do with those movies!"

He raised his hands in surrender. "It's not my fault. I didn't make that movie so don't blame me."

I crossed my arms on my chest. "You know what? You ruined a perfectly good meal."

"Stop pouting. You're already done eating."

I glared at him and he just laughed. I glared at him even more, but it only encouraged him to laugh more. I tried to control the laugh that was about to surface in me, but a smile slipped. He continued laughing and I finally joined in until I don't even know why we're laughing.


He left a dollar as a tip on our table. I gave him a confused look and he just guided me out. When we were back at the car, I stared at him.

"My dad and mom used to do that when I was a kid."

"Leaving tips in a fast food chain where you are practically serving yourself after they gave you your meal?"

"I don't know, too," he answered and let out a smile. "I guess it just became a habit."

He drove in silence. I looked out the window and stared at the beautiful sunset.

Wherever I am, I always find the sunset so fascinating to watch. The buildings in the city are illuminating the sun as it slowly made its way to the horizon. The sky is the combination of orange, pink, purple and blue. I smiled. I love how the sun changes the color of the sky. I love the different forms the clouds make in the sky. Most all, I love how a beautiful sunset always signifies that there will always be a beautiful end. That even after the excruciating heat of the sun during the day, it will always end well in a cozy sunset.

"I don't want to go back to the office, just yet. If that's okay," I said without averting

"We don't have to. Office hours end at 5. It's 5:30 already," he reminded me as I smiled at him. When he's not angry, he's actually really handsome.

"Where do you want to go?" He asked as he turned the radio on.

"You tell me. Take me to the best place you've been."

It was a two-hour drive to I don't know where. I didn't realize that it took that long to get here, wherever here is. I watched as the buildings disappear from my view. We passed by some beautiful houses and ended in a grass field and some trees. He parked the car 20 meters from a cliff.

"Are you going to rape me then murder me here?"

He chuckled, "I don't have to force myself on someone, and I think you already know that."

I blushed despite the fact that I know what he's talking about.

"Besides, why would I kill an angel?"

And like a teenage girl, I blushed even more. I may even look like a tomato by now. Damn him and his corny jokes. "Cheeseballs." I muttered though, I obviously still have a stupid smile plastered on my face.

I walked near the cliff and breathed in the fresh air. I'm not sure if we're still in the city, but this place has that fresh air. The cliff overlooks the beautiful nightlife of the city. The lights brought the city to life. I looked up and saw the stars have also come out, showing their usual patterns in the sky. Nothing can still compare to what the heavens can offer.


I closed my eyes. "It is." I smiled without looking at him. I took in another air before opening my eyes. I looked at him and he's already staring at me.

"Thank you for bringing me here. This place is really beautiful."

"You are, too."



I stared at him, smiling. He looked me in the eyes. I saw the gleam in them as he mirrored my own ones.

"You are beautiful."


My cheeks heated again. "Thank you."

He chuckled then sat on the grass. He patted the spot next to him, motioning for me to sit beside him. "I always come here whenever I feel pressured or stressed out because of work. The transition of the sky from the early afternoon to the beautiful early evening is beyond compare. I get to see the beautiful sunset and how the city slowly began to come alive with its never-ending lights." I only glanced at the city before looking back up at the sky. I felt his eyes on me. "I can see that you like the stars better than the view in front of you."

"Lights here are beautiful, but nothing can still compare to what is above. It will never fade nor, will it ever get busted."

"Some of those stars are gone."

"I know. But that's the beauty of it. Even though some stars are no longer there, their lights are still visible here. It always reminds me of a beautiful memory, an event or a person that exist now only in the memory."

He was silent for a moment. But I know what or who he's thinking. His dad.

"Tell me. Why do you like Percy Jackson so much?" he asked that same question again.

"Well," I lied down next to him on the grass, so I could literally stare up at the sky. "Because of his adventures and stuff. Jess and I love Greek Mythology so much. Well, she loves it more. I love that series because the guy and his friends have been everywhere. If you read the Heroes of Olympus, they literally went half the world for their adventures."

"Aren't they killing monsters and almost always dying?"

"Well, I guess that's the downside of it. But still. It's an adventure."

"A heart-stopping adventure, that is."

He lied down next to me and I elbowed him. "Hey!"

He looked at me. "If you would go on adventures, where would you want to go?"

I closed my eyes and let my mind drift off to my dreams. "I'd like to start my adventure in the Philippines. I want to know their culture, their traditions, their way of life, and of course, their history. Next, I want to go to Greece. I want to visit every single temple and ruins there."

"You don't want to go to the city of love?"

"Paris? Not really a French girl." No need because I've been there a million times.

"Where else?"

"Rome, Spain, New Zealand... and well, I guess too many to mention." I laughed and felt his gaze on me again. "Don't worry next time, I'll give you a list."

There was a moment of silence.

"What will you do in New Zealand?"

I closed my eyes again before replying from the bottom of my heart. "I want to lose myself in the grass and dance with someone as the stars above watch us."

When I opened my eyes, he was already looking at me.

His eyes lingered on mine for a moment then he stood up and jog back to his car. Did he want to go now? Before I could stand, I suddenly heard Taylor Swift in the background.

He jogged back towards me and offered me his hand.

"May I have this dance?"

"The last time we dance, your face landed on my fist," I teased as I took his hand and pulled myself up.

He groaned. "Well, I really hope that won't happen again."

I chuckled.

I've never gone with the wind, just let it flow

Let it take me where it wants

'Til you opened the door, there's so much more

I've never seen it before

I was trying to fly but I couldn't find wings

But you came along and you changed everything

I put my left arm on his shoulder while my right hand clasped his left one. I felt his right hand on my back as his green eyes mirrored mine. We swayed a little. Our dance in the ball was filled with insults, now it was filled with silence.

Comfortable silence.

Words are not needed.

Actions are enough to speak one's mind.

We let the song take over our bodies.

You lift my feet off the ground

You spin me around

You make me crazier crazier

Feels like I'm falling and I'm lost in your eyes

You make me crazier crazier crazier

I smelled his cologne as I put my head on his chest. I can hear his heart thumping hard against his chest.

I felt the rise and fall of his chest as he breathes.

I felt the warmth emanating from his body as we swayed our bodies with the music.

I watched from a distance as you made life your own

Every sky was your own kind of blue

And I wanted to know how that would feel

And you made it so real

You showed me something that I couldn't see

You opened my eyes and you made me believe.

He leaned his head on mine and pulled me impossibly close to him. His breath almost tickling my ear.

We stayed like that for I don't know how long. Time seemed unimportant.

I feel so at peace in his arms. It's like I really belong there.

I smiled as I felt his breath on my hair and kissed my temple.

You lift my feet off the ground

You spin me around

You make me crazier crazier

Feels like I'm falling and I'm lost in your eyes

You make me crazier, crazier, crazier oh

I looked up at him. His beautiful green eyes filled with happiness and satisfaction. I know because his eyes are not only reflecting the color of mine but also reflecting what I feel inside.

Baby you showed me what livin' is for

I don't wanna hide anymore

The simple gesture of affection he gave tonight is priceless. It is something that I will treasure for the rest of my life.


It is only a simple day. But it made me realize a lot of things.

For once, I learned the meaning of satisfaction and contentment.

For once, I never bothered to think about my secret.

For once, I felt like a normal person, not caring what's happening and just enjoying the simplicity of the day. This day maybe very simple, but it is something that will forever remain in my mind and in my heart because I really became myself.

I finally let myself indulge on the freedom I always longed for.

You lift my feet off the ground

You spin me around

You make me crazier crazier

Feels like I'm falling and I'm, I'm lost in your eyes

You make me crazier, crazier, crazier

Crazier, crazier

As the song ended, I realized that he never took his eyes off me and nor did I. He leaned his forehead on mine.

I closed my eyes as he kissed my forehead. I opened my eyes and smiled at him. He smiled back, and that smile completed my wonderful yet simple day.

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