《Chasing Royalty》Chapter 21


Was it something I said? Because I have no idea what my mouth is capable of saying.

I've been brooding for a week. For some reason, Vanessa's sudden indifference is affecting my mood. And that annoys the hell out of me.

I can't figure out what buttons I accidentally pressed. I have no idea why she's acting distant, not like we're close or anything. But lately she's been acting weird.

And it's affecting me, BADLY!

She always greets everyone with a sincere smile. But now, she's just greeting, like it's being forced. And whenever I say something rude, she's just nodding like an obedient child―not really understanding or even paying attention to my words. And lately, she also gets startled easily. Like yesterday, I just said, Good Morning and she dropped all the files she was carrying.

I asked if there's something bothering her, but she said that she's fine. But damn her! Clearly she's not fine. She even looks thinner and paler than usual or maybe it's just because of her gloomy appearance despite reverting back to her more formal clothing.

Ever since the meeting with Mr. Kinsley, she's been acting weird. I asked her what happened, or what he did to her, but she said he did nothing, and that she's fine, and that I should stop fussing about her.

So, I stopped asking and simply observed.

Damn it! I am so frustrated. I already yelled half of the employees in my company after hearing them gossip about I don't know what. My mom's hot chocolate and marshmallows did not even soothe my nerves―as a child those are the ways to calm me.

I tried to recall what happened.

She and Jessica entered the conference room quietly.

As I was presenting, I saw that Alexander Kinsley is staring at both of them intently, as if recognizing them both somewhere.

I remembered trying to focus on my presentation but when I saw Vanessa staring back, I snapped.

Okay. So maybe it's my fault.

I must have said something mean to her in front of our investors, our most important investor at that.

Does that mean I have to make it up to her?


Why the hell would I do that? She was ogling at someone important to the company.

Because you're a dick at the ball, at the conference, and you're not functioning well.


My mind is at war with myself, but I guess I have to make a choice.

Therefore, I conclude that I need to make it up to her. Because I am really not function well and it's affecting me and the whole office. If making it up to her will get my mind back on track, then fine.

To hell with anything else!

I called her on the intercom and told her to make a reservation to an expensive restaurant.

"Uh, which restaurant, exactly?"

"Anywhere you like."


"Uhm... I'm sorry what?"

"Choose any restaurant you like?"

"Why would I do that?"

She's skeptical. Figures.

"Because I want you to."

"Anywhere I like?"

"Vanessa, do I really have to repeat myself over and over?"

"No, sir. I just wanted to know if you're really certain on asking me on my preference. After all, I'm different and you might not like my choice."

I know that you are different from any woman I have met, and I was wrong on even implying such horrible things back at the ball. And I'm a dick at snapping at you during the meeting. And I'm sorry for being a complete asshole.

Thinking to say those words without looking or sounding like a child seemed like impossible. Those are the words I wanted to say to her as a response. But instead, I settled with this.

"Yes of course, I'm certain. And I'm sure I would like anything on your preference. And by the way, you will be joining me."

I heard a rustling of papers on the other line.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"You heard me," I replied stubbornly. With that response alone, I know I was treading on dangerous waters.

"As far as I know, we don't have any clients as of this day," was her response and I was about to erupt with: SERIOUSLY?

"No, we don't have to meet any clients. In fact, we don't have an appointment. We're just going to have some dinner together."

There was a long pause before she finally realized what I really meant in the first place.

"Wait what? Did you just ask me out?"


"No. I didn't." I'm ordering you to have dinner with me.


I heard her mumble something that definitely sounded like "asshole"

"What did you say?" I asked with my annoyed voice even though I am smiling without knowing the reason. I know she just called me "asshole" yet I'm still smiling like it's some sort of a joke.

"Nothing, sir," she quipped. Her voice seemed higher than earlier. "If you are sure then I'll just direct you to the place later."

That is not the response I thought I would hear. The slight difference in the tone of her voice made me think that she got a little mischief up her sleeve. And it gave me a bad feeling on where she wanted to eat. Still, wherever that is, I'm sure it'll be worth it.

"Okay. I guess you'll surprise me then," I said to the intercom.

I got out of my office and told her that she could have the afternoon off, so she could prepare for our dinner. Instead of going to my penthouse, like I used to, I went straight to my mom's house. I told her that I would take my personal assistant out to dinner tonight.

"Why would you do that?" she asked as she put her book down on the coffee table. We are currently in the library as usual. "Aren't you supposed to keep it professional?" she gave me a sly smile.

"Mom don't give me that look," I whined.

"I'm not giving you any look," I stared at her.

"I just want to apologize to her."

A slap landed on my head after saying that.


"What did you do now?" I rubbed my head and stared at the glaring eyes of Nana. She raised her hand again to slap me but I quickly hide behind my mom's back who smack me in the forehead.

Okay. This is bad. I have no idea how I managed to make two ladies mad by just saying a sentence.

"I snapped at her," I said and raised my hands in surrender. "I didn't mean to say those things to her. I just felt frustrated because I thought she was checking Alexander out."

"What exactly did you tell her?" she asked. I don't know what the hell is happening, but my gut is telling me that if I don't want to get hurt, I should just shut my mouth.

"I just said something that made her upset."

"And what would that something be?"

I have no intentions on revealing the detail or the exact words I said.

"It's not important, mom."

Then I realized something. "Why are you both acting like I did something stupid?"

"Because you DID do something stupid" they retorted back in sync.

"Belle, we have to do something." Nana said to my mother.

Seriously, what the hell is happening? Why do I feel like all the girls are having their periods? They are acting weirder than usual.

I saw Nana grab a phone and dialed. I looked at my mom who just snorted.

"Mom, you're acting like a child."

"You Nana told me that Vanessa Carter is not just pretty but also very kind."

When I heard the change in her voice, I looked at her suspiciously before finally relaxing, and let out the breath I was holding for more than a minute.

"She is very pretty," I smiled, remembering her brown hair cascading on her shoulders as she sometimes raked her slender fingers on them. "In fact, there are no words that could describe how beautiful she is."

"Is that so?"

I looked at my mom and I was about to say something when I heard Vanessa's name from Nana's lips. My eyes widened, and my hands felt moist all of a sudden.

"What's the matter, son?" she asked as she placed the headset of the phone down. "You look like you have seen a ghost."

"What did you do?"

"I think it's time for your mom to meet your PA."

I heard a high-pitched scream and turned to look at my mother smiling wildly.

"Finally!" she said which made me look at her the more.

"I am going to make some tea," Nana announced.

"Wait, back up a minute. Nana how did mom knew about Carter?"

I have a bad feeling about this.

"We talked obviously," mom said. "Nana was generous enough to share some interesting details about a certain brunette who managed to catch the attention of my son."

I think I don't like what will happen.

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