《Chasing Royalty》Chapter 18


I opened my eyes and sat up. "It's just a dream!"

"No, it's not."

"Arggh!" I lied back down on my bed, feeling miserable. I closed my eyes for a few minutes then opened them again. Sitting up, "It's just a dream."

"Nope!" I stared dumbfoundedly at Jessica who was simply tinkering with her phone. "No matter how many times you do that, you can't undo what you just did."

"I don't want to hear it!" I lied back down and covered my face with the blanket.

"My friend, it already happened," she said. "No need to sulk over the fact that you kissed the Mr. Nathaniel Westwood in front of every guest in the party."

"That's the point!" I said, standing up on the bed and letting the blanket pool at my feet. I was so devastated over the fact that I did what I just did. When Jessica and I left the party, we immediately changed into our pajamas so we could "reflect" on the happenings, earlier this evening. We don't really care if it's already 2 in the morning.

We may be tired, but we can't possibly *cough* I mean, I can't possibly sleep after what had just transpired. I can't sleep which also means, I'll be dragging my friend to my sleepless night.

"I kissed Nathaniel in front of everyone! I mean, where's my manners? My etiquette? My dignity? And on top of that he's my–"

"first kiss." She said, finishing my sentence, and causing me to gape at her. "I know."

My eyes widened. "How? I don't recall telling you."

"Deductive reasoning."


"If it's just the manners or, you can sleep. Since you can't sleep, I have to think of a deeper reason on why. You will not overreact like this if it's about you being found out because you were wearing a mask when you did what you did. And also, the fact that knowing how you want your every 'first' to be romantic, I have to guess that this attitude of yours have something to do with the kiss. If he's not your first kiss, you wouldn't act like a 'drama queen'."

I rolled my eyes as she said "drama queen". How can she take this lightly? I gave Nathaniel my first kiss so easily after he indirectly called a whore and a gold-digger and was probably thinking over the worst. I was on the verge on putting him to his place by telling him I'm a princess.


And boy, I almost did.

And it would have been the stupidest thing I could have done. I can't let my pride get the best of me. I will not reveal my identity just yet, nor would I let him insult me. I hated my only alternative but, it's the only choice I have. So, I did it. I kissed him.

The kiss was supposed to be only for a few seconds.

A chaste kiss. Nothing more than just a smack.

It's just to shut him up and burst his inflating ego.

But when he kissed back, I couldn't control myself.

Fireworks were everywhere.

The gears and wires in my brain have stopped functioning.

The kiss was a moment of bliss, and maybe, even for both of us.

When he nibbled on my lower lip, I couldn't stop the gasp from escaping my throat. He took this opportunity to explore my cavern with his tongue, trying to taste every bit of my taste, leaving no part of my mouth uncoaxed, untouched, and untasted.

I battled my tongue with his, making my legs go weak. I moaned, and this time I heard it. I realized that I was losing control so I snapped back to reality. His arms were tightly wrapped around my waist so pushing him will be futile.

I bit his lip and felt him loosen his hold on me, finding enough strength to push him away. I saw blood coming from his lower lip.

Good, but not enough.

I punched him in the face and watched him stagger. I still can't believe that I just gave away my first kiss like that.

The kiss was not even romantic. It was passionate, and I detected a little hunger in his part. It was already given that he's a good kisser because he definitely had a lot of practice. But I never thought that it would be that great, wonderful even, but not romantic.

No matter, I can't the feeling that those lips of his are made just to kiss me.

I would never admit this and neither everything I thought, but part of me refuses to regret what happened. The kiss happened hours ago, yet his kiss still lingers on my lips.

I didn't realize that Jessica was still talking until she snapped her fingers in front of me.


"Hello? Are you there? Earth to mon ami..."

"What?" I asked bluntly.

"Were you listening to everything I was saying?"

"I was just thinking."

"You mean spacing out?" she pointed.

"I was just thinking about something, okay?"

"About the kiss?" she beamed at me teasingly. I stared at her for a moment. How? No. I will not tell her that she was right, that I was thinking about the kiss.

When did she even learn how to read minds?

I was about to protest when she beat me to it.

"I knew it!"

"So you're a mind reader now?"

"HA! And you're not even going to deny it. You just confirmed my–"

"I am not confirming nor denying anything," I yelled, throwing a pillow at her face, making an oomph sound.

"You just did!" she threw the pillow back at my face. "You're in denial! You're in denial!" she sing-sang, annoying me even more. I threw more pillows at her.

"Oh, it's so on!" She stood, and took the pillows at her side, and started hitting them at me. "You started this war!"

And on that happy note, a pillow war had emerged.

We managed to trash the whole apartment with the wools of our pillows. When she was winning, my room is practically trashed already, and my pillows are just pillowcases except the ones that were on her side so I dashed outside to get some more pillows in her room. She followed immediately while yelling, "Get back here!"

I made it to her room, and bought myself enough time to plan something. When I heard her coming, I stroke her with the pillow I was holding. We continued our war in her room, in the living room, and in the kitchen, leaving no place in the apartment to walk properly on.

When we called it quits, we decided to rest in the living room where we lay there on the sofa bed, while staring at the ceiling.

An idea suddenly popped in my head.

Yeah, right. More like your gut, and chest couldn't take it anymore.

As much as I would really want to keep all my thought from earlier to myself, I couldn't. Keeping this all to my heart will just probably going to eat me up. Plus, Jessica would kill me if ever I hide something important from her.

"Will you keep a secret?" I sat up, and asked suddenly before I could ever change my mind.

"Didn't we already made our 'secret oath' when we started to reflect about our actions earlier?"

"I want you to do it again, just to be sure."

She sat up, and faced me, "Okay, shoot."

I stared at her expectantly. She rolled her eyes, and raised her right hand before starting our "secret oath".

"I, Jessica Johnson," I raised my left eyebrow at her. She let out an annoyed sigh, before she continued, "or Jessica Border, swear on my life that whatever will be revealed in this place will stay in this place." She made a cross sign on her chest. "Okay. All done. Now, speak!"

I let out a sigh before looking at her eyes. I was about to say something when she cut me off.

"Oh my gosh, you're pregnant!"


Okay, that was weird. Where did that even came from?

"Jess, will you shut up! I'm not pregnant!"

"Then stop with this all drama and delay."

"Okay, okay!" I breathed out. "I kinda...like...you know?"

She scrunched her forehead and stared at me. I breathed in and out heavily. Was it so hard to admit to her that I liked the kiss?

"I l-l-l-ike the k-k-kis?"

"You're talking nonsense."

"You know?"

"No, I don't know what you're talking about. All I know is that you just sound stupid. Stop being a baby and spit it out! I'm a bit tired and I want to sleep the remaining hours before morning."

I was silent for a moment.

"You know if you're not going to tell me today, you could always tell me tomorrow," she said and let out a big yawn. "But, the thing is I will not do that secret oath again."

No way!

"Fine. I enjoyed the EFFING KISS!" I screamed on top of my lungs.

"You WHAT?"

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