《Chasing Royalty》Chapter 16


"Whew! That went better than I thought."

We walked back to the ballroom and realized that the main event is already happening. Everyone's attention was on the two men standing at the center of the circle made by the crowd. I'm guessing that the host of this event, Alexander is the other man, and the other is Uncle Vince because my brothers aren't here yet to represent our family. We were looking for Nathaniel and Aaron when I heard something that made me stop in my tracks.

"Laura Winzenried"

I gulped audibly as I heard my real name booming from someone's voice. I turn my head slowly towards the voice and my eyes caught wo men wearing similar tux who is making their way to the center of attention, joining the man of the evening. Despite the fact that the two newcomers are wearing their masks, their identity is not unknown to me.

I sighed in relief and continued following Jessica as we navigate our way to our "date".

"Welcome to my humble home." I heard the man saying to my brothers.

"The pleasure is all ours." Luca started, and shook hands with Alexander.

"And we came to represent our family" Cedric completed his twin's statement and shook hands with Alexander.

"I suppose Princess Laura had other things to attend to?"

I flinched at hearing my name again but I continued walking.

"Unfortunately, she won't make an appearance," I heard the tiny pause on Cedric's voice before Luca continued on his sentence. "But we came on her behalf―on our company's behalf."

"After all the theme of this event is our idea." They said at the same time and of course, I took notice of their mischievous voice.

"By the way, if she does make an appearance in business meetings," Luca started.

"Make sure that you call her Miss. Laura, or simply Laura." Cedric continued.

I finally saw a glimpse of our "date". I groaned at the fact that they were standing on the shadows as my two knucklehead of brothers kept blabbering.

We should have scouted the walls first. I thought they would want the whole attention to them.

"But the princess is never simple."

Will you stop talking about me!!!

I wanted so much to yell at those three men, but I controlled myself. I really don't want to cause a scene, much more reveal my true identity. I stopped listening to their nonsense, and directed my whole attention to Nathaniel as we reached them.

"Finally!" Nathaniel whispered/yelled.

"What did I miss?"

"Almost everything." I stared at Nathaniel's hidden face. "You two have missed the important details of what the new CEO announced."


"What did he say?"

"I'll tell you tomorrow."

Even through his mask, I can see that he's tense. He has a worried look plastered on his eyes.

"You okay?"

"Yes, of course. Everything's fine," he said, sounding more confident. "We should just enjoy the night after his final talk."

I went back to listening to Alexander Kinsley's final speech when I realized that they want someone to give a performance first. I cursed under my breath. From the sound of it, those twins suggested that idea, and of course, the man of the night has to agree.

"Perhaps one of our guests can play a violin, or a piano?" Uncle Vince suggested. Although, I can sense that he is testing the guests on how classy can they be.

"Yes!" The twins said in unison, immediately forgetting their manners.

"How about a Scandinavian Tune to honor our host for tonight?"


I gasped hearing that word, but more importantly when I realized who said that. All eyes are now on us as Jessica tried to hide her embarrassment.

Thanks a lot, Jess! This is just what I need.

"I apologize for my date's inappropriateness." Aaron cleared his throat and stared at the people staring at them *cough* I mean us.

"Perhaps the two ladies in red can make up for it," The host declared, clearly annoyed.

Idiot! Jessica's dress is not red. It's maroon!

Hearing that statement made me want the whole ground to swallow us whole so I can escape this spotlight. I was searching for words of excuse when I felt someone's hand on my back.

"Of course."

I stared at Jessica in horror as she just clearly accepted the challenge.

Can I kill her now?

"Let's give these arrogant men a piece of our shit," she whispered.

"I'll kill you later," I whispered back before started towards the musicians.

Like we were kids, Jessica took her place in the piano while I took the center, violin on hand. We don't have to discuss what song we are playing because they already gave away what they want to hear.

She started the few notes of "Mitt Hjerte Alltid Vanker" before I joined in.

Mitt Hjerte Alltid Vanker is a Scandinavian Christmas song that means "My Heart Always Lingers".

I love music as much as I love art. Playing musical instruments have always calm my nerves. And I badly need this now.

I love every musical instrument but playing the violin has always been my favorite. And playing this song always pulls the strings in my heart. I can feel the notes of the song already getting inside my whole body. My country may not be part of the Scandinavian country but that didn't stop me from loving this song.


Granted, it took me almost three months trying to learn the song. But in my defense, I was also learning other musical instruments back then. After learning and practically mastering the song, I played it in front of my parents. My mom had tears in her eyes after I played it. And because of that, they encouraged Jessica to learn the piano, so we could blend the music together.

I went back to those days were my whole family enjoys every moment with each other. I know my parents will be disappointed once they knew about this. So I poured every doubt, every sadness, and every guilt I have in the song. I'm playing it with all my heart. When I finished, I was surrounded by the applause of our audience.

Jessica joined me in the center, and we gave a curtsy. After doing so, I realized it was a mistake. I saw Jessica's mom with wide eyes. Shoot! I hope no one noticed the similarity. It has always been like that. Whenever Jessica and I perform that song, we always curtsy after the performance.

Her mother gave us one last glance before walking towards her husband. Upon seeing that, Jessica and I dragged ourselves back to the bathroom.

We might have agreed not to go back to the bathroom again because the last time we have, Jessica's mom gave us the scolding of a lifetime.

"What is going on here?"


"Aunt Stef!"

She closed the door immediately and locked it. "Jessica? Laura?"

"Yes?" We said in sync and smiled at her like a thief caught red handed.

"YOUNG LADIES! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? Jessica, I thought you said you can't come? And now you're here? Are you doing another mischief?"

"I...uhmm..." she stammered trying to form words.

"And you, Laura! What on earth are you doing here in New York? Do your parents even know about your whereabouts?"

"Aunt Stef. I'm so sorry. We–" I tried to say but it was hopeless. Seeing her eyes widen, I know she already realized what I did.

"You colored your hair brown!" she exclaimed. "Your parents don't know about this, do they?"

"Yes," I surrendered. This is the first time I saw Aunt Stefanie fuming in anger.

"Do you realize how worried they might be if they find out? Do you even know how dangerous New York can be? Do you have any idea how big of a scandal you're putting your family? This will be a disgrace! And you, Jessica. Are you part of this? Why didn't you tell me?"

Jessica took a step forward. "Mom. Calm down, and we will explain."

"Okay, girls. I will give you a chance to explain. Now. Talk." Aunt Stefanie said in her stern voice.

Jessica explained about her secret first. She told her mom how she gained fake friends because of the publicity of their family. Then, she told her about my secret; how I got here, how I changed my identity, and how much I wanted to be free from everything for just a few moments.

"We can't have everything, Laura."

"I know."

"You will be found out soon. You are aware of that, right?"

"I know."

We were silent for a few seconds before Jessica spoke. "So you won't tell anyone?"

Aunt Stef looked at her daughter and sighed. "Not even your father."

"Thank you, Mom! You're the best!" she hugged her mother. Aunt Stef beckoned me to join, and I hugged them both. "I miss this."

"Jessica. I will not tell your father about you changing your surname. But you have to promise me one thing."

"Yes. Anything."

"You will spend your weekends in our house. Understood?"

"I will," she said, nodding enthusiastically. "I love you, mom," she said, and hugged her again. And just like that, her anger is gone. I can finally say that I am so happy seeing Aunt Stefanie again, and finally getting these things off my chest.

"Laura, dear. I'm sorry I can't invite you. You know my husband will figure out right away, right?"

"I understand, Aunt Stef," Uncle Vince is so proper, so I can't risk that. "And can you please call me Vanessa from now on?"

"Of course."

After the drama, Jessica and I agreed not to go back there. But what do we do? We need space. We just have to breathe a little. Those women in the party will surely fawn on us; maybe even want to befriend us. We were just about to enter the bathroom when I felt someone's hand clasped my mouth and waist. I tried to look at Jessica, but she was also is the same position as I. Her captor, I realized is one of my brothers.

There's definitely something wrong with the bathroom. Somehow, everyone that we have to speak privately to always ends up in the bathroom.

I stopped struggling, knowing that my captor is my brother. But that doesn't mean Jessica stopped struggling too.

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