《Consequences Of Actions》Chapter 5: Two jobs
The next morning I went to search for a job after Liam and Daisy left for school. But as I said, It was too hard to find a suitable job. After I called a few places and they either rejected me or I found them not suitable, I was walking in the streets and shopping centers, searching.
It was noon when I got a text from Ethan.
Where are you?
I thought for a second. I had dry-washed Ethan's sweater that morning in a laundry shop. It had become a bit dirty last night after my fall and it would be so ungratefully to return it like that. I should have returned it and I also should have told the school about my quitting, so I checked the time and texted him knowing that both he and Mia had a free period after lunch.
Can you and Mia meet me in front of the principal's office after lunch?
Don't ask why. I will explain everything when I see you.
I will text you once I'm there.
I send the text and quickly got on the bus that just stopped in front of the bus station I was in. A minute later, I got another message from Ethan.
You made me worried. You better have a good explanation.
I sighed and leaned my head at the window watching outside. I was too tired. Only God knew how much I wished to have loving parents and normal life like other teenagers at school. But here I was, carrying the heavy weight of the world on my shoulders without any hope.
I got out of the bus at the bus stop next to the school and walked toward the brick building of the school. Once in front of the building I stopped and looked at it with a heavy heart. Relieved of the fact that most students were in classes, I walked into the building and quickly headed toward the principal's office.
Once I explained to the principal and her secretary about my abrupt quit and listened to a lecture that the principal gave me about the importance of education, I was finally free. I texted Ethan, telling him that I was there.
In less than two minutes I saw my two friends walking toward me, both supporting worried faces.
"Hi, guys." I smiled weakly and waved for them.
"Goodness, girl." said Mia while pulling me into a tight hug. "You made us worried with that text you send for Ethan."
"I'm sorry." I cringed a bit. "I will explain everything,"
"Come." said Ethan and beckoned us to follow him. "I know a classroom that is empty this time."
Once inside the promised classroom, Ethan closed the door behind us and we all sat down.
"Okay, spill." said Ethan.
I dropped my head and took a deep breath before telling them everything. About my family's financial problems and what happened last night.
"That fucking bastard." said Ethan and jumped to his feet and began to pace around, clenching and unclenching his fists. I never had seen him angry or cursing. The sight was too new for me and Mia. "He should pay for what he has done."
I turned to Mia as I felt her grabbing my hand. She was looking at me worriedly. "Ella, why didn't you tell us about what was happening in your life?" she asked softly.
"What could have you done?" I smiled weakly at her. "Besides, I didn't want you to think any less of me."
"Any less of you?" asked Ethan, looking at me incredulously. "Do you really think that low of us? If anything, we would admire you even more. You are such a great and strong girl. At least you had to give us a chance to help you."
"I'm sorry." I said embarrassed and looked down.
"He is right." said Mia. "We could have helped you in some ways. At least we could sympathize with you."
I didn't say anything, I just dropped my head.
"God, I don't like this. I don't like you quitting school." groaned Ethan and sat on one of the chairs and rubbed his face.
"I don't have any other choices." I said. "I have to work to make the ends meet."
"We can ask for help from my dad." suggested Ethan. "He is a kind man. He can help."
"That's very kind of you, Ethan." I answered. "But I can't accept it. Your father can't pay for us. I still have arms and legs. I can work and pay off."
"Did you find any jobs today?" asked Mia.
I shook my head no. "I searched around the town." I said. "I didn't find any suitable jobs. They are either not paying enough or can't accept me. I think I should go for two part-time jobs, morning and night shifts, if possible."
Mia gasped and her eyes suddenly lit up. "I might know somewhere to start with." she said. "My cousin works in a supermarket. When I met him at the weekend, he told me that they are hiring a few people part-time. He said they are paying quite well. Let me check if they are still hiring."
I watched hopefully as she fished out her phone and called her cousin. "Hey, Max." she said. "Sorry for the rush, but does the supermarket you work for still hire?"
She squealed and looked at me happily, making me bit my lip from excitement. "I owe you one." she said. "Can you please send the address for me? My friend will be there soon."
Mia then stood up and went a few steps away and continued to talk on the phone. I followed her with my worried eyes and I jumped slightly when I felt a warm hand engulfing mine. I turned and smiled as I faced Ethan who was looking at me with concern.
"Everything will be okay." he said reassuringly. "You have us."
"Thank you." I said gratefully as I felt a surge of warmth in my heart. I gasped suddenly as I remembered Ethan's sweater that was in a bag I had brought.
"I almost forgot this." I said and I held it in front of him and stared at him gratefully. "Your sweater, thank you."
"Your welcome." smiled Ethan and frowned instantly as he pulled it out. His confused eyes looked at me. "Did you wash it?"
"Well, yes." I said and scratched the back of my head. "Sorry, but last night when I fell it become a bit dirty. It's completely clean now."
"Ella, seriously you didn't have to." said Ethan serious.
"Yes, I should." I answered firmly. "Or else I would have died of embarrassment."
"Okay, I sent the address for you." said Mia as she walked toward us again. "I told Max to have your back. You can be sure that you've got the job. I mean if you find it fine."
"I will go now." I said and stood up. I walked to her and pulled her into a tight hug which she returned quickly. "Thank you, Mia." I then pulled away and looked at both of them. "Thank you both. You gave me courage."
"That is what friends are for." said Mia. "Now go before someone else take the position."
"I will drop you there." said Ethan and slung his backpack on his shoulder. "I have brought my car today. Come on."
"But what about your last class?" I asked.
"I always hated Algebra." he smirked and walked to the door. "you are much more important. Come on."
Mia kissed my cheek and gently pushed me toward the door. "Good luck." she said with a smile.
I shyly walked over to Ethan who had kept the door open waiting for me. "Thank you." I mumbled. Ethan smiled warmly and we walked out of school together.
I got the job. I sighed as I stepped out of the manager's office. They were paying quite well for a part-time job if you could call it part-time at all. I had to come every morning at 6 o'clock to help transfer boxes of products into the store room and then organize racks before we open up at 7:30 and my shift would end at 2 in the afternoon.
I walked out of the supermarket and into the parking lot and saw Ethan walking back toward his car with a package of food in his hand.
"I figured you haven't eaten lunch." he said while wearing his signature smile and waved the package a bit. "You must be hungry."
"Ethan." I sighed and scowled at him although my stomach was happily grumbling with the sound of food. Only then did I realize how starved I was. "Seriously, you should stop doing this, or I will die of embarrassment. You have already done so much for me."
"Nonsense." He huffed and grabbed my hand. "There is a small park over there. Let's go there and eat."
I didn't argue more. We walked to the park and sat on one of the benches. Ethan pulled out two burgers from the package and gave me one. I dug into my own hungrily making him chuckle and shook his head. "Stubborn girl." he mumbled and take a bit of his own burger, making me chuckle as well.
The park was quiet, full of birds chirping. It was peaceful. Ethan, being a guy, finished his burger in less than a few minutes. So he was just sitting there staring ahead. His hands were clasped and he was leaning on his forearms that were flat on his thighs. He looked so deep in thought and he looked sad.
"Ethan." I called softly and put a gentle hand on his back. He quickly sat up straight and looked at me with a smile. But it wasn't reaching his eyes. "Are you fine? You look sad."
He looked at me for a good minute in silence, just staring into my eyes. "You remind me of her a lot." he said quietly while he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and caressed my cheek with the back of his fingers.
I just sat there frozen and watched as his blue eyes welled up slowly. The sad look on his face could literally kill and I felt my heart clench at the sight. "Who?" I gulped and whispered.
He sighed and dropped his hand, closing his eyes. "My sister." he said defeatedly.
My eyes widened and all I could do was stare at his defeated figure. I snapped out of my trance as I saw the first tears sliding down his eyes. I quickly slid closer to him and pulled him into a hug. He hugged me back tightly as if he was afraid I vanish any second.
"I'm so sorry, Ethan." I said. "I never knew my presence can make you sad this much. I'm sorry."
"Don't say rubbish now." he scolded and pulled away. "What you think is not true one bit." He sighed and wiped his tears. "I think it's time I tell you about my life."
I nodded and sat there as he began telling me what I think no one knew at school. "Six years ago I had a sister. Her name was Emily and she was the sweetest girl ever." he said with a sad smile as his eyes stared into space again. "She was two years younger than me. Just like you, she was shy, quiet, and so kind and innocent. I loved her too much."
"What happened to her?" I forced myself to ask when he fell silent. Although based on the look in his eyes and his use of words I could guess the answer.
"She died in a car crash." he answered and I took a long drag of breath to calm down my rapid heartbeat. "It was like our house suddenly lost its light and our lives didn't have any peace again. My mother couldn't bare the memories, so we moved here from England to start a new life. Although the memories never went away."
He then turned his head and stared at me and gave me a half smile. "Your personality just reminds me of her a lot." he said.
"I'm so sorry Ethan." I said as a tear slid down my eye. No one should go through the pain of losing a family member. "Why didn't you tell me sooner? I must have been a constant reminder of painful memories for you."
He shook his head and gently wiped a tear that had slid from my eye. Then he took my hand in his and began drawing circles on the back of it. "My life had become hell and I had become a quiet boy myself, suffering day and night." he continued. "But seeing you after four years of losing Emy was like fresh air in my life. It seemed I could bare with her absence better. Being near you would ease the pain in my heart."
To say I was relieved by hearing his words was an underestimate. It was unbearable for me to know I was a tormentor of someone else.
"Ella." he said softly and grabbed my other hand as well and stared into my heart. "I didn't have the honor of being Emy's brother for long." he said. "But please, let me be yours. Let me help you. You are the most fantastic and strong girl I have ever seen in my life. I know you don't want to be a burden to anyone. But you are not. At least not to me. You are like my sister. Like suddenly I have been given another chance."
More tears ran down my face. I didn't know how to feel, to feel sorry or feel bad.
"I swear I'm not trying to resurrect my sister in you." he quickly added. "I don't want it. It's just, I like you a lot. Just like a sister. I just want you to trust me and come to me if you have problems and let me help you. Let me help you if you need it. God, It's hard to explain. I hope you understand and don't run for hills now."
I stared at his anxious face for a second before pulling him into a bear hug. I heard him sigh in relief before hugging me back. "I understand, Ethan." I said and pulled away a bit to stare into his teary eyes. "And you don't know how relieved I feel now that I have your support. Thank you so much."
He smiled brightly and kissed my forehead. I felt a wave of comfort rush through my veins by his words and actions. I knew I couldn't rely on him for my life problems. But it felt so good to know you have someone who is eager to be there for you like a brother, by blood or not.
Suddenly Ethan's phone rang and he fished it out of his pocket. "Sorry, I should take this." he said before getting up and walking a bit away to talk on his phone.
I gathered our garbage and disposed of it in the nearest bin. When I returned to our bench, Ethan was there too. "Sorry, Ella." he said. "It was my mom. She needs me at home. I should go. But I will drop you at your home as well."
"Thank you, Ethan." I answered. "But I want to roam around a bit. I need another job as well. I should work more so my family can live and I can save for my mother's possible surgery."
Ethan pursed his lips unsatisfied. But sighed again. "I understand." he said and kissed my forehead again. "I will call you soon and please keep me updated and don't forget our talk. I'm always available for you any time of the day."
I thanked him greatly and we said our goodbyes. I sighed and walked out of the park as well. I looked around at the shops and cafes before choosing a direction and walking that way.
But it was for no use. I had not found any other jobs. It was 8 P.M and I was tired to the core. My feet were aching from so much walking and my heart was heavy. I was only one neighborhood away from my own when I stopped in my tracks as I saw an advertisement paper on the wall.
I walked there and picked up the piece of paper. It was a job advertisement. Red Rose Nithgclub was hiring two women as bartenders. I had seen the club's building before. I had passed it some nights on my way back home.
I had the honor of being teased by a few drunken dudes who were out of its doors before. It was surely a dreadful place for a girl like me. Also, I knew what it meant for a girl to be a bartender there. I had seen the girls working there in their short shorts and tight tops, smoking in its back alley.
I bit my bottom lip while staring at the piece of paper in my hand. I really didn't have a choice. I have not found a second job and this was my last chance. I knew I should do this for my family. So I took a deep shaky breath and walked toward the club.
Once in front of the old building, I showed the advertisement to the bouncers. They were reluctant to let me in although I was 18. But with pleading eyes and a bit of explanation, they let me in. One of them grabbed a guy who was working there and told him to show me the manager's office.
I walked into the club after the guy and I was instantly surrounded by blasting music. I scrunched my nose at the mixed smell of sweat, cigarettes, alcohol, and different deodorants and perfumes. It was disgusting.
I quickly followed the guy who took me out of the saloon and up some stairs. He showed me the direction of the office and left quickly before I can even thank him. I walked to the manager's office and softly knocked.
"Come in!" someone shouted from the other side and I hesitantly opened the door and walked in.
I coughed a bit as I entered the office and was hit by the dreadful smell of cigarettes. A man probably in his late forties had sat behind a big desk, typing on his laptop. He was wearing a white suit and white dress shirt and a few buttons of his shirt were open. His greasy black hair was sleeked back and his beady brown eyes were glued to the screen in front of him. Smoke was rising from the cigarette in his hand.
He slowly raised his eyes and they immediately widen at seeing me. "What the fuck!" he said shocked. "What are you doing here, darling? The bedrooms are on the second to fourth floors. But wait a minute are you even at the age to be here even with someone? How old are you, sweetheart?"
I stared back at him during his babble with wide eyes and my cheeks turned bright red after hearing his words. Once he was done, I cleared my throat and walked to his desk, showing him the job ad. "Um, sir, I'm here for the job." I said, thanking myself for sounding firm. "And I'm 18. I would like to work here."
The man looked at me up and down incredulously. He scratched his neck. "Are you sure you are at the right place, sweetie?" he asked. "We don't hire kids."
"I told you. I'm 18." I said firmly and kept a professional stern face. "And yes, I want to be hired here. I need the job."
"Okay, okay," he said raising his hands. He then pointed to one of the chairs in front of his desk and crushed his cigarette into the ashtray. "Have a seat and tell me if you have any experience in serving customers."
I did as I was told and told him about my experience as a waiter. He looked a bit impressed after he found out I have worked for one year. In general, he looked like a funny person, not the dangerous type you expect in a place like that. With a bit of pleading and revealing some parts of my life, he seemed convinced.
He sighed and rubbed his face. "Girly, you play with my heartstrings." he grumbled. "I hate to be a fucking soft man."
He then glanced at me again in distaste while thinking, then rolled his eyes after a moment and sighed defeated. "I think I should give you the job." he said and eyed me again. This time I shivered under his scrutinizing eyes that seemed to see me naked. Okay, he could be dangerous if he wanted.
"I should admit you have the looks and body to serve here and you are at the age." he concluded. "But I'm not that disgusting. I should tell Monica to keep you only at the bar. I don't need any fusses around my club."
"So," I gulped and looked at him hopefully. "Do I have the job?"
"I think so." he said and rubbed his jaw. "The salary will be 2500$ for each month. Because you are still a baby your shift will start at 5 in the afternoon and will end at 11 at night. Is it good for you?"
"Yes, sir." I answered eagerly. "Thank you so much."
"Okay, babe." he said and pulled a contract out of a file. "Read this and sign it for me. I will call one of the girls to show you around and give you your uniform. You will start tomorrow."
Soon a woman named Monica came and fetched me from the office. She was a beautiful woman but her face and eyes were full of boredom as she showed me around. The last place she showed me was the girls' lockers.
"Here," she said and held a package of clothes in front of me. "This is your uniform and this is the key for your locker. I will see you tomorrow then."
She then turned on her heels and walked to the door. I looked down at the package in my hand when I heard her call my name again.
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