《How To Protect Your Dragon (Hiccup x Reader 3)》The Plan
Years ago...
A child (Y/N) and child Hiccup climb down the large steps, (Y/N) pausing with a soft gasp when she sees Stoick.
she whispers, frowning in concern as Hiccup stares at his father.
Stoick sniffled quietly as he rested in front of the fire, his shoulders hunched over as he silently wept.
Hiccup mumbles, making her nod.
He goes to climb back up, wincing when the wood creaks. Stoick quickly turns around, clearing his throat and wiping away his tears.
he greets, taking in a deep breath before facing them. Your parents are getting you early tomorrow, lass."
Hiccup softly replies, hugging his dragon stuffed toy as (Y/N) nods while gripping her night gown.
"Sorry," (Y/N) sheepishly apologizes, making Stoick chuckle softly with a smile.
"It's alright, lass. Go on and get your drink, then."
(Y/N) nods with a small smile, climbing down the last few steps and going into the kitchen. Hiccup climbs after her, making Stoick call to him.
"Come here, my son."
Hiccup grins, leaving his dragon stuffed toy and rushing over to his dad. Stoick scoops him up, setting him on his lap.
He hands the blowpoke to Hiccup, helping him keep the fire going.
"Dad?" Hiccup says after a moment, gaining Stoick's attention. "Are you gonna get us a new mom?"
Stoick inhales, sighing heavily and hugging the boy before lightly kissing his head.
"I don't want another." Stoick shakes his head before smiling fondly. "Your mom was the only woman for me. She was the love of my life."
Hiccup watches the flames, Stoick gently swaying side to side.
"But with love comes loss, son. It's... Part of the deal. Sometimes it hurts, but, in the end... It's all worth it."
Stoick shifts Hiccup onto his other leg, looking down at him with a sad smile.
"There's no greater gift than love." Stoick pauses, trying to think of an example as Hiccup stares up at him. "Like... what you have with (Y/N)."
Hiccup nods understandingly, blinking rapidly. "Ohh. I see. So... I love (Y/N)?"
"What?" Stoick chuckles softly, shaking his head before sighing in amusement. "Wait a few years, and tell me again if you truly do. You're a little young for that."
Hiccup tilts his head with a short nod as Stoick looks back towards the kitchen, humming in thought.
"Where is the lass?"
He rises with Hiccup in his arm, entering the kitchen before smiling at the sight of (Y/N) fast asleep at the table, her water half-full and her arms tucked under her head.
Hiccup giggles, grinning at his friend as she smiles in her sleep.
Present day...
Hiccup looks ahead, his eyebrows furrowed in confliction and a frown settling on his features.
(Y/N) looks over at him in concern before looking down at (D/N), her heart heavy.
Toothless groans sadly, (D/N) huffing over at him while shaking his head. Toothless grumbles back, making Malin squawk for them both to stop.
They fly closer to New Berk, Malin flying ahead to find (M/N) as Hiccup and (Y/N) land further on the cliffside.
(Y/N) climbs down from (D/N), running her hand along his neck before walking towards Hiccup as he dismounts Toothless.
Hiccup looks up at the construction of New Berk, his eyes lingering on the working dragons.
Toothless continues to groan sadly, (D/N)'s ears drooped as he sighs. He walks over to Toothless, sitting besides him and lightly nudging for him to cheer up.
(Y/N) grabs Hiccup's hand, the two sharing a look before nodding.
"It's okay, buds." Hiccup sighs, forcing a smile. "You both belong there. With them."
"But we don't." (Y/N) finishes, (D/N) tilting his head with a low rumble.
"And... That's all right." Hiccup manages out, setting his hand on the side of Toothless' face. "We'll find a way to--"
A roar catches their attention, (D/N) peeking up and swiftly turning to the sound.
The Sonic Angel appears in the grass, chittering in concern as she walks forward a few paces. Toothless looks around, the Sonic Angel looking back with a soothing purr.
The Light Fury appears, a little hesitant. She slowly moves to the Sonic Angel's side, calling to Toothless as he starts panting with excitement.
"Hey!" Hiccup laughs, flinching as Toothless licks his cheek. "They followed us back!"
"Go on!" (Y/N) chuckles, lightly petting (D/N) as he nuzzles into her for a moment, swiftly chasing after Toothless down the hill.
The Light Fury chitters, playfully tackling Toothless. The Sonic Angel squeaks as (D/N) rushes to her, nuzzling his face into hers with small rumbles.
"We might not have to say goodbye after all!" Hiccup sighs in relief, (Y/N) grinning.
"What's going on?" Astrid calls as she jogs down the hill to them, her gaze confused as she looks over at the dragons.
"The Light Fury came with us! She actually followed with the Sonic Angel!" (Y/N) replies, Astrid's face still showing uncertainty.
Toothless starts rushing towards Hiccup, pausing when the Light Fury doesn't follow.
The Sonic Angel lightly nudges her side, walking besides her as she takes a few steps forward. (D/N) smiles, joining Toothless before pausing.
His ears perk up fully as he slowly looks around, his eyes narrowing as he sniffs at the wind.
"That's it," Hiccup gently says as they come closer.
(Y/N)'s smile falls when she notices (D/N), Astrid noticing him as well.
"Whoo-hoo!" Ruffnut shouts, sloppily landing with the Nadder behind the three. "Yeah!" She laughs, jumping from its back. "Miss me?"
"Ruffnut?" Astrid questions in disbelief. "How did you escape?"
"I annoyed them till they let me go," she replies, swinging her braids as she strolls nonchalantly.
"Let you...?" (Y/N) trails off, gasping softly.
"Wait, wait," Hiccup shakes his head, looking back at (Y/N) before facing Ruffnut. "Grimmel let you go?"
"So dumb," Ruffnut cackles, waving her braids. "They couldn't handle me." She turns as she starts rambling. "See, everyone thinks Tuffnut's more annoying, but..."
"Ruffnut!" (Y/N) interrupts, making her look back. "Did you check to see if anyone was following you?!"
"I never look back, (Y/N)."
Hiccup felt dread wash over him, his eyes widening as he gasps. "Oh, no!"
(Y/N) races down the hill, Hiccup quickly following as Astrid rushes to get the others.
"(D/N)! Toothless! All of you, go!" (Y/N) yells, (D/N)'s head jerking towards her.
His eyes widen as he roars, the others looking back at him. The Light Fury sniffs at the air before roaring, taking off flying. She looks back, whimpering as a dart strikes her neck.
The Sonic Angel cries out to her friend, flying up to her falling form. She slows her fall, crashing with her with a groan of pain as Toothless and (D/N) race to them.
"Come back!" Hiccup shouts as the two males race away, closer to Grimmel's trap.
The Sonic Angel wobbles as she rises, hissing when she sees Grimmel. He aims his crossbow, firing at her as she lunges for him.
It strikes her neck, making her roar in warning before collapsing.
(D/N) gasps, snorting and charging faster with Toothless at his side. Toothless rushes through the grass, preparing a plasma ball as Grimmel fires, striking his shoulder.
Toothless roars, steam hissing from his mouth as he collapses.
He then fires at (D/N), gasping as the dragon quickly camoflauges himself and avoids it.
"Stop!" (Y/N) shouts, staggering lightly as she and Hiccup continue racing down to them.
(D/N) appears with a low growl, ready to lunge at the man. Grimmel carefully watches him before aiming at the Sonic Angel with his crossbow.
"If I were you, Beta, I'd behave. Wouldn't want her to get another dart before one wears off." He warns, (D/N) panting in anger. "I hear it's deadly."
(D/N)'s eyes widen as he growls, slowly rising from his crouched position and folding his wings away.
"Very good." Grimmel mocks, (D/N) glaring sharply at him as he starts to tie the dragons to his machine.
"Grimmel!" Hiccup shouts in a rage, the two nearly to him as he finishes adjusting the straps.
The Deathgrippers roar as they start flying off, Grimmel holding onto the chain. (D/N) flies at Toothless' side, looking between the three in concern before watching Grimmel in a silent rage.
"No!" (Y/N) cries out at Grimmel and the others go higher, out of their reach.
"And now our little game must come to an end!" Grimmel speaks as he climbs up, resting on a rope.
The dragons on New Berk, having sensed the danger, roar as they rush to their Alpha and Beta's aid, Skullcrusher leading them.
"Call them off, Beta!" Grimmel warns, aiming the crossbow at Toothless. "No need for your friend to die. Yet."
Toothless groans weakly as he starts to wake up, blinking slowly before gasping when he sees (D/N).
(D/N) shakes his head with a snarl before facing the herd, roaring powerfully. The herd slowed slightly, hesitant. Toothless roars louder behind the muzzle, making them fully obey and come to a stop.
"What are they doing?!" Snotlout demands, him and the others joining Hiccup and (Y/N). "They could totally take him!"
"(D/N) won't risk Toothless or the other two," Hiccup disagrees, shaking his head.
The Deathgrippers fly threateningly towards (D/N), snapping at him and missing intentionally. Toothless roars at them, only receiving a clicking sound in response.
"Save your breath," Grimmel rolls his eyes. "The only Alpha they respond to is me."
Toothless groans, looking down between Hiccup and (Y/N) helplessly. (D/N) snaps at Deathgripper, flying closer towards Toothless before whining softly, also looking down at (Y/N).
"Aw, don't feel too badly!" Grimmel snickers, removing his hood as he looks down at the group. "You tried your best! But... You are nothing without your dragon, Chief!"
"You're wrong!" (Y/N) shouts back, shaking her head as Grimmel rolls his eyes.
Grimmel sharply whistles, the Deathgrippers flying to the front of the herd.
Grimmel starts flying off, Toothless calling for them to follow. (D/N) looks back at (Y/N) with a whine, following Toothless.
"(D/N)! Toothless!" (Y/N) yells, rushing ahead as Hiccup follows her, quickly grabbing her arm as they reach the cliffside.
The dragons ahead roar as they follow their Alpha and Beta, Grimmel leading them right to the trapper ships.
(Y/N)'s P.O.V
We back away from the cliffside, Hiccup releasing my arm and gripping at his hair in frustration as he begins pacing.
"Oh, that is just great. Now what?" Tuffnut sighs angrily.
"I think it's time for number two to become number one," Snotlout mumbles.
I let out a soft sigh as Hiccup continues to pace, attempting to come up with a plan, no doubt.
A gentle hand touches my shoulder, startling me for a moment.
"He'll listen to you," Valka encourages, another hand touching my other shoulder.
"Show him he's not alone." (M/N) agrees, nodding with a small smile.
I nod slowly, walking towards his pacing form. He looks over at me, shaking his head and looking away.
"Don't, (Y/N)." Hiccup snaps, making me pause.
"Don't... Just..." Hiccup trails off before he yells in frustration. "Don't comfort me. You should be mad at me! This is all my fault. I should have been more careful, and shouldn't have made you fly us out there."
"I'm the one who suggested we go find them," I remind, making him shake his head.
"I practically encouraged it by being totally useless without Toothless! If I didn't force you to fly out there, (D/N) and Toothless wouldn't have flown us back, and the girls wouldn't have followed."
Hiccup growls in anger, jerking his hand.
"I'm still the same screwup I was before I met Toothless! And you're the victim who always gets caught up in my crazy ideas!"
"Enough, Hiccup!" I shout, gaining his attention. I let out a shakey sigh, shaking my head. "I never once thought of you as a screwup! I have always believed in you from the start. And I have watched you..."
My voice trembles lightly as I hold back tears, "... Watched you doubt whether you're worthy ever since! Of being Chief... of being with me..."
Hiccup remains silent, facing away from me.
"But guess what? You are worthy!" I laugh in exasperation. "You're worthy of everything! You are the reason I am who I am today. You are the bravest, most stubborn, most handsome-est dork I know!"
Hiccup can't help but let out a choked out laugh, shaking his head as he heavily sighs.
"Toothless didn't give you that. Just like (D/N) didn't give me all my traits," I continue, "they just..."
"Made it easier." Hiccup finishes, turning to face me with a small smile.
I smile back before frowning, looking out towards the ships.
"And now... It's a lot harder."
"So what are you two going to do about it?" Astrid jokingly calls, making me grin as I turn to her.
Hiccup hums in thought before shrugging. "Probably something stupid."
"Our specialty," I lightly laugh, making him chuckle.
"Good!" Astrid nods as she folds her arms, Valka and (M/N) chuckling.
Hiccup smiles, gently taking my hand before pressing a kiss to my forehead, then turning to the others.
"Suit up, gang! We're going to get them back."
"What?" Fishlegs mumbles as we approach.
"They've lost their minds."
"Now that's marriage material!" Tuffnut dramatically yells, hugging Hiccup and pulling away. "At last, faithful pupil. You are ready."
"You're still on about that?" I question, Hiccup entertaining Tuffnut by nodding with a serious expression.
"Uh... How are we gonna get our dragons back without dragons?" Fishlegs meekly asks, joining us.
"Trust us." Hiccup firmly replies, smirking as (Y/N) nods.
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