《How To Protect Your Dragon (Hiccup x Reader 3)》This is Berk


Wind whistles softly, a foggy mist shrouding a dark lone ship.

Torches light the area around the ship, the wood creaking as a man walks across the deck, lantern in his hand, a spear in his other.

He inspects the cages filled with dragons as he passes them, and a large blue dragon snarls at him.

"Quiet!" The man growls, slamming his spear on the cage and startling the dragon.

The man faces ahead, pausing when he sees two figures shrouded in the fog, a male on the left and a female on the right.

Hiccup lights his flaming sword, (Y/N)'s own family sword gleaming as he does this. Hiccup's armor was made from the scales of Toothless, safely collected after he would shed. (Y/N)'s armor was made from (D/N)'s scales and hardened feathers, carefully crafted by her and Hiccup.

"What are you...?" The man gasps in horror, ready to scream.

"Shh!" Hiccup shushes from behind his mask, (Y/N) holding back a laugh at his behavior.

Toothless snarls from behind the man, making him jump with a soft gasp as he spins around. Toothless' back-fins were flowing a faint blue, his dark silhouette climbing down the cage.

The man yelps before rushing Hiccup and (Y/N), making her swiftly duck under his staff as Hiccup jerks to the left, avoiding it.

She clashes her blade against the spear, holding the man back for a moment as Hiccup kicks the man's chest back with his normal foot. The man staggers back before clashing his spear against Hiccup's flame-sword and throwing a hanging lantern in front of him, causing a large fire as he backs away.

(Y/N) walks through it, Hiccup at her side and Toothless walking besides him with his wings arched.

The man backs away with a short shriek, pausing with a whimper of fear as a low growl sounds from behind him.

He slowly turns, seeing nothing before screaming as (D/N) suddenly appears in front of him, leering down at him with his lips curled into a snarl.

"Demon!" The man shrieks.

"What? How rude!" (Y/N) shakes her head at the whimpering man. "He's not a demon!"

"You're all demons!"

Hiccup shushes him frantically, shaking his head, "we're not demons, we're not demons! See?"

Hiccup lowers his mask, lifting his helmet before grinning, "see? Just a guy. And this..."

Hiccup lifts (Y/N)'s helmet off, gesturing to her as she waves with smirk, her hair now free.

"... Is just a beautiful woman," Hiccup finishes, making (Y/N) lightly laugh and shake her head as she takes her helmet back. "Just a couple here to rescue these dragons--"

"B-But you walked through fire!" The man whimpers, frantically looking at them before turning to (D/N), who stares down boredly at him.

"Dragon scales!" Hiccup informs, rubbing his arm. "Dragons shed a lot."

"Especially (D/N)'s feathers in the summer," (Y/N) agrees, dusting off her shoulder pad feathers. "Helps cool him down."

"No, I know a demon when I see one!" The man whimpers, continuing to back away. "No human legs are that skinny! And no woman is that lovely! She must have made a deal with you, demon!"

"What...?" (Y/N) mutters, shaking her head as she squints in confusion.

Hiccup raised a brow at the man, watching as he turns with a scream as Snotlout lands with a on-fire Hookfang. (D/N) rumbles a laugh, shaking his head.

"Think that's a good entrance?" Snotlout poses from ontop of Hookfang, wearing his new armor. "Get a load of me!"


He screams as he was accidentally lit on fire on his unprotected spot, falling off Hookfang and running around.

"Looks like he didn't take my advice," (Y/N) sighs, shaking her head as she stares at Snotlout.

"Aah! I knew it! More demons!"

Hiccup pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance, sighing. "Nah, it's really just a nitwit who forgot to fireproof his butt."

"Hot, hot, hot, hot!"

Snotlout winces as he manages to put his butt out, two dragon head silhouettes behind him swaying as gas envelopes the area.

"Guys! No! Not yet!" Snotlout screams, Belch sparking the gas and causing an explosion.

"Behold your worst nightmare!" Tuffnut growls from under his mask, dramatically posing in the smoke from the blast.

"Behold..." Ruffnut repeats, staggering forward like a zombie.

"Along with his sister, who insisted on coming." Tuffnut finishes in an annoyed tone, moving his mask up to glare at Ruffnut.

"That's my intro?" Ruffnut demands, flicking her mask up to glare at her brother.

"Guys, too soon." Hiccup sighs in exasperation. "You always come in too soon!"

(Y/N) yelps as (D/N) suddenly lifts her by the back of her armor, Fishlegs barreling in where she once stood.

Hiccup sighs heavily once more as Fishlegs struggles to stand, much like a turtle stuck on his shell.

"Sorry! Still getting the hang of my wings."

"Fishlegs, again with the baby?" Hiccup demands, the man behind him looking at the group incredulously.

"I thought we agreed it would be safer for the baby to stay at Berk," (Y/N) slowly says as (D/N) sets her down. "Because, you know--"

"-- this is a raid!" Hiccup finishes in a harsh whisper, the man behind him scrambling to his feet.

The baby Gronckle tucked in Fishlegs' front pocket coos happily, smiling at the two.

"I couldn't find a sitter--"

"Demons everywhere!" He screams as he runs away, "it's the end of the world!"

He was suddenly rammed into a cage, knocking him out and revealing Astrid behind him, Stormfly landing.

"Thanks, Astrid!" (Y/N) calls with a wave, "I'm sure Hiccup here had him exactly where he wanted him, but..."

"Hey! He was where I wanted him!" Hiccup mocks offense as Astrid laughs, raising her mask.

"And now, he's right where I wanted him. Let's get to work," she grins, fist-bumping (Y/N) as she walks away.

(Y/N) turns to Hiccup with a raised brow and a knowing grin, folding her arms as she starts to walk off, him quickly following.

"Okay, we screwed that up," Hiccup admits, looking around as she lets out a lighthearted laugh. "But at least nobody else knows we're here."

"True. There might be others nearby, though." (Y/N) replies, watching (D/N)'s ears flicker as he scans the area.

He rumbles a low warning, tapping he foot twice to warn the couple of the men onboard.

"Okay, let's move quickly," Hiccup whispers, rushing to a cage as (Y/N) nods and rushes the other way.


A baby Nadder growls as Hiccup opens the cage, making him slowly hold his hand out.

"Easy, girl. It's okay," he gently shushes her as she snaps at him, setting his hand on her snout. "We're gonna get you out of here."

The Nadder relaxes, purring softly.


"Hey there," (Y/N) says in a soft tone, opening up a young adult Nadder's cage.

He snarls at her, pulling at his restraints and arching his back as she walks forward slowly.

"I'm not one of them," she gently coos, his body relaxing before he hisses once more, unsure if he should trust her.


(D/N) rumbles from behind her to the Nadder, making him stop his growling as he looks up at the Beta. He relaxes, whimpering happily as (Y/N) sets her hand on his forehead.


"A Crimson Goregutter!" Fishlegs admires, the large purple dragon rumbling as he looks down at him.

The dragon stands at his full height as Fishlegs squeals in excitement. The baby Gronckle chitters, wagging his tail happily.

The Crimson Goregutter softly rumbles at him, smiling.


Ruffnut cackles, spotting a very odd looking small dragon.

"Look at this weirdo. Bet it's super dumb," she says, grunting as she tries to pull at the cage.

The dragon looks up at her as it slowly licks its eyeball.

Ruffnut grunts as she pulls against the metal bars of the cage, not seeing the latch. "Why can't I get this cage open?"

"... It slides," Astrid informs, sliding the lock as the cage slowly opens.

"Obviously," Ruffnut scoffs, rolling her eyes at her.

"Attack!" A man shouts in the distance, making Astrid gasp as she quickly turns to the voices shouting.

"We need to get the dragons out of here!" (Y/N) shouts, (D/N) quickly joining Toothless' side, ready for battle.

"Get the rescues out!" Hiccup yells to the others, Toothless snarling at the men.

"Get that Night Fury and Echo Angel!"

Astrid raises her mask with a nod, swiftly joining the others to get the dragons out as Hiccup draws his flame-sword, dozens of men ahead of them.

Toothless races around them, snarling and tackling some down as (D/N) spins, hind-kicking a man into some crates as he screams.


"No running on the deck!" Tuffnut scolds, struggling to open a cage as a man goes to attack him. "It's slippery. You could fall."

Ruffnut tries to hit him with her axe, missing and struggling to yank it from the wood as Snotlout charges through.

"Step aside! Let me handle the tough-guy stuff." Snotlout rushes in between two men, twirling his mace.

They stare at him before screaming as fire was blasted at them from behind Snotlout, making him laugh.

"Yeah! That's two for me."

Hookfang roars, rolling his eyes as he flies up and out of fire range.

"Look out!" Snotlout shouts at Fishlegs, making him scream and duck as a man swings his weapon.

He avoids it, the weapon striking a man in front of him.



(Y/N) looks up and around before gasping, drawing one of her hidden daggers and throwing it at a rope hanging above. Men scream as one of the masts collapse, knocking over a few as the others go around it.

Astrid laughs and nods at (Y/N) before grabbing a man's collar, yanking him close to her before dropping her axe handle on him, knocking him out.

Hiccup swings a cage door open as a man rushes to him, making him slam against it as Toothless shoves him into the cage, (D/N) kicking it shut.

"Thank you!" Hiccup grins, patting Toothless' head and (D/N)'s neck. "Now, go get the rest, buds!"

(Y/N) grunts as she clashes blades with a man, swerving her blade up and down before swinging it up to disarm him. He whimpers as the blade splashes in the sea before screaming, rushing away as (D/N) roars and chases him.

A man appears at (Y/N)'s side, kicking her leg out from under her as she gasps and quickly blocks his blade with her sword, kneeling on the floor.

She grunts, struggling to keep her balance and push against the man when Hiccup rushed to her side, swinging his fist back and colliding it with the man's jaw.

The man was instantly knocked out, making (Y/N) sigh in relief as she catches her breath.

"Wow, you really punched his lights out, huh?" Astrid teases before focusing on another man charging her.

Hiccup shakes out his fist, turning and raising his mask as (Y/N) rises with a light laugh.

"Thanks, Hiccup."

"For you, beautiful... anything," Hiccup replies with a small grin, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her to his chest.

(Y/N) looks around with a raised brow, men still shouting as the group continue to fight.

"Hiccup, as much as I love you, now is really not the time for this," she laughs, quickly pecking his cheek before rushing to help Astrid.

"B-But that was the perfect time for it!" Hiccup whines, deflating with a heavy sigh before pulling his mask back down with a grumble, sword in hand.

"I thought this was supposed to be a stealth mission, guys!" Astrid calls, panting lightly as she goes back-to-back with (Y/N).

"Yeah, they always start that way!" Hiccup replies, looking around.

"Look out!" (Y/N) yells, spotting two men approaching Hiccup's backside.

She sighs in relief as (D/N) and Stormfly swoop up them up, Stormfly chirping and (D/N) roaring softly as the men squeal.

"Good job, guys!" Astrid calls as the two dump the men into the sea.


From above, perched on a mast, (M/N) stands besides Malin, watching the scene unfold with her eye twitching and her mouth hanging open. Valka was kneeling on her other side, Cloudjumper shaking his head.

"Oh, stop worrying, (M/N)!" Valka chuckles, Cloudjumper rumbling as he looks down. "They'll get it."

"Before or after getting a hammer to the face?" (M/N) questions, wincing as (Y/N) narrowly ducks under said hammer before punching up and striking the man's chin.


Snotlout screams as he charges, leaping off a cage and getting snagged by his cape as his mace lands on the deck.


"... I'll get back to you on that," Valka sighs, shaking her head as Cloudjumper winces, Malin squawking.


"Whoa!" (Y/N) laughs, jumping back as a man charges at her and rams into the cage.

"Move out! We've got them all!" Hiccup yells to the group, (D/N)'s ears flickering.

He roars, catching Hiccup's attention as his ears swerve. (D/N) taps his foot once, shaking his head with a snort.

"(D/N), I'm not seeing any more, buddy!" Hiccup replies, taking another look around before ducking as a man swings his spear at him.

(D/N) looks around, trying to find what he sensed before shaking his head with a huff.


"I'm gonna headlock every last one of you," Tuffnut growls at the men cornering him and Ruffnut, "I might even leglock you!"

Ruffnut cackles, Barf and Belch scooping them up and flying off.


Hookfang roars as he lands on the cage Snotlout was stuck on, the men backing away.

"Amateurs! I was just getting started!" Snotlout mocks, thrashing his legs as Hookfang grabs him by his cloak.

"Clear out, guys! Go, go!" Astrid shouts, waving her arm and leaping on Stormfly.

Fishlegs shrieks as he runs from the men before leaping off the ship, landing on Meatlug as he cheers.


"Good hustle, guys!" Hiccup's voice calls, Toothless following (D/N) through a line of cages.

(D/N)'s ears flicker once more as he sniffs at the deck, his head raising as he scans the area. He chitters to Toothless, making him pause before he perks up, smelling something off.

Toothless rumbles, looking inside a cage with a head tilt as he sniffs the air. (D/N) trots a few paces ahead, pausing and staring into one of the cages with narrowed eyes.

"Guys, time to go!" Hiccup calls, making Toothless look back and rush their way before barking at (D/N).

He seems to not hear Toothless, squinting as he focuses inside the cage before grunting in surprise when he feels something press against his nose.

"(D/N)?" (Y/N) questions, making him jump lightly before he shakes his head, snorting softly as he races towards them.


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